//! \file FileSystem.cs //! \date Fri Jun 05 15:32:27 2015 //! \brief Gameres file system abstraction. // // Copyright (C) 2015-2016 by morkt // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using GameRes.Strings; namespace GameRes { public interface IFileSystem : IDisposable { /// /// Returns entry corresponding to the given file or directory within filesystem. /// /// File is not found. Entry FindFile (string filename); /// /// System.IO.File.Exists() analog. /// bool FileExists (string filename); /// /// Open file for reading as stream. /// Stream OpenStream (Entry entry); Stream OpenSeekableStream (Entry entry); /// /// Open file for reading as memory-mapped view. /// ArcView OpenView (Entry entry); /// /// Enumerates subdirectories and files in current directory. /// IEnumerable GetFiles (); /// /// Returns enumeration of files within current directory that match specified pattern. /// IEnumerable GetFiles (string pattern); /// /// System.IO.Path.Combine() analog. /// string CombinePath (string path1, string path2); /// /// System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName() analog. /// string GetDirectoryName (string path); /// /// Recursively enumerates files in the current directory and its subdirectories. /// Subdirectory entries are omitted from resulting set. /// IEnumerable GetFilesRecursive (); string CurrentDirectory { get; set; } } public class SubDirEntry : Entry { public override string Type { get { return "directory"; } } public SubDirEntry (string name) { Name = name; Size = 0; } } public sealed class PhysicalFileSystem : IFileSystem { public string CurrentDirectory { get { return Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); } set { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (value); } } public string CombinePath (string path1, string path2) { return Path.Combine (path1, path2); } public string GetDirectoryName (string path) { return Path.GetDirectoryName (path); } public Entry FindFile (string filename) { var attr = File.GetAttributes (filename); if ((attr & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory) return new SubDirEntry (filename); else return EntryFromFileInfo (new FileInfo (filename)); } public bool FileExists (string filename) { return File.Exists (filename); } public IEnumerable GetFiles () { var info = new DirectoryInfo (CurrentDirectory); foreach (var subdir in info.EnumerateDirectories()) { if (0 != (subdir.Attributes & (FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System))) continue; yield return new SubDirEntry (subdir.FullName); } foreach (var file in info.EnumerateFiles()) { if (0 != (file.Attributes & FileAttributes.System)) continue; yield return EntryFromFileInfo (file); } } public IEnumerable GetFiles (string pattern) { string path = GetDirectoryName (pattern); pattern = Path.GetFileName (pattern); path = CombinePath (CurrentDirectory, path); var info = new DirectoryInfo (path); foreach (var file in info.EnumerateFiles (pattern)) { if (0 != (file.Attributes & (FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System))) continue; yield return EntryFromFileInfo (file); } } public IEnumerable GetFilesRecursive () { var info = new DirectoryInfo (CurrentDirectory); foreach (var file in info.EnumerateFiles ("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { if (0 != (file.Attributes & (FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System))) continue; yield return EntryFromFileInfo (file); } } private Entry EntryFromFileInfo (FileInfo file) { var entry = FormatCatalog.Instance.Create (file.FullName); entry.Size = (uint)Math.Min (file.Length, uint.MaxValue); return entry; } public Stream OpenStream (Entry entry) { return File.OpenRead (entry.Name); } public Stream OpenSeekableStream (Entry entry) { return OpenStream (entry); } public ArcView OpenView (Entry entry) { return new ArcView (entry.Name); } public void Dispose () { GC.SuppressFinalize (this); } } public abstract class ArchiveFileSystem : IFileSystem { protected readonly ArcFile m_arc; protected readonly Dictionary m_dir; public ArcFile Source { get { return m_arc; } } public abstract string CurrentDirectory { get; set; } public ArchiveFileSystem (ArcFile arc) { m_arc = arc; m_dir = new Dictionary (arc.Dir.Count, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (var entry in arc.Dir) { if (!m_dir.ContainsKey (entry.Name)) m_dir.Add (entry.Name, entry); } } public bool FileExists (string filename) { return m_dir.ContainsKey (CombinePath (CurrentDirectory, filename)); } public Stream OpenStream (Entry entry) { return m_arc.OpenEntry (entry); } public Stream OpenSeekableStream (Entry entry) { return m_arc.OpenSeekableEntry (entry); } public ArcView OpenView (Entry entry) { return m_arc.OpenView (entry); } public abstract Entry FindFile (string filename); public abstract IEnumerable GetFiles (); public abstract IEnumerable GetFilesRecursive (); public abstract string CombinePath (string path1, string path2); public abstract string GetDirectoryName (string path); public abstract IEnumerable GetFiles (string pattern); #region IDisposable Members bool _arc_disposed = false; public void Dispose () { Dispose (true); GC.SuppressFinalize (this); } protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (!_arc_disposed) { if (disposing) { m_arc.Dispose(); } _arc_disposed = true; } } #endregion } public class FlatArchiveFileSystem : ArchiveFileSystem { public override string CurrentDirectory { get { return ""; } set { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (value)) return; if (".." == value || "." == value) return; if ("\\" == value || "/" == value) return; throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(); } } public FlatArchiveFileSystem (ArcFile arc) : base (arc) { } public override Entry FindFile (string filename) { Entry entry = null; if (!m_dir.TryGetValue (filename, out entry)) throw new FileNotFoundException(); return entry; } public override IEnumerable GetFiles () { return m_arc.Dir; } public override IEnumerable GetFilesRecursive () { return m_arc.Dir; } public override IEnumerable GetFiles (string pattern) { var glob = new FileNameGlob (pattern); return m_arc.Dir.Where (f => glob.IsMatch (f.Name)); } public override string CombinePath (string path1, string path2) { return Path.Combine (path1, path2); } public override string GetDirectoryName (string path) { return ""; } } public class TreeArchiveFileSystem : ArchiveFileSystem { private string m_cwd; private string PathDelimiter { get; set; } private static readonly char[] m_path_delimiters = { '/', '\\' }; public TreeArchiveFileSystem (ArcFile arc) : base (arc) { m_cwd = ""; PathDelimiter = "/"; } public override string CurrentDirectory { get { return m_cwd; } set { ChDir (value); } } public override string CombinePath (string path1, string path2) { if (0 == path1.Length) return path2; if (0 == path2.Length) return path1; if (path1.EndsWith (PathDelimiter)) return path1+path2; return string.Join (PathDelimiter, path1, path2); } public override Entry FindFile (string filename) { Entry entry = null; if (m_dir.TryGetValue (filename, out entry)) return entry; var dir_name = filename + PathDelimiter; if (m_dir.Keys.Any (n => n.StartsWith (dir_name))) return new SubDirEntry (filename); throw new FileNotFoundException(); } static readonly Regex path_re = new Regex (@"\G[/\\]?([^/\\]+)([/\\])"); public override IEnumerable GetFiles () { IEnumerable dir = GetFilesRecursive(); var root_dir = m_cwd; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (root_dir)) root_dir += PathDelimiter; var subdirs = new HashSet(); foreach (var entry in dir) { var match = path_re.Match (entry.Name, root_dir.Length); if (match.Success) { string name = match.Groups[1].Value; if (subdirs.Add (name)) { PathDelimiter = match.Groups[2].Value; yield return new SubDirEntry (root_dir+name); } } else { yield return entry; } } } public override IEnumerable GetFilesRecursive () { if (0 == m_cwd.Length) return m_arc.Dir; var path = m_cwd + PathDelimiter; return from file in m_arc.Dir where file.Name.StartsWith (path) select file; } public override IEnumerable GetFiles (string pattern) { string path = GetDirectoryName (pattern); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (path)) path = CurrentDirectory; pattern = Path.GetFileName (pattern); var glob = new FileNameGlob (pattern); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (path)) { return m_arc.Dir.Where (f => glob.IsMatch (Path.GetFileName (f.Name))); } else { path += PathDelimiter; return m_arc.Dir.Where (f => f.Name.StartsWith (path) && glob.IsMatch (Path.GetFileName (f.Name))); } } public IEnumerable GetFilesRecursive (IEnumerable list) { var result = new List(); foreach (var entry in list) { if (!(entry is SubDirEntry)) // add ordinary file result.Add (entry); else if (".." == entry.Name) // skip reference to parent directory continue; else // add all files contained within directory, recursive { var dir_name = entry.Name+PathDelimiter; result.AddRange (from file in m_arc.Dir where file.Name.StartsWith (dir_name) select file); } } return result; } private void ChDir (string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (path)) { m_cwd = ""; return; } var cur_dir = new List(); if (-1 != Array.IndexOf (m_path_delimiters, path[0])) { path = path.TrimStart (m_path_delimiters); } else if (".." == path && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (m_cwd)) { cur_dir.AddRange (m_cwd.Split (m_path_delimiters)); } var path_list = path.Split (m_path_delimiters); foreach (var dir in path_list) { if ("." == dir) { continue; } else if (".." == dir) { if (0 == cur_dir.Count) continue; cur_dir.RemoveAt (cur_dir.Count-1); } else { cur_dir.Add (dir); } } string new_path = string.Join (PathDelimiter, cur_dir); if (0 != new_path.Length) { var dir_name = new_path + PathDelimiter; var entry = m_arc.Dir.FirstOrDefault (e => e.Name.StartsWith (dir_name)); if (null == entry) throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(); } m_cwd = new_path; } public override string GetDirectoryName (string path) { int sep = path.LastIndexOfAny (m_path_delimiters); if (-1 == sep) return ""; return path.Substring (0, sep); } } public sealed class FileSystemStack : IDisposable { Stack m_fs_stack = new Stack(); Stack m_arc_name_stack = new Stack(); public IEnumerable All { get { return m_fs_stack; } } public IFileSystem Top { get { return m_fs_stack.Peek(); } } public int Count { get { return m_fs_stack.Count; } } public IEnumerable ArcStack { get { return m_arc_name_stack; } } public ArcFile CurrentArchive { get; private set; } private IFileSystem LastVisitedArc { get; set; } private string LastVisitedPath { get; set; } public FileSystemStack () { m_fs_stack.Push (new PhysicalFileSystem()); } public void ChDir (Entry entry) { if (entry is SubDirEntry) { if (Count > 1 && ".." == entry.Name && string.IsNullOrEmpty (Top.CurrentDirectory)) { Pop(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (LastVisitedPath)) { Top.CurrentDirectory = Top.GetDirectoryName (LastVisitedPath); } } else { Top.CurrentDirectory = entry.Name; } return; } if (entry.Name == LastVisitedPath && null != LastVisitedArc) { Push (LastVisitedPath, LastVisitedArc); var fs = LastVisitedArc as ArchiveFileSystem; if (null != fs) CurrentArchive = fs.Source; return; } Flush(); var arc = ArcFile.TryOpen (entry); if (null == arc) { if (FormatCatalog.Instance.LastError is OperationCanceledException) throw FormatCatalog.Instance.LastError; else throw new UnknownFormatException (FormatCatalog.Instance.LastError); } try { Push (entry.Name, arc.CreateFileSystem()); CurrentArchive = arc; } catch { arc.Dispose(); throw; } } private void Push (string path, IFileSystem fs) { m_fs_stack.Push (fs); m_arc_name_stack.Push (path); } internal void Pop () { if (m_fs_stack.Count > 1) { Flush(); LastVisitedArc = m_fs_stack.Pop(); LastVisitedPath = m_arc_name_stack.Pop(); if (m_fs_stack.Count > 1 && m_fs_stack.Peek() is ArchiveFileSystem) CurrentArchive = (m_fs_stack.Peek() as ArchiveFileSystem).Source; else CurrentArchive = null; } } public void Flush () { if (LastVisitedArc != null && (0 == Count || LastVisitedArc != Top)) { LastVisitedArc.Dispose(); LastVisitedArc = null; LastVisitedPath = null; } } private bool _disposed = false; public void Dispose () { if (!_disposed) { Flush(); foreach (var fs in m_fs_stack.Reverse()) fs.Dispose(); _disposed = true; } GC.SuppressFinalize (this); } } public static class VFS { private static FileSystemStack m_vfs = new FileSystemStack(); /// /// Top, or "current" filesystem in VFS hierarchy. /// public static IFileSystem Top { get { return m_vfs.Top; } } /// /// Whether top filesystem is virtual (i.e. represents an archive). /// public static bool IsVirtual { get { return m_vfs.Count > 1; } } /// /// Number of filesystems in hierarchy. ==1 when only physical file system is represented. /// Always >= 1 /// public static int Count { get { return m_vfs.Count; } } /// /// Archive corresponding to the top filesystem, or null if file system doesn't have underlying /// archive file. /// public static ArcFile CurrentArchive { get { return m_vfs.CurrentArchive; } } private static string[] m_top_path = new string[1]; public static IEnumerable FullPath { get { m_top_path[0] = Top.CurrentDirectory; if (1 == Count) return m_top_path; else return m_vfs.ArcStack.Reverse().Concat (m_top_path); } set { if (!value.Any()) return; var desired = value.ToArray(); int desired_vfs_count = desired.Length; var arc_iterator = m_vfs.ArcStack.Reverse().GetEnumerator(); int i = 0; while (i < desired_vfs_count - 1 && arc_iterator.MoveNext()) { if (arc_iterator.Current != desired[i]) break; ++i; } while (Count > i+1) m_vfs.Pop(); while (Count < desired_vfs_count) { var entry = m_vfs.Top.FindFile (desired[Count-1]); if (entry is SubDirEntry) throw new FileNotFoundException(); m_vfs.ChDir (entry); } m_vfs.Top.CurrentDirectory = desired.Last(); } } public static string CombinePath (string path1, string path2) { return m_vfs.Top.CombinePath (path1, path2); } public static string GetDirectoryName (string path) { return m_vfs.Top.GetDirectoryName (path); } public static Entry FindFile (string filename) { if (".." == filename) return new SubDirEntry (".."); return m_vfs.Top.FindFile (filename); } public static bool FileExists (string filename) { return m_vfs.Top.FileExists (filename); } public static Stream OpenStream (Entry entry) { return m_vfs.Top.OpenStream (entry); } public static Stream OpenSeekableStream (Entry entry) { return m_vfs.Top.OpenSeekableStream (entry); } public static ArcView OpenView (Entry entry) { return m_vfs.Top.OpenView (entry); } public static Stream OpenStream (string filename) { return m_vfs.Top.OpenStream (m_vfs.Top.FindFile (filename)); } public static Stream OpenSeekableStream (string filename) { return m_vfs.Top.OpenSeekableStream (m_vfs.Top.FindFile (filename)); } public static ArcView OpenView (string filename) { return m_vfs.Top.OpenView (m_vfs.Top.FindFile (filename)); } public static void ChDir (Entry entry) { m_vfs.ChDir (entry); } public static void ChDir (string path) { m_vfs.ChDir (FindFile (path)); } public static void Flush () { m_vfs.Flush(); } public static IEnumerable GetFiles () { return m_vfs.Top.GetFiles(); } /// /// Returns enumeration of files within current directory that match specified pattern. /// public static IEnumerable GetFiles (string pattern) { return m_vfs.Top.GetFiles (pattern); } } public class FileNameGlob { Regex m_glob; public FileNameGlob (string pattern) { pattern = Regex.Escape (pattern); if (pattern.EndsWith (@"\.\*")) // "*" and "*.*" are equivalent pattern = pattern.Remove (pattern.Length-4) + @"(?:\..*)?"; pattern = pattern.Replace (@"\*", ".*").Replace (@"\?", "."); m_glob = new Regex ("^"+pattern+"$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } public bool IsMatch (string str) { return m_glob.IsMatch (str); } } public class UnknownFormatException : FileFormatException { public UnknownFormatException () : base (garStrings.MsgUnknownFormat) { } public UnknownFormatException (Exception inner) : base (garStrings.MsgUnknownFormat, inner) { } } }