2022-04-29 13:30:11 +04:00

67 lines
1.9 KiB

# increment .Net assembly revision
use strict;
use Win32;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp;
sub get_git_exe {
return "git.exe";
sub match_version {
return $_[0] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)\.(\d+))?/;
if ($#ARGV < 1) {
print "usage: PROJECT-FILE CONFIG [ROOT-DIR]\n";
exit 0;
my ($project_path, $config, $root_dir) = @ARGV;
my $project_dir = dirname ($project_path);
$root_dir //= $project_dir;
my $is_release = 'release' eq lc $config;
chdir $root_dir or die "$root_dir: $!\n";
my $git_exe = get_git_exe;
my $revision = `$git_exe rev-list HEAD --count .`;
die "git.exe failed\n" if $? != 0;
my $prop_dir = File::Spec->catfile ($project_dir, 'Properties');
my $assembly_info = File::Spec->catfile ($prop_dir, 'AssemblyInfo.cs');
chomp $revision;
my $version_changed = 0;
my $tmp_filename;
open (my $assembly_file, '<', $assembly_info) or die "${assembly_info}: $!";
my $tmp_output = File::Temp->new (DIR => $prop_dir, UNLINK => 0);
$tmp_filename = $tmp_output->filename;
binmode ($tmp_output, ':crlf');
while (<$assembly_file>) {
m,^//, and next;
/^\[assembly:\s*(Assembly(?:File)?Version)\s*\("(.*?)"\)\]/ and do {
my ($attr, $version) = ($1, $2);
my ($major, $minor, $build, $rev) = match_version ($version);
$build += 1 if $is_release;
my $new_version = "${major}.${minor}.${build}.${revision}";
$_ = "[assembly: ${attr} (\"${new_version}\")]\n";
print "AssemblyVersion: $new_version\n" if $attr eq 'AssemblyVersion';
$version_changed ||= $version ne $new_version;
} continue {
print $tmp_output $_;
if ($version_changed) {
rename $assembly_info, "${assembly_info}~" or die "${assembly_info}: $!";
rename $tmp_filename, $assembly_info or die "${tmp_filename}: $!";
} else {
unlink $tmp_filename;