2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00

1045 lines
49 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

/** 7/19/2014 jichi
* Tested game: Fate/stay night [Realta Nua]
* Fixed memory address.
* Text is incrementally increased.
* Debug method: Debug next text location at \0.
* There are three locations that are OK to hook.
* The first one is used.
* Runtime stack:
* 0dc1f7e0 055be7c0
* 0dc1f7e4 023105b0 pcsx2.023105b0
* 0dc1f7e8 0dc1f804
* 0dc1f7ec 023a406b pcsx2.023a406b
* 0dc1f7f0 00000000
* 0dc1f7f4 000027e5
* 305a5424 2b05 809e9500 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x959e80]
* 305a542a 0f88 05000000 js 305a5435
* 305a5430 -e9 cbebdfd1 jmp pcsx2.023a4000
* 305a5435 8b0d 20ac9600 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x96ac20]
* 305a543b 89c8 mov eax,ecx
* 305a543d c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 305a5440 8b0485 30009e12 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0x129e0030]
* 305a5447 bb 57545a30 mov ebx,0x305a5457
* 305a544c 01c1 add ecx,eax
* 305a544e -0f88 ecbcd7d1 js pcsx2.02321140
* 305a5454 0fbe01 movsx eax,byte ptr ds:[ecx] ; jichi: hook here
* 305a5457 99 cdq
* 305a5458 a3 f0ab9600 mov dword ptr ds:[0x96abf0],eax
* 305a545d 8915 f4ab9600 mov dword ptr ds:[0x96abf4],edx
* 305a5463 a1 40ac9600 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96ac40]
* 305a5468 3b05 f0ab9600 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96abf0]
* 305a546e 75 11 jnz short 305a5481
* 305a5470 a1 44ac9600 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96ac44]
* 305a5475 3b05 f4ab9600 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96abf4]
* 305a547b 0f84 3a000000 je 305a54bb
* 305a5481 8305 00ac9600 24 add dword ptr ds:[0x96ac00],0x24
* 305a5488 9f lahf
* 305a5489 66:c1f8 0f sar ax,0xf
* 305a548d 98 cwde
* 305a548e a3 04ac9600 mov dword ptr ds:[0x96ac04],eax
* 305a5493 c705 a8ad9600 6c>mov dword ptr ds:[0x96ada8],0x10e26c
* 305a549d a1 c0ae9600 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96aec0]
* 305a54a2 83c0 04 add eax,0x4
* 3038c78e -0f88 ac4af9d1 js pcsx2.02321240
* 3038c794 8911 mov dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
* 3038c796 8b0d 60ab9600 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x96ab60]
* 3038c79c 89c8 mov eax,ecx
* 3038c79e c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 3038c7a1 8b0485 30009e12 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0x129e0030]
* 3038c7a8 bb b8c73830 mov ebx,0x3038c7b8
* 3038c7ad 01c1 add ecx,eax
* 3038c7af -0f88 8b49f9d1 js pcsx2.02321140
* 3038c7b5 0fbe01 movsx eax,byte ptr ds:[ecx] ; jichi: or hook here
* 3038c7b8 99 cdq
* 3038c7b9 a3 e0ab9600 mov dword ptr ds:[0x96abe0],eax
* 3038c7be 8915 e4ab9600 mov dword ptr ds:[0x96abe4],edx
* 3038c7c4 c705 20ab9600 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x96ab20],0x0
* 3038c7ce c705 24ab9600 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x96ab24],0x0
* 3038c7d8 c705 f0ab9600 25>mov dword ptr ds:[0x96abf0],0x25
* 3038c7e2 c705 f4ab9600 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x96abf4],0x0
* 3038c7ec 833d e0ab9600 25 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x96abe0],0x25
* 3038c7f3 75 0d jnz short 3038c802
* 3038c7f5 833d e4ab9600 00 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x96abe4],0x0
* 3038c7fc 0f84 34000000 je 3038c836
* 3038c802 31c0 xor eax,eax
* 304e1a0a 8b0d 40ab9600 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x96ab40]
* 304e1a10 89c8 mov eax,ecx
* 304e1a12 c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 304e1a15 8b0485 30009e12 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0x129e0030]
* 304e1a1c bb 2c1a4e30 mov ebx,0x304e1a2c
* 304e1a21 01c1 add ecx,eax
* 304e1a23 -0f88 17f7e3d1 js pcsx2.02321140
* 304e1a29 0fbe01 movsx eax,byte ptr ds:[ecx] ; jichi: or hook here
* 304e1a2c 99 cdq
* 304e1a2d a3 f0ab9600 mov dword ptr ds:[0x96abf0],eax
* 304e1a32 8915 f4ab9600 mov dword ptr ds:[0x96abf4],edx
* 304e1a38 a1 f0ab9600 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96abf0]
* 304e1a3d 3b05 d0ab9600 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96abd0]
* 304e1a43 75 11 jnz short 304e1a56
* 304e1a45 a1 f4ab9600 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96abf4]
* 304e1a4a 3b05 d4ab9600 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96abd4]
* 304e1a50 0f84 3c000000 je 304e1a92
* 304e1a56 a1 f0ab9600 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96abf0]
* 304e1a5b 83c0 d0 add eax,-0x30
* 304e1a5e 99 cdq
namespace { // unnamed
bool _typemoongarbage_ch(char c)
return c == '%' || c == '.' || c == ' ' || c == ','
|| c >= '0' && c <= '9'
|| c >= 'A' && c <= 'z'; // also ignore ASCII 91-96: [ \ ] ^ _ `
// Trim leading garbage
LPCSTR _typemoonltrim(LPCSTR p)
if (p && p[0] == '%')
for (int count = 0; *p && count < MAX_LENGTH; count++, p++)
if (!_typemoongarbage_ch(*p))
return p;
return nullptr;
// Remove trailing garbage such as %n
size_t _typemoonstrlen(LPCSTR text)
size_t len = ::strlen(text);
size_t ret = len;
while (len && _typemoongarbage_ch(text[len - 1])) {
if (text[len] == '%')
ret = len;
return ret;
} // unnamed namespace
// Use last text size to determine
static void SpecialPS2HookTypeMoon(hook_stack* stack, HookParam *, uintptr_t *data, uintptr_t *split, size_t*len)
static LPCSTR lasttext; // this value should be the same for the same game
static size_t lastsize;
LPCSTR cur = LPCSTR(stack->ecx);
if (!*cur)
LPCSTR text = reverse_search_begin(cur);
if (!text)
//text = _typemoonltrim(text);
if (lasttext != text) {
lasttext = text;
lastsize = 0; // reset last size
size_t size = ::strlen(text);
if (size == lastsize)
if (size > lastsize) // incremental
text += lastsize;
lastsize = size;
text = _typemoonltrim(text);
size = _typemoonstrlen(text);
//size = ::strlen(text);
*data = (DWORD)text;
*len = size;
*split = FIXED_SPLIT_VALUE << 2; // merge all threads
//*split = *(DWORD *)(esp_base + 4); // use [esp+4] as split
//*split = regof(eax, esp_base);
//*split = regof(esi, esp_base);
bool InsertTypeMoonPS2Hook()
ConsoleOutput("TypeMoon PS2: enter");
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0x2b,0x05, XX4, // 305a5424 2b05 809e9500 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x959e80]
0x0f,0x88, 0x05,0x00,0x00,0x00, // 305a542a 0f88 05000000 js 305a5435
0xe9, XX4, // 305a5430 -e9 cbebdfd1 jmp pcsx2.023a4000
0x8b,0x0d, XX4, // 305a5435 8b0d 20ac9600 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x96ac20]
0x89,0xc8, // 305a543b 89c8 mov eax,ecx
0xc1,0xe8, 0x0c, // 305a543d c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
0x8b,0x04,0x85, XX4, // 305a5440 8b0485 30009e12 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0x129e0030]
0xbb, XX4, // 305a5447 bb 57545a30 mov ebx,0x305a5457
0x01,0xc1, // 305a544c 01c1 add ecx,eax
// Following pattern is not sufficient
0x0f,0x88, XX4, // 305a544e -0f88 ecbcd7d1 js pcsx2.02321140
0x0f,0xbe,0x01, // 305a5454 0fbe01 movsx eax,byte ptr ds:[ecx] ; jichi: hook here
0x99, // 305a5457 99 cdq
0xa3, XX4, // 305a5458 a3 f0ab9600 mov dword ptr ds:[0x96abf0],eax
0x89,0x15, XX4, // 305a545d 8915 f4ab9600 mov dword ptr ds:[0x96abf4],edx
0xa1, XX4, // 305a5463 a1 40ac9600 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96ac40]
0x3b,0x05, XX4, // 305a5468 3b05 f0ab9600 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96abf0]
0x75, 0x11, // 305a546e 75 11 jnz short 305a5481
0xa1, XX4, // 305a5470 a1 44ac9600 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96ac44]
0x3b,0x05, XX4, // 305a5475 3b05 f4ab9600 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[0x96abf4]
0x0f,0x84, XX4, // 305a547b 0f84 3a000000 je 305a54bb
0x83,0x05, XX4, 0x24, // 305a5481 8305 00ac9600 24 add dword ptr ds:[0x96ac00],0x24
0x9f, // 305a5488 9f lahf
0x66,0xc1,0xf8, 0x0f, // 305a5489 66:c1f8 0f sar ax,0xf
0x98 // 305a548d 98 cwde
enum { addr_offset = 0x305a5454 - 0x305a5424 };
auto succ=false;
DWORD addr = SafeMatchBytesInPS2Memory(bytes, sizeof(bytes));
//addr = 0x30403967;
if (!addr)
ConsoleOutput("TypeMoon PS2: pattern not found");
else {
//GROWL_DWORD(addr + addr_offset);
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
hp.type = USING_STRING|NO_CONTEXT; // no context to get rid of return address
hp.text_fun = SpecialPS2HookTypeMoon;
ConsoleOutput("TypeMoon PS2: INSERT");
succ|=NewHook(hp, "TypeMoon PS2");
ConsoleOutput("TypeMoon PS2: leave");
return succ;
/** 8/3/2014 jichi
* Tested game: School Rumble ねる娘<E3828B>育つ
* Fixed memory address.
* There is only one matched address.
* Debug method: Predict text location.
* There are a couple of locations that are OK to hook.
* The last one is used.
* Issue: the order of chara and scenario is reversed: 「scenario」chara
* eax 20000000
* ecx 202d5ab3
* edx 00000000
* ebx 3026e299
* esp 0c14f910
* ebp 0c14f918
* esi 0014f470
* edi 00000000
* eip 3026e296
* 3026e1d5 -0f88 a530d7d2 js pcsx2.02fe1280
* 3026e1db 0f1202 movlps xmm0,qword ptr ds:[edx]
* 3026e1de 0f1301 movlps qword ptr ds:[ecx],xmm0
* 3026e1e1 ba 10ac6201 mov edx,0x162ac10
* 3026e1e6 8b0d d0ac6201 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x162acd0] ; pcsx2.01ffed00
* 3026e1ec 83c1 10 add ecx,0x10
* 3026e1ef 83e1 f0 and ecx,0xfffffff0
* 3026e1f2 89c8 mov eax,ecx
* 3026e1f4 c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 3026e1f7 8b0485 30006d0d mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0xd6d0030]
* 3026e1fe bb 11e22630 mov ebx,0x3026e211
* 3026e203 01c1 add ecx,eax
* 3026e205 -0f88 b530d7d2 js pcsx2.02fe12c0
* 3026e20b 0f280a movaps xmm1,dqword ptr ds:[edx]
* 3026e20e 0f2909 movaps dqword ptr ds:[ecx],xmm1
* 3026e211 ba 00ac6201 mov edx,0x162ac00
* 3026e216 8b0d d0ac6201 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x162acd0] ; pcsx2.01ffed00
* 3026e21c 83e1 f0 and ecx,0xfffffff0
* 3026e21f 89c8 mov eax,ecx
* 3026e221 c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 3026e224 8b0485 30006d0d mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0xd6d0030]
* 3026e22b bb 3ee22630 mov ebx,0x3026e23e
* 3026e230 01c1 add ecx,eax
* 3026e232 -0f88 8830d7d2 js pcsx2.02fe12c0
* 3026e238 0f2812 movaps xmm2,dqword ptr ds:[edx]
* 3026e23b 0f2911 movaps dqword ptr ds:[ecx],xmm2
* 3026e23e 31c0 xor eax,eax
* 3026e240 a3 f4ac6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162acf4],eax
* 3026e245 c705 f0ac6201 d4>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162acf0],0x1498d4
* 3026e24f c705 a8ad6201 c0>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ada8],0x1281c0
* 3026e259 a1 c0ae6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0]
* 3026e25e 83c0 07 add eax,0x7
* 3026e261 a3 c0ae6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0],eax
* 3026e266 2b05 809e6101 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x1619e80]
* 3026e26c 0f88 05000000 js 3026e277
* 3026e272 -e9 895ddfd2 jmp pcsx2.03064000
* 3026e277 8b0d 40ab6201 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab40]
* 3026e27d 89c8 mov eax,ecx
* 3026e27f c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 3026e282 8b0485 30006d0d mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0xd6d0030]
* 3026e289 bb 99e22630 mov ebx,0x3026e299
* 3026e28e 01c1 add ecx,eax
* 3026e290 -0f88 6a2dd7d2 js pcsx2.02fe1000
* 3026e296 0fb601 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[ecx] ; jichi: hook here
* 3026e299 a3 60ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab60],eax
* 3026e29e c705 64ab6201 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab64],0x0
* 3026e2a8 a1 60ab6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab60]
* 3026e2ad 05 7fffffff add eax,-0x81
* 3026e2b2 99 cdq
* 3026e2b3 a3 70ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab70],eax
* 3026e2b8 8915 74ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab74],edx
* 3026e2be b8 01000000 mov eax,0x1
* 3026e2c3 833d 74ab6201 00 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x162ab74],0x0
* 3026e2ca 72 0d jb short 3026e2d9
* 3026e2cc 77 09 ja short 3026e2d7
* 3026e2ce 833d 70ab6201 18 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x162ab70],0x18
* 3026e2d5 72 02 jb short 3026e2d9
* 3026e2d7 31c0 xor eax,eax
* 3026e2d9 a3 10ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab10],eax
* 3026e2de c705 14ab6201 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab14],0x0
* 3026e2e8 c705 20ab6201 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab20],0x0
* 3026e2f2 c705 24ab6201 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab24],0x0
* 3026e2fc c705 30ab6201 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab30],0x0
* 3026e306 c705 34ab6201 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab34],0x0
* 3026e310 833d 10ab6201 00 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x162ab10],0x0
* 3026e317 0f85 41000000 jnz 3026e35e
* 3026e31d 833d 14ab6201 00 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x162ab14],0x0
* 3026e324 0f85 34000000 jnz 3026e35e
* 3026e32a 31c0 xor eax,eax
* 3026e32c a3 50ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab50],eax
* 3026e331 a3 54ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab54],eax
* 3026e336 c705 a8ad6201 c0>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ada8],0x1285c0
* 3026e340 a1 c0ae6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0]
* 3026e345 83c0 08 add eax,0x8
* 3026e348 a3 c0ae6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0],eax
* 3026e34d 2b05 809e6101 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x1619e80]
* 3026e353 0f88 96280000 js 30270bef
* 3026e359 -e9 a25cdfd2 jmp pcsx2.03064000
* 3026e35e 31c0 xor eax,eax
* 3026e360 a3 50ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab50],eax
* 3026e365 a3 54ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab54],eax
* 3026e36a c705 a8ad6201 dc>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ada8],0x1281dc
* 3026e374 a1 c0ae6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0]
* 3026e379 83c0 08 add eax,0x8
* 3026e37c a3 c0ae6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0],eax
* 3026e381 2b05 809e6101 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x1619e80]
* 3026e387 0f88 a61f0000 js 30270333
* 3026e38d -e9 6e5cdfd2 jmp pcsx2.03064000
* 3026e392 b8 01000000 mov eax,0x1
* 3026e397 833d 64ab6201 00 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x162ab64],0x0
* 3026e39e 7c 10 jl short 3026e3b0
* 3026e3a0 7f 0c jg short 3026e3ae
* 3026e3a2 813d 60ab6201 80>cmp dword ptr ds:[0x162ab60],0x80
* 3026e3ac 72 02 jb short 3026e3b0
* 3026e3ae 31c0 xor eax,eax
* 3026e3b0 a3 10ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab10],eax
* 3026e3b5 c705 14ab6201 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab14],0x0
* 3026e3bf 31c0 xor eax,eax
* 3026e3c1 a3 54ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab54],eax
* 3026e3c6 c705 50ab6201 01>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab50],0x1
* 3026e3d0 c705 a8ad6201 e8>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ada8],0x1285e8
* 3026e3da a1 c0ae6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0]
* 3026e3df 83c0 03 add eax,0x3
* 3026e3e2 a3 c0ae6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0],eax
* 3026e3e7 2b05 809e6101 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x1619e80]
* 3026e3ed 0f88 05000000 js 3026e3f8
* 3026e3f3 -e9 085cdfd2 jmp pcsx2.03064000
* 3026e3f8 833d 10ab6201 00 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x162ab10],0x0
* 3026e3ff 0f85 49000000 jnz 3026e44e
* 3026e405 833d 14ab6201 00 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x162ab14],0x0
* 3026e40c 0f85 3c000000 jnz 3026e44e
* 3026e412 a1 60ab6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab60]
* 3026e417 c1e0 03 shl eax,0x3
* 3026e41a 99 cdq
* 3026e41b a3 30ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab30],eax
* 3026e420 8915 34ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab34],edx
* 3026e426 c705 a8ad6201 04>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ada8],0x128604
* 3026e430 a1 c0ae6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0]
* 3026e435 83c0 02 add eax,0x2
* 3026e438 a3 c0ae6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0],eax
* 3026e43d 2b05 809e6101 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x1619e80]
* 3026e443 0f88 93220000 js 302706dc
* 3026e449 -e9 b25bdfd2 jmp pcsx2.03064000
* 3026e44e a1 60ab6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab60]
* 3026e453 c1e0 03 shl eax,0x3
* 3026e456 99 cdq
* 3026e457 a3 30ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab30],eax
* 3026e45c 8915 34ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab34],edx
* 3026e462 c705 a8ad6201 f0>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ada8],0x1285f0
* 3026e46c a1 c0ae6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0]
* 3026e471 83c0 02 add eax,0x2
* 3026e474 a3 c0ae6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0],eax
* 3026e479 2b05 809e6101 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x1619e80]
* 3026e47f 0f88 91270000 js 30270c16
* 3026e485 -e9 765bdfd2 jmp pcsx2.03064000
* 3026e48a a1 30ab6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab30]
* 3026e48f 0305 60ab6201 add eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab60]
* 3026e495 99 cdq
* 3026e496 a3 30ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab30],eax
* 3026e49b 8915 34ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab34],edx
* 3026e4a1 a1 30ab6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab30]
* 3026e4a6 c1e0 05 shl eax,0x5
* 3026e4a9 99 cdq
* 3026e4aa a3 30ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab30],eax
* 3026e4af 8915 34ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab34],edx
* 3026e4b5 a1 30ab6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab30]
* 3026e4ba 05 e01f2b00 add eax,0x2b1fe0
* 3026e4bf 99 cdq
* 3026e4c0 a3 20ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab20],eax
* 3026e4c5 8915 24ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab24],edx
* 3026e4cb 8b35 f0ac6201 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[0x162acf0]
* 3026e4d1 8935 a8ad6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ada8],esi
* 3026e4d7 a1 c0ae6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0]
* 3026e4dc 83c0 07 add eax,0x7
* 3026e4df a3 c0ae6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162aec0],eax
* 3026e4e4 2b05 809e6101 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x1619e80]
* 3026e4ea -0f88 155bdfd2 js pcsx2.03064005
* 3026e4f0 -e9 0b5bdfd2 jmp pcsx2.03064000
* 3026e4f5 a1 20ab6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab20]
* 3026e4fa 8b15 24ab6201 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab24]
* 3026e500 a3 00ac6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ac00],eax
* 3026e505 8915 04ac6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ac04],edx
* 3026e50b 833d 00ac6201 00 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x162ac00],0x0
* 3026e512 75 0d jnz short 3026e521
* 3026e514 833d 04ac6201 00 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x162ac04],0x0
* 3026e51b 0f84 39000000 je 3026e55a
* 3026e521 31c0 xor eax,eax
// Use fixed split for this hook
static void SpecialPS2HookMarvelous(hook_stack* stack, HookParam *, uintptr_t *data, uintptr_t *split, size_t*len)
DWORD text = stack->ecx;
if (BYTE c = *(BYTE *)text) { // BYTE is unsigned
*data = text;
*len = ::LeadByteTable[c];
*split = FIXED_SPLIT_VALUE * 3; // merge all threads
//*split = regof(esi, esp_base);
//*split = *(DWORD *)(esp_base + 4*5); // esp[5]
bool InsertMarvelousPS2Hook()
ConsoleOutput("Marvelous PS2: enter");
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0x2b,0x05, XX4, // 3026e266 2b05 809e6101 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x1619e80]
0x0f,0x88, 0x05,0x00,0x00,0x00, // 3026e26c 0f88 05000000 js 3026e277
0xe9, XX4, // 3026e272 -e9 895ddfd2 jmp pcsx2.03064000
0x8b,0x0d, XX4, // 3026e277 8b0d 40ab6201 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab40]
0x89,0xc8, // 3026e27d 89c8 mov eax,ecx
0xc1,0xe8, 0x0c, // 3026e27f c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
0x8b,0x04,0x85, XX4, // 3026e282 8b0485 30006d0d mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0xd6d0030]
0xbb, XX4, // 3026e289 bb 99e22630 mov ebx,0x3026e299
0x01,0xc1, // 3026e28e 01c1 add ecx,eax
0x0f,0x88, XX4, // 3026e290 -0f88 6a2dd7d2 js pcsx2.02fe1000
0x0f,0xb6,0x01, // 3026e296 0fb601 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[ecx] ; jichi: hook here
0xa3, XX4, // 3026e299 a3 60ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab60],eax
0xc7,0x05, XX4, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,// 3026e29e c705 64ab6201 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab64],0x0
0xa1, XX4, // 3026e2a8 a1 60ab6201 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x162ab60]
0x05, 0x7f,0xff,0xff,0xff, // 3026e2ad 05 7fffffff add eax,-0x81
0x99, // 3026e2b2 99 cdq
0xa3 //70ab6201 // 3026e2b3 a3 70ab6201 mov dword ptr ds:[0x162ab70],eax
enum { addr_offset = 0x3026e296 - 0x3026e266 };
DWORD addr = SafeMatchBytesInPS2Memory(bytes, sizeof(bytes));
//addr = 0x30403967;
auto succ=false;
if (!addr)
ConsoleOutput("Marvelous PS2: pattern not found");
else {
//GROWL_DWORD(addr + addr_offset);
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
hp.type = USING_STRING|NO_CONTEXT; // no context to get rid of return address
hp.text_fun = SpecialPS2HookMarvelous;
ConsoleOutput("Marvelous PS2: INSERT");
succ|=NewHook(hp, "Marvelous PS2");
ConsoleOutput("Marvelous PS2: leave");
return succ;
/** 8/3/2014 jichi
* Tested game: School Rumble 二学<E4BA8C> *
* Fixed memory address.
* There is only one matched address.
* Debug method: Breakpoint the memory address.
* Issue: It cannot extract character name.
* 302072bd a3 c0ae9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eaec0],eax
* 302072c2 2b05 809e9d01 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19d9e80] ; cdvdgiga.5976f736
* 302072c8 ^0f88 f3cafcff js 301d3dc1
* 302072ce -e9 2dcd21d3 jmp pcsx2.03424000
* 302072d3 8b0d 50ab9e01 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x19eab50]
* 302072d9 89c8 mov eax,ecx
* 302072db c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 302072de 8b0485 3000e511 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0x11e50030]
* 302072e5 bb f5722030 mov ebx,0x302072f5
* 302072ea 01c1 add ecx,eax
* 302072ec -0f88 0e9d19d3 js pcsx2.033a1000
* 302072f2 0fb601 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[ecx]
* 302072f5 a3 20ab9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eab20],eax
* 302072fa c705 24ab9e01 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eab24],0x0
* 30207304 8305 60ab9e01 ff add dword ptr ds:[0x19eab60],-0x1
* 3020730b 9f lahf
* 3020730c 66:c1f8 0f sar ax,0xf
* 30207310 98 cwde
* 30207311 a3 64ab9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eab64],eax
* 30207316 8305 50ab9e01 01 add dword ptr ds:[0x19eab50],0x1
* 3020731d 9f lahf
* 3020731e 66:c1f8 0f sar ax,0xf
* 30207322 98 cwde
* 30207323 a3 54ab9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eab54],eax
* 30207328 8b15 20ab9e01 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[0x19eab20]
* 3020732e 8b0d 30ab9e01 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x19eab30]
* 30207334 89c8 mov eax,ecx
* 30207336 c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 30207339 8b0485 3000e511 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0x11e50030]
* 30207340 bb 4f732030 mov ebx,0x3020734f
* 30207345 01c1 add ecx,eax
* 30207347 -0f88 739e19d3 js pcsx2.033a11c0
* 3020734d 8811 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],dl ; jichi: hook here, text in dl
* 3020734f 8305 30ab9e01 01 add dword ptr ds:[0x19eab30],0x1
* 30207356 9f lahf
* 30207357 66:c1f8 0f sar ax,0xf
* 3020735b 98 cwde
* 3020735c a3 34ab9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eab34],eax
* 30207361 a1 60ab9e01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eab60]
* 30207366 3b05 40ab9e01 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eab40]
* 3020736c 75 11 jnz short 3020737f
* 3020736e a1 64ab9e01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eab64]
* 30207373 3b05 44ab9e01 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eab44]
* 30207379 0f84 28000000 je 302073a7
* 3020737f c705 a8ad9e01 34>mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eada8],0x17eb34
* 30207389 a1 c0ae9e01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eaec0]
* 3020738e 83c0 09 add eax,0x9
* 30207391 a3 c0ae9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eaec0],eax
* 30207396 2b05 809e9d01 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19d9e80] ; cdvdgiga.5976f736
* 3020739c ^0f88 31ffffff js 302072d3
* 302073a2 -e9 59cc21d3 jmp pcsx2.03424000
* 302073a7 c705 a8ad9e01 50>mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eada8],0x17eb50
* 302073b1 a1 c0ae9e01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eaec0]
* 302073b6 83c0 09 add eax,0x9
* 302073b9 a3 c0ae9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eaec0],eax
* 302073be 2b05 809e9d01 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19d9e80] ; cdvdgiga.5976f736
* 302073c4 ^0f88 75cbfcff js 301d3f3f
* 302073ca -e9 31cc21d3 jmp pcsx2.03424000
* 302073cf 8b15 10ac9e01 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[0x19eac10]
* 302073d5 8b0d 20ac9e01 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x19eac20]
* 302073db 83c1 04 add ecx,0x4
* 302073de 89c8 mov eax,ecx
* 302073e0 c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 302073e3 8b0485 3000e511 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0x11e50030]
* 302073ea bb f9732030 mov ebx,0x302073f9
* 302073ef 01c1 add ecx,eax
* 302073f1 -0f88 499e19d3 js pcsx2.033a1240
* 302073f7 8911 mov dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
* 302073f9 c705 a8ad9e01 5c>mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eada8],0x18d25c
* 30207403 a1 c0ae9e01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eaec0]
* 30207408 83c0 03 add eax,0x3
* 3020740b a3 c0ae9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eaec0],eax
* 30207410 2b05 809e9d01 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19d9e80] ; cdvdgiga.5976f736
* 30207416 0f88 05000000 js 30207421
* 3020741c -e9 dfcb21d3 jmp pcsx2.03424000
* 30207421 a1 50ac9e01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eac50]
* 30207426 05 00a2ffff add eax,0xffffa200
* 3020742b 99 cdq
* 3020742c a3 00ac9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eac00],eax
* 30207431 8915 04ac9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eac04],edx
* 30207437 31d2 xor edx,edx
* 30207439 8b0d d0ac9e01 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x19eacd0]
* 3020743f 89c8 mov eax,ecx
* 30207441 c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 30207444 8b0485 3000e511 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0x11e50030]
* 3020744b bb 5a742030 mov ebx,0x3020745a
* 30207450 01c1 add ecx,eax
* 30207452 -0f88 e89d19d3 js pcsx2.033a1240
* 30207458 8911 mov dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
* 3020745a a1 00ac9e01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eac00]
* 3020745f 8b15 04ac9e01 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[0x19eac04]
// Use fixed split for this hook
static void SpecialPS2HookMarvelous2(hook_stack* stack, HookParam *, uintptr_t *data, uintptr_t *split, size_t*len)
DWORD text = stack->edx; // get text in dl: 3020734d 8811 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],dl
if (BYTE c = *(BYTE *)text) { // BYTE is unsigned
*data = text;
*len = 1;
//*split = FIXED_SPLIT_VALUE * 4; // merge all threads
*split = stack->esi;
//*split = *(DWORD *)(esp_base + 4*5); // esp[5]
bool InsertMarvelous2PS2Hook()
ConsoleOutput("Marvelous2 PS2: enter");
const BYTE bytes[] = {
// The following pattern is not sufficient
0x89,0xc8, // 30207334 89c8 mov eax,ecx
0xc1,0xe8, 0x0c, // 30207336 c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
0x8b,0x04,0x85, XX4, // 30207339 8b0485 3000e511 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0x11e50030]
0xbb, XX4, // 30207340 bb 4f732030 mov ebx,0x3020734f
0x01,0xc1, // 30207345 01c1 add ecx,eax
0x0f,0x88, XX4, // 30207347 -0f88 739e19d3 js pcsx2.033a11c0
0x88,0x11, // 3020734d 8811 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],dl ; jichi: hook here, text in dl
0x83,0x05, XX4, 0x01, // 3020734f 8305 30ab9e01 01 add dword ptr ds:[0x19eab30],0x1
0x9f, // 30207356 9f lahf
0x66,0xc1,0xf8, 0x0f, // 30207357 66:c1f8 0f sar ax,0xf
0x98, // 3020735b 98 cwde
// The above pattern is not sufficient
0xa3, XX4, // 3020735c a3 34ab9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eab34],eax
0xa1, XX4, // 30207361 a1 60ab9e01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eab60]
0x3b,0x05, XX4, // 30207366 3b05 40ab9e01 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eab40]
0x75, 0x11, // 3020736c 75 11 jnz short 3020737f
0xa1, XX4, // 3020736e a1 64ab9e01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eab64]
0x3b,0x05, XX4, // 30207373 3b05 44ab9e01 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eab44]
0x0f,0x84, XX4, // 30207379 0f84 28000000 je 302073a7
0xc7,0x05, XX8, // 3020737f c705 a8ad9e01 34>mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eada8],0x17eb34
// The above pattern is not sufficient
0xa1, XX4, // 30207389 a1 c0ae9e01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eaec0]
0x83,0xc0, 0x09, // 3020738e 83c0 09 add eax,0x9
0xa3, XX4, // 30207391 a3 c0ae9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eaec0],eax
0x2b,0x05, XX4, // 30207396 2b05 809e9d01 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19d9e80] ; cdvdgiga.5976f736
0x0f,0x88, XX4, // 3020739c ^0f88 31ffffff js 302072d3
0xe9, XX4, // 302073a2 -e9 59cc21d3 jmp pcsx2.03424000
0xc7,0x05, XX8, // 302073a7 c705 a8ad9e01 50>mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eada8],0x17eb50
0xa1, XX4, // 302073b1 a1 c0ae9e01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19eaec0]
0x83,0xc0, 0x09, // 302073b6 83c0 09 add eax,0x9
0xa3, XX4, // 302073b9 a3 c0ae9e01 mov dword ptr ds:[0x19eaec0],eax
0x2b,0x05, XX4, // 302073be 2b05 809e9d01 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[0x19d9e80] ; cdvdgiga.5976f736
0x0f,0x88, XX4, // 302073c4 ^0f88 75cbfcff js 301d3f3f
0xe9, XX4, // 302073ca -e9 31cc21d3 jmp pcsx2.03424000
0x8b,0x15, XX4, // 302073cf 8b15 10ac9e01 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[0x19eac10]
0x8b,0x0d, XX4, // 302073d5 8b0d 20ac9e01 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x19eac20]
0x83,0xc1, 0x04, // 302073db 83c1 04 add ecx,0x4
0x89,0xc8, // 302073de 89c8 mov eax,ecx
0xc1,0xe8, 0x0c, // 302073e0 c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
0x8b,0x04,0x85, XX4, // 302073e3 8b0485 3000e511 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax*4+0x11e50030]
0xbb, XX4, // 302073ea bb f9732030 mov ebx,0x302073f9
0x01,0xc1 // 302073ef 01c1 add ecx,eax
enum { addr_offset = 0x3020734d - 0x30207334 };
auto succ=false;
DWORD addr = SafeMatchBytesInPS2Memory(bytes, sizeof(bytes));
//addr = 0x30403967;
if (!addr)
ConsoleOutput("Marvelous2 PS2: pattern not found");
else {
//GROWL_DWORD(addr + addr_offset);
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
hp.type = USING_STRING|NO_CONTEXT; // no context to get rid of return address
hp.text_fun = SpecialPS2HookMarvelous2;
ConsoleOutput("Marvelous2 PS2: INSERT");
succ|=NewHook(hp, "Marvelous2 PS2");
ConsoleOutput("Marvelous2 PS2: leave");
return succ;
#if 0 // jichi 7/19/2014: duplication text
/** 7/19/2014 jichi
* Tested game: .hack//G.U. Vol.1
bool InsertNamcoPS2Hook()
ConsoleOutput("Namco PS2: enter");
const BYTE bytes[1] = {
enum { addr_offset = 0 };
//DWORD addr = SafeMatchBytesInPSPMemory(bytes, sizeof(bytes));
//DWORD addr = 0x303baf26;
DWORD addr = 0x303C4B72;
if (!addr)
ConsoleOutput("Namco PS2: pattern not found");
else {
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
hp.type = USING_STRING|USING_SPLIT; // no context to get rid of return address
hp.split = hp.offset; // use ecx address to split
ConsoleOutput("Namco PS2: INSERT");
NewHook(hp, "Namco PS2");
ConsoleOutput("Namco PS2: leave");
return addr;
#endif // 0
#if 0 // SEGA: loop text. BANDAI and Imageepoch should be sufficient
/** 7/25/2014 jichi PSP engine
* Sample game: Shining Hearts
* Encoding: UTF-8
* Debug method: simply add hardware break points to the matched memory
* All texts are in the memory.
* There are two memory addresses, but only one function addresses them.
* This function seems to be the same as Tecmo?
* 13513476 f0:90 lock nop ; lock prefix is not allowed
* 13513478 77 0f ja short 13513489
* 1351347a c705 a8aa1001 38>mov dword ptr ds:[0x110aaa8],0x89cae38
* 13513484 -e9 7bcb4ff0 jmp 03a10004
* 13513489 8b05 7ca71001 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x110a77c]
* 1351348f 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
* 13513495 8bb0 00004007 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x7400000] ; jichi: there are too many garbage here
* 1351349b 8b3d 7ca71001 mov edi,dword ptr ds:[0x110a77c]
* 135134a1 8d7f 04 lea edi,dword ptr ds:[edi+0x4]
* 135134a4 8b05 84a71001 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x110a784]
* 135134aa 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
* 135134b0 89b0 00004007 mov dword ptr ds:[eax+0x7400000],esi ; extract from esi
* 135134b6 8b2d 84a71001 mov ebp,dword ptr ds:[0x110a784]
* 135134bc 8d6d 04 lea ebp,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x4]
* 135134bf 8b15 78a71001 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
* 135134c5 81fa 01000000 cmp edx,0x1
* 135134cb 8935 70a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a770],esi
* 135134d1 893d 7ca71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a77c],edi
* 135134d7 892d 84a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a784],ebp
* 135134dd c705 88a71001 01>mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a788],0x1
* 135134e7 0f84 16000000 je 13513503
* 135134ed 832d c4aa1001 09 sub dword ptr ds:[0x110aac4],0x9
* 135134f4 e9 23000000 jmp 1351351c
* 135134f9 013cae add dword ptr ds:[esi+ebp*4],edi
* 135134fc 9c pushfd
* 135134fd 08e9 or cl,ch
* 135134ff 20cb and bl,cl
* 13513501 4f dec edi
* 13513502 f0:832d c4aa1001>lock sub dword ptr ds:[0x110aac4],0x9 ; lock prefix
* 1351350a e9 b1000000 jmp 135135c0
* 1351350f 015cae 9c add dword ptr ds:[esi+ebp*4-0x64],ebx
* 13513513 08e9 or cl,ch
* 13513515 0acb or cl,bl
* 13513517 4f dec edi
* 13513518 f0:90 lock nop ; lock prefix is not allowed
* 1351351a cc int3
* 1351351b cc int3
// Read text from esi
static void SpecialPSPHookSega(hook_stack* stack, HookParam *, uintptr_t *data, uintptr_t *split, size_t*len)
LPCSTR text = LPCSTR(esp_base + get_reg(regs::esi)); // esi address
if (*text) {
*data = (DWORD)text;
*len = !text[0] ? 0 : !text[1] ? 1 : text[2] ? 2 : text[3] ? 3 : 4;
*split = regof(ebx, esp_base);
bool InsertSegaPSPHook()
ConsoleOutput("SEGA PSP: enter");
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0x77, 0x0f, // 13513478 77 0f ja short 13513489
0xc7,0x05, XX8, // 1351347a c705 a8aa1001 38>mov dword ptr ds:[0x110aaa8],0x89cae38
0xe9, XX4, // 13513484 -e9 7bcb4ff0 jmp 03a10004
0x8b,0x05, XX4, // 13513489 8b05 7ca71001 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x110a77c]
0x81,0xe0, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0x3f, // 1351348f 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
0x8b,0xb0, XX4, // 13513495 8bb0 00004007 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x7400000] ; jichi: here are too many garbage
0x8b,0x3d, XX4, // 1351349b 8b3d 7ca71001 mov edi,dword ptr ds:[0x110a77c]
0x8d,0x7f, 0x04, // 135134a1 8d7f 04 lea edi,dword ptr ds:[edi+0x4]
0x8b,0x05, XX4, // 135134a4 8b05 84a71001 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x110a784]
0x81,0xe0, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0x3f, // 135134aa 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
0x89,0xb0 //, XX4, // 135134b0 89b0 00004007 mov dword ptr ds:[eax+0x7400000],esi ; jichi: hook here, get text in esi
enum { memory_offset = 2 };
enum { addr_offset = sizeof(bytes) - memory_offset };
//enum { addr_offset = 0x13513495 - 0x13513478 };
DWORD addr = SafeMatchBytesInPSPMemory(bytes, sizeof(bytes));
if (!addr)
ConsoleOutput("SEGA PSP: pattern not found");
else {
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
hp.text_fun = SpecialPSPHookSega;
ConsoleOutput("SEGA PSP: INSERT");
NewHook(hp, "SEGA PSP");
ConsoleOutput("SEGA PSP: leave");
return addr;
#endif // 0
#if 0 // jichi 7/14/2014: TODO there is text duplication issue?
/** 7/13/2014 jichi PSP engine
* Sample game: とある科学の趛<E381AE><EFBFBD> (b-railgun.iso)
* CheatEngine/Ollydbg shew there are 4 memory hits to full text in SHIFT-JIS.
* CheatEngine is not able to trace JIT instructions.
* Ollydbg can track the latter two memory accesses > 0x1ffffffff
* The third access is 12ab3d64. There is one write access and 3 read accesses.
* But all the accesses are in a loop.
* So, the extracted text would suffer from infinite loop problem.
* Memory range: 0x0400000 - 139f000
* 13400e10 90 nop
* 13400e11 cc int3
* 13400e12 cc int3
* 13400e13 cc int3
* 13400e14 77 0f ja short 13400e25
* 13400e16 c705 a8aa1001 08>mov dword ptr ds:[0x110aaa8],0x88c1308
* 13400e20 -e9 dff161f3 jmp 06a20004
* 13400e25 8b35 78a71001 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
* 13400e2b 81c6 01000000 add esi,0x1
* 13400e31 8b05 78a71001 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
* 13400e37 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
* 13400e3d 0fb6b8 00004007 movzx edi,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x7400000] ; jichi: the data is in [eax+0x7400000]
* 13400e44 8b2d 78a71001 mov ebp,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
* 13400e4a 8d6d 01 lea ebp,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x1]
* 13400e4d 81ff 00000000 cmp edi,0x0
* 13400e53 8935 70a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a770],esi
* 13400e59 893d 74a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a774],edi
* 13400e5f 892d 78a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a778],ebp
* 13400e65 0f84 16000000 je 13400e81
* 13400e6b 832d c4aa1001 04 sub dword ptr ds:[0x110aac4],0x4
* 13400e72 e9 21000000 jmp 13400e98
* 13400e77 010c13 add dword ptr ds:[ebx+edx],ecx
* 13400e7a 8c08 mov word ptr ds:[eax],cs
* 13400e7c -e9 a2f161f3 jmp 06a20023
* 13400e81 832d c4aa1001 04 sub dword ptr ds:[0x110aac4],0x4
* 13400e88 e9 7f000000 jmp 13400f0c
* 13400e8d 0118 add dword ptr ds:[eax],ebx
* 13400e8f 138c08 e98cf161 adc ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx+0x61f18ce9>
* 13400e96 f3: prefix rep: ; superfluous prefix
* 13400e97 90 nop
* 13400e98 77 0f ja short 13400ea9
* 13400e9a c705 a8aa1001 0c>mov dword ptr ds:[0x110aaa8],0x88c130c
* 13400ea4 -e9 5bf161f3 jmp 06a20004
* 13400ea9 8b05 78a71001 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
* 13400eaf 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
* 13400eb5 0fb6b0 00004007 movzx esi,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x7400000]
* 13400ebc 8b3d 78a71001 mov edi,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
* 13400ec2 8d7f 01 lea edi,dword ptr ds:[edi+0x1]
* 13400ec5 81fe 00000000 cmp esi,0x0
* 13400ecb 8935 74a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a774],esi
* 13400ed1 893d 78a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a778],edi
* 13400ed7 0f84 16000000 je 13400ef3
* 13400edd 832d c4aa1001 03 sub dword ptr ds:[0x110aac4],0x3
* 13400ee4 ^e9 afffffff jmp 13400e98
* 13400ee9 010c13 add dword ptr ds:[ebx+edx],ecx
* 13400eec 8c08 mov word ptr ds:[eax],cs
* 13400eee -e9 30f161f3 jmp 06a20023
* 13400ef3 832d c4aa1001 03 sub dword ptr ds:[0x110aac4],0x3
* 13400efa e9 0d000000 jmp 13400f0c
* 13400eff 0118 add dword ptr ds:[eax],ebx
* 13400f01 138c08 e91af161 adc ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx+0x61f11ae9>
* 13400f08 f3: prefix rep: ; superfluous prefix
* 13400f09 90 nop
* 13400f0a cc int3
* 13400f0b cc int3
static void SpecialPSPHookShade(hook_stack* stack, HookParam *hp, BYTE, uintptr_t *data, uintptr_t *split, size_t*len)
DWORD eax = regof(eax, esp_base);
LPCSTR text = LPCSTR(eax + hp->user_value);
if (*text) {
*data = (DWORD)text;
*len = ::strlen(text);
bool InsertShadePSPHook()
ConsoleOutput("Shade PSP: enter");
// TODO: Query MEM_Mapped at runtime
enum : DWORD { StartAddress = 0x13390000, StopAddress = 0x13490000 };
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0xcc, // 13400e12 cc int3
0xcc, // 13400e13 cc int3
0x77, 0x0f, // 13400e14 77 0f ja short 13400e25
0xc7,0x05, XX8, // 13400e16 c705 a8aa1001 08>mov dword ptr ds:[0x110aaa8],0x88c1308
0xe9, XX4, // 13400e20 -e9 dff161f3 jmp 06a20004
0x8b,0x35, XX4, // 13400e25 8b35 78a71001 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
0x81,0xc6, 0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00, // 13400e2b 81c6 01000000 add esi,0x1
0x8b,0x05, XX4, // 13400e31 8b05 78a71001 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
0x81,0xe0, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0x3f, // 13400e37 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
0x0f,0xb6,0xb8, XX4, // 13400e3d 0fb6b8 00004007 movzx edi,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x7400000] ; jichi: the data is in [eax+0x7400000]
0x8b,0x2d, XX4, // 13400e44 8b2d 78a71001 mov ebp,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
0x8d,0x6d, 0x01, // 13400e4a 8d6d 01 lea ebp,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x1]
0x81,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 // 13400e4d 81ff 00000000 cmp edi,0x0
enum{ memory_offset = 3 };
enum { addr_offset = 0x13400e3d - 0x13400e12 };
ULONG addr = SafeMatchBytesInPSPMemory(bytes, sizeof(bytes));
if (!addr)
ConsoleOutput("Shade PSP: failed");
else {
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
hp.user_value = *(DWORD *)(hp.address + memory_offset);
hp.text_fun = SpecialPSPHookShade;
hp.type = USING_STRING;
ConsoleOutput("Shade PSP: INSERT");
// CHECKPOINT 7/14/2014: This would crash vnrcli
// I do not have permission to modify the JIT code region?
NewHook(hp, "Shade PSP");
//DWORD peek = 0x13400e14;
//GROWL_DWORD(*(BYTE *)peek); // supposed to be 0x77 ja
ConsoleOutput("Shade PSP: leave");
return addr;
#endif // 0
#if 0 // jichi 7/17/2014: Disabled as there are so many text threads
/** jichi 7/17/2014 alternative Alchemist hook
* Sample game: your diary+ (moe-ydp.iso)
* The debugging method is the same as Alchemist1.
* It seems that hooks found in Alchemist games
* also exist in other games.
* This function is executed in a looped.
* 13400e12 cc int3
* 13400e13 cc int3
* 13400e14 77 0f ja short 13400e25
* 13400e16 c705 a8aa1001 84>mov dword ptr ds:[0x110aaa8],0x8931084
* 13400e20 -e9 dff148f0 jmp 03890004
* 13400e25 8b05 78a71001 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
* 13400e2b 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
* 13400e31 0fbeb0 00004007 movsx esi,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x7400000] ; jichi: hook here
* 13400e38 8b3d 78a71001 mov edi,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
* 13400e3e 81fe 00000000 cmp esi,0x0
* 13400e44 893d 7ca71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a77c],edi
* 13400e4a 8935 80a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a780],esi
* 13400e50 0f85 16000000 jnz 13400e6c
* 13400e56 832d c4aa1001 03 sub dword ptr ds:[0x110aac4],0x3
* 13400e5d e9 16010000 jmp 13400f78
* 13400e62 01a0 109308e9 add dword ptr ds:[eax+0xe9089310],esp
* 13400e68 b7 f1 mov bh,0xf1
* 13400e6a 48 dec eax
* 13400e6b f0:832d c4aa1001>lock sub dword ptr ds:[0x110aac4],0x3 ; lock prefix
* 13400e73 e9 0c000000 jmp 13400e84
* 13400e78 0190 109308e9 add dword ptr ds:[eax+0xe9089310],edx
* 13400e7e a1 f148f090 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x90f048f1]
* 13400e83 cc int3
* 13400e84 77 0f ja short 13400e95
* 13400e86 c705 a8aa1001 90>mov dword ptr ds:[0x110aaa8],0x8931090
* 13400e90 -e9 6ff148f0 jmp 03890004
* 13400e95 8b35 78a71001 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
* 13400e9b 8d76 01 lea esi,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x1]
* 13400e9e 8bc6 mov eax,esi
* 13400ea0 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
* 13400ea6 0fbeb8 00004007 movsx edi,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x7400000]
* 13400ead 81ff 00000000 cmp edi,0x0
* 13400eb3 8935 78a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a778],esi
* 13400eb9 893d 80a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a780],edi
* 13400ebf 0f84 25000000 je 13400eea
* 13400ec5 8b35 78a71001 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
* 13400ecb 8d76 01 lea esi,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x1]
* 13400ece 8935 78a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a778],esi
* 13400ed4 832d c4aa1001 04 sub dword ptr ds:[0x110aac4],0x4
* 13400edb e9 24000000 jmp 13400f04
* 13400ee0 019410 9308e939 add dword ptr ds:[eax+edx+0x39e90893],ed>
* 13400ee7 f1 int1
* 13400ee8 48 dec eax
* 13400ee9 f0:832d c4aa1001>lock sub dword ptr ds:[0x110aac4],0x4 ; lock prefix
* 13400ef1 e9 82000000 jmp 13400f78
* 13400ef6 01a0 109308e9 add dword ptr ds:[eax+0xe9089310],esp
* 13400efc 23f1 and esi,ecx
* 13400efe 48 dec eax
* 13400eff f0:90 lock nop ; lock prefix is not allowed
* 13400f01 cc int3
* 13400f02 cc int3
// jichi 7/17/2014: Why this function is exactly the same as SpecialPSPHookImageepoch?
static void SpecialPSPHookAlchemist3(hook_stack* stack, HookParam *hp, BYTE, uintptr_t *data, uintptr_t *split, size_t*len)
DWORD eax = regof(eax, esp_base);
DWORD text = eax + hp->user_value;
static DWORD lasttext;
if (text != lasttext && *(LPCSTR)text) {
*data = lasttext = text;
*len = ::strlen((LPCSTR)text);
*split = regof(ecx, esp_base); // use ecx "this" as split value?
bool InsertAlchemist3PSPHook()
ConsoleOutput("Alchemist3 PSP: enter");
const BYTE bytes[] = {
//0xcc, // 13400e12 cc int3
//0xcc, // 13400e13 cc int3
0x77, 0x0f, // 13400e14 77 0f ja short 13400e25
0xc7,0x05, XX8, // 13400e16 c705 a8aa1001 84>mov dword ptr ds:[0x110aaa8],0x8931084
0xe9, XX4, // 13400e20 -e9 dff148f0 jmp 03890004
0x8b,0x05, XX4, // 13400e25 8b05 78a71001 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
0x81,0xe0, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0x3f, // 13400e2b 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
0x0f,0xbe,0xb0, XX4, // 13400e31 0fbeb0 00004007 movsx esi,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x7400000] ; jichi: hook here
0x8b,0x3d, XX4, // 13400e38 8b3d 78a71001 mov edi,dword ptr ds:[0x110a778]
0x81,0xfe, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // 13400e3e 81fe 00000000 cmp esi,0x0
0x89,0x3d, XX4, // 13400e44 893d 7ca71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a77c],edi
0x89,0x35, XX4, // 13400e4a 8935 80a71001 mov dword ptr ds:[0x110a780],esi
0x0f,0x85 //, 16000000 // 13400e50 0f85 16000000 jnz 13400e6c
enum { memory_offset = 3 };
enum { addr_offset = 0x13407711 - 0x134076f4 };
DWORD addr = SafeMatchBytesInPSPMemory(bytes, sizeof(bytes));
if (!addr)
ConsoleOutput("Alchemist3 PSP: pattern not found");
else {
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
hp.user_value = *(DWORD *)(hp.address + memory_offset); // use module to pass membase
hp.text_fun = SpecialPSPHookAlchemist3;
hp.type = USING_STRING|NO_CONTEXT; // no context is needed to get rid of variant retaddr
ConsoleOutput("Alchemist3 PSP: INSERT");
NewHook(hp, "Alchemist3 PSP");
ConsoleOutput("Alchemist3 PSP: leave");
return addr;
#endif // 0
/** jichi 7/19/2014 PCSX2
* Tested wit pcsx2-v1.2.1-328-gef0e3fe-windows-x86, built at
bool InsertPCSX2Hooks()
memcpy(spDefault.pattern, Array<BYTE>{ 0x89, 0xc8, 0xc1, 0xe8, 0x0c }, spDefault.length = 5);
spDefault.minAddress = 0;
spDefault.maxAddress = -1ULL;
spDefault.offset = 0;
spDefault.searchTime = 60'000;
spDefault.maxRecords = 500'000;
spDefault.padding = 0x20000000;
ConsoleOutput("PCSX2 detected (searching for hooks may work)");
// TODO: Add generic hooks
return InsertTypeMoonPS2Hook()
|| InsertMarvelousPS2Hook()
|| InsertMarvelous2PS2Hook();
bool PCSX2::attach_function() {
return InsertPCSX2Hooks();