//! \file GarExtract.cs //! \date Fri Jul 25 05:52:27 2014 //! \brief Extract archive frontend. // // Copyright (C) 2014-2015 by morkt // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Input; using Ookii.Dialogs.Wpf; using GameRes; using GARbro.GUI.Strings; using GARbro.GUI.Properties; namespace GARbro.GUI { public partial class MainWindow : Window { /// /// Handle "Extract item" command. /// private void ExtractItemExec (object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { var entry = CurrentDirectory.SelectedItem as EntryViewModel; if (null == entry && !ViewModel.IsArchive) { SetStatusText (guiStrings.MsgChooseFiles); return; } GarExtract extractor = null; try { if (!ViewModel.IsArchive) { if (!entry.IsDirectory) { var arc_dir = CurrentPath; var source = Path.Combine (arc_dir, entry.Name); string destination = arc_dir; // extract into directory named after archive if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Path.GetExtension (entry.Name))) destination = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (source); extractor = new GarExtract (this, source); extractor.ExtractAll (destination); } } else if (null != m_app.CurrentArchive) { var vm = ViewModel as ArchiveViewModel; string destination = Path.GetDirectoryName (vm.Path); extractor = new GarExtract (this, vm.Path, m_app.CurrentArchive); if (null == entry || (entry.Name == ".." && vm.SubDir == "")) // root entry extractor.ExtractAll (destination); else extractor.Extract (entry, destination); } } catch (OperationCanceledException X) { SetStatusText (X.Message); } catch (Exception X) { PopupError (X.Message, guiStrings.MsgErrorExtracting); } finally { if (null != extractor && !extractor.IsActive) extractor.Dispose(); } } } sealed internal class GarExtract : IDisposable { private MainWindow m_main; private string m_arc_name; private ArcFile m_arc; private readonly bool m_should_dispose; private bool m_skip_images = false; private bool m_skip_script = false; private bool m_skip_audio = false; private bool m_convert_audio; private ImageFormat m_image_format; private IEnumerable m_file_list; private int m_extract_count; private bool m_extract_in_progress = false; private ProgressDialog m_progress_dialog; private Exception m_pending_error; public static readonly HashSet CommonAudioFormats = new HashSet { "wav", "mp3", "ogg" }; public bool IsActive { get { return m_extract_in_progress; } } public GarExtract (MainWindow parent, string source) { m_main = parent; m_arc_name = Path.GetFileName (source); FormatCatalog.Instance.LastError = null; m_arc = ArcFile.TryOpen (source); if (null == m_arc) { string error_message; if (FormatCatalog.Instance.LastError != null) error_message = FormatCatalog.Instance.LastError.Message; else error_message = guiStrings.MsgUnknownFormat; throw new OperationCanceledException (string.Format ("{1}: {0}", error_message, m_arc_name)); } m_should_dispose = true; } public GarExtract (MainWindow parent, string source, ArcFile arc) { m_main = parent; m_arc_name = Path.GetFileName (source); m_arc = arc; m_should_dispose = false; } private void PrepareDestination (string destination) { bool stop_watch = !m_main.ViewModel.IsArchive; if (stop_watch) m_main.StopWatchDirectoryChanges(); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (destination); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (destination); } finally { if (stop_watch) m_main.ResumeWatchDirectoryChanges(); } } public void ExtractAll (string destination) { if (0 == m_arc.Dir.Count) { m_main.SetStatusText (string.Format ("{1}: {0}", guiStrings.MsgEmptyArchive, m_arc_name)); return; } var extractDialog = new ExtractArchiveDialog (m_arc_name, destination); extractDialog.Owner = m_main; var result = extractDialog.ShowDialog(); if (!result.Value) return; destination = extractDialog.Destination; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (destination)) { destination = Path.GetFullPath (destination); PrepareDestination (destination); } else destination = "."; m_skip_images = !extractDialog.ExtractImages.IsChecked.Value; m_skip_script = !extractDialog.ExtractText.IsChecked.Value; m_skip_audio = !extractDialog.ExtractAudio.IsChecked.Value; if (!m_skip_images) m_image_format = extractDialog.GetImageFormat (extractDialog.ImageConversionFormat); m_main.SetStatusText (string.Format(guiStrings.MsgExtractingTo, m_arc_name, destination)); ExtractFilesFromArchive (string.Format (guiStrings.MsgExtractingArchive, m_arc_name), m_arc.Dir); } public void Extract (EntryViewModel entry, string destination) { var view_model = m_main.ViewModel; var selected = m_main.CurrentDirectory.SelectedItems.Cast(); IEnumerable file_list = view_model.GetFiles (selected); if (!file_list.Any() && entry.Name == "..") file_list = view_model.GetFiles (view_model); if (!file_list.Any()) { m_main.SetStatusText (guiStrings.MsgChooseFiles); return; } ExtractDialog extractDialog; bool multiple_files = file_list.Skip (1).Any(); if (multiple_files) extractDialog = new ExtractArchiveDialog (m_arc_name, destination); else extractDialog = new ExtractFile (entry, destination); extractDialog.Owner = m_main; var result = extractDialog.ShowDialog(); if (!result.Value) return; if (multiple_files) { m_skip_images = !Settings.Default.appExtractImages; m_skip_script = !Settings.Default.appExtractText; m_skip_audio = !Settings.Default.appExtractAudio; } destination = extractDialog.Destination; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (destination)) { destination = Path.GetFullPath (destination); PrepareDestination (destination); } if (!m_skip_images) m_image_format = FormatCatalog.Instance.ImageFormats.FirstOrDefault (f => f.Tag.Equals (Settings.Default.appImageFormat)); ExtractFilesFromArchive (string.Format (guiStrings.MsgExtractingFile, m_arc_name), file_list); } private void ExtractFilesFromArchive (string text, IEnumerable file_list) { if (file_list.Skip (1).Any() // file_list.Count() > 1 && (m_skip_images || m_skip_script || m_skip_audio)) file_list = file_list.Where (f => !(m_skip_images && f.Type == "image") && !(m_skip_script && f.Type == "script") && !(m_skip_audio && f.Type == "audio")); if (!file_list.Any()) { m_main.SetStatusText (string.Format ("{1}: {0}", guiStrings.MsgNoFiles, m_arc_name)); return; } m_file_list = file_list.OrderBy (e => e.Offset); m_progress_dialog = new ProgressDialog () { WindowTitle = guiStrings.TextTitle, Text = text, Description = "", MinimizeBox = true, }; if (!m_file_list.Skip (1).Any()) // 1 == m_file_list.Count() { m_progress_dialog.Description = m_file_list.First().Name; m_progress_dialog.ProgressBarStyle = ProgressBarStyle.MarqueeProgressBar; } m_convert_audio = !m_skip_audio && Settings.Default.appConvertAudio; m_extract_count = 0; m_pending_error = null; m_progress_dialog.DoWork += ExtractWorker; m_progress_dialog.RunWorkerCompleted += OnExtractComplete; m_progress_dialog.ShowDialog (m_main); m_extract_in_progress = true; } void ExtractWorker (object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { int total = m_file_list.Count(); foreach (var entry in m_file_list) { if (m_progress_dialog.CancellationPending) break; if (total > 1) m_progress_dialog.ReportProgress (m_extract_count*100/total, null, entry.Name); if (null != m_image_format && entry.Type == "image") ExtractImage (m_arc, entry, m_image_format); else if (m_convert_audio && entry.Type == "audio") ExtractAudio (m_arc, entry); else m_arc.Extract (entry); ++m_extract_count; } } catch (Exception X) { m_pending_error = X; } } static void ExtractImage (ArcFile arc, Entry entry, ImageFormat target_format) { using (var file = arc.OpenEntry (entry)) { string source_ext = Path.GetExtension (entry.Name).TrimStart ('.').ToLowerInvariant(); if (target_format.Extensions.Any (ext => ext == source_ext)) { // source extension matches target image format, copy file as is using (var output = arc.CreateFile (entry)) file.CopyTo (output); return; } ImageData image = ImageFormat.Read (file); if (null == image) throw new InvalidFormatException (string.Format ("{1}: {0}", guiStrings.MsgUnableInterpret, entry.Name)); string target_ext = target_format.Extensions.First(); string outname = Path.ChangeExtension (entry.Name, target_ext); Trace.WriteLine (string.Format ("{0} => {1}", entry.Name, outname), "ExtractImage"); using (var outfile = ArchiveFormat.CreateFile (outname)) { target_format.Write (outfile, image); } } } static void ExtractAudio (ArcFile arc, Entry entry) { using (var file = arc.OpenEntry (entry)) using (var sound = AudioFormat.Read (file)) { if (null == sound) throw new InvalidFormatException (string.Format ("{1}: {0}", guiStrings.MsgUnableInterpret, entry.Name)); ConvertAudio (entry.Name, sound); } } public static void ConvertAudio (string entry_name, SoundInput input) { string source_format = input.SourceFormat; if (CommonAudioFormats.Contains (source_format)) { string output_name = Path.ChangeExtension (entry_name, source_format); using (var output = ArchiveFormat.CreateFile (output_name)) { input.Source.Position = 0; input.Source.CopyTo (output); } } else { var wav_format = FormatCatalog.Instance.AudioFormats.Where (f => f.Tag == "WAV").First(); string output_name = Path.ChangeExtension (entry_name, "wav"); using (var output = ArchiveFormat.CreateFile (output_name)) wav_format.Write (input, output); } } void OnExtractComplete (object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { m_extract_in_progress = false; m_progress_dialog.Dispose(); m_main.Activate(); if (!m_main.ViewModel.IsArchive) { m_main.Dispatcher.Invoke (m_main.RefreshView); } m_main.SetStatusText (Localization.Format ("MsgExtractedFiles", m_extract_count)); if (null != m_pending_error) { if (m_pending_error is OperationCanceledException) m_main.SetStatusText (m_pending_error.Message); else m_main.PopupError (m_pending_error.Message, guiStrings.MsgErrorExtracting); } this.Dispose(); } #region IDisposable Members bool disposed = false; public void Dispose () { if (!disposed) { if (m_should_dispose) m_arc.Dispose(); disposed = true; } GC.SuppressFinalize (this); } ~GarExtract () { Dispose(); } #endregion } }