/* Copyright (C) 2019 Mr Goldberg This file is part of the Goldberg Emulator The Goldberg Emulator is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Goldberg Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Goldberg Emulator; if not, see . */ #include "dll/steam_networking.h" //packet timeout in seconds for non connections #define ORPHANED_PACKET_TIMEOUT (20) #define NEW_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT (20.0) //kingdom 2 crowns doesn't work with a 0.3 delay or lower #define NEW_CONNECTION_DELAY (0.4) #define OLD_CHANNEL_NUMBER 1 bool Steam_Networking::connection_exists(CSteamID id) { std::lock_guard lock(connections_edit_mutex); return std::find_if(connections.begin(), connections.end(), [&id](struct Steam_Networking_Connection const& conn) { return conn.remote == id;}) != connections.end(); } struct Steam_Networking_Connection* Steam_Networking::get_or_create_connection(CSteamID id) { std::lock_guard lock(connections_edit_mutex); auto conn = std::find_if(connections.begin(), connections.end(), [&id](struct Steam_Networking_Connection const& conn) { return conn.remote == id;}); if (connections.end() == conn) { struct Steam_Networking_Connection connection; connection.remote = id; connections.push_back(connection); return &(connections[connections.size() - 1]); } else { return &(*conn); } } void Steam_Networking::remove_connection(CSteamID id) { { std::lock_guard lock(connections_edit_mutex); auto conn = std::begin(connections); while (conn != std::end(connections)) { if (conn->remote == id) { conn = connections.erase(conn); } else { ++conn; } } } //pretty sure steam also clears the entire queue of messages for that connection { std::lock_guard lock(messages_mutex); auto msg = std::begin(messages); while (msg != std::end(messages)) { if (msg->source_id() == id.ConvertToUint64()) { msg = messages.erase(msg); } else { ++msg; } } } { auto msg = std::begin(unprocessed_messages); while (msg != std::end(unprocessed_messages)) { if (msg->source_id() == id.ConvertToUint64()) { msg = unprocessed_messages.erase(msg); } else { ++msg; } } } } SNetSocket_t Steam_Networking::create_connection_socket(CSteamID target, int nVirtualPort, uint32 nIP, uint16 nPort, SNetListenSocket_t id, enum steam_socket_connection_status status, SNetSocket_t other_id) { static SNetSocket_t socket_number = 0; bool found = false; do { found = false; ++socket_number; for (auto & c: connection_sockets) { if (c.id == socket_number || socket_number == 0) { found = true; break; } } } while (found); struct steam_connection_socket socket{}; socket.id = socket_number; socket.listen_id = id; socket.status = status; socket.target = target; socket.nVirtualPort = nVirtualPort; socket.nIP = nIP; socket.nPort = nPort; socket.other_id = other_id; connection_sockets.push_back(socket); Common_Message msg{}; msg.set_source_id(settings->get_local_steam_id().ConvertToUint64()); msg.set_dest_id(target.ConvertToUint64()); msg.set_allocated_network_old(new Network_Old); if (nPort) { msg.mutable_network_old()->set_type(Network_Old::CONNECTION_REQUEST_IP); msg.mutable_network_old()->set_port(nPort); } else { msg.mutable_network_old()->set_type(Network_Old::CONNECTION_REQUEST_STEAMID); msg.mutable_network_old()->set_port(nVirtualPort); } if (socket.status == SOCKET_CONNECTED) { msg.mutable_network_old()->set_type(Network_Old::CONNECTION_ACCEPTED); } msg.mutable_network_old()->set_connection_id(socket.other_id); msg.mutable_network_old()->set_connection_id_from(socket.id); if (target.IsValid()) { network->sendTo(&msg, true); } else if (nIP) { network->sendToIPPort(&msg, nIP, nPort, true); } return socket.id; } struct steam_connection_socket* Steam_Networking::get_connection_socket(SNetSocket_t id) { auto conn = std::find_if(connection_sockets.begin(), connection_sockets.end(), [&id](struct steam_connection_socket const& conn) { return conn.id == id; }); if (connection_sockets.end() == conn) return NULL; return &(*conn); } void Steam_Networking::remove_killed_connection_sockets() { auto socket = std::begin(connection_sockets); while (socket != std::end(connection_sockets)) { if (socket->status == SOCKET_KILLED || socket->status == SOCKET_DISCONNECTED) { socket = connection_sockets.erase(socket); } else { ++socket; } } } void Steam_Networking::steam_networking_callback(void *object, Common_Message *msg) { // PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); Steam_Networking *steam_networking = (Steam_Networking *)object; steam_networking->Callback(msg); } void Steam_Networking::steam_networking_run_every_runcp(void *object) { // PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); Steam_Networking *steam_networking = (Steam_Networking *)object; steam_networking->RunCallbacks(); } Steam_Networking::Steam_Networking(class Settings *settings, class Networking *network, class SteamCallBacks *callbacks, class RunEveryRunCB *run_every_runcb) { this->settings = settings; this->network = network; this->callbacks = callbacks; this->run_every_runcb = run_every_runcb; this->network->setCallback(CALLBACK_ID_NETWORKING, settings->get_local_steam_id(), &Steam_Networking::steam_networking_callback, this); this->network->setCallback(CALLBACK_ID_USER_STATUS, settings->get_local_steam_id(), &Steam_Networking::steam_networking_callback, this); this->run_every_runcb->add(&Steam_Networking::steam_networking_run_every_runcp, this); PRINT_DEBUG("user id %llu messages: %p", settings->get_local_steam_id().ConvertToUint64(), &messages); } Steam_Networking::~Steam_Networking() { this->network->rmCallback(CALLBACK_ID_NETWORKING, settings->get_local_steam_id(), &Steam_Networking::steam_networking_callback, this); this->network->rmCallback(CALLBACK_ID_USER_STATUS, settings->get_local_steam_id(), &Steam_Networking::steam_networking_callback, this); this->run_every_runcb->remove(&Steam_Networking::steam_networking_run_every_runcp, this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Session-less connection functions // automatically establishes NAT-traversing or Relay server connections // Sends a P2P packet to the specified user // UDP-like, unreliable and a max packet size of 1200 bytes // the first packet send may be delayed as the NAT-traversal code runs // if we can't get through to the user, an error will be posted via the callback P2PSessionConnectFail_t // see EP2PSend enum above for the descriptions of the different ways of sending packets // // nChannel is a routing number you can use to help route message to different systems - you'll have to call ReadP2PPacket() // with the same channel number in order to retrieve the data on the other end // using different channels to talk to the same user will still use the same underlying p2p connection, saving on resources bool Steam_Networking::SendP2PPacket( CSteamID steamIDRemote, const void *pubData, uint32 cubData, EP2PSend eP2PSendType, int nChannel) { PRINT_DEBUG("len %u sendtype: %u channel: %u to: %llu", cubData, eP2PSendType, nChannel, steamIDRemote.ConvertToUint64()); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); bool reliable = false; if (eP2PSendType == k_EP2PSendReliable || eP2PSendType == k_EP2PSendReliableWithBuffering) reliable = true; Common_Message msg; msg.set_source_id(settings->get_local_steam_id().ConvertToUint64()); msg.set_dest_id(steamIDRemote.ConvertToUint64()); msg.set_allocated_network(new Network_pb); if (!connection_exists(steamIDRemote)) { msg.mutable_network()->set_type(Network_pb::NEW_CONNECTION); network->sendTo(&msg, true); } msg.mutable_network()->set_channel(nChannel); msg.mutable_network()->set_data(pubData, cubData); msg.mutable_network()->set_type(Network_pb::DATA); struct Steam_Networking_Connection *conn = get_or_create_connection(steamIDRemote); new_connection_times.erase(steamIDRemote); conn->open_channels.insert(nChannel); bool ret = network->sendTo(&msg, reliable); PRINT_DEBUG("Sent message with size: %zu %u", msg.network().data().size(), ret); return ret; } bool Steam_Networking::SendP2PPacket( CSteamID steamIDRemote, const void *pubData, uint32 cubData, EP2PSend eP2PSendType ) { PRINT_DEBUG("old"); return SendP2PPacket(steamIDRemote, pubData, cubData, eP2PSendType, OLD_CHANNEL_NUMBER); } // returns true if any data is available for read, and the amount of data that will need to be read bool Steam_Networking::IsP2PPacketAvailable( uint32 *pcubMsgSize, int nChannel) { PRINT_DEBUG("channel: %i", nChannel); std::lock_guard lock(messages_mutex); //Not sure if this should be here because it slightly screws up games that don't like such low "pings" //Commenting it out for now because it looks like it causes a bug where 20xx gets stuck in an infinite receive packet loop //this->network->Run(); //RunCallbacks(); PRINT_DEBUG("Messages %zu %p", messages.size(), &messages); for (auto &msg : messages) { if (connection_exists((uint64)msg.source_id()) && msg.mutable_network()->channel() == nChannel && msg.network().processed()) { uint32 size = static_cast(msg.mutable_network()->data().size()); if (pcubMsgSize) *pcubMsgSize = size; PRINT_DEBUG("available with size: %u", size); return true; } } PRINT_DEBUG("(not available)"); if (pcubMsgSize) *pcubMsgSize = 0; return false; } bool Steam_Networking::IsP2PPacketAvailable( uint32 *pcubMsgSize) { PRINT_DEBUG("old"); return IsP2PPacketAvailable(pcubMsgSize, OLD_CHANNEL_NUMBER); } // reads in a packet that has been sent from another user via SendP2PPacket() // returns the size of the message and the steamID of the user who sent it in the last two parameters // if the buffer passed in is too small, the message will be truncated // this call is not blocking, and will return false if no data is available bool Steam_Networking::ReadP2PPacket( void *pubDest, uint32 cubDest, uint32 *pcubMsgSize, CSteamID *psteamIDRemote, int nChannel) { PRINT_DEBUG("%u %i", cubDest, nChannel); std::lock_guard lock(messages_mutex); //Not sure if this should be here because it slightly screws up games that don't like such low "pings" //Commenting it out for now because it looks like it causes a bug where 20xx gets stuck in an infinite receive packet loop //this->network->Run(); //RunCallbacks(); bool read = false; PRINT_DEBUG("Number messages %zu", messages.size()); auto msg = std::begin(messages); while (msg != std::end(messages)) { if (connection_exists((uint64)msg->source_id()) && msg->network().channel() == nChannel && msg->network().processed()) { uint32 msg_size = static_cast(msg->network().data().size()); if (msg_size > cubDest) msg_size = cubDest; if (pcubMsgSize) *pcubMsgSize = msg_size; memcpy(pubDest, msg->network().data().data(), msg_size); PRINT_DEBUG("%s", common_helpers::uint8_vector_to_hex_string(std::vector((uint8_t*)pubDest, (uint8_t*)pubDest + msg_size)).c_str()); *psteamIDRemote = CSteamID((uint64)msg->source_id()); PRINT_DEBUG("len %u channel: %u from: " "%" PRIu64 "", msg_size, nChannel, msg->source_id()); msg = messages.erase(msg); return true; } ++msg; } if (pcubMsgSize) *pcubMsgSize = 0; if (psteamIDRemote) *psteamIDRemote = k_steamIDNil; return false; } bool Steam_Networking::ReadP2PPacket( void *pubDest, uint32 cubDest, uint32 *pcubMsgSize, CSteamID *psteamIDRemote) { PRINT_DEBUG("old"); return ReadP2PPacket(pubDest, cubDest, pcubMsgSize, psteamIDRemote, OLD_CHANNEL_NUMBER); } // AcceptP2PSessionWithUser() should only be called in response to a P2PSessionRequest_t callback // P2PSessionRequest_t will be posted if another user tries to send you a packet that you haven't talked to yet // if you don't want to talk to the user, just ignore the request // if the user continues to send you packets, another P2PSessionRequest_t will be posted periodically // this may be called multiple times for a single user // (if you've called SendP2PPacket() on the other user, this implicitly accepts the session request) bool Steam_Networking::AcceptP2PSessionWithUser( CSteamID steamIDRemote ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%llu", steamIDRemote.ConvertToUint64()); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); struct Steam_Networking_Connection *conn = get_or_create_connection(steamIDRemote); if (conn) new_connection_times.erase(steamIDRemote); return !!conn; } // call CloseP2PSessionWithUser() when you're done talking to a user, will free up resources under-the-hood // if the remote user tries to send data to you again, another P2PSessionRequest_t callback will be posted bool Steam_Networking::CloseP2PSessionWithUser( CSteamID steamIDRemote ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%llu", steamIDRemote.ConvertToUint64()); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); if (!connection_exists(steamIDRemote)) { return false; } remove_connection(steamIDRemote); return true; } // call CloseP2PChannelWithUser() when you're done talking to a user on a specific channel. Once all channels // open channels to a user have been closed, the open session to the user will be closed and new data from this // user will trigger a P2PSessionRequest_t callback bool Steam_Networking::CloseP2PChannelWithUser( CSteamID steamIDRemote, int nChannel ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); if (!connection_exists(steamIDRemote)) { return false; } struct Steam_Networking_Connection *conn = get_or_create_connection(steamIDRemote); conn->open_channels.erase(nChannel); if (conn->open_channels.size() == 0) { remove_connection(steamIDRemote); } return true; } // fills out P2PSessionState_t structure with details about the underlying connection to the user // should only needed for debugging purposes // returns false if no connection exists to the specified user bool Steam_Networking::GetP2PSessionState( CSteamID steamIDRemote, P2PSessionState_t *pConnectionState ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%llu", steamIDRemote.ConvertToUint64()); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); if (!connection_exists(steamIDRemote) && (steamIDRemote != settings->get_local_steam_id())) { if (pConnectionState) { pConnectionState->m_bConnectionActive = false; pConnectionState->m_bConnecting = false; pConnectionState->m_eP2PSessionError = 0; pConnectionState->m_bUsingRelay = false; pConnectionState->m_nBytesQueuedForSend = 0; pConnectionState->m_nPacketsQueuedForSend = 0; pConnectionState->m_nRemoteIP = 0; pConnectionState->m_nRemotePort = 0; } PRINT_DEBUG("No Connection"); return false; } if (pConnectionState) { pConnectionState->m_bConnectionActive = true; pConnectionState->m_bConnecting = false; pConnectionState->m_eP2PSessionError = 0; pConnectionState->m_bUsingRelay = false; pConnectionState->m_nBytesQueuedForSend = 0; pConnectionState->m_nPacketsQueuedForSend = 0; pConnectionState->m_nRemoteIP = network->getIP(steamIDRemote); pConnectionState->m_nRemotePort = 12345; } PRINT_DEBUG("Connection"); return true; } // Allow P2P connections to fall back to being relayed through the Steam servers if a direct connection // or NAT-traversal cannot be established. Only applies to connections created after setting this value, // or to existing connections that need to automatically reconnect after this value is set. // // P2P packet relay is allowed by default bool Steam_Networking::AllowP2PPacketRelay( bool bAllow ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%u", bAllow); return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LISTEN / CONNECT style interface functions // // This is an older set of functions designed around the Berkeley TCP sockets model // it's preferential that you use the above P2P functions, they're more robust // and these older functions will be removed eventually // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SNetListenSocket_t socket_number = 0; // creates a socket and listens others to connect // will trigger a SocketStatusCallback_t callback on another client connecting // nVirtualP2PPort is the unique ID that the client will connect to, in case you have multiple ports // this can usually just be 0 unless you want multiple sets of connections // unIP is the local IP address to bind to // pass in 0 if you just want the default local IP // unPort is the port to use // pass in 0 if you don't want users to be able to connect via IP/Port, but expect to be always peer-to-peer connections only SNetListenSocket_t Steam_Networking::CreateListenSocket( int nVirtualP2PPort, uint32 nIP, uint16 nPort, bool bAllowUseOfPacketRelay ) { PRINT_DEBUG("old %i %u %hu %u", nVirtualP2PPort, nIP, nPort, bAllowUseOfPacketRelay); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); for (auto & c : listen_sockets) { if (c.nVirtualP2PPort == nVirtualP2PPort || c.nPort == nPort) return 0; } ++socket_number; if (!socket_number) ++socket_number; struct steam_listen_socket socket; socket.id = socket_number; socket.nVirtualP2PPort = nVirtualP2PPort; socket.nIP = nIP; socket.nPort = nPort; listen_sockets.push_back(socket); return socket.id; } SNetListenSocket_t Steam_Networking::CreateListenSocket( int nVirtualP2PPort, SteamIPAddress_t nIP, uint16 nPort, bool bAllowUseOfPacketRelay ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%i %i %u %hu %u", nVirtualP2PPort, nIP.m_eType, nIP.m_unIPv4, nPort, bAllowUseOfPacketRelay); //TODO: ipv6 return CreateListenSocket(nVirtualP2PPort, nIP.m_unIPv4, nPort, bAllowUseOfPacketRelay); } SNetListenSocket_t Steam_Networking::CreateListenSocket( int nVirtualP2PPort, uint32 nIP, uint16 nPort ) { PRINT_DEBUG("old"); return CreateListenSocket(nVirtualP2PPort, nIP, nPort, true); } // creates a socket and begin connection to a remote destination // can connect via a known steamID (client or game server), or directly to an IP // on success will trigger a SocketStatusCallback_t callback // on failure or timeout will trigger a SocketStatusCallback_t callback with a failure code in m_eSNetSocketState SNetSocket_t Steam_Networking::CreateP2PConnectionSocket( CSteamID steamIDTarget, int nVirtualPort, int nTimeoutSec, bool bAllowUseOfPacketRelay ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%llu %i %i %u", steamIDTarget.ConvertToUint64(), nVirtualPort, nTimeoutSec, bAllowUseOfPacketRelay); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); //TODO: nTimeoutSec return create_connection_socket(steamIDTarget, nVirtualPort, 0, 0); } SNetSocket_t Steam_Networking::CreateP2PConnectionSocket( CSteamID steamIDTarget, int nVirtualPort, int nTimeoutSec ) { PRINT_DEBUG("old"); return CreateP2PConnectionSocket(steamIDTarget, nVirtualPort, nTimeoutSec, true); } SNetSocket_t Steam_Networking::CreateConnectionSocket( uint32 nIP, uint16 nPort, int nTimeoutSec ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%u %hu %i", nIP, nPort, nTimeoutSec); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); //TODO: nTimeoutSec return create_connection_socket((uint64)0, 0, nIP, nPort); } SNetSocket_t Steam_Networking::CreateConnectionSocket( SteamIPAddress_t nIP, uint16 nPort, int nTimeoutSec ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%i %u %hu %i", nIP.m_eType, nIP.m_unIPv4, nPort, nTimeoutSec); //TODO: ipv6 return CreateConnectionSocket(nIP.m_unIPv4, nPort, nTimeoutSec); } // disconnects the connection to the socket, if any, and invalidates the handle // any unread data on the socket will be thrown away // if bNotifyRemoteEnd is set, socket will not be completely destroyed until the remote end acknowledges the disconnect bool Steam_Networking::DestroySocket( SNetSocket_t hSocket, bool bNotifyRemoteEnd ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); struct steam_connection_socket *socket = get_connection_socket(hSocket); if (!socket || socket->status == SOCKET_KILLED) return false; socket->status = SOCKET_KILLED; return true; } // destroying a listen socket will automatically kill all the regular sockets generated from it bool Steam_Networking::DestroyListenSocket( SNetListenSocket_t hSocket, bool bNotifyRemoteEnd ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); auto c = std::begin(listen_sockets); while (c != std::end(listen_sockets)) { if (c->id == hSocket) { c = listen_sockets.erase(c); for (auto & socket : connection_sockets) { if (socket.listen_id == hSocket) { socket.status = SOCKET_KILLED; } } return true; } else { ++c; } } return false; } // sending data // must be a handle to a connected socket // data is all sent via UDP, and thus send sizes are limited to 1200 bytes; after this, many routers will start dropping packets // use the reliable flag with caution; although the resend rate is pretty aggressive, // it can still cause stalls in receiving data (like TCP) bool Steam_Networking::SendDataOnSocket( SNetSocket_t hSocket, void *pubData, uint32 cubData, bool bReliable ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); struct steam_connection_socket *socket = get_connection_socket(hSocket); if (!socket || socket->status != SOCKET_CONNECTED) return false; Common_Message msg; msg.set_source_id(settings->get_local_steam_id().ConvertToUint64()); msg.set_dest_id(socket->target.ConvertToUint64()); msg.set_allocated_network_old(new Network_Old); msg.mutable_network_old()->set_type(Network_Old::DATA); msg.mutable_network_old()->set_connection_id(socket->other_id); msg.mutable_network_old()->set_data(pubData, cubData); return network->sendTo(&msg, bReliable); } // receiving data // returns false if there is no data remaining // fills out *pcubMsgSize with the size of the next message, in bytes bool Steam_Networking::IsDataAvailableOnSocket( SNetSocket_t hSocket, uint32 *pcubMsgSize ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); struct steam_connection_socket *socket = get_connection_socket(hSocket); if (!socket) { if (pcubMsgSize) *pcubMsgSize = 0; return false; } if (socket->data_packets.size() == 0) return false; if (pcubMsgSize) *pcubMsgSize = static_cast(socket->data_packets[0].data().size()); return true; } // fills in pubDest with the contents of the message // messages are always complete, of the same size as was sent (i.e. packetized, not streaming) // if *pcubMsgSize < cubDest, only partial data is written // returns false if no data is available bool Steam_Networking::RetrieveDataFromSocket( SNetSocket_t hSocket, void *pubDest, uint32 cubDest, uint32 *pcubMsgSize ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); struct steam_connection_socket *socket = get_connection_socket(hSocket); if (!socket || socket->data_packets.size() == 0) return false; auto msg = std::begin(socket->data_packets); if (msg != std::end(socket->data_packets)) { uint32 msg_size = static_cast(msg->data().size()); if (msg_size > cubDest) msg_size = cubDest; if (pcubMsgSize) *pcubMsgSize = msg_size; memcpy(pubDest, msg->data().data(), msg_size); msg = socket->data_packets.erase(msg); return true; } return false; } // checks for data from any socket that has been connected off this listen socket // returns false if there is no data remaining // fills out *pcubMsgSize with the size of the next message, in bytes // fills out *phSocket with the socket that data is available on bool Steam_Networking::IsDataAvailable( SNetListenSocket_t hListenSocket, uint32 *pcubMsgSize, SNetSocket_t *phSocket ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); if (!hListenSocket) return false; for (auto & socket : connection_sockets) { if (socket.listen_id == hListenSocket && socket.data_packets.size()) { if (pcubMsgSize) *pcubMsgSize = static_cast(socket.data_packets[0].data().size()); if (phSocket) *phSocket = socket.id; return true; } } return false; } // retrieves data from any socket that has been connected off this listen socket // fills in pubDest with the contents of the message // messages are always complete, of the same size as was sent (i.e. packetized, not streaming) // if *pcubMsgSize < cubDest, only partial data is written // returns false if no data is available // fills out *phSocket with the socket that data is available on bool Steam_Networking::RetrieveData( SNetListenSocket_t hListenSocket, void *pubDest, uint32 cubDest, uint32 *pcubMsgSize, SNetSocket_t *phSocket ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); if (!hListenSocket) return false; for (auto & socket : connection_sockets) { if (socket.listen_id == hListenSocket && socket.data_packets.size()) { auto msg = std::begin(socket.data_packets); if (msg != std::end(socket.data_packets)) { uint32 msg_size = static_cast(msg->data().size()); if (msg_size > cubDest) msg_size = cubDest; if (pcubMsgSize) *pcubMsgSize = msg_size; if (phSocket) *phSocket = socket.id; memcpy(pubDest, msg->data().data(), msg_size); msg = socket.data_packets.erase(msg); return true; } } } return false; } // returns information about the specified socket, filling out the contents of the pointers bool Steam_Networking::GetSocketInfo( SNetSocket_t hSocket, CSteamID *pSteamIDRemote, int *peSocketStatus, uint32 *punIPRemote, uint16 *punPortRemote ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); struct steam_connection_socket *socket = get_connection_socket(hSocket); if (!socket) return false; if (pSteamIDRemote) *pSteamIDRemote = socket->target; if (peSocketStatus) { //TODO: I'm not sure what peSocketStatus is supposed to be but I'm guessing it's ESNetSocketState if (socket->status == SOCKET_CONNECTED) { *peSocketStatus = k_ESNetSocketStateConnected; } else if (socket->status == SOCKET_CONNECTING) { *peSocketStatus = k_ESNetSocketStateInitiated; } else if (socket->status == SOCKET_DISCONNECTED) { *peSocketStatus = k_ESNetSocketStateDisconnecting; } else if (socket->status == SOCKET_KILLED) { *peSocketStatus = k_ESNetSocketStateConnectionBroken; } else { *peSocketStatus = k_ESNetSocketStateInvalid; } } if (punIPRemote) *punIPRemote = socket->nIP; if (punPortRemote) *punPortRemote = socket->nPort; return true; } bool Steam_Networking::GetSocketInfo( SNetSocket_t hSocket, CSteamID *pSteamIDRemote, int *peSocketStatus, SteamIPAddress_t *punIPRemote, uint16 *punPortRemote ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); //TODO: ipv6 uint32 *ip_remote = NULL; if (punIPRemote) { ip_remote = &(punIPRemote->m_unIPv4); } bool ret = GetSocketInfo(hSocket, pSteamIDRemote, peSocketStatus, ip_remote, punPortRemote ); if (punIPRemote && ret) { punIPRemote->m_eType = k_ESteamIPTypeIPv4; } return ret; } // returns which local port the listen socket is bound to // *pnIP and *pnPort will be 0 if the socket is set to listen for P2P connections only bool Steam_Networking::GetListenSocketInfo( SNetListenSocket_t hListenSocket, uint32 *pnIP, uint16 *pnPort ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); auto conn = std::find_if(listen_sockets.begin(), listen_sockets.end(), [&hListenSocket](struct steam_listen_socket const& conn) { return conn.id == hListenSocket;}); if (conn == listen_sockets.end()) return false; if (pnIP) *pnIP = conn->nIP; if (pnPort) *pnPort = conn->nPort; return true; } bool Steam_Networking::GetListenSocketInfo( SNetListenSocket_t hListenSocket, SteamIPAddress_t *pnIP, uint16 *pnPort ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); //TODO: ipv6 uint32 *ip = NULL; if (pnIP) { ip = &(pnIP->m_unIPv4); } bool ret = GetListenSocketInfo(hListenSocket, ip, pnPort ); if (pnIP && ret) { pnIP->m_eType = k_ESteamIPTypeIPv4; } return ret; } // returns true to describe how the socket ended up connecting ESNetSocketConnectionType Steam_Networking::GetSocketConnectionType( SNetSocket_t hSocket ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); struct steam_connection_socket *socket = get_connection_socket(hSocket); if (!socket || socket->status != SOCKET_CONNECTED) return k_ESNetSocketConnectionTypeNotConnected; else return k_ESNetSocketConnectionTypeUDP; } // max packet size, in bytes int Steam_Networking::GetMaxPacketSize( SNetSocket_t hSocket ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); return 1500; } void Steam_Networking::RunCallbacks() { uint64 current_time = std::chrono::duration_cast>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); { std::lock_guard lock(messages_mutex); { auto msg = std::begin(unprocessed_messages); while (msg != std::end(unprocessed_messages)) { CSteamID source_id((uint64)msg->source_id()); if (!connection_exists(source_id)) { if (new_connection_times.find(source_id) == new_connection_times.end()) { new_connections_to_call_cb.push(source_id); new_connection_times[source_id] = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); } } else { struct Steam_Networking_Connection *conn = get_or_create_connection(source_id); conn->open_channels.insert(msg->network().channel()); } msg->mutable_network()->set_processed(true); msg->mutable_network()->set_time_processed(current_time); messages.push_back(*msg); msg = unprocessed_messages.erase(msg); } } auto msg = std::begin(messages); while (msg != std::end(messages)) { bool deleted = false; if (msg->network().processed()) { if (!connection_exists((uint64)msg->source_id())) { if (msg->network().time_processed() + ORPHANED_PACKET_TIMEOUT < current_time) { deleted = true; } } } if (deleted) { msg = messages.erase(msg); } else { ++msg; } } } while (!new_connections_to_call_cb.empty()) { CSteamID source_id = new_connections_to_call_cb.front(); auto t = new_connection_times.find(source_id); if (t == new_connection_times.end()) { new_connections_to_call_cb.pop(); continue; } if (!check_timedout(t->second, NEW_CONNECTION_DELAY)) { break; } P2PSessionRequest_t data; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); data.m_steamIDRemote = source_id; callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data)); new_connections_to_call_cb.pop(); } //TODO: not sure if sockets should be wiped right away remove_killed_connection_sockets(); for(auto it = new_connection_times.begin(); it != new_connection_times.end(); ) { if (std::chrono::duration_cast>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - it->second).count() > NEW_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) { it = new_connection_times.erase(it); //TODO send packet to other side to tell them connection has "failed". } else { ++it; } } } void Steam_Networking::Callback(Common_Message *msg) { if (msg->has_network()) { PRINT_DEBUG("got msg from: " "%" PRIu64 " to: " "%" PRIu64 " size %zu type %u | messages %p: %zu", msg->source_id(), msg->dest_id(), msg->network().data().size(), msg->network().type(), &messages, messages.size() ); PRINT_DEBUG("msg data: '%s'", common_helpers::uint8_vector_to_hex_string(std::vector(msg->network().data().begin(), msg->network().data().end())).c_str()); if (msg->network().type() == Network_pb::DATA) { unprocessed_messages.push_back(Common_Message(*msg)); } if (msg->network().type() == Network_pb::NEW_CONNECTION) { std::lock_guard lock(messages_mutex); auto msg_temp = std::begin(messages); while (msg_temp != std::end(messages)) { //only delete processed to handle unreliable message arriving at the same time. if (msg_temp->source_id() == msg->source_id() && msg_temp->network().processed()) { msg_temp = messages.erase(msg_temp); } else { ++msg_temp; } } } } if (msg->has_network_old()) { PRINT_DEBUG("got network socket msg %u", msg->network_old().type()); if (msg->network_old().type() == Network_Old::CONNECTION_REQUEST_IP) { for (auto & listen : listen_sockets) { if (listen.nPort == msg->network_old().port()) { SNetSocket_t new_sock = create_connection_socket((uint64)msg->source_id(), 0, 0, msg->network_old().port(), listen.id, SOCKET_CONNECTED, static_cast(msg->network_old().connection_id_from())); if (new_sock) { struct SocketStatusCallback_t data; data.m_hSocket = new_sock; data.m_hListenSocket = listen.id; data.m_steamIDRemote = (uint64)msg->source_id(); data.m_eSNetSocketState = k_ESNetSocketStateConnected; //TODO is this the right state? callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data)); } } } } else if (msg->network_old().type() == Network_Old::CONNECTION_REQUEST_STEAMID) { for (auto & listen : listen_sockets) { if (listen.nVirtualP2PPort == msg->network_old().port()) { SNetSocket_t new_sock = create_connection_socket((uint64)msg->source_id(), msg->network_old().port(), 0, 0, listen.id, SOCKET_CONNECTED, static_cast(msg->network_old().connection_id_from())); if (new_sock) { struct SocketStatusCallback_t data; data.m_hSocket = new_sock; data.m_hListenSocket = listen.id; data.m_steamIDRemote = (uint64)msg->source_id(); data.m_eSNetSocketState = k_ESNetSocketStateConnected; //TODO is this the right state? callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data)); } } } } else if (msg->network_old().type() == Network_Old::CONNECTION_ACCEPTED) { struct steam_connection_socket *socket = get_connection_socket(static_cast(msg->network_old().connection_id())); if (socket && socket->nPort && socket->status == SOCKET_CONNECTING && !socket->target.IsValid()) { socket->target = (uint64)msg->source_id(); } if (socket && socket->status == SOCKET_CONNECTING && msg->source_id() == socket->target.ConvertToUint64()) { socket->status = SOCKET_CONNECTED; socket->other_id = static_cast(msg->network_old().connection_id_from()); struct SocketStatusCallback_t data; data.m_hSocket = socket->id; data.m_hListenSocket = socket->listen_id; data.m_steamIDRemote = socket->target; data.m_eSNetSocketState = k_ESNetSocketStateConnected; //TODO is this the right state? callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data)); } } else if (msg->network_old().type() == Network_Old::CONNECTION_END) { struct steam_connection_socket *socket = get_connection_socket(static_cast(msg->network_old().connection_id())); if (socket && socket->status == SOCKET_CONNECTED && msg->source_id() == socket->target.ConvertToUint64()) { struct SocketStatusCallback_t data; socket->status = SOCKET_DISCONNECTED; data.m_hSocket = socket->id; data.m_hListenSocket = socket->listen_id; data.m_steamIDRemote = socket->target; data.m_eSNetSocketState = k_ESNetSocketStateRemoteEndDisconnected; //TODO is this the right state? callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data)); } } else if (msg->network_old().type() == Network_Old::DATA) { struct steam_connection_socket *socket = get_connection_socket(static_cast(msg->network_old().connection_id())); if (socket && socket->status == SOCKET_CONNECTED && msg->source_id() == socket->target.ConvertToUint64()) { socket->data_packets.push_back(msg->network_old()); } } } if (msg->has_low_level()) { if (msg->low_level().type() == Low_Level::DISCONNECT) { CSteamID source_id((uint64)msg->source_id()); if (connection_exists(source_id)) { P2PSessionConnectFail_t data; data.m_steamIDRemote = source_id; data.m_eP2PSessionError = k_EP2PSessionErrorDestinationNotLoggedIn; callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data)); } for (auto & socket : connection_sockets) { if (socket.target.ConvertToUint64() == msg->source_id()) { struct SocketStatusCallback_t data; socket.status = SOCKET_DISCONNECTED; data.m_hSocket = socket.id; data.m_hListenSocket = socket.listen_id; data.m_steamIDRemote = socket.target; data.m_eSNetSocketState = k_ESNetSocketStateConnectionBroken; //TODO is this the right state? callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data)); } } } else if (msg->low_level().type() == Low_Level::CONNECT) { } } }