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2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00
* jichi 4/1/2014: Insert AU hook
* Sample games:
* <EFBFBD>: /HBN-8*4@4AD807
* <EFBFBD>GOLD: /HB-8*4@4ADB50 (alternative)
* /HBN-8*4@4AD807
* - addr: 4904967 = 0x4ad807
* - ind: 4
* - length_offset: 1
* - off: 4294967284 = 0xfffffff4 = -0xc
* - type: 1032 = 0x408
* 004ad76a |. ff50 04 |call dword ptr ds:[eax+0x4]
* 004ad76d |. 48 |dec eax ; switch (cases 1..a)
* 004ad76e |. 83f8 09 |cmp eax,0x9
* 004ad771 |. 0f87 37020000 |ja <EFBFBD>.004ad9ae
* 004ad777 |. ff2485 2cda4a0>|jmp dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0x4ada2c]
* 004ad77e |> 83bf c4000000 >|cmp dword ptr ds:[edi+0xc4],0x1 ; case 1 of switch 004ad76d
* 004ad785 |. 75 35 |jnz short <EFBFBD>.004ad7bc
* 004ad787 |. 39af c8000000 |cmp dword ptr ds:[edi+0xc8],ebp
* 004ad78d |. 72 08 |jb short <EFBFBD>.004ad797
* 004ad78f |. 8b87 b4000000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+0xb4]
* 004ad795 |. eb 06 |jmp short <EFBFBD>.004ad79d
* 004ad797 |> 8d87 b4000000 |lea eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+0xb4]
* 004ad79d |> 0fb608 |movzx ecx,byte ptr ds:[eax]
* 004ad7a0 |. 51 |push ecx
* 004ad7a1 |. e8 d15b2a00 |call <EFBFBD>.00753377
* 004ad7a6 |. 83c4 04 |add esp,0x4
* 004ad7a9 |. 85c0 |test eax,eax
* 004ad7ab |. 74 0f |je short <EFBFBD>.004ad7bc
* 004ad7ad |. 8d5424 20 |lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x20]
* 004ad7b1 |. 52 |push edx
* 004ad7b2 |. b9 88567a00 |mov ecx,<EFBFBD>.007a5688
* 004ad7b7 |. e8 a40cf6ff |call <EFBFBD>.0040e460
* 004ad7bc |> 8b8424 e400000>|mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xe4]
* 004ad7c3 |. 8a48 01 |mov cl,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x1]
* 004ad7c6 |. 84c9 |test cl,cl
* 004ad7c8 |. 75 2e |jnz short <EFBFBD>.004ad7f8
* 004ad7ca |. 8d9f b0000000 |lea ebx,dword ptr ds:[edi+0xb0]
* 004ad7d0 |. be ac6e7a00 |mov esi,<EFBFBD>.007a6eac
* 004ad7d5 |. 8bcb |mov ecx,ebx
* 004ad7d7 |. e8 e40af6ff |call <EFBFBD>.0040e2c0
* 004ad7dc |. 84c0 |test al,al
* 004ad7de |. 0f84 ca010000 |je <EFBFBD>.004ad9ae
* 004ad7e4 |. be a86e7a00 |mov esi,<EFBFBD>.007a6ea8
* 004ad7e9 |. 8bcb |mov ecx,ebx
* 004ad7eb |. e8 d00af6ff |call <EFBFBD>.0040e2c0
* 004ad7f0 |. 84c0 |test al,al
* 004ad7f2 |. 0f84 b6010000 |je <EFBFBD>.004ad9ae
* 004ad7f8 |> 6a 00 |push 0x0
* 004ad7fa |. 8d8f b0000000 |lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[edi+0xb0]
* 004ad800 |. 83c8 ff |or eax,0xffffffff
* 004ad803 |. 8d5c24 24 |lea ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x24]
* 004ad807 |. e8 740cf6ff |call <EFBFBD>.0040e480 ; jichi: hook here
* 004ad80c |. e9 9d010000 |jmp <EFBFBD>.004ad9ae
* 004ad811 |> 8b8c24 e400000>|mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xe4] ; case 4 of switch 004ad76d
* 004ad818 |. 8039 00 |cmp byte ptr ds:[ecx],0x0
* 004ad81b |. 0f84 8d010000 |je <EFBFBD>.004ad9ae
* 004ad821 |. b8 04000000 |mov eax,0x4
* 004ad826 |. b9 c86e7a00 |mov ecx,<EFBFBD>.007a6ec8 ; ascii "<br>"
* 004ad82b |. 8d5424 20 |lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x20]
* 004ad82f |. e8 3c0df6ff |call <EFBFBD>.0040e570
* 004ad834 |. e9 75010000 |jmp <EFBFBD>.004ad9ae
* 004ad839 |> 8bbf b4000000 |mov edi,dword ptr ds:[edi+0xb4] ; case 5 of switch 004ad76d
bool InsertTencoHook()
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0x6a, 0x00, // 004ad7f8 |> 6a 00 |push 0x0
0x8d,0x8f, 0xb0,0x00,0x00,0x00, // 004ad7fa |. 8d8f b0000000 |lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[edi+0xb0]
0x83,0xc8, 0xff, // 004ad800 |. 83c8 ff |or eax,0xffffffff
0x8d,0x5c,0x24, 0x24, // 004ad803 |. 8d5c24 24 |lea ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x24]
0xe8 //740cf6ff // 004ad807 |. e8 740cf6ff |call 英雼<E88BB1>戦.0040e480 ; jichi: hook here
enum { addr_offset = sizeof(bytes) - 1 };
ULONG range = min(processStopAddress - processStartAddress, MAX_REL_ADDR);
ULONG addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), processStartAddress, processStartAddress + range);
//reladdr = 0x4ad807;
if (!addr) {
ConsoleOutput("Tenco: pattern not found");
return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
hp.index = 4;
ConsoleOutput("INSERT Tenco");
return NewHook(hp, "Tenco");
bool LWScript() {
BYTE bytes[] = {
auto addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), processStartAddress, processStopAddress);
ConsoleOutput("LWScript %p", addr);
if (addr == 0)return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr;
hp.type = USING_STRING;
return NewHook(hp, "LWScript");
bool LWScript2() {
BYTE bytes[] = {
auto addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), processStartAddress, processStopAddress);
ConsoleOutput("LWScript2 %p", addr);
if (addr == 0)return false;
addr = MemDbg::findEnclosingAlignedFunction(addr);
if (addr == 0)return false;
int off;
if (*(BYTE*)(addr + 3) == 0x4C)get_stack(2);
else off=get_reg(regs::ecx);
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr;
hp.offset = off;
hp.type = CODEC_ANSI_BE;
auto succ=NewHook(hp, "LWScript2");
auto addrs=findxref_reverse(addr, addr - 0x10000,addr);
for (auto addr : addrs) {
addr = MemDbg::findEnclosingAlignedFunction(addr);
if (addr == 0)continue;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr;
hp.type = CODEC_ANSI_BE;
ConsoleOutput("LWScript2_xref %p", addr);
succ|=NewHook(hp, "LWScript2_xref");
return succ;
bool Tenco::attach_function() {
bool b3= InsertTencoHook();
bool b1=LWScript();
bool b2=LWScript2();
return b1||b2||b3;