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2014-07-22 03:26:28 +08:00
//! \file ImageTLG.cs
//! \date Thu Jul 17 21:31:39 2014
//! \brief KiriKiri TLG image implementation.
// TLG5/6 decoder
// Copyright (C) 2000-2005 W.Dee <> and contributors
// C# port by morkt
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using GameRes.Utility;
namespace GameRes.Formats.KiriKiri
2014-07-22 03:26:28 +08:00
internal class TlgMetaData : ImageMetaData
2014-07-22 03:26:28 +08:00
public int Version;
public int DataOffset;
public class TlgFormat : ImageFormat
public override string Tag { get { return "TLG"; } }
public override string Description { get { return "KiriKiri game engine image format"; } }
public override uint Signature { get { return 0x30474c54; } } // "TLG0"
public TlgFormat ()
Extensions = new string[] { "tlg", "tlg5", "tlg6" };
Signatures = new uint[] { 0x30474c54, 0x35474c54, 0x36474c54 };
public override ImageMetaData ReadMetaData (Stream stream)
var header = new byte[0x26];
if (header.Length != stream.Read (header, 0, header.Length))
return null;
int offset = 0xf;
if (!Binary.AsciiEqual (header, "TLG0.0\x00sds\x1a"))
offset = 0;
bool version6 = Binary.AsciiEqual (header, offset, "TLG6.0\x00raw\x1a");
if (!version6 && !Binary.AsciiEqual (header, offset, "TLG5.0\x00raw\x1a"))
return null;
int colors = header[offset+11];
if (version6)
if (1 != colors && 4 != colors && 3 != colors)
return null;
if (header[offset+12] != 0 || header[offset+13] != 0 || header[offset+14] != 0)
return null;
offset += 15;
if (4 != colors && 3 != colors)
return null;
offset += 12;
uint width = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (header, offset);
uint height = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (header, offset+4);
return new TlgMetaData {
Width = width,
Height = height,
BPP = colors*8,
Version = version6 ? 6 : 5,
DataOffset = offset+8,
public override ImageData Read (Stream file, ImageMetaData info)
var meta = info as TlgMetaData;
if (null == meta)
throw new System.ArgumentException ("TlgFormat.Read should be supplied with TlgMetaData", "info");
file.Seek (meta.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
if (6 == meta.Version)
return ReadV6 (file, meta);
return ReadV5 (file, meta);
public override void Write (Stream file, ImageData image)
throw new NotImplementedException ("TlgFormat.Write not implemented");
const int TVP_TLG6_H_BLOCK_SIZE = 8;
const int TVP_TLG6_W_BLOCK_SIZE = 8;
const int TVP_TLG6_GOLOMB_N_COUNT = 4;
const int TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_BITS = 12;
const int TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE = (1<<TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_BITS);
ImageData ReadV6 (Stream stream, TlgMetaData info)
using (var src = new ArcView.Reader (stream))
int width = (int)info.Width;
int height = (int)info.Height;
int colors = info.BPP / 8;
int max_bit_length = src.ReadInt32();
int x_block_count = ((width - 1)/ TVP_TLG6_W_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1;
int y_block_count = ((height - 1)/ TVP_TLG6_H_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1;
int main_count = width / TVP_TLG6_W_BLOCK_SIZE;
int fraction = width - main_count * TVP_TLG6_W_BLOCK_SIZE;
var image_bits = new uint[height * width];
var bit_pool = new byte[max_bit_length / 8 + 5];
var pixelbuf = new uint[width * TVP_TLG6_H_BLOCK_SIZE + 1];
var filter_types = new byte[x_block_count * y_block_count];
var zeroline = new uint[width];
var LZSS_text = new byte[4096];
// initialize zero line (virtual y=-1 line)
uint zerocolor = 3 == colors ? 0xff000000 : 0x00000000;
for (var i = 0; i < width; ++i)
zeroline[i] = zerocolor;
uint[] prevline = zeroline;
int prevline_index = 0;
// initialize LZSS text (used by chroma filter type codes)
int p = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < 32*0x01010101; i += 0x01010101)
for (uint j = 0; j < 16*0x01010101; j += 0x01010101)
LZSS_text[p++] = (byte)(i & 0xff);
LZSS_text[p++] = (byte)(i >> 8 & 0xff);
LZSS_text[p++] = (byte)(i >> 16 & 0xff);
LZSS_text[p++] = (byte)(i >> 24 & 0xff);
LZSS_text[p++] = (byte)(j & 0xff);
LZSS_text[p++] = (byte)(j >> 8 & 0xff);
LZSS_text[p++] = (byte)(j >> 16 & 0xff);
LZSS_text[p++] = (byte)(j >> 24 & 0xff);
// read chroma filter types.
// chroma filter types are compressed via LZSS as used by TLG5.
int inbuf_size = src.ReadInt32();
byte[] inbuf = src.ReadBytes (inbuf_size);
if (inbuf_size != inbuf.Length)
return null;
TVPTLG5DecompressSlide (filter_types, inbuf, inbuf_size, LZSS_text, 0);
// for each horizontal block group ...
for (int y = 0; y < height; y += TVP_TLG6_H_BLOCK_SIZE)
int ylim = y + TVP_TLG6_H_BLOCK_SIZE;
if (ylim >= height) ylim = height;
int pixel_count = (ylim - y) * width;
// decode values
for (int c = 0; c < colors; c++)
// read bit length
int bit_length = src.ReadInt32();
// get compress method
int method = (bit_length >> 30) & 3;
bit_length &= 0x3fffffff;
// compute byte length
int byte_length = bit_length / 8;
if (0 != (bit_length % 8)) byte_length++;
// read source from input
src.Read (bit_pool, 0, byte_length);
// decode values
// two most significant bits of bitlength are
// entropy coding method;
// 00 means Golomb method,
// 01 means Gamma method (not yet suppoted),
// 10 means modified LZSS method (not yet supported),
// 11 means raw (uncompressed) data (not yet supported).
switch (method)
case 0:
if (c == 0 && colors != 1)
TVPTLG6DecodeGolombValuesForFirst (pixelbuf, pixel_count, bit_pool);
TVPTLG6DecodeGolombValues (pixelbuf, c*8, pixel_count, bit_pool);
throw new InvalidFormatException ("Unsupported entropy coding method");
// for each line
int ft = (y / TVP_TLG6_H_BLOCK_SIZE) * x_block_count; // within filter_types
int skipbytes = (ylim - y) * TVP_TLG6_W_BLOCK_SIZE;
for (int yy = y; yy < ylim; yy++)
int curline = yy*width;
int dir = (yy&1)^1;
int oddskip = ((ylim - yy -1) - (yy-y));
if (0 != main_count)
int start =
((width < TVP_TLG6_W_BLOCK_SIZE) ? width : TVP_TLG6_W_BLOCK_SIZE) *
(yy - y);
TVPTLG6DecodeLineGeneric (
prevline, prevline_index,
image_bits, curline,
width, 0, main_count,
filter_types, ft,
pixelbuf, start,
zerocolor, oddskip, dir);
if (main_count != x_block_count)
int ww = fraction;
int start = ww * (yy - y);
TVPTLG6DecodeLineGeneric (
prevline, prevline_index,
image_bits, curline,
width, main_count, x_block_count,
filter_types, ft,
pixelbuf, start,
zerocolor, oddskip, dir);
prevline = image_bits;
prevline_index = curline;
// Array.Copy (image_bits, curline, prevline, 0, width);
fixed (void* data = image_bits)
int stride = width * 4;
PixelFormat format = 32 == info.BPP ? PixelFormats.Bgra32 : PixelFormats.Bgr32;
var bitmap = BitmapSource.Create(width, height, 96, 96,
format, null, (IntPtr) data, height * stride, stride);
return new ImageData(bitmap, info);
ImageData ReadV5 (Stream stream, TlgMetaData info)
using (var src = new ArcView.Reader (stream))
int width = (int)info.Width;
int height = (int)info.Height;
int colors = info.BPP / 8;
int blockheight = src.ReadInt32();
int blockcount = (height - 1) / blockheight + 1;
// skip block size section
src.BaseStream.Seek (blockcount * 4, SeekOrigin.Current);
int stride = width * 4;
var image_bits = new byte[height * stride];
var text = new byte[4096];
for (int i = 0; i < 4096; ++i)
text[i] = 0;
var inbuf = new byte[blockheight * width + 10];
byte [][] outbuf = new byte[4][];
for (int i = 0; i < colors; i++)
outbuf[i] = new byte[blockheight * width + 10];
int z = 0;
int prevline = -1;
for (int y_blk = 0; y_blk < height; y_blk += blockheight)
// read file and decompress
for (int c = 0; c < colors; c++)
byte mark = src.ReadByte();
int size;
size = src.ReadInt32();
if (mark == 0)
// modified LZSS compressed data
if (size != src.Read (inbuf, 0, size))
return null;
z = TVPTLG5DecompressSlide (outbuf[c], inbuf, size, text, z);
// raw data
src.Read (outbuf[c], 0, size);
// compose colors and store
int y_lim = y_blk + blockheight;
if (y_lim > height) y_lim = height;
int outbuf_pos = 0;
for (int y = y_blk; y < y_lim; y++)
int current = y * stride;
int current_org = current;
if (prevline >= 0)
// not first line
case 3:
TVPTLG5ComposeColors3To4 (image_bits, current, prevline,
outbuf, outbuf_pos, width);
case 4:
TVPTLG5ComposeColors4To4 (image_bits, current, prevline,
outbuf, outbuf_pos, width);
// first line
case 3:
for (int pr = 0, pg = 0, pb = 0, x = 0;
x < width; x++)
int b = outbuf[0][outbuf_pos+x];
int g = outbuf[1][outbuf_pos+x];
int r = outbuf[2][outbuf_pos+x];
b += g; r += g;
image_bits[current++] = (byte)(pb += b);
image_bits[current++] = (byte)(pg += g);
image_bits[current++] = (byte)(pr += r);
image_bits[current++] = 0xff;
case 4:
for (int pr = 0, pg = 0, pb = 0, pa = 0, x = 0;
x < width; x++)
int b = outbuf[0][outbuf_pos+x];
int g = outbuf[1][outbuf_pos+x];
int r = outbuf[2][outbuf_pos+x];
int a = outbuf[3][outbuf_pos+x];
b += g; r += g;
image_bits[current++] = (byte)(pb += b);
image_bits[current++] = (byte)(pg += g);
image_bits[current++] = (byte)(pr += r);
image_bits[current++] = (byte)(pa += a);
outbuf_pos += width;
prevline = current_org;
PixelFormat format = 4 == colors ? PixelFormats.Bgra32 : PixelFormats.Bgr32;
var bitmap = BitmapSource.Create (width, height, 96, 96,
format, null, image_bits, stride);
return new ImageData (bitmap, info);
void TVPTLG5ComposeColors3To4 (byte[] outp, int outp_index, int upper,
byte[][] buf, int bufpos, int width)
byte pc0 = 0, pc1 = 0, pc2 = 0;
byte c0, c1, c2;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
c0 = buf[0][bufpos+x];
c1 = buf[1][bufpos+x];
c2 = buf[2][bufpos+x];
c0 += c1; c2 += c1;
outp[outp_index++] = (byte)(((pc0 += c0) + outp[upper+0]) & 0xff);
outp[outp_index++] = (byte)(((pc1 += c1) + outp[upper+1]) & 0xff);
outp[outp_index++] = (byte)(((pc2 += c2) + outp[upper+2]) & 0xff);
outp[outp_index++] = 0xff;
upper += 4;
void TVPTLG5ComposeColors4To4 (byte[] outp, int outp_index, int upper,
byte[][] buf, int bufpos, int width)
byte pc0 = 0, pc1 = 0, pc2 = 0, pc3 = 0;
byte c0, c1, c2, c3;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
c0 = buf[0][bufpos+x];
c1 = buf[1][bufpos+x];
c2 = buf[2][bufpos+x];
c3 = buf[3][bufpos+x];
c0 += c1; c2 += c1;
outp[outp_index++] = (byte)(((pc0 += c0) + outp[upper+0]) & 0xff);
outp[outp_index++] = (byte)(((pc1 += c1) + outp[upper+1]) & 0xff);
outp[outp_index++] = (byte)(((pc2 += c2) + outp[upper+2]) & 0xff);
outp[outp_index++] = (byte)(((pc3 += c3) + outp[upper+3]) & 0xff);
upper += 4;
int TVPTLG5DecompressSlide (byte[] outbuf, byte[] inbuf, int inbuf_size, byte[] text, int initialr)
int r = initialr;
uint flags = 0;
int o = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < inbuf_size; )
if (((flags >>= 1) & 256) == 0)
flags = (uint)(inbuf[i++] | 0xff00);
if (0 != (flags & 1))
int mpos = inbuf[i] | ((inbuf[i+1] & 0xf) << 8);
int mlen = (inbuf[i+1] & 0xf0) >> 4;
i += 2;
mlen += 3;
if (mlen == 18) mlen += inbuf[i++];
while (0 != mlen--)
outbuf[o++] = text[r++] = text[mpos++];
mpos &= (4096 - 1);
r &= (4096 - 1);
byte c = inbuf[i++];
outbuf[o++] = c;
text[r++] = c;
r &= (4096 - 1);
return r;
static uint tvp_make_gt_mask (uint a, uint b)
uint tmp2 = ~b;
uint tmp = ((a & tmp2) + (((a ^ tmp2) >> 1) & 0x7f7f7f7f) ) & 0x80808080;
tmp = ((tmp >> 7) + 0x7f7f7f7f) ^ 0x7f7f7f7f;
return tmp;
static uint tvp_packed_bytes_add (uint a, uint b)
uint tmp = (uint)((((a & b)<<1) + ((a ^ b) & 0xfefefefe) ) & 0x01010100);
return a+b-tmp;
static uint tvp_med2 (uint a, uint b, uint c)
/* do Median Edge Detector thx, Mr. sugi at */
uint aa_gt_bb = tvp_make_gt_mask(a, b);
uint a_xor_b_and_aa_gt_bb = ((a ^ b) & aa_gt_bb);
uint aa = a_xor_b_and_aa_gt_bb ^ a;
uint bb = a_xor_b_and_aa_gt_bb ^ b;
uint n = tvp_make_gt_mask(c, bb);
uint nn = tvp_make_gt_mask(aa, c);
uint m = ~(n | nn);
return (n & aa) | (nn & bb) | ((bb & m) - (c & m) + (aa & m));
static uint tvp_med (uint a, uint b, uint c, uint v)
return tvp_packed_bytes_add (tvp_med2 (a, b, c), v);
static uint tvp_avg (uint a, uint b, uint c, uint v)
return tvp_packed_bytes_add ((((a&b) + (((a^b) & 0xfefefefe) >> 1)) + ((a^b)&0x01010101)), v);
#define TVP_TLG6_DO_CHROMA_DECODE(N, R, G, B) case (N<<1): \
TVP_TLG6_DO_CHROMA_DECODE_PROTO(R, G, B, IA, {inbuf_index+=step;}) break; \
case (N<<1)+1: \
TVP_TLG6_DO_CHROMA_DECODE_PROTO2(R, G, B, IA, {inbuf_index+=step;}) break;
{ \
uint u = prevline[prevline_index]; \
p = tvp_med(p, u, up, \
(0xff0000 & ((R)<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((G)<<8)) + (0xff & (B)) + ((A) << 24) ); \
up = u; \
curline[curline_index] = p; \
curline_index++; \
prevline_index++; \
} while(--w);
{ \
uint u = *prevline; \
p = avg(p, u, up, \
(0xff0000 & ((R)<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((G)<<8)) + (0xff & (B)) + ((A) << 24) ); \
up = u; \
*curline = p; \
curline ++; \
prevline ++; \
} while(--w);
delegate uint tvp_decoder (uint a, uint b, uint c, uint v);
void TVPTLG6DecodeLineGeneric (uint[] prevline, int prevline_index,
uint[] curline, int curline_index,
int width, int start_block, int block_limit,
byte[] filtertypes, int filtertypes_index,
int skipblockbytes,
uint[] inbuf, int inbuf_index,
uint initialp, int oddskip, int dir)
chroma/luminosity decoding
(this does reordering, color correlation filter, MED/AVG at a time)
uint p, up;
if (0 != start_block)
prevline_index += start_block * TVP_TLG6_W_BLOCK_SIZE;
curline_index += start_block * TVP_TLG6_W_BLOCK_SIZE;
p = curline[curline_index-1];
up = prevline[prevline_index-1];
p = up = initialp;
inbuf_index += skipblockbytes * start_block;
int step = 0 != (dir & 1) ? 1 : -1;
for (int i = start_block; i < block_limit; i++)
int w = width - i*TVP_TLG6_W_BLOCK_SIZE;
int ww = w;
if (step == -1) inbuf_index += ww-1;
if (0 != (i & 1)) inbuf_index += oddskip * ww;
// byte IA = (byte)(inbuf[inbuf_index]>>24);
// byte IR = (byte)(inbuf[inbuf_index]>>16);
// byte IG = (byte)(inbuf[inbuf_index]>>8 );
// byte IB = (byte)(inbuf[inbuf_index] );
tvp_decoder decoder;
switch (filtertypes[filtertypes_index+i])
case 0:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, v);
case 1:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, v);
case 2:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<16)) + (((v>>8)&0xff)<<8) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 3:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<16)) + (((v>>8)&0xff)<<8) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 4:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 5:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 6:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 7:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 8:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 9:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 10:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 11:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 12:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 13:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 14:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 15:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 16:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 17:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 18:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 19:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 20:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 21:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 22:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 23:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 24:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 25:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 26:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 27:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 28:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 29:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+(v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff)+((v>>8)&0xff)+((v>>16)&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
// TVP_TLG6_DO_CHROMA_DECODE(15, IB, IG+(IB<<1), IR+(IB<<1));
case 30:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_med (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+((v&0xff)<<1))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v&0xff)<<1))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
case 31:
decoder = (a, b, c, v) => tvp_avg (a, b, c, (uint)
((0xff0000 & ((((v>>16)&0xff)+((v&0xff)<<1))<<16)) + (0xff00 & ((((v>>8)&0xff)+((v&0xff)<<1))<<8)) + (0xff & ((v&0xff))) + ((v&0xff000000))));
default: return;
do {
uint u = prevline[prevline_index];
p = decoder (p, u, up, inbuf[inbuf_index]);
up = u;
curline[curline_index] = p;
inbuf_index += step;
} while (0 != --w);
if (step == 1)
inbuf_index += skipblockbytes - ww;
inbuf_index += skipblockbytes + 1;
if (0 != (i&1)) inbuf_index -= oddskip * ww;
static class TVP_Tables
public static byte[] TVPTLG6LeadingZeroTable = new byte[TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE];
public static sbyte[,] TVPTLG6GolombBitLengthTable = new sbyte
static short[,] TVPTLG6GolombCompressed = new short[TVP_TLG6_GOLOMB_N_COUNT,9] {
/* Tuned by W.Dee, 2004/03/25 */
static TVP_Tables ()
// TVPInitDitherTable();
static void TVPTLG6InitLeadingZeroTable ()
/* table which indicates first set bit position + 1. */
/* this may be replaced by BSF (IA32 instrcution). */
for (int i = 0; i < TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE; i++)
int cnt = 0;
int j;
for(j = 1; j != TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE && 0 == (i & j);
j <<= 1, cnt++);
if (j == TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE) cnt = 0;
TVPTLG6LeadingZeroTable[i] = (byte)cnt;
static void TVPTLG6InitGolombTable()
for (int n = 0; n < TVP_TLG6_GOLOMB_N_COUNT; n++)
int a = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < TVPTLG6GolombCompressed[n,i]; j++)
TVPTLG6GolombBitLengthTable[a++,n] = (sbyte)i;
if(a != TVP_TLG6_GOLOMB_N_COUNT*2*128)
throw new Exception ("Invalid data initialization"); /* THIS MUST NOT BE EXECUETED! */
/* (this is for compressed table data check) */
void TVPTLG6DecodeGolombValuesForFirst (uint[] pixelbuf, int pixel_count, byte[] bit_pool)
decode values packed in "bit_pool".
values are coded using golomb code.
"ForFirst" function do dword access to pixelbuf,
clearing with zero except for blue (least siginificant byte).
int bit_pool_index = 0;
int n = TVP_TLG6_GOLOMB_N_COUNT - 1; /* output counter */
int a = 0; /* summary of absolute values of errors */
int bit_pos = 1;
bool zero = 0 == (bit_pool[bit_pool_index] & 1);
for (int pixel = 0; pixel < pixel_count; )
/* get running count */
int count;
uint t = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index) >> bit_pos;
int b = TVP_Tables.TVPTLG6LeadingZeroTable[t & (TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE-1)];
int bit_count = b;
while (0 == b)
bit_count += TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_BITS;
bit_pos += TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_BITS;
bit_pool_index += bit_pos >> 3;
bit_pos &= 7;
t = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index) >> bit_pos;
b = TVP_Tables.TVPTLG6LeadingZeroTable[t&(TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE-1)];
bit_count += b;
bit_pos += b;
bit_pool_index += bit_pos >> 3;
bit_pos &= 7;
bit_count --;
count = 1 << bit_count;
count += ((LittleEndian.ToInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index) >> (bit_pos)) & (count-1));
bit_pos += bit_count;
bit_pool_index += bit_pos >> 3;
bit_pos &= 7;
if (zero)
/* zero values */
/* fill distination with zero */
do { pixelbuf[pixel++] = 0; } while (0 != --count);
zero = !zero;
/* non-zero values */
/* fill distination with glomb code */
int k = TVP_Tables.TVPTLG6GolombBitLengthTable[a,n];
int v, sign;
uint t = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index) >> bit_pos;
int bit_count;
int b;
if (0 != t)
b = TVP_Tables.TVPTLG6LeadingZeroTable[t&(TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE-1)];
bit_count = b;
while (0 == b)
bit_count += TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_BITS;
bit_pos += TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_BITS;
bit_pool_index += bit_pos >> 3;
bit_pos &= 7;
t = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index) >> bit_pos;
b = TVP_Tables.TVPTLG6LeadingZeroTable[t&(TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE-1)];
bit_count += b;
bit_count --;
bit_pool_index += 5;
bit_count = bit_pool[bit_pool_index-1];
bit_pos = 0;
t = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index);
b = 0;
v = (int)((bit_count << k) + ((t >> b) & ((1<<k)-1)));
sign = (v & 1) - 1;
v >>= 1;
a += v;
pixelbuf[pixel++] = (byte)((v ^ sign) + sign + 1);
bit_pos += b;
bit_pos += k;
bit_pool_index += bit_pos >> 3;
bit_pos &= 7;
if (--n < 0)
a >>= 1;
} while (0 != --count);
zero = !zero;
void TVPTLG6DecodeGolombValues (uint[] pixelbuf, int offset, int pixel_count, byte[] bit_pool)
decode values packed in "bit_pool".
values are coded using golomb code.
uint mask = (uint)~(0xff << offset);
int bit_pool_index = 0;
int n = TVP_TLG6_GOLOMB_N_COUNT - 1; /* output counter */
int a = 0; /* summary of absolute values of errors */
int bit_pos = 1;
bool zero = 0 == (bit_pool[bit_pool_index] & 1);
for (int pixel = 0; pixel < pixel_count; )
/* get running count */
int count;
uint t = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index) >> bit_pos;
int b = TVP_Tables.TVPTLG6LeadingZeroTable[t&(TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE-1)];
int bit_count = b;
while (0 == b)
bit_count += TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_BITS;
bit_pos += TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_BITS;
bit_pool_index += bit_pos >> 3;
bit_pos &= 7;
t = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index) >> bit_pos;
b = TVP_Tables.TVPTLG6LeadingZeroTable[t&(TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE-1)];
bit_count += b;
bit_pos += b;
bit_pool_index += bit_pos >> 3;
bit_pos &= 7;
bit_count --;
count = 1 << bit_count;
count += (int)((LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index) >> (bit_pos)) & (count-1));
bit_pos += bit_count;
bit_pool_index += bit_pos >> 3;
bit_pos &= 7;
if (zero)
/* zero values */
/* fill distination with zero */
do { pixelbuf[pixel++] &= mask; } while (0 != --count);
zero = !zero;
/* non-zero values */
/* fill distination with glomb code */
int k = TVP_Tables.TVPTLG6GolombBitLengthTable[a,n];
int v, sign;
uint t = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index) >> bit_pos;
int bit_count;
int b;
if (0 != t)
b = TVP_Tables.TVPTLG6LeadingZeroTable[t&(TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE-1)];
bit_count = b;
while (0 == b)
bit_count += TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_BITS;
bit_pos += TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_BITS;
bit_pool_index += bit_pos >> 3;
bit_pos &= 7;
t = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index) >> bit_pos;
b = TVP_Tables.TVPTLG6LeadingZeroTable[t&(TVP_TLG6_LeadingZeroTable_SIZE-1)];
bit_count += b;
bit_count --;
bit_pool_index += 5;
bit_count = bit_pool[bit_pool_index-1];
bit_pos = 0;
t = LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (bit_pool, bit_pool_index);
b = 0;
v = (int)((bit_count << k) + ((t >> b) & ((1<<k)-1)));
sign = (v & 1) - 1;
v >>= 1;
a += v;
uint c = (uint)((pixelbuf[pixel] & mask) | (uint)((byte)((v ^ sign) + sign + 1) << offset));
pixelbuf[pixel++] = c;
bit_pos += b;
bit_pos += k;
bit_pool_index += bit_pos >> 3;
bit_pos &= 7;
if (--n < 0)
a >>= 1;
} while (0 != --count);
zero = !zero;