2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00

286 lines
11 KiB
Raw Blame History

/** jichi 10/31/2014 Adobe Flash Player v10
* Sample game: [141031] [ヂ<>ンクルベル] 輪舞曲Duo
* Debug method: Hex utf16 text, then insert hw breakpoints
* 21:51 3110% hexstr 『何よ utf16
* 0e30554f8830
* There are also UTF-8 strings in the memory. I could not find a good place to hook
* using hw breakpoints.
* There are lots of matches. One is selected. Then, the enclosing function is selected.
* arg1 is the UNICODE text.
* Pattern:
* 0161293a 8bc6 mov eax,esi
* 0161293c 5e pop esi
* 0161293d c2 0800 retn 0x8
* Function starts
* 01612940 8b4c24 0c mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xc] ; jichi: hook here
* 01612944 53 push ebx
* 01612945 55 push ebp
* 01612946 56 push esi
* 01612947 57 push edi
* 01612948 33ff xor edi,edi
* 0161294a 85c9 test ecx,ecx
* 0161294c 0f84 5f010000 je ron2.01612ab1
* 01612952 397c24 18 cmp dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18],edi
* 01612956 0f8e ba010000 jle ron2.01612b16
* 0161295c 8b6c24 14 mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14]
* 01612960 be 01000000 mov esi,0x1
* 01612965 eb 09 jmp short ron2.01612970
* 01612967 8da424 00000000 lea esp,dword ptr ss:[esp]
* 0161296e 8bff mov edi,edi
* 01612970 0fb755 00 movzx edx,word ptr ss:[ebp]
* 01612974 297424 18 sub dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18],esi
* 01612978 b8 80000000 mov eax,0x80
* 0161297d 66:3bd0 cmp dx,ax
* 01612980 73 15 jnb short ron2.01612997
* 01612982 297424 20 sub dword ptr ss:[esp+0x20],esi
* 01612986 0f88 1d010000 js ron2.01612aa9
* 0161298c 8811 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],dl
* 0161298e 03ce add ecx,esi
* 01612990 03fe add edi,esi
* 01612992 e9 fd000000 jmp ron2.01612a94
* 01612997 b8 00080000 mov eax,0x800
* 0161299c 66:3bd0 cmp dx,ax
* 0161299f 73 2a jnb short ron2.016129cb
* 016129a1 836c24 20 02 sub dword ptr ss:[esp+0x20],0x2
* 016129a6 0f88 fd000000 js ron2.01612aa9
* 016129ac 8bc2 mov eax,edx
* 016129ae c1e8 06 shr eax,0x6
* 016129b1 24 1f and al,0x1f
* 016129b3 0c c0 or al,0xc0
* 016129b5 8801 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],al
* 016129b7 80e2 3f and dl,0x3f
* 016129ba 03ce add ecx,esi
* 016129bc 80ca 80 or dl,0x80
* 016129bf 8811 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],dl
* 016129c1 03ce add ecx,esi
* 016129c3 83c7 02 add edi,0x2
* 016129c6 e9 c9000000 jmp ron2.01612a94
* 016129cb 8d82 00280000 lea eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+0x2800]
* 016129d1 bb ff030000 mov ebx,0x3ff
* 016129d6 66:3bc3 cmp ax,bx
* 016129d9 77 7b ja short ron2.01612a56
* 016129db 297424 18 sub dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18],esi
* 016129df 0f88 c4000000 js ron2.01612aa9
* 016129e5 0fb775 02 movzx esi,word ptr ss:[ebp+0x2]
* 016129e9 83c5 02 add ebp,0x2
* 016129ec 8d86 00240000 lea eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x2400]
* 016129f2 66:3bc3 cmp ax,bx
* 016129f5 77 58 ja short ron2.01612a4f
* 016129f7 0fb7d2 movzx edx,dx
* 016129fa 81ea f7d70000 sub edx,0xd7f7
* 01612a00 0fb7c6 movzx eax,si
* 01612a03 c1e2 0a shl edx,0xa
* 01612a06 03d0 add edx,eax
* 01612a08 836c24 20 04 sub dword ptr ss:[esp+0x20],0x4
* 01612a0d 0f88 96000000 js ron2.01612aa9
* 01612a13 8bc2 mov eax,edx
* 01612a15 c1e8 12 shr eax,0x12
* 01612a18 24 07 and al,0x7
* 01612a1a 0c f0 or al,0xf0
* 01612a1c 8801 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],al
* 01612a1e 8bc2 mov eax,edx
* 01612a20 c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 01612a23 24 3f and al,0x3f
* 01612a25 be 01000000 mov esi,0x1
* 01612a2a 0c 80 or al,0x80
* 01612a2c 880431 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx+esi],al
* 01612a2f 03ce add ecx,esi
* 01612a31 8bc2 mov eax,edx
* 01612a33 c1e8 06 shr eax,0x6
* 01612a36 03ce add ecx,esi
* 01612a38 24 3f and al,0x3f
* 01612a3a 0c 80 or al,0x80
* 01612a3c 8801 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],al
* 01612a3e 80e2 3f and dl,0x3f
* 01612a41 03ce add ecx,esi
* 01612a43 80ca 80 or dl,0x80
* 01612a46 8811 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],dl
* 01612a48 03ce add ecx,esi
* 01612a4a 83c7 04 add edi,0x4
* 01612a4d eb 45 jmp short ron2.01612a94
* 01612a4f be 01000000 mov esi,0x1
* 01612a54 eb 0b jmp short ron2.01612a61
* 01612a56 8d82 00240000 lea eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+0x2400]
* 01612a5c 66:3bc3 cmp ax,bx
* 01612a5f 77 05 ja short ron2.01612a66
* 01612a61 ba fdff0000 mov edx,0xfffd
* 01612a66 836c24 20 03 sub dword ptr ss:[esp+0x20],0x3
* 01612a6b 78 3c js short ron2.01612aa9
* 01612a6d 8bc2 mov eax,edx
* 01612a6f c1e8 0c shr eax,0xc
* 01612a72 24 0f and al,0xf
* 01612a74 0c e0 or al,0xe0
* 01612a76 8801 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],al
* 01612a78 8bc2 mov eax,edx
* 01612a7a c1e8 06 shr eax,0x6
* 01612a7d 03ce add ecx,esi
* 01612a7f 24 3f and al,0x3f
* 01612a81 0c 80 or al,0x80
* 01612a83 8801 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],al
* 01612a85 80e2 3f and dl,0x3f
* 01612a88 03ce add ecx,esi
* 01612a8a 80ca 80 or dl,0x80
* 01612a8d 8811 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],dl
* 01612a8f 03ce add ecx,esi
* 01612a91 83c7 03 add edi,0x3
* 01612a94 83c5 02 add ebp,0x2
* 01612a97 837c24 18 00 cmp dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18],0x0
* 01612a9c ^0f8f cefeffff jg ron2.01612970
* 01612aa2 8bc7 mov eax,edi
* 01612aa4 5f pop edi
* 01612aa5 5e pop esi
* 01612aa6 5d pop ebp
* 01612aa7 5b pop ebx
* 01612aa8 c3 retn
* 01612aa9 5f pop edi
* 01612aaa 5e pop esi
* 01612aab 5d pop ebp
* 01612aac 83c8 ff or eax,0xffffffff
* 01612aaf 5b pop ebx
* 01612ab0 c3 retn
* 01612ab1 8b4424 18 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18]
* 01612ab5 85c0 test eax,eax
* 01612ab7 7e 5d jle short ron2.01612b16
* 01612ab9 8b5424 14 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14]
* 01612abd 8d49 00 lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
* 01612ac0 0fb70a movzx ecx,word ptr ds:[edx] ; jichi: this is where the text is accessed
* 01612ac3 be 80000000 mov esi,0x80
* 01612ac8 48 dec eax
* 01612ac9 66:3bce cmp cx,si
* 01612acc 73 03 jnb short ron2.01612ad1
* 01612ace 47 inc edi
* 01612acf eb 3e jmp short ron2.01612b0f
* 01612ad1 be 00080000 mov esi,0x800
* 01612ad6 66:3bce cmp cx,si
* 01612ad9 73 05 jnb short ron2.01612ae0
* 01612adb 83c7 02 add edi,0x2
* 01612ade eb 2f jmp short ron2.01612b0f
* 01612ae0 81c1 00280000 add ecx,0x2800
* 01612ae6 be ff030000 mov esi,0x3ff
* 01612aeb 66:3bce cmp cx,si
* 01612aee 77 1c ja short ron2.01612b0c
* 01612af0 83e8 01 sub eax,0x1
* 01612af3 ^78 b4 js short ron2.01612aa9
* 01612af5 0fb74a 02 movzx ecx,word ptr ds:[edx+0x2]
* 01612af9 83c2 02 add edx,0x2
* 01612afc 81c1 00240000 add ecx,0x2400
* 01612b02 66:3bce cmp cx,si
* 01612b05 77 05 ja short ron2.01612b0c
* 01612b07 83c7 04 add edi,0x4
* 01612b0a eb 03 jmp short ron2.01612b0f
* 01612b0c 83c7 03 add edi,0x3
* 01612b0f 83c2 02 add edx,0x2
* 01612b12 85c0 test eax,eax
* 01612b14 ^7f aa jg short ron2.01612ac0
* 01612b16 8bc7 mov eax,edi
* 01612b18 5f pop edi
* 01612b19 5e pop esi
* 01612b1a 5d pop ebp
* 01612b1b 5b pop ebx
* 01612b1c c3 retn
* 01612b1d cc int3
* 01612b1e cc int3
* 01612b1f cc int3
* Runtime stack:
* 0019e974 0161640e return to Ron2.0161640e from Ron2.01612940
* 0019e978 1216c180 UNICODE "Dat/Chr/HAL_061.swf"
* 0019e97c 00000013
* 0019e980 12522838
* 0019e984 00000013
* 0019e988 0210da80
* 0019e98c 0019ecb0
* 0019e990 0019e9e0
* 0019e994 0019ea24
* 0019e998 0019e9cc
* Runtime registers:
* EAX 12522838
* ECX 1216C180 UNICODE "Dat/Chr/HAL_061.swf"
* EDX 0C5E9898
* EBX 12532838
* ESP 0019E974
* EBP 00000013
* ESI 00000013
* EDI 0019E9CC
* EIP 01612940 Ron2.01612940
// Skip ASCII garbage such as: Dat/Chr/HAL_061.swf
static bool AdobeFlashFilter(LPVOID data, size_t *size, HookParam *)
// TODO: Remove [0-9a-zA-Z./]{4,} as garbage
LPCWSTR p = reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(data);
size_t len = *size / 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (p[i] & 0xff00)
return true;
return false;
bool InsertAdobeFlash10Hook()
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0x8b,0x4c,0x24, 0x0c, // 01612940 8b4c24 0c mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xc] ; jichi: hook here
0x53, // 01612944 53 push ebx
0x55, // 01612945 55 push ebp
0x56, // 01612946 56 push esi
0x57, // 01612947 57 push edi
0x33,0xff, // 01612948 33ff xor edi,edi
0x85,0xc9, // 0161294a 85c9 test ecx,ecx
0x0f,0x84 //, 5f010000 // 0161294c 0f84 5f010000 je ron2.01612ab1
ULONG addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), processStartAddress, processStopAddress);
//addr = 0x01612940;
//addr = 0x01612AC0;
if (!addr) {
ConsoleOutput("AdobeFlash10: pattern not found");
return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr;
//hp.length_offset = 2 * 4; // arg2 might be the length
hp.filter_fun = AdobeFlashFilter;
ConsoleOutput("INSERT Adobe Flash 10");
ConsoleOutput("AdobeFlash10: disable GDI hooks");
return NewHook(hp, "Adobe Flash 10");
bool __(){
//[yosino] ANCIENT
const BYTE bytes[] = {
ULONG addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), processStartAddress, processStopAddress);
if (!addr) return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr;
return NewHook(hp, "Adobe Flash 11");
bool AdobeFlash10::attach_function() {
return InsertAdobeFlash10Hook()|__();