#include"Debonosu.h" namespace { // unnamed int _type; void SpecialHookDebonosuScenario(hook_stack* stack, HookParam *hp, uintptr_t *data, uintptr_t *split, size_t *len) { DWORD retn = stack->retaddr; if (*(WORD *)retn == 0xc483){ // add esp, $ old Debonosu game hp->offset = get_stack(1); _type=1; } else{ // new Debonosu game hp->offset = get_reg(regs::eax); _type=2; } //hp->type ^= EXTERN_HOOK; hp->text_fun = nullptr; *data = *(DWORD*)(stack->base + hp->offset); *len = ::strlen((char*)*data); *split = FIXED_SPLIT_VALUE; } void hook_after(hook_stack*s,void* data, size_t len){ static std::string ts; ts=std::string((LPSTR)data,len); if(_type==1){ s->stack[1]=(DWORD)ts.c_str(); } else{ s->ecx=(DWORD)ts.c_str(); } } bool InsertDebonosuScenarioHook() { DWORD addr = Util::FindImportEntry(processStartAddress, (DWORD)lstrcatA); if (!addr) { ConsoleOutput("Debonosu: lstrcatA is not called"); return false; } DWORD search = 0x15ff | (addr << 16); // jichi 10/20/2014: call dword ptr ds addr >>= 16; for (DWORD i = processStartAddress; i < processStopAddress - 4; i++) if (*(DWORD *)i == search && *(WORD *)(i + 4) == addr && // call dword ptr lstrcatA *(BYTE *)(i - 5) == 0x68) { // push $ DWORD push = *(DWORD *)(i - 4); for (DWORD j = i + 6, k = j + 0x10; j < k; j++) if (*(BYTE *)j == 0xb8 && *(DWORD *)(j + 1) == push) if (DWORD hook_addr = SafeFindEnclosingAlignedFunction(i, 0x200)) { HookParam hp; hp.address = hook_addr; hp.text_fun = SpecialHookDebonosuScenario; //hp.type = USING_STRING; hp.hook_after=hook_after; hp.hook_font=F_MultiByteToWideChar|F_GetTextExtentPoint32A; hp.type = USING_STRING|NO_CONTEXT|USING_SPLIT|FIXING_SPLIT|EMBED_ABLE|EMBED_BEFORE_SIMPLE|EMBED_DYNA_SJIS; // there is only one thread hp.filter_fun=[](void* data, size_t* len, HookParam* hp){ auto text = reinterpret_cast(data); std::string str = text; str = str.substr(0, *len); std::regex reg1("\\{(.*?)/(.*?)\\}"); std::string result1 = std::regex_replace(str, reg1, "$1"); *len = result1.size(); strcpy(text, result1.c_str()); return true; }; ConsoleOutput("INSERT Debonosu"); return NewHook(hp, "Debonosu"); } } ConsoleOutput("Debonosu: failed"); //ConsoleOutput("Unknown Debonosu engine."); return false; } void SpecialHookDebonosuName(hook_stack* stack, HookParam *hp, uintptr_t *data, uintptr_t *split, size_t *len) { DWORD text = stack->ecx; if (!text) return; *data = text; *len = ::strlen((LPCSTR)text); *split = FIXED_SPLIT_VALUE << 1; } bool InsertDebonosuNameHook() { const BYTE bytes[] = { // 0032f659 32c0 xor al,al // 0032f65b 5b pop ebx // 0032f65c 8be5 mov esp,ebp // 0032f65e 5d pop ebp // 0032f65f c3 retn 0x55, // 0032f660 55 push ebp ; jichi: name text in ecx, which could be zero though 0x8b,0xec, // 0032f661 8bec mov ebp,esp 0x81,0xec, XX4, // 0032f663 81ec 2c080000 sub esp,0x82c 0x8b,0x45, 0x08, // 0032f669 8b45 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x8] 0x53, // 0032f66c 53 push ebx 0x56, // 0032f66d 56 push esi 0x8b,0xf1, // 0032f66e 8bf1 mov esi,ecx 0x85,0xc0, // 0032f670 85c0 test eax,eax 0x8d,0x4d, 0xf0, // 0032f672 8d4d f0 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x10] 0x0f,0x45,0xc8, // 0032f675 0f45c8 cmovne ecx,eax 0x57 // 0032f678 57 push edi }; ULONG addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), processStartAddress, processStopAddress); if (!addr) { ConsoleOutput("DebonosuName: pattern NOT FOUND"); return false; } HookParam hp; hp.address = addr; //hp.text_fun = SpecialHookDebonosuName; hp.offset=get_reg(regs::ecx); //hp.type = USING_STRING; hp.type = USING_STRING|NO_CONTEXT|USING_SPLIT|EMBED_ABLE|EMBED_BEFORE_SIMPLE|EMBED_AFTER_NEW; //|FIXING_SPLIT; // there is only one thread ConsoleOutput("INSERT DebonosuName"); return NewHook(hp, "DebonosuName"); } } // unnamed namespace bool attach(ULONG startAddress, ULONG stopAddress) { ULONG addr = 0; { const char *msg = "D3DFont::Draw"; if (addr = MemDbg::findBytes(msg, ::strlen(msg+1), startAddress, stopAddress)) addr = MemDbg::findPushAddress(addr, startAddress, stopAddress); } if (!addr) { const uint8_t bytes[] = { 0x50, // 0010fb80 50 push eax 0xff,0x75, 0x14, // 0010fb81 ff75 14 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x14] 0x8b,0xce, // 0010fb84 8bce mov ecx,esi 0xff,0x75, 0x10 // 0010fb86 ff75 10 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x10] }; addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), startAddress, stopAddress); } if (!addr) { return false; } //addr = MemDbg::findEnclosingAlignedFunction(addr); // This might not work as the address is not always aligned addr = MemDbg::findEnclosingFunctionAfterInt3(addr); if (!addr) { return false; } HookParam hp; hp.address = addr; //hp.text_fun = SpecialHookDebonosuName; hp.offset=20; //hp.type = USING_STRING; hp.type = USING_STRING|NO_CONTEXT; //|FIXING_SPLIT; // there is only one thread return NewHook(hp, "Debonosu2"); } bool InsertDebonosuHook() { bool ok = InsertDebonosuScenarioHook(); if (ok) InsertDebonosuNameHook(); return ok; } bool Debonosu::attach_function() { // 1/1/2016 jich: skip izumo4 from studio ego that is not supported by debonosu if (Util::CheckFile(L"*izumo4*.exe")) { PcHooks::hookOtherPcFunctions(); return true; } return InsertDebonosuHook(); }