require("premake", ">=5.0.0-beta2") -- don't forget to set env var CMAKE_GENERATOR to one of these values: -- -- common ones -- ============ -- Unix Makefiles -- Visual Studio 17 2022 -- MSYS Makefiles local os_iden = '' -- identifier if == "windows" then os_iden = 'win' elseif == "linux" then os_iden = 'linux' else error('Unsupported os target: "' .. .. '"') end -- options --------- -- general newoption { category = "general", trigger = "verbose", description = "Verbose output", } newoption { category = "general", trigger = "clean", description = "Cleanup before any action", } -- tools newoption { category = "tools", trigger = "custom-cmake", description = "Use custom cmake", value = 'path/to/cmake.exe', default = nil } newoption { category = "tools", trigger = "cmake-toolchain", description = "Use cmake toolchain", value = 'path/to/toolchain.cmake', default = nil } newoption { category = "tools", trigger = "custom-extractor", description = "Use custom extractor", value = 'path/to/7z.exe', default = nil } -- deps extraction newoption { category = "extract", trigger = "all-ext", description = "Extract all deps", } newoption { category = "extract", trigger = "ext-ssq", description = "Extract ssq", } newoption { category = "extract", trigger = "ext-zlib", description = "Extract zlib", } newoption { category = "extract", trigger = "ext-curl", description = "Extract curl", } newoption { category = "extract", trigger = "ext-protobuf", description = "Extract protobuf", } newoption { category = "extract", trigger = "ext-mbedtls", description = "Extract mbedtls", } newoption { category = "extract", trigger = "ext-ingame_overlay", description = "Extract ingame_overlay", } -- build newoption { category = "build", trigger = "all-build", description = "Build all deps", } newoption { category = "build", trigger = "j", description = "Parallel build jobs, by default the max possible", } newoption { category = "build", trigger = "32-build", description = "Build for 32-bit arch", } newoption { category = "build", trigger = "64-build", description = "Build for 64-bit arch", } newoption { category = "build", trigger = "build-ssq", description = "Build ssq", } newoption { category = "build", trigger = "build-zlib", description = "Build zlib", } newoption { category = "build", trigger = "build-curl", description = "Build curl", } newoption { category = "build", trigger = "build-protobuf", description = "Build protobuf", } newoption { category = "build", trigger = "build-mbedtls", description = "Build mbedtls", } newoption { category = "build", trigger = "build-ingame_overlay", description = "Build ingame_overlay", } local function merge_list(src, dest) local src_count = #src local res = {} for idx = 1, src_count do res[idx] = src[idx] end for idx = 1, #dest do res[src_count + idx] = dest[idx] end return res end if _OPTIONS['j'] and not string.match(_OPTIONS['j'], '^[1-9]+$') then error("Invalid argument for --j") end -- common defs --------- local deps_dir = path.getabsolute(path.join('build', 'deps', os_iden, _ACTION), _MAIN_SCRIPT_DIR) local third_party_dir = path.getabsolute('third-party') local third_party_deps_dir = path.join(third_party_dir, 'deps', os_iden) local third_party_common_dir = path.join(third_party_dir, 'deps', 'common') local extractor = os.realpath(path.join(third_party_deps_dir, '7za', '7za')) local mycmake = os.realpath(path.join(third_party_deps_dir, 'cmake', 'bin', 'cmake')) if _OPTIONS["custom-cmake"] then mycmake = _OPTIONS["custom-cmake"] print('using custom cmake: ' .. _OPTIONS["custom-cmake"]) else if == 'windows' then mycmake = mycmake .. '.exe' end if not os.isfile(mycmake) then error('cmake is missing from third-party dir, you can specify custom cmake location, run the script with --help. cmake: ' .. mycmake) end end if not third_party_dir or not os.isdir(third_party_dir) then error('third-party dir is missing') end if _OPTIONS["custom-extractor"] then extractor = _OPTIONS["custom-extractor"] print('using custom extractor: ' .. _OPTIONS["custom-extractor"]) else if == 'windows' then extractor = extractor .. '.exe' end if not extractor or not os.isfile(extractor) then error('extractor is missing from third-party dir. extractor: ' .. extractor) end end -- ############## common CMAKE args ############## -- local cmake_common_defs = { 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release', 'CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=True', 'BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF', 'CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY=MultiThreaded', } local function cmake_build(dep_folder, is_32, extra_cmd_defs, c_flags_init, cxx_flags_init) local dep_base = path.getabsolute(path.join(deps_dir, dep_folder)) local arch_iden = '' if is_32 then arch_iden = '32' else arch_iden = '64' end print('\n\nbuilding dep: "' .. dep_base .. '"') local build_dir = path.getabsolute(path.join(dep_base, 'build' .. arch_iden)) local install_dir = path.join(dep_base, 'install' .. arch_iden) -- clean if required if _OPTIONS["clean"] then print('cleaning dir: ' .. build_dir) os.rmdir(build_dir) print('cleaning dir: ' .. install_dir) os.rmdir(install_dir) end if not os.mkdir(build_dir) then error("failed to create build dir: " .. build_dir) return end local cmake_common_defs_str = '-D' .. table.concat(cmake_common_defs, ' -D') .. ' -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="' .. install_dir .. '"' local cmd_gen = mycmake .. ' -S "' .. dep_base .. '" -B "' .. build_dir .. '" ' .. cmake_common_defs_str local all_cflags_init = {} local all_cxxflags_init = {} -- c/cxx init flags based on arch/action if string.match(_ACTION, 'gmake.*') then if is_32 then table.insert(all_cflags_init, '-m32') table.insert(all_cxxflags_init, '-m32') end elseif string.match(_ACTION, 'vs.+') then -- these 2 are needed because mbedtls doesn't care about 'CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY' for some reason table.insert(all_cflags_init, '/MT') table.insert(all_cflags_init, '/D_MT') table.insert(all_cxxflags_init, '/MT') table.insert(all_cxxflags_init, '/D_MT') local cmake_generator = os.getenv("CMAKE_GENERATOR") or "" if cmake_generator == "" and == 'windows' or cmake_generator:find("Visual Studio") then if is_32 then cmd_gen = cmd_gen .. ' -A Win32' else cmd_gen = cmd_gen .. ' -A x64' end end else error("unsupported action for cmake build: " .. _ACTION) return end -- add c/cxx extra init flags if c_flags_init then if type(c_flags_init) ~= 'table' then error("unsupported type for c_flags_init: " .. type(c_flags_init)) return end for _, cval in pairs(c_flags_init) do table.insert(all_cflags_init, cval) end end if cxx_flags_init then if type(cxx_flags_init) ~= 'table' then error("unsupported type for cxx_flags_init: " .. type(cxx_flags_init)) return end for _, cval in pairs(cxx_flags_init) do table.insert(all_cxxflags_init, cval) end end -- convert to space-delimited str local cflags_init_str = '' if #all_cflags_init > 0 then cflags_init_str = table.concat(all_cflags_init, " ") end local cxxflags_init_str = '' if #all_cxxflags_init > 0 then cxxflags_init_str = table.concat(all_cxxflags_init, " ") end -- write toolchain file local toolchain_file_content = '' if _OPTIONS["cmake-toolchain"] then toolchain_file_content='include(' .. _OPTIONS["cmake-toolchain"] .. ')\n\n' end if #cflags_init_str > 0 then toolchain_file_content = toolchain_file_content .. 'set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_INIT "' .. cflags_init_str .. '" )\n' end if #cxxflags_init_str > 0 then toolchain_file_content = toolchain_file_content .. 'set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT "' .. cxxflags_init_str .. '" )\n' end if string.match(_ACTION, 'vs.+') then -- because libssq doesn't care about CMAKE_C/XX_FLAGS_INIT toolchain_file_content = toolchain_file_content .. 'set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} /MT /D_MT" ) \n' toolchain_file_content = toolchain_file_content .. 'set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} /MT /D_MT" ) \n' end if #toolchain_file_content > 0 then local toolchain_file = path.join(dep_base, 'toolchain_' .. tostring(is_32) .. '_' .. _ACTION .. '_' .. os_iden .. '.precmt') if not io.writefile(toolchain_file, toolchain_file_content) then error("failed to write cmake toolchain") return end cmd_gen = cmd_gen .. ' -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="' .. toolchain_file .. '"' end -- add extra defs if extra_cmd_defs then if type(extra_cmd_defs) ~= 'table' then error("unsupported type for extra_cmd_defs: " .. type(extra_cmd_defs)) return end if #extra_cmd_defs > 0 then local extra_defs_str = ' -D' .. table.concat(extra_cmd_defs, ' -D') cmd_gen = cmd_gen .. extra_defs_str end end -- verbose generation if _OPTIONS['verbose'] then print(cmd_gen) end -- generate cmake config local ok = os.execute(cmd_gen) if not ok then error("failed to generate") return end -- verbose build local verbose_build_str = '' if _OPTIONS['verbose'] then verbose_build_str = ' -v' end -- build with cmake local parallel_str = ' --parallel' if _OPTIONS['j'] then parallel_str = parallel_str .. ' ' .. _OPTIONS['j'] end local ok = os.execute(mycmake .. ' --build "' .. build_dir .. '" --config Release' .. parallel_str .. verbose_build_str) if not ok then error("failed to build") return end -- create dir if not os.mkdir(install_dir) then error("failed to create install dir: " .. install_dir) return end local cmd_install = mycmake.. ' --install "' .. build_dir .. '" --prefix "' .. install_dir .. '"' print(cmd_install) local ok = os.execute(cmd_install) if not ok then error("failed to install") return end end -- chmod tools if == "linux" then if not _OPTIONS["custom-extractor"] then local ok_chmod, err_chmod = os.chmod(extractor, "777") if not ok_chmod then error("cannot chmod: " .. err_chmod) return end end if not _OPTIONS["custom-cmake"] then local ok_chmod, err_chmod = os.chmod(mycmake, "777") if not ok_chmod then error("cannot chmod: " .. err_chmod) return end end end -- extract action ------- deps_to_extract = {} -- { 'path/to/archive', 'path/to/extraction folder' if _OPTIONS["ext-ssq"] or _OPTIONS["all-ext"] then table.insert(deps_to_extract, { 'libssq/libssq.tar.gz', 'libssq' }) end if _OPTIONS["ext-zlib"] or _OPTIONS["all-ext"] then table.insert(deps_to_extract, { 'zlib/zlib.tar.gz', 'zlib' }) end if _OPTIONS["ext-curl"] or _OPTIONS["all-ext"] then table.insert(deps_to_extract, { 'curl/curl.tar.gz', 'curl' }) end if _OPTIONS["ext-protobuf"] or _OPTIONS["all-ext"] then table.insert(deps_to_extract, { 'protobuf/protobuf.tar.gz', 'protobuf' }) end if _OPTIONS["ext-mbedtls"] or _OPTIONS["all-ext"] then table.insert(deps_to_extract, { 'mbedtls/mbedtls.tar.gz', 'mbedtls' }) end if _OPTIONS["ext-ingame_overlay"] or _OPTIONS["all-ext"] then table.insert(deps_to_extract, { 'ingame_overlay/ingame_overlay.tar.gz', 'ingame_overlay' }) end -- start extraction for _, dep in pairs(deps_to_extract) do -- check archive local archive_file = path.join(third_party_common_dir, dep[1]) print('\n\nextracting dep archive: "' .. archive_file .. '"') if not os.isfile(archive_file) then error("archive not found: " .. archive_file) return end local out_folder = path.join(deps_dir, dep[2]) -- clean if required if _OPTIONS["clean"] then print('cleaning dir: ' .. out_folder) os.rmdir(out_folder) end -- create out folder print("creating dir: " .. out_folder) local ok_mk, err_mk = os.mkdir(out_folder) if not ok_mk then error("Error: " .. err_mk) return end -- extract print("extracting: '" .. archive_file .. "'") local ext = string.lower(string.sub(archive_file, -7)) -- ".tar.gz" local ok_cmd = false if ext == ".tar.gz" then ok_cmd = os.execute(extractor .. ' -bso0 -bse2 x "' .. archive_file .. '" -so | "' .. extractor .. '" -bso0 -bse2 x -si -ttar -y -aoa -o"' .. deps_dir .. '"') else ok_cmd = os.execute(extractor .. ' -bso0 -bse2 x "' .. archive_file .. '" -y -aoa -o"' .. out_folder .. '"') end if not ok_cmd then error('extraction failed') end -- flatten dir by moving all folders contents outside (one level above) -- print('flattening dir: ' .. out_folder) -- local folders = os.matchdirs(out_folder .. '/*') -- for _, inner_folder in pairs(folders) do -- -- the weird "/*" at the end is not a mistake, premake uses cp cpmmand on linux, which won't copy inner dir otherwise -- local ok = os.execute('{COPYDIR} "' .. inner_folder .. '"/* "' .. out_folder .. '"') -- if not ok then -- error('copy dir failed, src=' .. inner_folder .. ', dest=' .. out_folder) -- end -- os.rmdir(inner_folder) -- end end -- build action ------- if _OPTIONS["build-ssq"] or _OPTIONS["all-build"] then if _OPTIONS["32-build"] then cmake_build('libssq', true) end if _OPTIONS["64-build"] then cmake_build('libssq', false) end end if _OPTIONS["build-zlib"] or _OPTIONS["all-build"] then if _OPTIONS["32-build"] then cmake_build('zlib', true) end if _OPTIONS["64-build"] then cmake_build('zlib', false) end end -- ############## zlib is painful ############## -- lib curl uses the default search paths, even when ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR and ZLIB_LIBRARY_RELEASE are defined -- check thir CMakeLists.txt line #573 -- optional_dependency(ZLIB) -- if(ZLIB_FOUND) -- set(HAVE_LIBZ ON) -- set(USE_ZLIB ON) -- -- # Depend on ZLIB via imported targets if supported by the running -- # version of CMake. This allows our dependents to get our dependencies -- # transitively. -- if(NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.4) -- list(APPEND CURL_LIBS ZLIB::ZLIB) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< evil -- else() -- list(APPEND CURL_LIBS ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}) -- include_directories(${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) -- endif() -- list(APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) -- endif() -- we have to set the ZLIB_ROOT so that it is prepended to the search list -- we have to set ZLIB_LIBRARY NOT ZLIB_LIBRARY_RELEASE in order to override the FindZlib module -- we also should set ZLIB_USE_STATIC_LIBS since we want to force static builds -- local zlib_name = '' local mbedtls_name = '' local mbedcrypto_name = '' local mbedx509_name = '' -- name if _ACTION and == 'windows' then if string.match(_ACTION, 'vs.+') then zlib_name = 'zlibstatic' mbedtls_name = 'mbedtls' mbedcrypto_name = 'mbedcrypto' mbedx509_name = 'mbedx509' elseif string.match(_ACTION, 'gmake.*') then zlib_name = 'libzlibstatic' mbedtls_name = 'libmbedtls' mbedcrypto_name = 'libmbedcrypto' mbedx509_name = 'libmbedx509' else error('unsupported os/action: ' .. .. ' / ' .. _ACTION) end else -- linux or macos zlib_name = 'libz' mbedtls_name = 'libmbedtls' mbedcrypto_name = 'libmbedcrypto' mbedx509_name = 'mbedx509' end -- extension if _ACTION and string.match(_ACTION, 'vs.+') then zlib_name = zlib_name .. '.lib' mbedtls_name = mbedtls_name .. '.lib' mbedcrypto_name = mbedcrypto_name .. '.lib' mbedx509_name = mbedx509_name .. '.lib' else zlib_name = zlib_name .. '.a' mbedtls_name = mbedtls_name .. '.a' mbedcrypto_name = mbedcrypto_name .. '.a' mbedx509_name = mbedx509_name .. '.a' end local wild_zlib_path_32 = path.join(deps_dir, 'zlib', 'install32', 'lib', zlib_name) local wild_zlib_32 = { 'ZLIB_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON', 'ZLIB_ROOT="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'zlib', 'install32') .. '"', 'ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'zlib', 'install32', 'include') .. '"', 'ZLIB_LIBRARY="' .. wild_zlib_path_32 .. '"', } local wild_zlib_path_64 = path.join(deps_dir, 'zlib', 'install64', 'lib', zlib_name) local wild_zlib_64 = { 'ZLIB_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON', 'ZLIB_ROOT="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'zlib', 'install64') .. '"', 'ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'zlib', 'install64', 'include') .. '"', 'ZLIB_LIBRARY="' .. wild_zlib_path_64 .. '"', } if _OPTIONS["build-mbedtls"] or _OPTIONS["all-build"] then local mbedtls_common_defs = { "USE_STATIC_MBEDTLS_LIBRARY=ON", "USE_SHARED_MBEDTLS_LIBRARY=OFF", "ENABLE_TESTING=OFF", "ENABLE_PROGRAMS=OFF", "MBEDTLS_FATAL_WARNINGS=OFF", } if == 'windows' and string.match(_ACTION, 'vs.+') then table.insert(mbedtls_common_defs, "MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME=ON") else -- linux or macos or MinGW on Windows table.insert(mbedtls_common_defs, "LINK_WITH_PTHREAD=ON") end local mbedtls_32_bit_fixes = {} if _OPTIONS["32-build"] and string.match(_ACTION, 'gmake.*') then table.insert(mbedtls_32_bit_fixes, '-mpclmul') table.insert(mbedtls_32_bit_fixes, '-msse2') table.insert(mbedtls_32_bit_fixes, '-maes') end if _OPTIONS["32-build"] then cmake_build('mbedtls', true, mbedtls_common_defs, mbedtls_32_bit_fixes) end if _OPTIONS["64-build"] then cmake_build('mbedtls', false, mbedtls_common_defs) end end if _OPTIONS["build-curl"] or _OPTIONS["all-build"] then local curl_common_defs = { "BUILD_CURL_EXE=OFF", "BUILD_STATIC_CURL=OFF", -- "Build curl executable with static libcurl" "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF", "BUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON", "BUILD_MISC_DOCS=OFF", "BUILD_TESTING=OFF", "BUILD_LIBCURL_DOCS=OFF", "ENABLE_CURL_MANUAL=OFF", "CURL_USE_OPENSSL=OFF", "CURL_ZLIB=ON", "CURL_USE_MBEDTLS=ON", -- "CURL_USE_SCHANNEL=ON", "CURL_CA_FALLBACK=ON", -- fix building on Arch Linux "CURL_USE_LIBSSH2=OFF", "CURL_USE_LIBPSL=OFF", "USE_LIBIDN2=OFF", "CURL_DISABLE_LDAP=ON", } if == 'windows' and string.match(_ACTION, 'vs.+') then table.insert(curl_common_defs, "CURL_STATIC_CRT=ON") table.insert(curl_common_defs, "ENABLE_UNICODE=ON") end if _OPTIONS["32-build"] then cmake_build('curl', true, merge_list(curl_common_defs, merge_list(wild_zlib_32, { 'MBEDTLS_INCLUDE_DIRS="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'mbedtls', 'install32', 'include') .. '"', 'MBEDTLS_LIBRARY="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'mbedtls', 'install32', 'lib', mbedtls_name) .. '"', 'MBEDCRYPTO_LIBRARY="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'mbedtls', 'install32', 'lib', mbedcrypto_name) .. '"', 'MBEDX509_LIBRARY="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'mbedtls', 'install32', 'lib', mbedx509_name) .. '"', }))) end if _OPTIONS["64-build"] then cmake_build('curl', false, merge_list(curl_common_defs, merge_list(wild_zlib_64, { 'MBEDTLS_INCLUDE_DIRS="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'mbedtls', 'install64', 'include') .. '"', 'MBEDTLS_LIBRARY="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'mbedtls', 'install64', 'lib', mbedtls_name) .. '"', 'MBEDCRYPTO_LIBRARY="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'mbedtls', 'install64', 'lib', mbedcrypto_name) .. '"', 'MBEDX509_LIBRARY="' .. path.join(deps_dir, 'mbedtls', 'install64', 'lib', mbedx509_name) .. '"', }))) end end if _OPTIONS["build-protobuf"] or _OPTIONS["all-build"] then local proto_common_defs = { "ABSL_PROPAGATE_CXX_STD=ON", "protobuf_BUILD_PROTOBUF_BINARIES=ON", "protobuf_BUILD_PROTOC_BINARIES=ON", "protobuf_BUILD_LIBPROTOC=OFF", "protobuf_BUILD_LIBUPB=OFF", "protobuf_BUILD_TESTS=OFF", "protobuf_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF", "protobuf_DISABLE_RTTI=ON", "protobuf_BUILD_CONFORMANCE=OFF", "protobuf_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF", "protobuf_WITH_ZLIB=ON", } if == 'windows' and string.match(_ACTION, 'gmake.*') then table.insert(proto_common_defs, 'protobuf_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME=ON') end if _OPTIONS["32-build"] then cmake_build('protobuf', true, merge_list(proto_common_defs, wild_zlib_32)) end if _OPTIONS["64-build"] then cmake_build('protobuf', false, merge_list(proto_common_defs, wild_zlib_64)) end end if _OPTIONS["build-ingame_overlay"] or _OPTIONS["all-build"] then -- fixes 32-bit compilation of DX12 local overaly_imgui_cfg_file = path.join(deps_dir, 'ingame_overlay', 'imconfig.imcfg') if not io.writefile(overaly_imgui_cfg_file, [[ #pragma once #define ImTextureID ImU64 ]]) then error('failed to create ImGui config file for overlay: ' .. overaly_imgui_cfg_file) end local ingame_overlay_common_defs = { 'IMGUI_USER_CONFIG="' .. overaly_imgui_cfg_file:gsub('\\', '/') .. '"', -- ensure we use '/' because this lib doesn't handle it well 'INGAMEOVERLAY_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=OFF', 'INGAMEOVERLAY_USE_SPDLOG=OFF', 'INGAMEOVERLAY_BUILD_TESTS=OFF', } -- fix missing standard include/header file for gcc/clang local ingame_overlay_fixes = {} if string.match(_ACTION, 'gmake.*') then -- MinGW fixes if == 'windows' then -- MinGW doesn't define _M_AMD64 or _M_IX86, which makes SystemDetector.h fail to recognize os -- MinGW throws this error: Filesystem.cpp:139:38: error: no matching function for call to 'stat::stat(const char*, stat*) table.insert(ingame_overlay_fixes, '-include sys/stat.h') -- MinGW throws this error: Library.cpp:77:26: error: invalid conversion from 'FARPROC' {aka 'long long int (*)()'} to 'void*' [-fpermissive] table.insert(ingame_overlay_fixes, '-fpermissive') end end if _OPTIONS["32-build"] then cmake_build('ingame_overlay/deps/System', true, { 'BUILD_SYSTEMLIB_TESTS=OFF', }, nil, ingame_overlay_fixes) cmake_build('ingame_overlay/deps/mini_detour', true, { 'BUILD_MINIDETOUR_TESTS=OFF', }) cmake_build('ingame_overlay', true, ingame_overlay_common_defs, nil, ingame_overlay_fixes) end if _OPTIONS["64-build"] then cmake_build('ingame_overlay/deps/System', false, { 'BUILD_SYSTEMLIB_TESTS=OFF', }, nil, ingame_overlay_fixes) cmake_build('ingame_overlay/deps/mini_detour', false, { 'BUILD_MINIDETOUR_TESTS=OFF', }) cmake_build('ingame_overlay', false, ingame_overlay_common_defs, nil, ingame_overlay_fixes) end end