/* Copyright (C) 2019 Mr Goldberg This file is part of the Goldberg Emulator The Goldberg Emulator is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Goldberg Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Goldberg Emulator; if not, see . */ #include "dll/steam_gamesearch.h" void Steam_Game_Search::steam_callback(void *object, Common_Message *msg) { // PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); Steam_Game_Search *steam_gamesearch = (Steam_Game_Search *)object; steam_gamesearch->Callback(msg); } void Steam_Game_Search::steam_run_every_runcb(void *object) { // PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); Steam_Game_Search *steam_gamesearch = (Steam_Game_Search *)object; steam_gamesearch->RunCallbacks(); } Steam_Game_Search::Steam_Game_Search(class Settings *settings, class Networking *network, class SteamCallResults *callback_results, class SteamCallBacks *callbacks, class RunEveryRunCB *run_every_runcb) { this->settings = settings; this->network = network; this->callback_results = callback_results; this->callbacks = callbacks; this->run_every_runcb = run_every_runcb; this->network->setCallback(CALLBACK_ID_USER_STATUS, settings->get_local_steam_id(), &Steam_Game_Search::steam_callback, this); this->run_every_runcb->add(&Steam_Game_Search::steam_run_every_runcb, this); } Steam_Game_Search::~Steam_Game_Search() { this->network->rmCallback(CALLBACK_ID_USER_STATUS, settings->get_local_steam_id(), &Steam_Game_Search::steam_callback, this); this->run_every_runcb->remove(&Steam_Game_Search::steam_run_every_runcb, this); } // ============================================================================================= // Game Player APIs // a keyname and a list of comma separated values: one of which is must be found in order for the match to qualify // fails if a search is currently in progress EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::AddGameSearchParams( const char *pchKeyToFind, const char *pchValuesToFind ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // all players in lobby enter the queue and await a SearchForGameNotificationCallback_t callback. fails if another search is currently in progress // if not the owner of the lobby or search already in progress this call fails // periodic callbacks will be sent as queue time estimates change EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::SearchForGameWithLobby( CSteamID steamIDLobby, int nPlayerMin, int nPlayerMax ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // user enter the queue and await a SearchForGameNotificationCallback_t callback. fails if another search is currently in progress // periodic callbacks will be sent as queue time estimates change EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::SearchForGameSolo( int nPlayerMin, int nPlayerMax ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // after receiving SearchForGameResultCallback_t, accept or decline the game // multiple SearchForGameResultCallback_t will follow as players accept game until the host starts or cancels the game EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::AcceptGame() { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::DeclineGame() { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // after receiving GameStartedByHostCallback_t get connection details to server EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::RetrieveConnectionDetails( CSteamID steamIDHost, char *pchConnectionDetails, int cubConnectionDetails ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // leaves queue if still waiting EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::EndGameSearch() { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // ============================================================================================= // Game Host APIs // a keyname and a list of comma separated values: all the values you allow EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::SetGameHostParams( const char *pchKey, const char *pchValue ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // set connection details for players once game is found so they can connect to this server EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::SetConnectionDetails( const char *pchConnectionDetails, int cubConnectionDetails ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // mark server as available for more players with nPlayerMin,nPlayerMax desired // accept no lobbies with playercount greater than nMaxTeamSize // the set of lobbies returned must be partitionable into teams of no more than nMaxTeamSize // RequestPlayersForGameNotificationCallback_t callback will be sent when the search has started // multple RequestPlayersForGameResultCallback_t callbacks will follow when players are found EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::RequestPlayersForGame( int nPlayerMin, int nPlayerMax, int nMaxTeamSize ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // accept the player list and release connection details to players // players will only be given connection details and host steamid when this is called // ( allows host to accept after all players confirm, some confirm, or none confirm. decision is entirely up to the host ) EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::HostConfirmGameStart( uint64 ullUniqueGameID ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // cancel request and leave the pool of game hosts looking for players // if a set of players has already been sent to host, all players will receive SearchForGameHostFailedToConfirm_t EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::CancelRequestPlayersForGame() { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // submit a result for one player. does not end the game. ullUniqueGameID continues to describe this game EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::SubmitPlayerResult( uint64 ullUniqueGameID, CSteamID steamIDPlayer, EPlayerResult_t EPlayerResult ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } // ends the game. no further SubmitPlayerResults for ullUniqueGameID will be accepted // any future requests will provide a new ullUniqueGameID EGameSearchErrorCode_t Steam_Game_Search::EndGame( uint64 ullUniqueGameID ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); return k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline; } void Steam_Game_Search::RunCallbacks() { } void Steam_Game_Search::Callback(Common_Message *msg) { if (msg->has_low_level()) { if (msg->low_level().type() == Low_Level::CONNECT) { } if (msg->low_level().type() == Low_Level::DISCONNECT) { } } if (msg->has_networking_sockets()) { } }