#!/usr/bin/env bash EXE="" #"./hl2.sh" APP_ID="" #480 EXE_RUN_DIR="" #"$(dirname ${0})" STEAM_RUNTIME="" #"./steam_runtime/run.sh" EXE_COMMAND_LINE=() LDR_FILE_EXE="ldr_exe.txt" LDR_FILE_APP_ID="ldr_appid.txt" LDR_FILE_EXE_RUN_DIR="ldr_cwd.txt" LDR_FILE_STEAM_RUNTIME="ldr_steam_rt.txt" LDR_FILE_EXE_COMMAND_LINE="ldr_cmd.txt" # MUST be beside this script STEAM_CLIENT_SO=steamclient.so STEAM_CLIENT64_SO=steamclient64.so script_dir=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${0}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) steam_base_dir="$( echo ~/.steam )" function help_page () { echo; echo "Command line arguments:" echo " -exe: path to the executable" echo " -appid: numeric app ID" echo " -cwd: (optional) working directory to switch to when running the executable" echo " -rt: (optional) path to Steam runtime script" echo " ex1: $steam_base_dir/debian-installation/ubuntu12_64/steam-runtime-heavy.sh" echo " ex2: $steam_base_dir/debian-installation/ubuntu12_64/steam-runtime-heavy/run.sh" echo " ex3: $steam_base_dir/debian-installation/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/run.sh" echo " ex4: $steam_base_dir/steam_runtime/run.sh" echo " --: everything after these 2 dashes will be passed directly to the executable" echo; echo "note that any unknown args will be passed to the executable" echo; echo "Additionally, you can set these values in the equivalent configuration files, everything on a single line for each file:" echo " "$LDR_FILE_EXE": specify the executable path in this file" echo " "$LDR_FILE_APP_ID": specify the app ID in this file" echo " "$LDR_FILE_EXE_RUN_DIR": specify the working directory of the executable path in this file" echo " "$LDR_FILE_STEAM_RUNTIME": specify the path of the Steam runtime script in this file" echo " "$LDR_FILE_EXE_COMMAND_LINE": specify aditional arguments that will be passed to the executable in this file," echo " this file has the exception that the arguments must be specified on separate lines" echo; echo "Command line arguments will override the values in the configuration files," echo "with an exception for the arguments passed to the executable, both specified" echo "in the cofiguration file and via command line will be passed to the executable" echo; } # mandatory checks if [[ ! -f "$script_dir/${STEAM_CLIENT_SO}" ]]; then echo "'$STEAM_CLIENT_SO' must be placed beside this script" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$script_dir/${STEAM_CLIENT64_SO}" ]; then echo "'$STEAM_CLIENT64_SO' must be placed beside this script" exit 1 fi # no args = help page if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then echo "[?] No arguments provided" help_page exit 0 fi # try to load from config files first # unfortunately we need eval to expand stuff like ~/my_path if [[ -f "$script_dir/$LDR_FILE_EXE" ]]; then read -r -s EXE < "$script_dir/$LDR_FILE_EXE" [[ ! -z "$EXE" ]] && EXE="$(eval echo "$EXE")" fi if [[ -f "$script_dir/$LDR_FILE_APP_ID" ]]; then read -r -s APP_ID < "$script_dir/$LDR_FILE_APP_ID" fi if [[ -f "$script_dir/$LDR_FILE_EXE_RUN_DIR" ]]; then read -r -s EXE_RUN_DIR < "$script_dir/$LDR_FILE_EXE_RUN_DIR" [[ ! -z "$EXE_RUN_DIR" ]] && EXE_RUN_DIR="$(eval echo "$EXE_RUN_DIR")" fi if [[ -f "$script_dir/$LDR_FILE_STEAM_RUNTIME" ]]; then read -r -s STEAM_RUNTIME < "$script_dir/$LDR_FILE_STEAM_RUNTIME" [[ ! -z "$STEAM_RUNTIME" ]] && STEAM_RUNTIME="$(eval echo "$STEAM_RUNTIME")" fi if [[ -f "$script_dir/$LDR_FILE_EXE_COMMAND_LINE" ]]; then EXTRA_EXE_COMMAND_LINE=() readarray -t EXTRA_EXE_COMMAND_LINE < "$script_dir/$LDR_FILE_EXE_COMMAND_LINE" for arg in "${EXTRA_EXE_COMMAND_LINE[@]}"; do arg="$(eval echo "$arg")" EXE_COMMAND_LINE+=("$arg") done fi # then read command line args i=1 # 0 is script path for (( ; i<=$#; i++ )); do var="${!i}" if [[ "$var" = "-exe" ]]; then i=$((i+1)) EXE="${!i}" elif [[ "$var" = "-appid" ]]; then i=$((i+1)) APP_ID="${!i}" elif [[ "$var" = "-cwd" ]]; then i=$((i+1)) EXE_RUN_DIR="${!i}" elif [[ "$var" = "-rt" ]]; then i=$((i+1)) STEAM_RUNTIME="${!i}" elif [[ "$var" = "--" ]]; then # stop processing args, everything else is passed to app i=$((i+1)) break else # pass unknown args to app EXE_COMMAND_LINE+=("$var") fi done # extra args after '--' will be processed here for (( ; i<=$#; i++ )); do EXE_COMMAND_LINE+=("${!i}") done # sanity checks # prepending the script dir helps sudo users when for example EXE=./mygame [[ -f "$EXE" ]] || EXE="$script_dir/$EXE" if [[ ! -f "$EXE" ]]; then echo "[X] executable '$EXE' is invalid" >&2 help_page exit 1 fi # change to absolute path EXE="$( cd -- "$( dirname "$EXE" )" 2> /dev/null && pwd )/$( basename "$EXE" )" if [[ ! "$APP_ID" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "[X] app ID '$APP_ID' is invalid" >&2 help_page exit 1 fi # use the exe's dir if non-specified [[ -z "$EXE_RUN_DIR" ]] && EXE_RUN_DIR="$(dirname "$EXE")" if [[ ! -d "$EXE_RUN_DIR" ]]; then echo "[X] executable working directory '$EXE_RUN_DIR' is invalid" >&2 help_page exit 1 fi if [[ ! -z "$STEAM_RUNTIME" ]]; then if [[ ! -f "$STEAM_RUNTIME" ]]; then echo "[X] Steam runtime script was set '$STEAM_RUNTIME', but the file was not found" >&2 help_page exit 1 fi # change to absolute path STEAM_RUNTIME="$( cd -- "$( dirname "$STEAM_RUNTIME" )" 2> /dev/null && pwd )/$( basename "$STEAM_RUNTIME" )" fi # print everything echo EXE = "'$EXE'" echo APP_ID = $APP_ID echo EXE_RUN_DIR = "'$EXE_RUN_DIR'" if [[ -z "$STEAM_RUNTIME" ]]; then echo "STEAM_RUNTIME was not set" else echo STEAM_RUNTIME = "'$STEAM_RUNTIME'" fi echo EXE_COMMAND_LINE = "${EXE_COMMAND_LINE[@]}" # prepare the required dirs if [[ ! -d "$steam_base_dir/sdk32" ]]; then mkdir -p "$steam_base_dir/sdk32" fi if [[ ! -d "$steam_base_dir/sdk64" ]]; then mkdir -p "$steam_base_dir/sdk64" fi # restore earlier backup, we do this here because the user may have crashed the script in an earlier run # before it could restore the backup at the last stage if [ -f "$steam_base_dir/steam.pid.orig" ]; then mv -f "$steam_base_dir/steam.pid.orig" "$steam_base_dir/steam.pid" fi if [ -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk32/steamclient.so.orig" ]; then mv -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk32/steamclient.so.orig" "$steam_base_dir/sdk32/steamclient.so" fi if [ -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk64/steamclient.so.orig" ]; then mv -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk64/steamclient.so.orig" "$steam_base_dir/sdk64/steamclient.so" fi # make a backup of original files if [ -f "$steam_base_dir/steam.pid" ]; then mv -f "$steam_base_dir/steam.pid" "$steam_base_dir/steam.pid.orig" fi if [ -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk32/steamclient.so" ]; then mv -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk32/steamclient.so" "$steam_base_dir/sdk32/steamclient.so.orig" fi if [ -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk64/steamclient.so" ]; then mv -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk64/steamclient.so" "$steam_base_dir/sdk64/steamclient.so.orig" fi # copy our files cp -f "$script_dir/$STEAM_CLIENT_SO" "$steam_base_dir/sdk32/steamclient.so" cp -f "$script_dir/$STEAM_CLIENT64_SO" "$steam_base_dir/sdk64/steamclient.so" echo ${$} > "$steam_base_dir/steam.pid" # set variables and run the app pushd "${EXE_RUN_DIR}" TARGET_EXE="$EXE" if [ ! -z "${STEAM_RUNTIME}" ]; then TARGET_EXE="$STEAM_RUNTIME" EXE_COMMAND_LINE=( "$EXE" "${EXE_COMMAND_LINE[@]}" ) fi GseAppPath="${EXE_RUN_DIR}" SteamAppId=$APP_ID SteamGameId=$APP_ID SteamAppUser='client_player' SteamUser='client_player' SteamClientLaunch='1' SteamEnv='1' SteamPath="$script_dir" "$TARGET_EXE" "${EXE_COMMAND_LINE[@]}" popd #restore backup if [ -f "$steam_base_dir/steam.pid.orig" ]; then mv -f "$steam_base_dir/steam.pid.orig" "$steam_base_dir/steam.pid" fi if [ -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk32/steamclient.so.orig" ]; then mv -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk32/steamclient.so.orig" "$steam_base_dir/sdk32/steamclient.so" fi if [ -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk64/steamclient.so.orig" ]; then mv -f "$steam_base_dir/sdk64/steamclient.so.orig" "$steam_base_dir/sdk64/steamclient.so" fi