2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00

193 lines
8.3 KiB

/** jichi 7/20/2014 Vanillaware
* Tested game: 朧村正
* Debugging method: grep the saving message
* 1609415e cc int3
* 1609415f cc int3
* 16094160 77 0f ja short 16094171
* 16094162 c705 00fb6701 80>mov dword ptr ds:[0x167fb00],0x80216b80
* 1609416c -e9 f9be06f1 jmp 0710006a
* 16094171 8b35 8cf86701 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[0x167f88c]
* 16094177 81c6 ffffffff add esi,-0x1
* 1609417d 8bce mov ecx,esi
* 1609417f 81c1 01000000 add ecx,0x1
* 16094185 f7c1 0000000c test ecx,0xc000000
* 1609418b 74 0b je short 16094198
* 1609418d 51 push ecx
* 1609418e e8 36bff9f2 call 090300c9
* 16094193 83c4 04 add esp,0x4
* 16094196 eb 11 jmp short 160941a9
* 16094198 8bc1 mov eax,ecx
* 1609419a 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
* 160941a0 0fb680 00000810 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x10080000] ; jichi: hook here
* 160941a7 66:90 nop
* 160941a9 81c6 01000000 add esi,0x1
* 160941af 8905 80f86701 mov dword ptr ds:[0x167f880],eax
* 160941b5 813d 80f86701 00>cmp dword ptr ds:[0x167f880],0x0
* 160941bf c705 8cf86701 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x167f88c],0x0
* 160941c9 8935 90f86701 mov dword ptr ds:[0x167f890],esi
* 160941cf 7c 14 jl short 160941e5
* 160941d1 7f 09 jg short 160941dc
* 160941d3 c605 0cfb6701 02 mov byte ptr ds:[0x167fb0c],0x2
* 160941da eb 26 jmp short 16094202
* 160941dc c605 0cfb6701 04 mov byte ptr ds:[0x167fb0c],0x4
* 160941e3 eb 07 jmp short 160941ec
* 160941e5 c605 0cfb6701 08 mov byte ptr ds:[0x167fb0c],0x8
* 160941ec 832d 7c4cb101 06 sub dword ptr ds:[0x1b14c7c],0x6
* 160941f3 e9 20000000 jmp 16094218
* 160941f8 0188 6b2180e9 add dword ptr ds:[eax+0xe980216b],ecx
* 160941fe 0e push cs
* 160941ff be 06f1832d mov esi,0x2d83f106
* 16094204 7c 4c jl short 16094252
* 16094206 b1 01 mov cl,0x1
* 16094208 06 push es
* 16094209 e9 c2000000 jmp 160942d0
* 1609420e 0198 6b2180e9 add dword ptr ds:[eax+0xe980216b],ebx
* 16094214 f8 clc
* 16094215 bd 06f1770f mov ebp,0xf77f106
* 1609421a c705 00fb6701 88>mov dword ptr ds:[0x167fb00],0x80216b88
* 16094224 -e9 41be06f1 jmp 0710006a
* 16094229 8b0d 90f86701 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x167f890]
* 1609422f 81c1 01000000 add ecx,0x1
* 16094235 f7c1 0000000c test ecx,0xc000000
* 1609423b 74 0b je short 16094248
* 1609423d 51 push ecx
* 1609423e e8 86bef9f2 call 090300c9
* 16094243 83c4 04 add esp,0x4
* 16094246 eb 11 jmp short 16094259
* 16094248 8bc1 mov eax,ecx
* 1609424a 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
* 16094250 0fb680 00000810 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x10080000]
* 16094257 66:90 nop
* 16094259 8b35 90f86701 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[0x167f890]
* 1609425f 81c6 01000000 add esi,0x1
* 16094265 8905 80f86701 mov dword ptr ds:[0x167f880],eax
* 1609426b 8105 8cf86701 01>add dword ptr ds:[0x167f88c],0x1
* 16094275 813d 80f86701 00>cmp dword ptr ds:[0x167f880],0x0
* 1609427f 8935 90f86701 mov dword ptr ds:[0x167f890],esi
* 16094285 7c 14 jl short 1609429b
* 16094287 7f 09 jg short 16094292
* 16094289 c605 0cfb6701 02 mov byte ptr ds:[0x167fb0c],0x2
* 16094290 eb 26 jmp short 160942b8
* 16094292 c605 0cfb6701 04 mov byte ptr ds:[0x167fb0c],0x4
* 16094299 eb 07 jmp short 160942a2
* 1609429b c605 0cfb6701 08 mov byte ptr ds:[0x167fb0c],0x8
* 160942a2 832d 7c4cb101 04 sub dword ptr ds:[0x1b14c7c],0x4
* 160942a9 ^e9 6affffff jmp 16094218
* 160942ae 0188 6b2180e9 add dword ptr ds:[eax+0xe980216b],ecx
* 160942b4 58 pop eax
* 160942b5 bd 06f1832d mov ebp,0x2d83f106
* 160942ba 7c 4c jl short 16094308
* 160942bc b1 01 mov cl,0x1
* 160942be 04 e9 add al,0xe9
* 160942c0 0c 00 or al,0x0
* 160942c2 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al
* 160942c4 0198 6b2180e9 add dword ptr ds:[eax+0xe980216b],ebx
* 160942ca 42 inc edx
* 160942cb bd 06f1cccc mov ebp,0xccccf106
* 160942d0 77 0f ja short 160942e1
* 160942d2 c705 00fb6701 98>mov dword ptr ds:[0x167fb00],0x80216b98
* 160942dc -e9 89bd06f1 jmp 0710006a
* 160942e1 8b05 84fb6701 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x167fb84]
* 160942e7 81e0 fcffffff and eax,0xfffffffc
* 160942ed 8905 00fb6701 mov dword ptr ds:[0x167fb00],eax
* 160942f3 832d 7c4cb101 01 sub dword ptr ds:[0x1b14c7c],0x1
* 160942fa -e9 11bd06f1 jmp 07100010
* 160942ff 832d 7c4cb101 01 sub dword ptr ds:[0x1b14c7c],0x1
* 16094306 ^e9 91f8ffff jmp 16093b9c
* 1609430b cc int3
namespace { // unnamed
// Return true if the text is a garbage character
inline bool _vanillawaregarbage_ch(char c)
return c == ' ' || c == '.' || c == '/'
|| c >= '0' && c <= '9'
|| c >= 'A' && c <= 'z' // also ignore ASCII 91-96: [ \ ] ^ _ `
// Return true if the text is full of garbage characters
bool _vanillawaregarbage(LPCSTR p)
for (int count = 0; *p && count < MAX_LENGTH; count++, p++)
if (!_vanillawaregarbage_ch(*p))
return false;
return true;
} // unnamed namespace
static void SpecialGCHookVanillaware(hook_stack* stack, HookParam *hp, uintptr_t *data, uintptr_t *split, size_t*len)
DWORD eax = stack->eax;
LPCSTR text = LPCSTR(eax + hp->user_value);
static LPCSTR lasttext;
if (lasttext != text && *text && !_vanillawaregarbage(text)) {
lasttext = text;
*data = (DWORD)text;
*len = ::strlen(text); // SHIFT-JIS
*split = stack->ecx;
bool InsertVanillawareGCHook()
ConsoleOutput("Vanillaware GC: enter");
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0x83,0xc4, 0x04, // 16094193 83c4 04 add esp,0x4
0xeb, 0x11, // 16094196 eb 11 jmp short 160941a9
0x8b,0xc1, // 16094198 8bc1 mov eax,ecx
0x81,0xe0, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0x3f, // 1609419a 81e0 ffffff3f and eax,0x3fffffff
0x0f,0xb6,0x80, XX4, // 160941a0 0fb680 00000810 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x10080000] ; jichi: hook here
0x66,0x90, // 160941a7 66:90 nop
0x81,0xc6, 0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00 // 160941a9 81c6 01000000 add esi,0x1
//0x89,05 80f86701 // 160941af 8905 80f86701 mov dword ptr ds:[0x167f880],eax
//0x81,3d 80f86701 00 // 160941b5 813d 80f86701 00>cmp dword ptr ds:[0x167f880],0x0
//0xc7,05 8cf86701 00 // 160941bf c705 8cf86701 00>mov dword ptr ds:[0x167f88c],0x0
//0x89,35 90f86701 // 160941c9 8935 90f86701 mov dword ptr ds:[0x167f890],esi
//0x7c, 14 // 160941cf 7c 14 jl short 160941e5
//0x7f, 09 // 160941d1 7f 09 jg short 160941dc
//0xc6,05 0cfb6701 02 // 160941d3 c605 0cfb6701 02 mov byte ptr ds:[0x167fb0c],0x2
//0xeb, 26 // 160941da eb 26 jmp short 16094202
enum { memory_offset = 3 }; // 160941a0 0fb680 00000810 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x10080000]
enum { addr_offset = 0x160941a0 - 0x16094193 };
DWORD addr = SafeMatchBytesInGCMemory(bytes, sizeof(bytes));
auto succ=false;
if (!addr)
ConsoleOutput("Vanillaware GC: pattern not found");
else {
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
hp.user_value = *(DWORD *)(hp.address + memory_offset);
hp.text_fun = SpecialGCHookVanillaware;
hp.type = USING_STRING|NO_CONTEXT; // no context is needed to get rid of variant retaddr
ConsoleOutput("Vanillaware GC: INSERT");
succ|=NewHook(hp, "Vanillaware GC");
ConsoleOutput("Vanillaware GC: leave");
return succ;
/** jichi 7/20/2014 Dolphin
* Tested with Dolphin 4.0
bool InsertGCHooks()
// TODO: Add generic hooks
return InsertVanillawareGCHook();
//return false;
bool VanillawareGC::attach_function() {
return InsertGCHooks();