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2023-08-24 05:33:50 +08:00
//! \file DirectorFile.cs
//! \date 2023 Aug 21
//! \brief Macromedia Director container deserialization.
// Copyright (C) 2023 by morkt
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using GameRes.Compression;
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using GameRes.Utility;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
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using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace GameRes.Formats.Macromedia
internal enum ByteOrder
LittleEndian, BigEndian
internal enum DataType
Null = 0,
Bitmap = 1,
FilmLoop = 2,
Text = 3,
Palette = 4,
Picture = 5,
Sound = 6,
Button = 7,
Shape = 8,
Movie = 9,
DigitalVideo = 10,
Script = 11,
RTE = 12,
internal class SerializationContext
public int Version;
public Encoding Encoding;
public SerializationContext ()
Encoding = Encodings.cp932;
internal class DirectorFile
List<DirectorEntry> m_dir;
Dictionary<int, DirectorEntry> m_index = new Dictionary<int, DirectorEntry>();
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MemoryMap m_mmap = new MemoryMap();
KeyTable m_keyTable = new KeyTable();
DirectorConfig m_config = new DirectorConfig();
List<Cast> m_casts = new List<Cast>();
Dictionary<int, byte[]> m_ilsMap = new Dictionary<int, byte[]>();
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public bool IsAfterBurned { get; private set; }
public MemoryMap MMap => m_mmap;
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public KeyTable KeyTable => m_keyTable;
public DirectorConfig Config => m_config;
public List<Cast> Casts => m_casts;
public List<DirectorEntry> Directory => m_dir;
public Dictionary<int, DirectorEntry> Index => m_index;
public DirectorEntry Find (string four_cc) => Directory.Find (e => e.FourCC == four_cc);
public DirectorEntry FindById (int id)
DirectorEntry entry;
m_index.TryGetValue (id, out entry);
return entry;
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public bool Deserialize (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
reader.Position = 8;
string codec = reader.ReadFourCC();
if (codec == "MV93" || codec == "MC95")
if (!ReadMMap (context, reader))
return false;
else if (codec == "FGDC" || codec == "FGDM")
IsAfterBurned = true;
if (!ReadAfterBurner (context, reader))
return false;
Trace.WriteLine (string.Format ("Unknown codec '{0}'", codec), "DXR");
2023-08-24 05:33:50 +08:00
return false;
return ReadKeyTable (context, reader)
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&& ReadConfig (context, reader)
&& ReadCasts (context, reader);
bool ReadMMap (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
if (reader.ReadFourCC() != "imap")
return false;
reader.Skip (8);
uint mmap_pos = reader.ReadU32();
reader.Position = mmap_pos;
if (reader.ReadFourCC() != "mmap")
return false;
reader.Position = mmap_pos + 8;
MMap.Deserialize (context, reader);
m_dir = MMap.Dir;
for (int i = 0; i < m_dir.Count; ++i)
m_index[i] = m_dir[i];
return true;
bool ReadAfterBurner (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
if (reader.ReadFourCC() != "Fver")
return false;
int length = reader.ReadVarInt();
long next_pos = reader.Position + length;
int version = reader.ReadVarInt();
if (version > 0x400)
reader.ReadVarInt(); // imap version
reader.ReadVarInt(); // director version
if (version > 0x500)
int str_len = reader.ReadU8();
reader.Skip (str_len); // version string
reader.Position = next_pos;
if (reader.ReadFourCC() != "Fcdr")
return false;
// skip compression table, assume everything is zlib-compressed
length = reader.ReadVarInt();
reader.Position += length;
if (reader.ReadFourCC() != "ABMP")
return false;
length = reader.ReadVarInt();
next_pos = reader.Position + length;
reader.ReadVarInt(); // compression type, index within 'Fcdr' compression table
int unpacked_size = reader.ReadVarInt();
using (var abmp = new ZLibStream (reader.Source, CompressionMode.Decompress, true))
var abmp_reader = new Reader (abmp, reader.ByteOrder);
if (!ReadABMap (context, abmp_reader))
return false;
reader.Position = next_pos;
if (reader.ReadFourCC() != "FGEI")
return false;
long base_offset = reader.Position;
foreach (var entry in m_dir)
m_index[entry.Id] = entry;
if (entry.Offset >= 0)
entry.Offset += base_offset;
var ils_chunk = FindById (2);
if (null == ils_chunk)
return false;
using (var ils = new ZLibStream (reader.Source, CompressionMode.Decompress, true))
uint pos = 0;
var ils_reader = new Reader (ils, reader.ByteOrder);
while (pos < ils_chunk.UnpackedSize)
int id = ils_reader.ReadVarInt();
var chunk = m_index[id];
m_ilsMap[id] = ils_reader.ReadBytes ((int)chunk.Size);
pos += ils_reader.GetVarIntLength ((uint)id) + chunk.Size;
return true;
bool ReadABMap (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
int count = reader.ReadVarInt();
m_dir = new List<DirectorEntry> (count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++ i)
var entry = new AfterBurnerEntry();
entry.Deserialize (context, reader);
m_dir.Add (entry);
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return true;
Reader GetChunkReader (DirectorEntry chunk, Reader reader)
if (-1 == chunk.Offset)
byte[] chunk_data;
if (!m_ilsMap.TryGetValue (chunk.Id, out chunk_data))
throw new InvalidFormatException (string.Format ("Can't find chunk {0} in ILS", chunk.FourCC));
var input = new BinMemoryStream (chunk_data, null);
reader = new Reader (input, reader.ByteOrder);
reader.Position = chunk.Offset;
return reader;
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bool ReadKeyTable (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
var key_chunk = Find ("KEY*");
2023-08-24 05:33:50 +08:00
if (null == key_chunk)
return false;
reader = GetChunkReader (key_chunk, reader);
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KeyTable.Deserialize (context, reader);
return true;
bool ReadConfig (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
var config_chunk = Find ("VWCF") ?? Find ("DRCF");
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if (null == config_chunk)
return false;
reader = GetChunkReader (config_chunk, reader);
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Config.Deserialize (context, reader);
context.Version = Config.Version;
return true;
bool ReadCasts (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
Reader cas_reader;
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if (context.Version > 1200)
var mcsl = Find ("MCsL");
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if (mcsl != null)
var mcsl_reader = GetChunkReader (mcsl, reader);
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var cast_list = new CastList();
cast_list.Deserialize (context, mcsl_reader);
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foreach (var entry in cast_list.Entries)
var key_entry = KeyTable.FindByCast (entry.Id, "CAS*");
if (key_entry != null)
var cas_entry = Index[key_entry.Id];
cas_reader = GetChunkReader (cas_entry, reader);
var cast = new Cast (context, cas_reader, cas_entry);
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if (!PopulateCast (cast, context, reader, entry))
return false;
Casts.Add (cast);
return true;
var cas_chunk = Find ("CAS*");
2023-08-24 05:33:50 +08:00
if (null == cas_chunk)
return false;
var new_entry = new CastListEntry { Name = "internal", Id = 0x400, MinMember = Config.MinMember };
cas_reader = GetChunkReader (cas_chunk, reader);
var new_cast = new Cast (context, cas_reader, cas_chunk);
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if (!PopulateCast (new_cast, context, reader, new_entry))
return false;
Casts.Add (new_cast);
return true;
public bool PopulateCast (Cast cast, SerializationContext context, Reader reader, CastListEntry entry)
cast.Name = entry.Name;
for (int i = 0; i < cast.Index.Length; ++i)
int chunk_id = cast.Index[i];
if (chunk_id > 0)
var chunk = this.Index[chunk_id];
2023-08-24 05:33:50 +08:00
var member = new CastMember();
member.Id = chunk_id;
var cast_reader = GetChunkReader (chunk, reader);
member.Deserialize (context, cast_reader);
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cast.Members[member.Id] = member;
return true;
internal class CastMember
public DataType Type;
public CastInfo Info = new CastInfo();
public byte[] SpecificData;
public byte Flags;
public int Id;
public void Deserialize (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
reader = reader.CloneUnless (ByteOrder.BigEndian);
if (context.Version > 1200)
Type = (DataType)reader.ReadI32();
int info_length = reader.ReadI32();
int data_length = reader.ReadI32();
if (info_length > 0)
Info.Deserialize (context, reader);
SpecificData = reader.ReadBytes (data_length);
int data_length = reader.ReadU16();
int info_length = reader.ReadI32();
Type = (DataType)reader.ReadU8();
if (data_length > 0)
Flags = reader.ReadU8();
SpecificData = reader.ReadBytes (data_length);
if (info_length > 0)
Info.Deserialize (context, reader);
internal class CastInfo
public uint DataOffset;
public uint ScriptKey;
public uint Flags;
public int ScriptId;
public string Name;
public string SourceText;
public List<byte[]> Items = new List<byte[]>();
public void Deserialize (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
long base_offset = reader.Position;
DataOffset = reader.ReadU32();
ScriptKey = reader.ReadU32();
reader.Skip (4);
Flags = reader.ReadU32();
ScriptId = reader.ReadI32();
reader.Position = base_offset + DataOffset;
int table_len = reader.ReadU16();
var offsets = new int[table_len];
for (int i = 0; i < table_len; ++i)
offsets[i] = reader.ReadI32();
int data_length = reader.ReadI32();
long list_offset = reader.Position;
Items.Capacity = offsets.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < offsets.Length; ++i)
int offset = offsets[i];
int next_offset = (i + 1 < offsets.Length) ? offsets[i+1] : data_length;
reader.Position = list_offset + offset;
Items.Add (reader.ReadBytes (next_offset - offset));
SourceText = Items.Count > 0 ? Binary.GetCString (Items[0], 0) : string.Empty;
Name = GetString (1, context.Encoding);
string GetString (int item_idx, Encoding enc)
if (item_idx >= Items.Count)
return string.Empty;
var src = Items[item_idx];
if (src.Length <= 1 || 0 == src[0])
return string.Empty;
int len = src[0];
return enc.GetString (src, 1, len);
internal class Cast
public int[] Index;
public string Name;
public Dictionary<int, CastMember> Members = new Dictionary<int, CastMember>();
public Cast (SerializationContext context, Reader reader, DirectorEntry entry)
2023-08-24 05:33:50 +08:00
int count = (int)(entry.Size / 4);
Index = new int[count];
Deserialize (context, reader);
public void Deserialize (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
reader = reader.CloneUnless (ByteOrder.BigEndian);
for (int i = 0; i < Index.Length; ++i)
Index[i] = reader.ReadI32();
internal class CastList
public uint DataOffset;
public int OffsetCount;
public int[] OffsetTable;
public int ItemsLength;
public int CastCount;
public int ItemsPerCast;
public List<byte[]> Items = new List<byte[]>();
public readonly List<CastListEntry> Entries = new List<CastListEntry>();
public void Deserialize (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
long base_offset = reader.Position;
reader = reader.CloneUnless (ByteOrder.BigEndian);
DataOffset = reader.ReadU32();
reader.Skip (2);
CastCount = reader.ReadU16();
ItemsPerCast = reader.ReadU16();
reader.Skip (2);
reader.Position = base_offset + DataOffset;
OffsetCount = reader.ReadU16();
OffsetTable = new int[OffsetCount];
for (int i = 0; i < OffsetCount; ++i)
OffsetTable[i] = reader.ReadI32();
ItemsLength = reader.ReadI32();
long items_offset = reader.Position;
Items.Capacity = OffsetCount;
for (int i = 0; i < OffsetCount; ++i)
int offset = OffsetTable[i];
int next_offset = (i + 1 < OffsetCount) ? OffsetTable[i + 1] : ItemsLength;
int item_size = next_offset - offset;
Items.Add (reader.ReadBytes (item_size));
Entries.Capacity = CastCount;
int item_idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < CastCount; ++i)
var entry = new CastListEntry();
if (ItemsPerCast >= 1)
entry.Name = GetString (item_idx + 1, context.Encoding);
if (ItemsPerCast >= 2)
entry.Path = GetString (item_idx + 2, context.Encoding);
if (ItemsPerCast >= 3 && Items[item_idx + 3].Length >= 2)
entry.Flags = BigEndian.ToUInt16 (Items[item_idx + 3], 0);
if (ItemsPerCast >= 4 && Items[item_idx + 4].Length >= 8)
entry.MinMember = BigEndian.ToUInt16 (Items[item_idx + 4], 0);
entry.MaxMember = BigEndian.ToUInt16 (Items[item_idx + 4], 2);
entry.Id = BigEndian.ToInt32 (Items[item_idx + 4], 4);
Entries.Add (entry);
string GetString (int item_idx, Encoding enc)
var src = Items[item_idx];
if (src.Length <= 1 || 0 == src[0])
return string.Empty;
int len = src[0];
return enc.GetString (src, 1, len);
internal class CastListEntry
public string Name;
public string Path;
public ushort Flags;
public int MinMember;
public int MaxMember;
public int Id;
internal class DirectorConfig
public short Length;
public short FileVersion;
public short StageTop;
public short StageLeft;
public short StageBottom;
public short StageRight;
public short MinMember;
public short MaxMember;
public ushort StageColor;
public ushort BitDepth;
public int Version;
public int FrameRate;
public int Platform;
public int Protection;
public uint CheckSum;
public int DefaultPalette;
public void Deserialize (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
long base_offset = reader.Position;
reader = reader.CloneUnless (ByteOrder.BigEndian);
reader.Position = base_offset + 0x24;
Version = reader.ReadU16();
reader.Position = base_offset;
Length = reader.ReadI16();
FileVersion = reader.ReadI16();
StageTop = reader.ReadI16();
StageLeft = reader.ReadI16();
StageBottom = reader.ReadI16();
StageRight = reader.ReadI16();
MinMember = reader.ReadI16();
MaxMember = reader.ReadI16();
reader.Skip (0x0A);
StageColor = reader.ReadU16();
BitDepth = reader.ReadU16();
reader.Skip (0x18);
FrameRate = reader.ReadU16();
Platform = reader.ReadI16();
Protection = reader.ReadI16();
reader.Skip (4);
CheckSum = reader.ReadU32();
if (Version > 1200)
reader.Position = base_offset + 0x4E;
reader.Position = base_offset + 0x46;
DefaultPalette = reader.ReadU16();
internal class KeyTable
public int EntrySize;
public int TotalCount;
public int UsedCount;
public readonly List<KeyTableEntry> Table = new List<KeyTableEntry>();
public KeyTableEntry this[int index] => Table[index];
public KeyTableEntry FindByCast (int cast_id, string four_cc)
return Table.Find (e => e.CastId == cast_id && e.FourCC == four_cc);
public void Deserialize (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
EntrySize = reader.ReadU16();
TotalCount = reader.ReadI32();
UsedCount = reader.ReadI32();
Table.Capacity = TotalCount;
for (int i = 0; i < TotalCount; ++i)
var entry = new KeyTableEntry();
entry.Deserialize (context, reader);
Table.Add (entry);
internal class KeyTableEntry
public int Id;
public int CastId;
public string FourCC;
public void Deserialize (SerializationContext context, Reader input)
Id = input.ReadI32();
CastId = input.ReadI32();
FourCC = input.ReadFourCC();
internal class MemoryMap
public ushort HeaderLength;
public ushort EntryLength;
public int ChunkCountMax;
public int ChunkCountUsed;
public int FreeHead;
public readonly List<DirectorEntry> Dir = new List<DirectorEntry>();
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public DirectorEntry this[int index] => Dir[index];
2023-08-24 05:33:50 +08:00
public void Deserialize (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
long header_pos = reader.Position;
HeaderLength = reader.ReadU16();
if (HeaderLength < 0x18)
throw new InvalidFormatException ("Invalid <mmap> header length.");
EntryLength = reader.ReadU16();
if (EntryLength < 0x14)
throw new InvalidFormatException ("Invalid <mmap> entry length.");
ChunkCountMax = reader.ReadI32();
ChunkCountUsed = reader.ReadI32();
reader.Skip (8);
FreeHead = reader.ReadI32();
Dir.Capacity = ChunkCountUsed;
long entry_pos = header_pos + HeaderLength;
for (int i = 0; i < ChunkCountUsed; ++i)
reader.Position = entry_pos;
var entry = new MemoryMapEntry (i);
entry.Deserialize (context, reader);
Dir.Add (entry);
entry_pos += EntryLength;
internal class DirectorEntry : PackedEntry
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public int Id;
public string FourCC;
internal class MemoryMapEntry : DirectorEntry
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public ushort Flags;
public MemoryMapEntry (int id = 0)
Id = id;
public void Deserialize (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
FourCC = reader.ReadFourCC();
Size = reader.ReadU32();
2023-08-24 05:33:50 +08:00
Offset = reader.ReadU32() + 8;
Flags = reader.ReadU16();
reader.ReadI32(); // next
UnpackedSize = Size;
IsPacked = false;
internal class AfterBurnerEntry : DirectorEntry
public int CompMethod;
public void Deserialize (SerializationContext context, Reader reader)
Id = reader.ReadVarInt();
Offset = reader.ReadVarInt();
Size = (uint)reader.ReadVarInt();
UnpackedSize = (uint)reader.ReadVarInt();
CompMethod = reader.ReadVarInt(); // assume zlib
FourCC = reader.ReadFourCC();
IsPacked = Size != UnpackedSize;
2023-08-24 05:33:50 +08:00
internal class Reader
Stream m_input;
byte[] m_buffer = new byte[4];
public Reader (Stream input, ByteOrder e = ByteOrder.LittleEndian) : this (input, Encodings.cp932, e)
public Reader (Stream input, Encoding enc, ByteOrder e = ByteOrder.LittleEndian)
m_input = input;
Encoding = enc;
SetByteOrder (e);
public Stream Source => m_input;
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public ByteOrder ByteOrder { get; private set; }
public Encoding Encoding { get; set; }
public long Position
get => m_input.Position;
set => m_input.Position = value;
private Func<ushort> ToU16;
private Func<uint> ToU32;
public void SetByteOrder (ByteOrder e)
this.ByteOrder = e;
if (ByteOrder.LittleEndian == e)
ToU16 = () => LittleEndian.ToUInt16 (m_buffer, 0);
ToU32 = () => LittleEndian.ToUInt32 (m_buffer, 0);
ToU16 = () => BigEndian.ToUInt16 (m_buffer, 0);
ToU32 = () => BigEndian.ToUInt32 (m_buffer, 0);
static Dictionary<uint, string> KnownFourCC = new Dictionary<uint, string>();
public string ReadFourCC ()
uint signature = ReadU32();
string four_cc;
if (KnownFourCC.TryGetValue (signature, out four_cc))
return four_cc;
BigEndian.Pack (signature, m_buffer, 0);
return KnownFourCC[signature] = Encoding.GetString (m_buffer, 0, 4);
public void Skip (int amount) => m_input.Seek (amount, SeekOrigin.Current);
public byte ReadU8 ()
int b = m_input.ReadByte();
if (-1 == b)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
return (byte)b;
public sbyte ReadI8 () => (sbyte)ReadU8();
public ushort ReadU16 ()
if (m_input.Read (m_buffer, 0, 2) < 2)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
return ToU16();
public short ReadI16 () => (short)ReadU16();
public uint ReadU32 ()
if (m_input.Read (m_buffer, 0, 4) < 4)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
return ToU32();
public int ReadI32 () => (int)ReadU32();
public byte[] ReadBytes (int length)
if (0 == length)
return Array.Empty<byte>();
var buffer = new byte[length];
if (m_input.Read (buffer, 0, length) < length)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
return buffer;
public int ReadVarInt ()
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
int bits = m_input.ReadByte();
if (-1 == bits)
throw new EndOfStreamException();
n = n << 7 | bits & 0x7F;
if (0 == (bits & 0x80))
return n;
throw new InvalidFormatException();
public uint GetVarIntLength (uint i)
uint n = 1;
while (i > 0x7F)
i >>= 7;
return n;
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public Reader CloneUnless (ByteOrder order)
if (this.ByteOrder != order)
return new Reader (this.Source, this.Encoding, order);
return this;