//! \file ArcODN.cs //! \date Thu Nov 24 05:30:12 2016 //! \brief Valkyria resource archive. // // Copyright (C) 2016 by morkt // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.Composition; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows.Media; using GameRes.Utility; namespace GameRes.Formats.Valkyria { internal class ValkScheme { public string ExeName; public string Title; public int ImageDim; } internal class OdnArchive : ArcFile { public readonly ValkScheme Scheme; public OdnArchive (ArcView arc, ArchiveFormat impl, ICollection dir, ValkScheme scheme) : base (arc, impl, dir) { Scheme = scheme; } } [Export(typeof(ArchiveFormat))] public class OdnOpener : ArchiveFormat { public override string Tag { get { return "ODN"; } } public override string Description { get { return "Valkyria resource archive"; } } public override uint Signature { get { return 0; } } public override bool IsHierarchic { get { return false; } } public override bool CanWrite { get { return false; } } public override ArcFile TryOpen (ArcView file) { if (!file.Name.HasExtension (".odn")) return null; var reader = new OdnIndexReader (file); var dir = reader.ReadIndex(); if (null == dir) return null; /* var sys_ini = VFS.CombinePath (VFS.GetDirectoryName (file.Name), "system.ini"); if (VFS.FileExists (sys_ini)) { try { using (var ini = new IniReader (sys_ini)) { var scheme = ini.ReadScheme(); return new OdnArchive (file, this, dir, scheme); } } catch { } } */ return new ArcFile (file, this, dir); } internal static readonly Regex Image24NameRe = new Regex ("^(?:back|phii)"); internal static readonly Regex Image32NameRe = new Regex ("^(?:data|codn|cccc)"); internal static readonly Regex ScriptNameRe = new Regex ("^(?:scrp|menu|sysm)"); public override Stream OpenEntry (ArcFile arc, Entry entry) { if (ScriptNameRe.IsMatch (entry.Name)) { byte key = (byte)~entry.Offset; var data = arc.File.View.ReadBytes (entry.Offset, entry.Size); Decrypt (data, data.Length, key); return new BinMemoryStream (data); } var input = arc.File.CreateStream (entry.Offset, entry.Size); if (0x5E6A6A42 == input.Signature) { return new XoredStream (input, 0xD); } return input; } public override IImageDecoder OpenImage (ArcFile arc, Entry entry) { using (var input = arc.File.CreateStream (entry.Offset, entry.Size)) { int pixel_size; if (Image24NameRe.IsMatch (entry.Name)) pixel_size = 3; else pixel_size = 4; var output = new MemoryStream ((int)entry.Size); try { UnpackImage (input, output, pixel_size); return CreateImageDecoder (output, pixel_size); } catch { /* try different pixel size */ } try { pixel_size ^= 7; input.Position = 0; output.SetLength (0); UnpackImage (input, output, pixel_size); return CreateImageDecoder (output, pixel_size); } catch { output.Dispose(); throw; } } } internal static byte Decrypt (byte[] data, int size, byte key) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) data[i] ^= key--; return key; } static readonly Size[] ImageDimensions = new Size[] { new Size (1024, 768), new Size (800, 600), new Size (640, 480), new Size (400, 200), }; void UnpackImage (IBinaryStream input, Stream output, int pixel_size) { var max_output_size = ImageDimensions[0].Width * ImageDimensions[0].Height * pixel_size; var pixel = new byte[pixel_size]; int ctl = 1; for (;;) { if (1 == ctl) { ctl = input.ReadByte(); if (-1 == ctl) break; ctl |= 0x100; } if (pixel.Length != input.Read (pixel, 0, pixel.Length)) break; int count = 0; if (0 != (ctl & 1)) count = Binary.BigEndian (input.ReadUInt16()); for (int i = 0; i <= count; ++i) output.Write (pixel, 0, pixel.Length); if (output.Length > max_output_size) throw new InvalidFormatException(); ctl >>= 1; } output.Position = 0; } IImageDecoder CreateImageDecoder (Stream image, int pixel_size) { var size = ImageDimensions.First (s => s.Width * s.Height * pixel_size == image.Length); var info = new ImageMetaData { Width = (uint)size.Width, Height = (uint)size.Height, BPP = pixel_size * 8, }; return new OdnImageDecoder (image, info); } } internal sealed class OdnIndexReader { ArcView m_file; byte[] m_entry_buf = new byte[0x20]; List m_dir = new List(); Encoding m_enc; public OdnIndexReader (ArcView file) { m_file = file; m_enc = Encoding.ASCII.WithFatalFallback(); } public List ReadIndex () { m_file.View.Read (0, m_entry_buf, 0, 0x1C); if (m_entry_buf.AsciiEqual (8, "00000000")) { ReadV1(); } else if (IsAscii (m_entry_buf, 0x10)) { var name = m_enc.GetString (m_entry_buf, 0, 4); if (m_entry_buf.AsciiEqual (0x10, name)) ReadV2 (0x10); else if (m_entry_buf.AsciiEqual (0x18, name)) ReadV2 (0x18); } else { var key = OdnOpener.Decrypt (m_entry_buf, 0x10, 0xFF); if (m_entry_buf.AsciiEqual (8, "00000000")) ReadEncrypted (key); } if (0 == m_dir.Count) return null; FixupDir(); return m_dir; } void ReadV1 () { uint index_offset = 0; for (;;) { if (0x10 != m_file.View.Read (index_offset, m_entry_buf, 0, 0x10)) throw new InvalidFormatException(); index_offset += 0x10; if (m_entry_buf.AsciiEqual (0, "END_ffffffffffff")) break; var name = m_enc.GetString (m_entry_buf, 0, 8); var offset = m_enc.GetString (m_entry_buf, 8, 8); var entry = new Entry { Name = name, Offset = Convert.ToUInt32 (offset, 16) }; m_dir.Add (entry); } foreach (var entry in m_dir) entry.Offset += index_offset; } void ReadV2 (uint record_size) { uint index_offset = 0; var first_offset_str = m_enc.GetString (m_entry_buf, 8, 8); uint first_offset = Convert.ToUInt32 (first_offset_str, 16); while (index_offset < first_offset) { var offset_str = m_enc.GetString (m_entry_buf, 8, 8); var offset = Convert.ToUInt32 (offset_str, 16); if (m_file.MaxOffset == offset) break; var name = m_enc.GetString (m_entry_buf, 0, 8); var entry = new Entry { Name = name, Offset = offset }; m_dir.Add (entry); index_offset += record_size; if (record_size != m_file.View.Read (index_offset, m_entry_buf, 0, record_size)) throw new InvalidFormatException(); } } void ReadEncrypted (byte key) { uint index_offset = 0; for (;;) { index_offset += 0x10; if (m_entry_buf.AsciiEqual (0, "ffffffffffffffff")) break; var name = m_enc.GetString (m_entry_buf, 0, 8); var offset = m_enc.GetString (m_entry_buf, 8, 8); var entry = new Entry { Name = name, Offset = Convert.ToUInt32 (offset, 16) }; m_dir.Add (entry); if (0x10 != m_file.View.Read (index_offset, m_entry_buf, 0, 0x10)) throw new InvalidFormatException(); key = OdnOpener.Decrypt (m_entry_buf, 0x10, key); } foreach (var entry in m_dir) entry.Offset += index_offset; } static bool IsAscii (byte[] data, int length) { for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) if (data[i] < 0x20 || data[i] > 0x7E) return false; return true; } void FixupDir () { for (int i = 0; i < m_dir.Count; ++i) { var entry = m_dir[i]; long next_offset = i+1 < m_dir.Count ? m_dir[i+1].Offset : m_file.MaxOffset; entry.Size = (uint)(next_offset - entry.Offset); if (OdnOpener.Image24NameRe.IsMatch (entry.Name)) { entry.Type = "image"; } else if (OdnOpener.ScriptNameRe.IsMatch (entry.Name)) { entry.Type = "script"; } else if (entry.Size > 4) { var signature = m_file.View.ReadUInt32 (entry.Offset); IResource res = null; if (0x5E6A6A42 == signature) res = OggAudio.Instance; else res = AutoEntry.DetectFileType (signature); if (res != null) entry.ChangeType (res); else if (OdnOpener.Image32NameRe.IsMatch (entry.Name)) entry.Type = "image"; } } } } internal sealed class IniReader : IDisposable { IBinaryStream m_ini; public IniReader (string ini_name) { m_ini = VFS.OpenBinaryStream (ini_name); } public ValkScheme ReadScheme () { m_ini.Position = 0; var exe_name = ReadString(); var title = ReadString(); return new ValkScheme { ExeName = exe_name, Title = title, ImageDim = m_ini.ReadByte(), }; } string ReadString () { var len_str = m_ini.ReadCString (4); int length = Convert.ToInt32 (len_str); var buf = m_ini.ReadBytes (length); if (buf.Length != length) throw new InvalidFormatException(); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) buf[i] ^= 0xD1; return Encodings.cp932.GetString (buf); } #region IDisposable Members bool _disposed = false; public void Dispose () { if (!_disposed) { m_ini.Dispose(); _disposed = true; } } #endregion } internal sealed class OdnImageDecoder : IImageDecoder { ImageData m_data; public ImageFormat SourceFormat { get { return null; } } public Stream Source { get; private set; } public ImageMetaData Info { get; private set; } public PixelFormat Format { get; private set; } public ImageData Image { get { if (null == m_data) { int stride = (int)Info.Width * Info.BPP / 8; var pixels = new byte[stride * (int)Info.Height]; Source.Read (pixels, 0, pixels.Length); m_data = ImageData.CreateFlipped (Info, Format, null, pixels, stride); } return m_data; } } public OdnImageDecoder (Stream input, ImageMetaData info) { Source = input; Info = info; if (32 == info.BPP) Format = PixelFormats.Bgra32; else Format = PixelFormats.Bgr24; } bool _disposed = false; public void Dispose () { if (!_disposed) { Source.Dispose(); _disposed = true; } } } }