syntax = "proto3"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; message Announce { enum Types { PING = 0; PONG = 1; } Types type = 1; repeated uint64 ids = 2; message Other_Peers { uint64 id = 1; uint32 ip = 2; uint32 udp_port = 3; uint32 appid = 4; } uint32 tcp_port = 3; repeated Other_Peers peers = 4; uint32 appid = 5; } message Lobby { uint64 room_id = 1; uint64 owner = 2; map values = 3; message Member { uint64 id = 1; map values = 2; } repeated Member members = 4; message Gameserver { uint64 id = 1; uint32 ip = 2; uint32 port = 3; uint32 num_update = 4; } Gameserver gameserver = 5; uint32 member_limit = 6; uint32 type = 7; //ELobbyType bool joinable = 8; uint32 appid = 9; bool deleted = 32; uint64 time_deleted = 33; } message Lobby_Messages { uint64 id = 1; enum Types { JOIN = 0; LEAVE = 1; CHANGE_OWNER = 2; MEMBER_DATA = 3; CHAT_MESSAGE = 4; } Types type = 2; uint64 idata = 3; bytes bdata = 4; map map = 5; } message Low_Level { enum Types { HEARTBEAT = 0; CONNECT = 1; DISCONNECT = 2; } Types type = 1; } message Network_pb { uint32 channel = 1; bytes data = 2; enum Types { DATA = 0; NEW_CONNECTION = 1; } Types type = 3; bool processed = 128; uint64 time_processed = 129; } message Network_Old { enum Types { CONNECTION_REQUEST_IP = 0; CONNECTION_REQUEST_STEAMID = 1; CONNECTION_ACCEPTED = 2; CONNECTION_END = 3; DATA = 4; } Types type = 1; uint64 connection_id = 2; uint64 connection_id_from = 3; uint32 port = 4; bytes data = 5; } message Networking_Sockets { enum Types { CONNECTION_REQUEST = 0; CONNECTION_ACCEPTED = 2; CONNECTION_END = 3; DATA = 4; } Types type = 1; int32 virtual_port = 2; int32 real_port = 6; uint64 connection_id = 3; uint64 connection_id_from = 4; bytes data = 5; uint64 message_number = 7; } message Networking_Messages { enum Types { CONNECTION_NEW = 0; CONNECTION_ACCEPT = 1; CONNECTION_END = 2; DATA = 3; } Types type = 1; uint32 channel = 2; uint32 id_from = 3; bytes data = 5; } message Gameserver { uint64 id = 1; bytes game_description = 2; bytes mod_dir = 3; bool dedicated_server = 4; uint32 max_player_count = 5; uint32 bot_player_count = 6; bytes server_name = 7; bytes map_name = 8; bool password_protected = 9; uint32 spectator_port = 10; bytes spectator_server_name = 11; map values = 12; bytes tags = 13; bytes gamedata = 14; bytes region = 15; bytes product = 16; bool secure = 17; uint32 num_players = 18; uint32 version = 19; uint32 ip = 32; uint32 port = 33; uint32 query_port = 34; uint32 appid = 35; bool offline = 48; uint32 type = 49; } message Friend { uint64 id = 1; bytes name = 2; map rich_presence = 3; uint32 appid = 4; uint64 lobby_id = 5; bytes avatar = 6; } message Auth_Ticket { uint32 number = 1; enum Types { CANCEL = 0; } Types type = 2; } message Friend_Messages { enum Types { LOBBY_INVITE = 0; GAME_INVITE = 1; } Types type = 1; oneof invite_data { uint64 lobby_id = 2; bytes connect_str = 3; } } message Steam_Messages { enum Types { FRIEND_CHAT = 0; } Types type = 1; oneof message_data { bytes message = 2; } } message GameServerStats_Messages { // --- basic definitions message StatInfo { enum Stat_Type { STAT_TYPE_INT = 0; STAT_TYPE_FLOAT = 1; STAT_TYPE_AVGRATE = 2; } message AvgStatInfo { float count_this_session = 1; double session_length = 2; } Stat_Type stat_type = 1; oneof stat_value { float value_float = 2; int32 value_int = 3; } optional AvgStatInfo value_avg = 4; // only set when type != INT } message AchievementInfo { bool achieved = 1; } // --- requests & responses objects // this is used when updating stats, from server or user, bi-directional message AllStats { map user_stats = 1; map user_achievements = 2; } // sent from server as a request, response sent by the user message InitialAllStats { uint64 steam_api_call = 1; // optional because the server send doesn't send any data, just steam api call id optional AllStats all_data = 2; } // Request_: from Steam_GameServerStats // Response_: from Steam_User_Stats enum Types { Request_AllUserStats = 0; Response_AllUserStats = 1; UpdateUserStatsFromServer = 2; // sent by Steam_GameServerStats UpdateUserStatsFromUser = 3; // sent by Steam_User_Stats } Types type = 1; oneof data_messages { InitialAllStats initial_user_stats = 2; AllStats update_user_stats = 3; } } message Leaderboards_Messages { message LeaderboardInfo { string board_name = 1; int32 sort_method = 2; int32 display_type = 3; } message UserScoreEntry { int32 score = 1; repeated int32 score_details = 2; } enum Types { UpdateUserScore = 0; // notify others on the network that our score was updated UpdateUserScoreMutual = 1; // notify others on the network that our score was updated, and request theirs RequestUserScore = 2; // request score data from a single user } Types type = 1; uint32 appid = 2; LeaderboardInfo leaderboard_info = 3; oneof data_messages { UserScoreEntry user_score_entry = 4; } } message Common_Message { uint64 source_id = 1; // SteamID64 of the sender uint64 dest_id = 2; // SteamID64 of the target receiver oneof messages { Announce announce = 3; Low_Level low_level = 4; Lobby lobby = 5; Lobby_Messages lobby_messages = 6; Network_pb network = 7; Gameserver gameserver = 8; Friend friend = 9; Auth_Ticket auth_ticket = 10; Friend_Messages friend_messages = 11; Network_Old network_old = 12; Networking_Sockets networking_sockets = 13; Steam_Messages steam_messages = 14; Networking_Messages networking_messages = 15; GameServerStats_Messages gameserver_stats_messages = 16; Leaderboards_Messages leaderboards_messages = 17; } uint32 source_ip = 128; uint32 source_port = 129; } //Non networking related protobufs message SteamAppTicket_pb { uint32 ticket_version_no = 1; uint32 crc_encryptedticket = 2; uint32 cb_encrypteduserdata = 3; uint32 cb_encrypted_appownershipticket = 4; bytes encrypted_ticket = 5; }