@echo off setlocal pushd "%~dp0" set "deps_dir=build\deps\win" set "third_party_dir=third-party" set "third_party_deps_dir=%third_party_dir%\deps\win" set "third_party_common_dir=%third_party_dir%\deps\common" set "extractor=%third_party_deps_dir%\7za\7za.exe" set "mycmake=%~dp0%third_party_deps_dir%\cmake\bin\cmake.exe" set /a last_code=0 if not exist "%extractor%" ( call :err_msg "Couldn't find extraction tool" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) if not exist "%mycmake%" ( call :err_msg "Couldn't find cmake" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) :: < 0: deduce, > 1: force set /a PARALLEL_THREADS_OVERRIDE=-1 set "VERBOSITY=" :: get args :args_loop if "%~1"=="" ( goto :args_loop_end ) else if "%~1"=="-j" ( call :get_parallel_threads_count %~2 || ( call :err_msg "Invalid arg after -j, expected a number" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) shift /1 ) else if "%~1"=="-verbose" ( set "VERBOSITY=-v" ) else ( call :err_msg "Invalid arg: %~1" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) shift /1 goto :args_loop :args_loop_end :: use 70% if defined NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS ( set /a jobs_count=NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS*70/100 ) else ( set /a jobs_count=2 ) if %PARALLEL_THREADS_OVERRIDE% gtr 0 ( set /a jobs_count=PARALLEL_THREADS_OVERRIDE ) if %jobs_count% lss 1 ( set /a jobs_count=1 ) :: ############## common CMAKE args ############## :: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_LANG_FLAGS_CONFIG.html#variable:CMAKE_%3CLANG%3E_FLAGS_%3CCONFIG%3E set cmake_common_args=-G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -S . set cmake_common_defs=-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED=ON -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=17 -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=True -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DCMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY=MultiThreaded "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE=/MT /std:c17 /D_MT" "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE=/MT /std:c++17 /D_MT" set "recreate_32=rmdir /s /q build32\ 1>nul 2>&1 & rmdir /s /q install32\ 1>nul 2>&1 & mkdir build32\ && mkdir install32\" set "recreate_64=rmdir /s /q build64\ 1>nul 2>&1 & rmdir /s /q install64\ 1>nul 2>&1 & mkdir build64\ && mkdir install64\" set cmake_gen32="%mycmake%" %cmake_common_args% -A Win32 -B build32 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install32 %cmake_common_defs% set cmake_gen64="%mycmake%" %cmake_common_args% -A x64 -B build64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install64 %cmake_common_defs% set cmake_build32="%mycmake%" --build build32 --config Release --parallel %jobs_count% %VERBOSITY% set cmake_build64="%mycmake%" --build build64 --config Release --parallel %jobs_count% %VERBOSITY% set "clean_gen32=if exist build32\ rmdir /s /q build32" set "clean_gen64=if exist build64\ rmdir /s /q build64" :: "-DCMAKE_C_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib" "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib" :: -DCMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY=MultiThreaded" "-DMSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY=MultiThreaded" :: "-DCMAKE_C_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib" :: "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE=/MT /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG" :: "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE=/MT /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG" :: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib" :: "-DCMAKE_C_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib" "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE=/MT /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG" :: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib" :: "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE=/MT /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG" :: "-DCMAKE_C_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib" "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib" call :extract_all_deps || ( set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) echo // [?] All CMAKE builds will use %jobs_count% parallel jobs :: ############## build ssq ############## echo // building ssq lib pushd "%deps_dir%\libssq" setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 32 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 32" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) %recreate_32% %cmake_gen32% set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build32% set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 64 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 64" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) %recreate_64% %cmake_gen64% set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build64% set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% popd echo: & echo: :: ############## build zlib ############## echo // building zlib lib pushd "%deps_dir%\zlib" setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 32 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 32" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) %recreate_32% %cmake_gen32% set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build32% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen32% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 64 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 64" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) %recreate_64% %cmake_gen64% set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build64% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen64% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% popd echo: & echo: :: ############## zlib is painful ############## :: lib curl uses the default search paths, even when ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR and ZLIB_LIBRARY_RELEASE are defined :: check thir CMakeLists.txt line #573 :: optional_dependency(ZLIB) :: if(ZLIB_FOUND) :: set(HAVE_LIBZ ON) :: set(USE_ZLIB ON) :: :: # Depend on ZLIB via imported targets if supported by the running :: # version of CMake. This allows our dependents to get our dependencies :: # transitively. :: if(NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.4) :: list(APPEND CURL_LIBS ZLIB::ZLIB) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< evil :: else() :: list(APPEND CURL_LIBS ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}) :: include_directories(${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) :: endif() :: list(APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) :: endif() :: we have to set the ZLIB_ROOT so that it is prepended to the search list :: we have to set ZLIB_LIBRARY NOT ZLIB_LIBRARY_RELEASE in order to override the FindZlib module :: we also should set ZLIB_USE_STATIC_LIBS since we want to force static builds :: https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/a6853135f569f0b040a34374a15a8361bb73901b/Modules/FindZLIB.cmake#L98C4-L98C13 set wild_zlib_32=-DZLIB_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON "-DZLIB_ROOT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install32" "-DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install32\include" "-DZLIB_LIBRARY=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install32\lib\zlibstatic.lib" set wild_zlib_64=-DZLIB_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON "-DZLIB_ROOT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install64" "-DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install64\include" "-DZLIB_LIBRARY=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install64\lib\zlibstatic.lib" :: ############## build curl ############## echo // building curl lib pushd "%deps_dir%\curl" :: CURL_STATICLIB set "curl_common_defs=-DBUILD_CURL_EXE=OFF -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DBUILD_STATIC_CURL=OFF -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON -DCURL_USE_OPENSSL=OFF -DCURL_ZLIB=ON -DENABLE_UNICODE=ON -DCURL_STATIC_CRT=ON -DCURL_USE_LIBSSH2=OFF -DCURL_USE_LIBPSL=OFF -DUSE_LIBIDN2=OFF -DCURL_DISABLE_LDAP=ON" setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 32 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 32" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) %recreate_32% %cmake_gen32% %curl_common_defs% %wild_zlib_32% "-DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install32\lib\zlibstatic.lib" "-DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install32\lib\zlibstatic.lib" "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install32\lib\zlibstatic.lib" set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build32% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen32% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 64 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 64" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) %recreate_64% %cmake_gen64% %curl_common_defs% %wild_zlib_64% "-DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install64\lib\zlibstatic.lib" "-DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install64\lib\zlibstatic.lib" "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install64\lib\zlibstatic.lib" set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build64% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen64% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% popd echo: & echo: :: ############## build protobuf ############## echo // building protobuf lib pushd "%deps_dir%\protobuf" set "proto_common_defs=-Dprotobuf_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -Dprotobuf_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -Dprotobuf_WITH_ZLIB=ON" setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 32 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 32" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) %recreate_32% %cmake_gen32% %proto_common_defs% %wild_zlib_32% "-DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install32\lib\zlibstatic.lib" "-DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install32\lib\zlibstatic.lib" "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install32\lib\zlibstatic.lib" set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build32% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen32% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 64 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 64" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) %recreate_64% %cmake_gen64% %proto_common_defs% %wild_zlib_64% "-DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install64\lib\zlibstatic.lib" "-DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install64\lib\zlibstatic.lib" "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT=%~dp0%deps_dir%\zlib\install64\lib\zlibstatic.lib" set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build64% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen64% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% popd echo: & echo: :: ############## build mbedtls ############## echo // building mbedtls lib pushd "%deps_dir%\mbedtls" set "mbedtls_common_defs=-DUSE_STATIC_MBEDTLS_LIBRARY=ON -DUSE_SHARED_MBEDTLS_LIBRARY=OFF -DMSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME=ON -DENABLE_TESTING=OFF -DENABLE_PROGRAMS=OFF" setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 32 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 32" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) %recreate_32% %cmake_gen32% %mbedtls_common_defs% set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build32% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen32% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 64 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 64" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) %recreate_64% %cmake_gen64% %mbedtls_common_defs% set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build64% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen64% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% popd echo: & echo: :: ############## build ingame_overlay ############## echo // building ingame_overlay lib pushd "%deps_dir%\ingame_overlay" :: fixes 32-bit compilation of DX12 set "_imgui_cfg_file=%cd%\imconfig.imcfg" 1>"%_imgui_cfg_file%" ( echo #pragma once echo #define ImTextureID ImU64 ) set ingame_overlay_common_defs="-DIMGUI_USER_CONFIG=%_imgui_cfg_file:\=/%" -DINGAMEOVERLAY_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=OFF -DINGAMEOVERLAY_USE_SPDLOG=OFF -DINGAMEOVERLAY_BUILD_TESTS=OFF setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 32 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 32" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) echo: echo // building ingame_overlay [System dep x32] pushd "deps\System" %recreate_32% %cmake_gen32% -DBUILD_SYSTEMLIB_TESTS=OFF set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build32% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen32% popd echo: echo // building ingame_overlay [mini_detour dep x32] pushd "deps\mini_detour" %recreate_32% %cmake_gen32% -DBUILD_MINIDETOUR_TESTS=OFF set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %cmake_build32% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen32% popd echo: echo // building ingame_overlay [main lib x32] %recreate_32% %cmake_gen32% %ingame_overlay_common_defs% set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %cmake_build32% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen32% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% setlocal call "%~dp0build_win_set_env.bat" 64 || ( endlocal popd call :err_msg "Couldn't find Visual Studio or build tools - 64" set /a last_code=1 goto :end_script ) echo: echo // building ingame_overlay [System dep x64] pushd "deps\System" %recreate_64% %cmake_gen64% -DBUILD_SYSTEMLIB_TESTS=OFF set /a _exit=%errorlevel% %cmake_build64% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen64% popd echo: echo // building ingame_overlay [mini_detour dep x64] pushd "deps\mini_detour" %recreate_64% %cmake_gen64% -DBUILD_MINIDETOUR_TESTS=OFF set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %cmake_build64% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen64% popd echo: echo // building ingame_overlay [main lib x64] %recreate_64% %cmake_gen64% %ingame_overlay_common_defs% set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %cmake_build64% --target install set /a _exit+=%errorlevel% %clean_gen64% endlocal & set /a last_code=%last_code%+%_exit% popd echo: & echo: goto :end_script :extract_all_deps set /a list=-1 for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%A in ('findstr /B /L /N /C:"deps_to_extract=[" "%~f0" 2^>nul') do ( set /a "list=%%~A" ) if "%list%"=="-1" ( call :err_msg "Couldn't find list of tools to extract inside thif batch script" exit /b 1 ) echo // Recreating dir... rmdir /s /q "%deps_dir%" mkdir "%deps_dir%" for /f "usebackq eol=; skip=%list% tokens=1,* delims=\" %%A in ("%~f0") do ( if "%%~A"=="]" ( goto :extract_all_deps_end ) echo // Extracting archive "%%~B" to "%deps_dir%\%%~A" if not exist "%third_party_common_dir%\%%~A\%%~B" ( call :err_msg "File not found" exit /b 1 ) for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %%Z in ('"%%~nB"') do ( if /i "%%~xZ%%~xB"==".tar.gz" ( "%extractor%" x "%third_party_common_dir%\%%~A\%%~B" -so | "%extractor%" x -si -ttar -y -aoa -o"%deps_dir%\%%~A" || ( call :err_msg "Extraction failed" exit /b 1 ) ) else ( "%extractor%" x "%third_party_common_dir%\%%~A\%%~B" -y -aoa -o"%deps_dir%\%%~A" || ( call :err_msg "Extraction failed" exit /b 1 ) ) ) for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%C in ('dir /b /a:d "%deps_dir%\%%~A\" 2^>nul') do ( echo // Flattening dir "%deps_dir%\%%~A\%%~C" by moving everything inside it to "%deps_dir%\%%~A" robocopy /E /MOVE /MT4 /NS /NC /NFL /NDL /NP /NJH /NJS "%deps_dir%\%%~A\%%~C" "%deps_dir%\%%~A" if ERRORLEVEL 8 ( call :err_msg "Failed to flatten dir of dep" exit /b 1 ) if exist "%deps_dir%\%%~A\%%~C" ( echo // Removing nested dir "%deps_dir%\%%~A\%%~C" rmdir /s /q "%deps_dir%\%%~A\%%~C" ) ) ) :extract_all_deps_end exit /b 0 :err_msg 1>&2 echo [X] %~1 exit /b :get_parallel_threads_count for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('echo %~1^| findstr /B /R /X "^[0-9][0-9]*$" 2^>nul') do ( set /a PARALLEL_THREADS_OVERRIDE=%~1 rem echo [?] Overriding parralel build jobs count with %~1 exit /b 0 ) exit /b 1 :end_script echo: if %last_code% equ 0 ( echo [GG] no failures ) else ( 1>&2 echo [XX] general failure ) popd endlocal & ( exit /b %last_code% ) deps_to_extract=[ libssq\libssq.tar.gz zlib\zlib.tar.gz curl\curl.tar.gz protobuf\protobuf.tar.gz mbedtls\mbedtls.tar.gz ingame_overlay\ingame_overlay.tar.gz ]