#include "pluginmanager.h" #include #include "Plugin/extension.h" #include #include #include "LunaHost.h" #include "Lang/Lang.h" #include "host.h" std::optional SelectFile(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR lpstrFilter) { OPENFILENAME ofn; wchar_t szFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = lpstrFilter; ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFileName); ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR; if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { return szFileName; } else return {}; } typedef std::vector *(*QtLoadLibrary_t)(std::vector *dlls); typedef std::vector *(*QtLoadLibraryBatch_t)(std::vector *dlls); typedef void (*QtFreeLibrary_t)(HMODULE hd); void tryaddqttoenv(std::vector &collectQtplugs) { static HMODULE qt5core = 0; if (qt5core == 0) { wchar_t env[65535]; GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"PATH", env, 65535); auto envs = std::wstring(env); for (auto &p : collectQtplugs) { envs += L";"; envs += std::filesystem::path(p).parent_path(); } SetEnvironmentVariableW(L"PATH", envs.c_str()); qt5core = LoadLibrary(L"Qt5Core.dll"); } } std::vector loadqtdllsX(std::vector &collectQtplugs) { if (collectQtplugs.empty()) return {}; tryaddqttoenv(collectQtplugs); #if 1 HMODULE base = GetModuleHandle(0); #else HMODULE base = LoadLibrary((std::filesystem::current_path() / (x64 ? "plugin64" : "plugin32") / "QtLoader.dll").wstring().c_str()); #endif // auto QtLoadLibrary = (QtLoadLibrary_t)GetProcAddress(base, "QtLoadLibrary"); auto QtLoadLibrary = (QtLoadLibrary_t)GetProcAddress(base, "QtLoadLibraryBatch"); auto modules = QtLoadLibrary(&collectQtplugs); std::vector _{*modules}; delete modules; return _; } HMODULE loadqtdllsX(const std::wstring &collectQtplugs) { std::vector _{collectQtplugs}; return loadqtdllsX(_)[0]; } void Pluginmanager::loadqtdlls(std::vector &collectQtplugs) { auto modules = loadqtdllsX(collectQtplugs); for (int i = 0; i < collectQtplugs.size(); i++) { OnNewSentenceS[collectQtplugs[i]] = {collectQtplugs[i], this, true, modules[i]}; } } Pluginmanager::Pluginmanager(LunaHost *_host) : host(_host), configs(_host->configs) { try { std::scoped_lock lock(OnNewSentenceSLock); std::vector collectQtplugs; for (auto i = 0; i < count(); i++) { auto plg = get(i); bool isqt = plg.isQt; auto path = plg.wpath(); OnNewSentenceS[path] = {}; if (isqt) { if (plg.enable == false) continue; collectQtplugs.push_back((path)); } else { auto base = LoadLibraryW(path.c_str()); OnNewSentenceS[path] = {path, this, false, base}; } } loadqtdlls(collectQtplugs); OnNewSentenceS[L"InternalClipBoard"] = {L"", this, false, GetModuleHandle(0)}; // 内部链接的剪贴板插件 } catch (const std::exception &ex) { std::wcerr << "Error: " << ex.what() << std::endl; } } bool Pluginmanager::dispatch(TextThread &thread, std::wstring &sentence) { auto sentenceInfo = GetSentenceInfo(thread).data(); wchar_t *sentenceBuffer = (wchar_t *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, (sentence.size() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); wcscpy_s(sentenceBuffer, sentence.size() + 1, sentence.c_str()); concurrency::reader_writer_lock::scoped_lock_read readLock(OnNewSentenceSLock); for (int i = 0; i < count() + 1; i++) { std::wstring path; if (i == count()) path = L"InternalClipBoard"; else { if (getenable(i) == false) continue; path = getname(i); } auto funptr = OnNewSentenceS[path].OnNewSentence; if (funptr == 0) continue; if (!*(sentenceBuffer = funptr(sentenceBuffer, sentenceInfo))) break; } sentence = sentenceBuffer; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sentenceBuffer); return !sentence.empty(); } void Pluginmanager::add(const pluginitem &item) { configs->configs["plugins"].push_back(item.dump()); } int Pluginmanager::count() { return configs->configs["plugins"].size(); } pluginitem Pluginmanager::get(int i) { return pluginitem{configs->configs["plugins"][i]}; } void Pluginmanager::set(int i, const pluginitem &item) { configs->configs["plugins"][i] = item.dump(); } pluginitem::pluginitem(const nlohmann::json &js) { path = js["path"]; isQt = safequeryjson(js, "isQt", false); isref = safequeryjson(js, "isref", false); enable = safequeryjson(js, "enable", true); vissetting = safequeryjson(js, "vissetting", true); } std::wstring pluginitem::wpath() { auto wp = StringToWideString(path); if (isref) return std::filesystem::current_path() / wp; else return wp; } std::pair castabs2ref(const std::wstring &p) { auto curr = std::filesystem::current_path().wstring(); if (startWith(p, curr)) { return {p.substr(curr.size() + 1), true}; } return {p, false}; } pluginitem::pluginitem(const std::wstring &pabs, bool _isQt) { isQt = _isQt; auto [p, _isref] = castabs2ref(pabs); isref = _isref; path = WideStringToString(p); enable = true; vissetting = true; } nlohmann::json pluginitem::dump() const { return { {"path", path}, {"isQt", isQt}, {"isref", isref}, {"enable", enable}, {"vissetting", vissetting}}; } bool Pluginmanager::getvisible_setable(int idx) { return OnNewSentenceS[getname(idx)].VisSetting; } bool Pluginmanager::getvisible(int idx) { return get(idx).vissetting; } void Pluginmanager::setvisible(int idx, bool vis) { auto item = get(idx); item.vissetting = vis; set(idx, item); OnNewSentenceS[getname(idx)].VisSetting(vis); } bool Pluginmanager::getenable(int idx) { return get(idx).enable; } void Pluginmanager::setenable(int idx, bool en) { auto item = get(idx); item.enable = en; set(idx, item); } std::wstring Pluginmanager::getname(int idx) { return get(idx).wpath(); } bool Pluginmanager::checkisdump(const std::wstring &dll) { for (auto &p : OnNewSentenceS) { if (p.first == dll) return true; } return false; } void Pluginmanager::unload(const std::wstring &wss) { auto hm = OnNewSentenceS[wss].hmodule; if (OnNewSentenceS[wss].isQt && hm) { ((QtFreeLibrary_t)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(0), "QtFreeLibrary"))(hm); } else FreeLibrary(hm); OnNewSentenceS[wss].clear(); } void plugindata::clear() { hmodule = 0; OnNewSentence = 0; VisSetting = 0; } void Pluginmanager::remove(const std::wstring &wss) { unload(wss); auto s = WideStringToString(wss); auto &plgs = configs->configs["plugins"]; auto it = std::remove_if(plgs.begin(), plgs.end(), [&](auto &t) { std::string p=t["path"]; return p==s; }); plgs.erase(it, plgs.end()); OnNewSentenceS.erase(wss); } std::optional Pluginmanager::selectpluginfile() { return SelectFile(0, L"Plugin Files\0*.dll;*.xdll\0"); } void Pluginmanager::swaprank(int a, int b) { auto &plgs = configs->configs["plugins"]; auto _b = plgs[b]; plgs[b] = plgs[a]; plgs[a] = _b; } DWORD Rva2Offset(DWORD rva, PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER psh, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pnt) { size_t i = 0; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSeh; if (rva == 0) { return (rva); } pSeh = psh; for (i = 0; i < pnt->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) { if (rva >= pSeh->VirtualAddress && rva < pSeh->VirtualAddress + pSeh->Misc.VirtualSize) { break; } pSeh++; } if (pSeh->VirtualAddress == 0 || pSeh->PointerToRawData == 0) return -1; return (rva - pSeh->VirtualAddress + pSeh->PointerToRawData); } std::set getimporttable(const std::wstring &pe) { AutoHandle handle = CreateFile(pe.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (!handle) return {}; DWORD byteread, size = GetFileSize(handle, NULL); PVOID virtualpointer = VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!virtualpointer) return {}; ReadFile(handle, virtualpointer, size, &byteread, NULL); struct __ { PVOID _ptr; DWORD size; __(PVOID ptr, DWORD sz) : _ptr(ptr), size(sz) {} ~__() { VirtualFree(_ptr, size, MEM_DECOMMIT); } } _(virtualpointer, size); if (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER(virtualpointer)->e_magic != 0x5a4d) return {}; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS ntheaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(PCHAR(virtualpointer) + PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER(virtualpointer)->e_lfanew); auto magic = ntheaders->OptionalHeader.Magic; if (x64 && (magic != IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC)) return {}; if ((!x64) && (magic != IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC)) return {}; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSech = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(ntheaders); // Pointer to first section header PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pImportDescriptor; // Pointer to import descriptor if (ntheaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].Size == 0) /*if size of the table is 0 - Import Table does not exist */ return {}; std::set ret; pImportDescriptor = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)((DWORD_PTR)virtualpointer + Rva2Offset(ntheaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress, pSech, ntheaders)); while (pImportDescriptor->Name != NULL) { // Get the name of each DLL auto nameoffset = Rva2Offset(pImportDescriptor->Name, pSech, ntheaders); if (nameoffset == (DWORD)-1) // 无导入 return {}; ret.insert((PCHAR)((DWORD_PTR)virtualpointer + nameoffset)); pImportDescriptor++; // advance to next IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR } return ret; } bool qtchecker(const std::set &dll) { for (auto qt5 : {"Qt5Widgets.dll", "Qt5Gui.dll", "Qt5Core.dll"}) if (dll.find(qt5) != dll.end()) return true; return false; } addpluginresult Pluginmanager::load(const std::wstring &p, bool *isqt) { auto importtable = getimporttable(p); if (importtable.empty()) return addpluginresult::invaliddll; auto isQt = qtchecker(importtable); if (isqt) *isqt = isQt; HMODULE base; if (isQt) { base = loadqtdllsX(p); } else { base = LoadLibraryW(p.c_str()); } if (base == 0) return addpluginresult::invaliddll; std::scoped_lock lock(OnNewSentenceSLock); OnNewSentenceS[p] = {p, this, isQt, base}; if (!OnNewSentenceS[p].valid()) return addpluginresult::isnotaplugins; return addpluginresult::success; } bool plugindata::valid() { return OnNewSentence; } plugindata::plugindata(const std::wstring &p, Pluginmanager *manager, bool _isQt, HMODULE hm) { hmodule = hm; isQt = _isQt; OnNewSentence = (OnNewSentence_t)GetProcAddress(hm, "OnNewSentence"); VisSetting = (VisSetting_t)GetProcAddress(hm, "VisSetting"); refpath = p; if (VisSetting) { auto vis = true; if (auto plg = manager->get(p)) vis = plg.value().vissetting; VisSetting(vis); } } void plugindata::initstatus(const pluginitem &plg) { if (plg.vissetting && VisSetting) VisSetting(true); } std::optional Pluginmanager::get(const std::wstring &p) { for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++) { if (getname(i) == p) { return get(i); } } return {}; } addpluginresult Pluginmanager::addplugin(const std::wstring &p) { if (checkisdump(p)) return addpluginresult::dumplicate; bool isQt; auto ret = load(p, &isQt); if (ret == addpluginresult::success) { add({p, isQt}); } return ret; } std::array Pluginmanager::GetSentenceInfo(TextThread &thread) { void (*AddText)(int64_t, const wchar_t *) = [](int64_t number, const wchar_t *text) { if (TextThread *thread = Host::GetThread(number)) thread->Push(text); }; void (*AddSentence)(int64_t, const wchar_t *) = [](int64_t number, const wchar_t *sentence) { if (TextThread *thread = Host::GetThread(number)) thread->AddSentence(sentence); ; }; static DWORD SelectedProcessId; auto currthread = (TextThread *)host->currentselect; SelectedProcessId = (currthread != 0) ? currthread->tp.processId : 0; DWORD (*GetSelectedProcessId) () = [] { return SelectedProcessId; }; return {{ {"HostHWND", (int64_t)host->winId}, {"toclipboard", host->check_toclipboard}, {"current select", &thread == currthread}, {"text number", thread.handle}, {"process id", thread.tp.processId}, {"hook address", (int64_t)thread.tp.addr}, {"text handle", thread.handle}, {"text name", (int64_t)thread.name.c_str()}, {"add sentence", (int64_t)AddSentence}, {"add text", (int64_t)AddText}, {"get selected process id", (int64_t)GetSelectedProcessId}, {"void (*AddSentence)(int64_t number, const wchar_t* sentence)", (int64_t)AddSentence}, {"void (*AddText)(int64_t number, const wchar_t* text)", (int64_t)AddText}, {"DWORD (*GetSelectedProcessId)()", (int64_t)GetSelectedProcessId}, {nullptr, 0} // nullptr marks end of info array }}; }