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2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00
* jichi 4/15/2014: Insert Adobe AIR hook
* Sample games:
* : /HW-C*0:D8@4D04B5:Adobe AIR.dll
* : /HW-C*0:d8@4E69A7:Adobe AIR.dll
* Issue: The game will hang if the hook is injected before loading
* - addr: 5047477 = 0x4d04b5
* -length_offset: 1
* - module: 3506957663 = 0xd107ed5f
* - off: 4294967280 = 0xfffffff0 = -0x10
* - split: 216 = 0xd8
* - type: 90 = 0x5a
* 0f8f0497 |. eb 69 jmp short adobe_ai.0f8f0502
* 0f8f0499 |> 83c8 ff or eax,0xffffffff
* 0f8f049c |. eb 67 jmp short adobe_ai.0f8f0505
* 0f8f049e |> 8b7d 0c mov edi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0xc]
* 0f8f04a1 |. 85ff test edi,edi
* 0f8f04a3 |. 7e 5d jle short adobe_ai.0f8f0502
* 0f8f04a5 |. 8b55 08 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x8]
* 0f8f04a8 |. b8 80000000 mov eax,0x80
* 0f8f04ad |. be ff030000 mov esi,0x3ff
* 0f8f04b2 |> 0fb70a /movzx ecx,word ptr ds:[edx]
* 0f8f04b5 |. 8bd8 |mov ebx,eax ; jichi: hook here
* 0f8f04b7 |. 4f |dec edi
* 0f8f04b8 |. 66:3bcb |cmp cx,bx
* 0f8f04bb |. 73 05 |jnb short adobe_ai.0f8f04c2
* 0f8f04bd |. ff45 fc |inc dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
* 0f8f04c0 |. eb 3a |jmp short adobe_ai.0f8f04fc
* 0f8f04c2 |> bb 00080000 |mov ebx,0x800
* 0f8f04c7 |. 66:3bcb |cmp cx,bx
* 0f8f04ca |. 73 06 |jnb short adobe_ai.0f8f04d2
* 0f8f04cc |. 8345 fc 02 |add dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4],0x2
* 0f8f04d0 |. eb 2a |jmp short adobe_ai.0f8f04fc
* 0f8f04d2 |> 81c1 00280000 |add ecx,0x2800
* 0f8f04d8 |. 8bde |mov ebx,esi
* 0f8f04da |. 66:3bcb |cmp cx,bx
* 0f8f04dd |. 77 19 |ja short adobe_ai.0f8f04f8
* 0f8f04df |. 4f |dec edi
* 0f8f04e0 |.^78 b7 |js short adobe_ai.0f8f0499
* 0f8f04e2 |. 42 |inc edx
* 0f8f04e3 |. 42 |inc edx
* 0f8f04e4 |. 0fb70a |movzx ecx,word ptr ds:[edx]
* 0f8f04e7 |. 81c1 00240000 |add ecx,0x2400
* 0f8f04ed |. 66:3bcb |cmp cx,bx
* 0f8f04f0 |. 77 06 |ja short adobe_ai.0f8f04f8
* 0f8f04f2 |. 8345 fc 04 |add dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4],0x4
* 0f8f04f6 |. eb 04 |jmp short adobe_ai.0f8f04fc
* 0f8f04f8 |> 8345 fc 03 |add dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4],0x3
* 0f8f04fc |> 42 |inc edx
* 0f8f04fd |. 42 |inc edx
* 0f8f04fe |. 85ff |test edi,edi
* 0f8f0500 |.^7f b0 \jg short adobe_ai.0f8f04b2
* 0f8f0502 |> 8b45 fc mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
* 0f8f0505 |> 5f pop edi
* 0f8f0506 |. 5e pop esi
* 0f8f0507 |. 5b pop ebx
* 0f8f0508 |. c9 leave
* 0f8f0509 \. c3 retn
bool InsertAdobeAirHook()
DWORD base = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleW(L"Adobe AIR.dll");
if (!base) {
ConsoleOutput("Adobe AIR: module not found");
return false;
//ULONG processStartAddress, processStopAddress;
//if (!NtInspect::getModuleMemoryRange(L"Adobe AIR.dll", &startAddress, &stopAddress)) {
// ConsoleOutput("Adobe AIR: module not found");
// return false;
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0x0f,0xb7,0x0a, // 0f8f04b2 |> 0fb70a /movzx ecx,word ptr ds:[edx]
0x8b,0xd8, // 0f8f04b5 |. 8bd8 |mov ebx,eax ; jichi: hook here
0x4f, // 0f8f04b7 |. 4f |dec edi
0x66,0x3b,0xcb, // 0f8f04b8 |. 66:3bcb |cmp cx,bx
0x73, 0x05, // 0f8f04bb |. 73 05 |jnb short adobe_ai.0f8f04c2
0xff,0x45, 0xfc, // 0f8f04bd |. ff45 fc |inc dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
0xeb, 0x3a // 0f8f04c0 |. eb 3a |jmp short adobe_ai.0f8f04fc
enum { addr_offset = 0x0f8f04b5 - 0x0f8f04b2 }; // = 3. 0 also works.
enum { range = 0x600000 }; // larger than relative addresses
ULONG addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), base, base + range);
if (!addr) {
ConsoleOutput("Adobe AIR: pattern not found");
return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
//hp.module = module;
hp.split = 0xd8;
ConsoleOutput("INSERT Adobe AIR");
return NewHook(hp, "Adobe AIR");
bool AdobeAIRhook2() {
auto hmodule =(DWORD) GetModuleHandle(L"Adobe AIR.dll");
if (hmodule == 0)return false;
enum { range = 0x600000 }; // larger than relative addresses
auto [minAddress, maxAddress] = std::make_pair(hmodule,hmodule+range);
const BYTE bs[] = {
auto addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bs, sizeof(bs), minAddress, maxAddress);
ConsoleOutput("%p", addr);
if (addr == 0)return false;
const BYTE start[] = { 0xC2,0x10,0x00 };// retn 10h+3
addr = reverseFindBytes(start, 3, addr - 0x1000, addr);
ConsoleOutput("%p", addr);
if (addr == 0)return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr+3;
return NewHook(hp, "AdobeAIR");
* Artikash 12/8/2018: Update AIRNovel hook for version
* Sample game: /HQ4*8:4*4@12FF9A:Adobe AIR.dll
* This function is called from Adobe AIR.FREGetObjectAsUTF8+5A
* First function parameter points to a struct containing a pointer to the text along with info about the type of text
* wchar_t* at offset 8
bool InsertAIRNovelHook()
wcscpy_s(spDefault.boundaryModule, L"Adobe AIR.dll");
if (DWORD FREGetObjectAsUTF8 = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(L"Adobe AIR.dll"), "FREGetObjectAsUTF8"))
DWORD func = FREGetObjectAsUTF8 + 0x5a + 5 + *(int*)(FREGetObjectAsUTF8 + 0x5b);
HookParam hp;
hp.address = func;
hp.type = CODEC_UTF16|USING_STRING/*|USING_SPLIT|SPLIT_INDIRECT*/|DATA_INDIRECT; // Artikash 12/14/2018: doesn't seem to be a good split anymore
hp.split =get_stack(1);
hp.index = 0x8;
hp.split_index = 0x4;
//hp.filter_fun = [](void* str, DWORD* len, HookParam* hp, BYTE index) // removes some of the garbage threads
// return *len < 4 &&
// *(char*)str != '[' &&
// *(char*)str != ';' &&
// *(char*)str != '&' &&
// *(char*)str != '*' &&
// *(char*)str != '\n' &&
// *(char*)str != '\t' &&
// memcmp((char*)str, "app:/", 5);
ConsoleOutput("INSERT AIRNovel");
return NewHook(hp, "AIRNovel");
return false;
bool AdobeAir::attach_function() {
bool b1= InsertAdobeAirHook();
return b1;