NVorbis Provides an implementation for basic Ogg files. Provides a interface for a Vorbis logical stream container. Initializes the container and finds the first stream. True if a valid logical stream is found, otherwise False. Finds the next new stream in the container. True if a new stream was found, otherwise False. is False. Retrieves the total number of pages in the container. The total number of pages. is False. Gets the list of stream serials found in the container so far. Gets whether the container supports seeking. Gets the number of bits in the container that are not associated with a logical stream. Gets the number of pages that have been read in the container. Event raised when a new logical stream is found in the container. Creates a new instance with the specified file. The full path to the file. Creates a new instance with the specified stream. Optionally sets to close the stream when disposed. The stream to read. True to close the stream when is called, otherwise False. Initializes the container and finds the first stream. True if a valid logical stream is found, otherwise False. Disposes this instance. Gets the instance for the specified stream serial. The stream serial to look for. An instance. The specified stream serial was not found. Finds the next new stream in the container. True if a new stream was found, otherwise False. is False. Retrieves the total number of pages in the container. The total number of pages. is False. Gets the list of stream serials found in the container so far. Event raised when a new logical stream is found in the container. Gets the number of pages that have been read in the container. Gets whether the container supports seeking. Gets the number of bits in the container that are not associated with a logical stream. A thread-safe, read-only, buffering stream wrapper. Gets the counters for latency and bitrate calculations, as well as overall bit counts Gets the calculated bit rate of audio stream data for the everything decoded so far Gets the calculated bit rate for the last ~1 second of audio Gets the calculated latency per page Gets the calculated latency per packet Gets the calculated latency per second of output Gets the number of bits read that do not contribute to the output audio Gets the number of bits read that contribute to the output audio Gets the number of pages read so far in the current stream Gets the total number of pages in the current stream Gets whether the stream has been clipped since the last reset Provides packets on-demand for the Vorbis stream decoder. Retrieves the total number of pages (or frames) this stream uses. The page count. is False. Retrieves the next packet in the stream. The next packet in the stream or null if no more packets. Retrieves the next packet in the stream but does not advance to the following packet. The next packet in the stream or null if no more packets. Retrieves the packet specified from the stream. The index of the packet to retrieve. The specified packet. is less than 0 or past the end of the stream. is False. Retrieves the total number of granules in this Vorbis stream. The number of samples is False. Finds the packet index to the granule position specified in the current stream. The granule position to seek to. A callback method that takes the current and previous packets and returns the number of granules in the current packet. The index of the packet that includes the specified granule position or -1 if none found. is less than 0 or is after the last granule. Sets the next packet to be returned, applying a pre-roll as necessary. The packet to key from. The number of packets to return before the indicated packet. Gets the serial number associated with this stream. Gets whether seeking is supported on this stream. Gets the number of bits of overhead in this stream's container. Occurs when the stream is about to change parameters. A single data packet from a logical Vorbis stream. Gets the value of the specified flag. Sets the value of the specified flag. Creates a new instance with the specified length. The length of the packet. Reads the next byte of the packet. The next byte if available, otherwise -1. Indicates that the packet has been read and its data is no longer needed. Attempts to read the specified number of bits from the packet, but may return fewer. Does not advance the position counter. The number of bits to attempt to read. The number of bits actually read. The value of the bits read. is not between 0 and 64. Advances the position counter by the specified number of bits. The number of bits to advance. Resets the bit reader. Reads the specified number of bits from the packet and advances the position counter. The number of bits to read. The value of the bits read. The number of bits specified is not between 0 and 64. Reads the next byte from the packet. Does not advance the position counter. The byte read from the packet. Reads the next byte from the packet and advances the position counter. The byte read from the packet. Reads the specified number of bytes from the packet and advances the position counter. The number of bytes to read. A byte array holding the data read. Reads the specified number of bytes from the packet into the buffer specified and advances the position counter. The buffer to read into. The index into the buffer to start placing the read data. The number of bytes to read. The number of bytes read. is less than 0 or + is past the end of . Reads the next bit from the packet and advances the position counter. The value of the bit read. Retrieves the next 16 bits from the packet as a and advances the position counter. The value of the next 16 bits. Retrieves the next 32 bits from the packet as a and advances the position counter. The value of the next 32 bits. Retrieves the next 64 bits from the packet as a and advances the position counter. The value of the next 64 bits. Retrieves the next 16 bits from the packet as a and advances the position counter. The value of the next 16 bits. Retrieves the next 32 bits from the packet as a and advances the position counter. The value of the next 32 bits. Retrieves the next 64 bits from the packet as a and advances the position counter. The value of the next 64 bits. Advances the position counter by the specified number of bytes. The number of bytes to advance. Gets whether the packet was found after a stream resync. Gets the position of the last granule in the packet. Gets the position of the last granule in the page the packet is in. Gets the length of the packet. Gets whether the packet is the last one in the logical stream. Gets the number of bits read from the packet. Gets the number of granules in the packet. If null, the packet has not been decoded yet. Defines flags to apply to the current packet Packet is first since reader had to resync with stream. Packet is the last in the logical stream. Packet does not have all its data available. Packet has a granule count defined. Flag for use by inheritors. Flag for use by inheritors. Flag for use by inheritors. Flag for use by inheritors. Reads decoded samples from the current logical stream The buffer to write the samples to The offset into the buffer to write the samples to The number of samples to write The number of samples written Clears the parameter change flag so further samples can be requested. Searches for the next stream in a concatenated file True if a new stream was found, otherwise false. Switches to an alternate logical stream. The logical stream index to switch to True if the properties of the logical stream differ from those of the one previously being decoded. Otherwise, False. Gets the number of channels in the current selected Vorbis stream Gets the sample rate of the current selected Vorbis stream Gets the encoder's upper bitrate of the current selected Vorbis stream Gets the encoder's nominal bitrate of the current selected Vorbis stream Gets the encoder's lower bitrate of the current selected Vorbis stream Gets the encoder's vendor string for the current selected Vorbis stream Gets the comments in the current selected Vorbis stream Gets whether the previous short sample count was due to a parameter change in the stream. Gets the number of bits read that are related to framing and transport alone Gets or sets whether to automatically apply clipping to samples returned by . Gets stats from each decoder stream available Gets the currently-selected stream's index Returns the number of logical streams found so far in the physical container Gets or Sets the current timestamp of the decoder. Is the timestamp before the next sample to be decoded Gets or Sets the current position of the next sample to be decoded. Gets the total length of the current logical stream Event data for when a new logical stream is found in a container. Creates a new instance of with the specified . An instance. Gets new the instance. Gets or sets whether to ignore the logical stream associated with the packet provider. Reads the number of bytes specified into the buffer given, starting with the offset indicated. The offset into the stream to start reading. The buffer to read to. The index into the buffer to start writing to. The number of bytes to read. The number of bytes read. Tells the buffer that it no longer needs to maintain any bytes before the indicated offset. The offset to discard through. Gets or Sets whether to limit reads to the smallest size possible. Gets or Sets the maximum size of the buffer. This is not a hard limit. Gets the offset of the start of the buffered data. Reads to offsets before this are likely to require a seek. Gets the number of bytes currently buffered. Gets the number of bytes the buffer can hold. Event data for when a logical stream has a parameter change. Creates a new instance of . The first packet after the parameter change. Gets the first packet after the parameter change. This would typically be the parameters packet.