//! \file ArcXP3.cs //! \date Wed Jul 16 13:58:17 2014 //! \brief KiriKiri engine archive implementation. // // Copyright (C) 2014-2016 by morkt // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.IO; using System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.Composition; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Diagnostics; using GameRes.Compression; using GameRes.Utility; using GameRes.Formats.Strings; using GameRes.Formats.Properties; namespace GameRes.Formats.KiriKiri { public struct Xp3Segment { public bool IsCompressed; public long Offset; public uint Size; public uint PackedSize; } public class Xp3Entry : PackedEntry { List m_segments = new List(); public bool IsEncrypted { get; set; } public ICrypt Cipher { get; set; } public List Segments { get { return m_segments; } } public uint Hash { get; set; } } public class Xp3Options : ResourceOptions { public int Version { get; set; } public ICrypt Scheme { get; set; } public bool CompressIndex { get; set; } public bool CompressContents { get; set; } public bool RetainDirs { get; set; } } [Serializable] public class Xp3Scheme : ResourceScheme { public Dictionary KnownSchemes; } // Archive version 1: encrypt file first, then calculate checksum // version 2: calculate checksum, then encrypt [Export(typeof(ArchiveFormat))] public class Xp3Opener : ArchiveFormat { public override string Tag { get { return "XP3"; } } public override string Description { get { return arcStrings.XP3Description; } } public override uint Signature { get { return 0x0d335058; } } public override bool IsHierarchic { get { return true; } } public override bool CanCreate { get { return true; } } public Xp3Opener () { Signatures = new uint[] { 0x0d335058, 0 }; } static readonly string SignatureBytes = "XP3\x0d\x0a\x20\x0a\x1a\x8b\x67\x01"; static readonly byte[] s_xp3_header = { (byte)'X', (byte)'P', (byte)'3', 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x20, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x8b, 0x67, 0x01 }; public override ResourceScheme Scheme { get { return new Xp3Scheme { KnownSchemes = KnownSchemes }; } set { KnownSchemes = ((Xp3Scheme)value).KnownSchemes; } } public bool ForceEncryptionQuery = true; private static readonly ICrypt NoCryptAlgorithm = new NoCrypt(); public static Dictionary KnownSchemes = new Dictionary(); public override ArcFile TryOpen (ArcView file) { long base_offset = 0; if (0x5a4d == file.View.ReadUInt16 (0)) // 'MZ' base_offset = SkipExeHeader (file); if (!file.View.AsciiEqual (base_offset, SignatureBytes)) return null; long dir_offset = base_offset + file.View.ReadInt64 (base_offset+0x0b); if (dir_offset < 0x13 || dir_offset >= file.MaxOffset) return null; if (0x80 == file.View.ReadUInt32 (dir_offset)) { dir_offset = base_offset + file.View.ReadInt64 (dir_offset+9); if (dir_offset < 0x13 || dir_offset >= file.MaxOffset) return null; } int header_type = file.View.ReadByte (dir_offset); if (0 != header_type && 1 != header_type) return null; Stream header_stream; if (0 == header_type) // read unpacked header { long header_size = file.View.ReadInt64 (dir_offset+1); if (header_size > uint.MaxValue) return null; header_stream = file.CreateStream (dir_offset+9, (uint)header_size); } else // read packed header { long packed_size = file.View.ReadInt64 (dir_offset+1); if (packed_size > uint.MaxValue) return null; long header_size = file.View.ReadInt64 (dir_offset+9); using (var input = file.CreateStream (dir_offset+17, (uint)packed_size)) header_stream = ZLibCompressor.DeCompress (input); } var crypt_algorithm = new Lazy (QueryCryptAlgorithm); var dir = new List(); dir_offset = 0; using (var header = new BinaryReader (header_stream, Encoding.Unicode)) { while (-1 != header.PeekChar()) { uint entry_signature = header.ReadUInt32(); if (0x656c6946 != entry_signature) // "File" { break; } long entry_size = header.ReadInt64(); dir_offset += 12 + entry_size; var entry = new Xp3Entry(); while (entry_size > 0) { uint section = header.ReadUInt32(); long section_size = header.ReadInt64(); entry_size -= 12; if (section_size > entry_size) break; entry_size -= section_size; long next_section_pos = header.BaseStream.Position + section_size; switch (section) { case 0x6f666e69: // "info" { if (entry.Size != 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty (entry.Name)) { goto NextEntry; // ambiguous entry, ignore } entry.IsEncrypted = 0 != header.ReadUInt32(); long file_size = header.ReadInt64(); long packed_size = header.ReadInt64(); if (file_size >= uint.MaxValue || packed_size > uint.MaxValue || packed_size > file.MaxOffset) { goto NextEntry; } entry.IsPacked = file_size != packed_size; entry.Size = (uint)packed_size; entry.UnpackedSize = (uint)file_size; int name_size = header.ReadInt16(); if (name_size > 0x100 || name_size <= 0) { goto NextEntry; } if (entry.IsEncrypted || ForceEncryptionQuery) entry.Cipher = crypt_algorithm.Value; else entry.Cipher = NoCryptAlgorithm; entry.IsEncrypted = !(entry.Cipher is NoCrypt); var name = new string (header.ReadChars (name_size)); if (entry.Cipher.ObfuscatedIndex && ObfuscatedPathRe.IsMatch (name)) { goto NextEntry; } entry.Name = name; entry.Type = FormatCatalog.Instance.GetTypeFromName (entry.Name); break; } case 0x6d676573: // "segm" { int segment_count = (int)(section_size / 0x1c); if (segment_count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < segment_count; ++i) { bool compressed = 0 != header.ReadInt32(); long segment_offset = base_offset+header.ReadInt64(); long segment_size = header.ReadInt64(); long segment_packed_size = header.ReadInt64(); if (segment_offset > file.MaxOffset || segment_packed_size > file.MaxOffset) { goto NextEntry; } var segment = new Xp3Segment { IsCompressed = compressed, Offset = segment_offset, Size = (uint)segment_size, PackedSize = (uint)segment_packed_size }; entry.Segments.Add (segment); } entry.Offset = entry.Segments.First().Offset; } break; } case 0x726c6461: // "adlr" if (4 == section_size) entry.Hash = header.ReadUInt32(); break; default: // unknown section break; } header.BaseStream.Position = next_section_pos; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (entry.Name) && entry.Segments.Any()) { if (entry.Cipher.ObfuscatedIndex) { DeobfuscateEntry (entry); } dir.Add (entry); } NextEntry: header.BaseStream.Position = dir_offset; } } return new ArcFile (file, this, dir); } static readonly Regex ObfuscatedPathRe = new Regex (@"[^\\/]+[\\/]\.\.[\\/]"); private static void DeobfuscateEntry (Xp3Entry entry) { if (entry.Segments.Count > 1) entry.Segments.RemoveRange (1, entry.Segments.Count-1); entry.IsPacked = entry.Segments[0].IsCompressed; entry.Size = entry.Segments[0].PackedSize; entry.UnpackedSize = entry.Segments[0].Size; } private long SkipExeHeader (ArcView file) { long offset = 0x10; long pe_offset = file.View.ReadUInt32 (0x3c); if (pe_offset < file.MaxOffset && 0x4550 == file.View.ReadUInt32 (pe_offset)) // 'PE' { int opt_header = file.View.ReadUInt16 (pe_offset+0x14); // SizeOfOptionalHeader offset = file.View.ReadUInt32 (pe_offset+0x54); // SizeOfHeaders long section_table = pe_offset+opt_header+0x18; int count = file.View.ReadUInt16 (pe_offset+6); // NumberOfSections if (section_table + 0x28*count < file.MaxOffset) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { uint size = file.View.ReadUInt32 (section_table+0x10); uint addr = file.View.ReadUInt32 (section_table+0x14); if (file.View.AsciiEqual (section_table, ".rsrc\0")) { // look within EXE resource section offset = addr; break; } section_table += 0x28; if (0 != size) offset = Math.Max ((long)addr + size, offset); } } } unsafe { while (offset < file.MaxOffset) { uint page_size = (uint)Math.Min (0x10000L, file.MaxOffset - offset); if (page_size < 0x20) break; using (var view = file.CreateViewAccessor (offset, page_size)) { byte* page_begin = view.GetPointer (offset); byte* page_end = page_begin + page_size - 0x10; try { for (byte* ptr = page_begin; ptr != page_end; ++ptr) { // TODO: search every byte only when inside resource section, // otherwise stick to paragraph boundary. int i = 0; while (ptr[i] == s_xp3_header[i]) { if (++i == s_xp3_header.Length) { // check whether index offset is non-zero if (0 == *(uint*)(ptr+i)) break; return offset + (ptr - page_begin); } } } } finally { view.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle.ReleasePointer(); } } offset += page_size - 0x10; } } return 0; } public override Stream OpenEntry (ArcFile arc, Entry entry) { var xp3_entry = entry as Xp3Entry; if (null == xp3_entry) return arc.File.CreateStream (entry.Offset, entry.Size); Stream input; if (1 == xp3_entry.Segments.Count && !xp3_entry.IsEncrypted) { var segment = xp3_entry.Segments.First(); if (segment.IsCompressed) input = new ZLibStream (arc.File.CreateStream (segment.Offset, segment.PackedSize), CompressionMode.Decompress); else input = arc.File.CreateStream (segment.Offset, segment.Size); } else input = new Xp3Stream (arc.File, xp3_entry); if (entry.Size <= 5 || "image" == entry.Type || "audio" == entry.Type) return input; var header = new byte[5]; input.Read (header, 0, 5); if (0xFE == header[0] && 0xFE == header[1] && header[2] < 3 && 0xFF == header[3] && 0xFE == header[4]) return DecryptScript (header[2], input, xp3_entry.UnpackedSize); if (!input.CanSeek) return new PrefixStream (header, input); input.Position = 0; return input; } Stream DecryptScript (int enc_type, Stream input, uint unpacked_size) { using (var reader = new BinaryReader (input, Encoding.Unicode, true)) { if (2 == enc_type) { reader.ReadInt64(); // packed_size reader.ReadInt64(); // unpacked_size return new ZLibStream (input, CompressionMode.Decompress); } var output = new MemoryStream ((int)unpacked_size+2); using (var writer = new BinaryWriter (output, Encoding.Unicode, true)) { writer.Write ('\xFEFF'); // BOM int c; if (1 == enc_type) { while ((c = reader.Read()) != -1) { c = (c & 0xAAAA) >> 1 | (c & 0x5555) << 1; writer.Write ((char)c); } } else { while ((c = reader.Read()) != -1) { if (c >= 0x20) { c = c ^ (((c & 0xFE) << 8) ^ 1); writer.Write ((char)c); } } } } output.Position = 0; input.Dispose(); return output; } } public override ResourceOptions GetDefaultOptions () { return new Xp3Options { Version = Settings.Default.XP3Version, Scheme = GetScheme (Settings.Default.XP3Scheme), CompressIndex = Settings.Default.XP3CompressHeader, CompressContents = Settings.Default.XP3CompressContents, RetainDirs = Settings.Default.XP3RetainStructure, }; } public override object GetCreationWidget () { return new GUI.CreateXP3Widget(); } public override object GetAccessWidget () { return new GUI.WidgetXP3(); } ICrypt QueryCryptAlgorithm () { var options = Query (arcStrings.ArcEncryptedNotice); return options.Scheme; } public static ICrypt GetScheme (string scheme) { ICrypt algorithm; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (scheme) || !KnownSchemes.TryGetValue (scheme, out algorithm)) algorithm = NoCryptAlgorithm; return algorithm; } static uint GetFileCheckSum (Stream src) { // compute file checksum via adler32. // src's file pointer should be reset to zero. var sum = new Adler32(); byte[] buf = new byte[64*1024]; for (;;) { int read = src.Read (buf, 0, buf.Length); if (0 == read) break; sum.Update (buf, 0, read); } return sum.Value; } public override void Create (Stream output, IEnumerable list, ResourceOptions options, EntryCallback callback) { var xp3_options = GetOptions (options); ICrypt scheme = xp3_options.Scheme; bool compress_index = xp3_options.CompressIndex; bool compress_contents = xp3_options.CompressContents; bool retain_dirs = xp3_options.RetainDirs; bool use_encryption = scheme != NoCryptAlgorithm; using (var writer = new BinaryWriter (output, Encoding.ASCII, true)) { writer.Write (s_xp3_header); if (2 == xp3_options.Version) { writer.Write ((long)0x17); writer.Write ((int)1); writer.Write ((byte)0x80); writer.Write ((long)0); } long index_pos_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position; writer.BaseStream.Seek (8, SeekOrigin.Current); int callback_count = 0; var used_names = new HashSet(); var dir = new List(); long current_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position; foreach (var entry in list) { if (null != callback) callback (callback_count++, entry, arcStrings.MsgAddingFile); string name = entry.Name; if (!retain_dirs) name = Path.GetFileName (name); else name = name.Replace (@"\", "/"); if (!used_names.Add (name)) { Trace.WriteLine ("duplicate name", entry.Name); continue; } var xp3entry = new Xp3Entry { Name = name, IsEncrypted = use_encryption, Cipher = scheme, }; bool compress = compress_contents && ShouldCompressFile (entry); using (var file = File.Open (name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { if (!use_encryption || 0 == file.Length) RawFileCopy (file, xp3entry, output, compress); else EncryptedFileCopy (file, xp3entry, output, compress); } dir.Add (xp3entry); } long index_pos = writer.BaseStream.Position; writer.BaseStream.Position = index_pos_offset; writer.Write (index_pos); writer.BaseStream.Position = index_pos; using (var header = new BinaryWriter (new MemoryStream (dir.Count*0x58), Encoding.Unicode)) { if (null != callback) callback (callback_count++, null, arcStrings.MsgWritingIndex); long dir_pos = 0; foreach (var entry in dir) { header.BaseStream.Position = dir_pos; header.Write ((uint)0x656c6946); // "File" long header_size_pos = header.BaseStream.Position; header.Write ((long)0); header.Write ((uint)0x6f666e69); // "info" header.Write ((long)(4+8+8+2 + entry.Name.Length*2)); header.Write ((uint)(use_encryption ? 0x80000000 : 0)); header.Write ((long)entry.UnpackedSize); header.Write ((long)entry.Size); header.Write ((short)entry.Name.Length); foreach (char c in entry.Name) header.Write (c); header.Write ((uint)0x6d676573); // "segm" header.Write ((long)0x1c); var segment = entry.Segments.First(); header.Write ((int)(segment.IsCompressed ? 1 : 0)); header.Write ((long)segment.Offset); header.Write ((long)segment.Size); header.Write ((long)segment.PackedSize); header.Write ((uint)0x726c6461); // "adlr" header.Write ((long)4); header.Write ((uint)entry.Hash); dir_pos = header.BaseStream.Position; long header_size = dir_pos - header_size_pos - 8; header.BaseStream.Position = header_size_pos; header.Write (header_size); } header.BaseStream.Position = 0; writer.Write (compress_index); long unpacked_dir_size = header.BaseStream.Length; if (compress_index) { if (null != callback) callback (callback_count++, null, arcStrings.MsgCompressingIndex); long packed_dir_size_pos = writer.BaseStream.Position; writer.Write ((long)0); writer.Write (unpacked_dir_size); long dir_start = writer.BaseStream.Position; using (var zstream = new ZLibStream (writer.BaseStream, CompressionMode.Compress, CompressionLevel.Level9, true)) header.BaseStream.CopyTo (zstream); long packed_dir_size = writer.BaseStream.Position - dir_start; writer.BaseStream.Position = packed_dir_size_pos; writer.Write (packed_dir_size); } else { writer.Write (unpacked_dir_size); header.BaseStream.CopyTo (writer.BaseStream); } } } output.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.End); } void RawFileCopy (FileStream file, Xp3Entry xp3entry, Stream output, bool compress) { if (file.Length > uint.MaxValue) throw new FileSizeException(); uint unpacked_size = (uint)file.Length; xp3entry.UnpackedSize = (uint)unpacked_size; xp3entry.Size = (uint)unpacked_size; compress = compress && unpacked_size > 0; var segment = new Xp3Segment { IsCompressed = compress, Offset = output.Position, Size = unpacked_size, PackedSize = unpacked_size }; if (compress) { var start = output.Position; using (var zstream = new ZLibStream (output, CompressionMode.Compress, CompressionLevel.Level9, true)) { xp3entry.Hash = CheckedCopy (file, zstream); } segment.PackedSize = (uint)(output.Position - start); xp3entry.Size = segment.PackedSize; } else { xp3entry.Hash = CheckedCopy (file, output); } xp3entry.Segments.Add (segment); } void EncryptedFileCopy (FileStream file, Xp3Entry xp3entry, Stream output, bool compress) { if (file.Length > int.MaxValue) throw new FileSizeException(); using (var map = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile (file, null, 0, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read, null, HandleInheritability.None, true)) { uint unpacked_size = (uint)file.Length; xp3entry.UnpackedSize = (uint)unpacked_size; xp3entry.Size = (uint)unpacked_size; using (var view = map.CreateViewAccessor (0, unpacked_size, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read)) { var segment = new Xp3Segment { IsCompressed = compress, Offset = output.Position, Size = unpacked_size, PackedSize = unpacked_size, }; xp3entry.Segments.Add (segment); if (compress) { output = new ZLibStream (output, CompressionMode.Compress, CompressionLevel.Level9, true); } unsafe { byte[] read_buffer = new byte[81920]; byte* ptr = view.GetPointer (0); try { var checksum = new Adler32(); bool hash_after_crypt = xp3entry.Cipher.HashAfterCrypt; if (!hash_after_crypt) xp3entry.Hash = checksum.Update (ptr, (int)unpacked_size); int offset = 0; int remaining = (int)unpacked_size; while (remaining > 0) { int amount = Math.Min (remaining, read_buffer.Length); remaining -= amount; Marshal.Copy ((IntPtr)(ptr+offset), read_buffer, 0, amount); xp3entry.Cipher.Encrypt (xp3entry, offset, read_buffer, 0, amount); if (hash_after_crypt) checksum.Update (read_buffer, 0, amount); output.Write (read_buffer, 0, amount); offset += amount; } if (hash_after_crypt) xp3entry.Hash = checksum.Value; } finally { view.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle.ReleasePointer(); if (compress) { var dest = (output as ZLibStream).BaseStream; output.Dispose(); segment.PackedSize = (uint)(dest.Position - segment.Offset); xp3entry.Size = segment.PackedSize; } } } } } } uint CheckedCopy (Stream src, Stream dst) { var checksum = new Adler32(); var read_buffer = new byte[81920]; for (;;) { int read = src.Read (read_buffer, 0, read_buffer.Length); if (0 == read) break; checksum.Update (read_buffer, 0, read); dst.Write (read_buffer, 0, read); } return checksum.Value; } bool ShouldCompressFile (Entry entry) { if ("image" == entry.Type || "archive" == entry.Type) return false; if (entry.Name.EndsWith (".ogg", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return false; return true; } } internal class Xp3Stream : Stream { ArcView m_file; Xp3Entry m_entry; IEnumerator m_segment; Stream m_stream; long m_offset = 0; bool m_eof = false; public override bool CanRead { get { return m_stream != null; } } public override bool CanSeek { get { return false; } } public override bool CanWrite { get { return false; } } public override long Length { get { return m_entry.UnpackedSize; } } public override long Position { get { return m_offset; } set { throw new NotSupportedException ("Xp3Stream.Position not supported."); } } public Xp3Stream (ArcView file, Xp3Entry entry) { m_file = file; m_entry = entry; m_segment = entry.Segments.GetEnumerator(); NextSegment(); } private void NextSegment () { if (!m_segment.MoveNext()) { m_eof = true; return; } if (null != m_stream) m_stream.Dispose(); var segment = m_segment.Current; var segment_size = segment.IsCompressed ? segment.PackedSize : segment.Size; m_stream = m_file.CreateStream (segment.Offset, segment_size); if (segment.IsCompressed) m_stream = new ZLibStream (m_stream, CompressionMode.Decompress); } public override int Read (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { int total = 0; while (!m_eof && count > 0) { int read = m_stream.Read (buffer, offset, count); if (0 != read) { m_entry.Cipher.Decrypt (m_entry, m_offset, buffer, offset, read); m_offset += read; total += read; offset += read; count -= read; } if (0 != count) NextSegment(); } return total; } public override int ReadByte () { int b = -1; while (!m_eof) { b = m_stream.ReadByte(); if (-1 != b) { b = m_entry.Cipher.Decrypt (m_entry, m_offset++, (byte)b); break; } NextSegment(); } return b; } public override void Flush () { } public override long Seek (long offset, SeekOrigin origin) { throw new NotSupportedException ("Xp3Stream.Seek method is not supported"); } public override void SetLength (long length) { throw new NotSupportedException ("Xp3Stream.SetLength method is not supported"); } public override void Write (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { throw new NotSupportedException ("Xp3Stream.Write method is not supported"); } public override void WriteByte (byte value) { throw new NotSupportedException("Xp3Stream.WriteByte method is not supported"); } #region IDisposable Members bool disposed = false; protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (!disposed) { if (disposing) { if (null != m_stream) m_stream.Dispose(); m_segment.Dispose(); } disposed = true; base.Dispose (disposing); } } #endregion } }