恍兮惚兮 d3136b04a8 fix
2024-05-10 02:11:33 +08:00

101 lines
4.9 KiB

#define ALREADY_INJECTED L"already injected"
#define NEED_32_BIT L"architecture mismatch: only x86 can inject this process"
#define NEED_64_BIT L"architecture mismatch: only x64 can inject this process"
#define INJECT_FAILED L"couldn't inject"
#define INVALID_CODEPAGE L"couldn't convert text (invalid codepage?)"
#define PIPE_CONNECTED u8"pipe connected"
#define INSERTING_HOOK u8"inserting hook: %s %p"
#define REMOVING_HOOK u8"removing hook: %s"
#define TOO_MANY_HOOKS u8"too many hooks: can't insert"
#define HOOK_SEARCH_STARTING u8"starting hook search"
#define HOOK_SEARCH_INITIALIZING u8"initializing hook search (%f%%)"
#define NOT_ENOUGH_TEXT u8"not enough text to search accurately"
#define HOOK_SEARCH_INITIALIZED u8"initialized hook search with %zd hooks"
#define MAKE_GAME_PROCESS_TEXT u8"please click around in the game to force it to process text during the next %d seconds"
#define HOOK_SEARCH_FINISHED u8"hook search finished, %d results found"
#define OUT_OF_RECORDS_RETRY u8"out of search records, please retry if results are poor (default record count increased)"
#define FUNC_MISSING u8"function not present"
#define MODULE_MISSING u8"module not present"
#define GARBAGE_MEMORY u8"memory inline constantly changing, useless to read"
#define SEND_ERROR u8"Send ERROR (likely an unstable/incorrect H-code) in %s"
#define READ_ERROR u8"Reader ERROR (likely an incorrect R-code) in %s"
#define SearchForHooks_ERROR u8"SearchForHooks ERROR: out of memory, retrying to allocate %d"
#define ResultsNum u8"%d results processed"
#define HIJACK_ERROR u8"Hijack ERROR"
#define COULD_NOT_FIND u8"could not find text"
#define CONSOLE L"Console"
#define InvalidLength u8"something went very wrong (invalid length %d in %s)"
#define InsertHookFailed u8"failed to insert hook %s"
#define Match_Error u8"ERROR happened when matching engine %s "
#define Attach_Error u8"ERROR happened when attaching engine %s ERROR"
#define MatchedEngine u8"Matched engine %s"
#define ConfirmStop "Confirmed engine %s, stop checking"
#define Attach_Stop "Attach engine %s success and stop"
#define ProcessRange "hijacking process located from 0x%p to 0x%p"
#define WarningDummy "WARNING injected process is very small, possibly a dummy!"
#define WndSelectProcess L"SelectProcess"
#define WndLunaHostGui L"LunaHost Gui"
#define WndSetting L"Setting"
#define WndPlugins L"Plugins"
#define NotifyInvalidHookCode L"Invalid HookCode"
#define BtnSelectProcess L"Select Process"
#define BtnDetach L"Detach"
#define BtnSaveHook L"Save hook"
#define BtnShowSettingWindow L"Settings"
#define BtnAttach L"Attach"
#define BtnRefresh L"Refresh"
#define BtnToClipboard L"Copy To Clipboard"
#define BtnReadOnly L"Text box Read only"
#define BtnInsertUserHook L"Insert UserHook"
#define BtnSearchHook L"Search for hooks"
#define BtnPlugin L"Plugins"
#define LblFlushDelay L"Flush delay"
#define LblFilterRepeat L"Filter repetition"
#define LblCodePage L"Default codepage"
#define LblMaxBuff L"Max buffer size"
#define LblMaxHist L"Max history size"
#define LblAutoAttach L"Auto attach"
#define LblAutoAttach_savedonly L"Auto attach (saved only)"
#define MenuCopyHookCode L"CopyHookCode"
#define MenuRemoveHook L"RemoveHook"
#define MenuDetachProcess L"DetachProcess"
#define MenuRemeberSelect L"Remeber Hook Selection"
#define MenuForgetSelect L"Forget Hook Selection"
#define MenuAddPlugin L"Add Plugin"
#define MenuRemovePlugin L"Remove Plugin"
#define MenuPluginRankUp L"Up"
#define MenuPluginRankDown L"Down"
#define MenuPluginEnable L"Enable"
#define MenuPluginVisSetting L"Show Setting"
#define DefaultFont L"Arial"
#define CantLoadQtLoader L"Can't Load QtLoader.dll"
#define InvalidPlugin L"Invalid Plugin!"
#define InvalidDll L"Invalid Dll!"
#define InvalidDump L"Dumplicated!"
#define MsgError L"Error"
#define SEARCH_CJK L"Search for Chinese/Japanese/Korean"
#define HS_SETTINGS L"Settings"
#define BtnOk L"OK"
#define HS_START_HOOK_SEARCH L"Start hook search"
#define HS_SEARCH_PATTERN L"Search pattern (hex byte array)"
#define HS_SEARCH_DURATION L"Search duration (ms)"
#define HS_SEARCH_MODULE L"Search within module"
#define HS_PATTERN_OFFSET L"Offset from pattern start"
#define HS_MAX_HOOK_SEARCH_RECORDS L"Search result cap"
#define HS_MIN_ADDRESS L"Minimum address (hex)"
#define HS_MAX_ADDRESS L"Maximum address (hex)"
#define HS_STRING_OFFSET L"String offset (hex)"
#define HS_HOOK_SEARCH_FILTER L"Results must match this regex"
#define HS_TEXT L"Text"
#define HS_CODEPAGE L"Codepage"
#define HS_SEARCH_FOR_TEXT L"Search for specific text"
#define VersionLatest L"Latest version"
#define VersionCurrent L"Current version"
#define ProjectHomePage L"Project homepage:"
#define LIST_HOOK L"Hook"
#define LIST_TEXT L"Text"
#define PROC_CONN L"process connected %d"
#define PROC_DISCONN L"process disconnected %d"
#define COPYSELECTION L"auto send selected text in textbox to clipboard"
#define FONTSELECT L"Select Font"