/* Copyright (C) 2019 Mr Goldberg This file is part of the Goldberg Emulator The Goldberg Emulator is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Goldberg Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Goldberg Emulator; if not, see . */ #include "dll/steam_controller.h" #define JOY_ID_START 10 #define STICK_DPAD 3 #define DEADZONE_BUTTON_STICK 0.3 #if !defined(CONTROLLER_SUPPORT) inline void GamepadInit(void) {} inline void GamepadShutdown(void) {} inline void GamepadUpdate(void) {} inline GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadIsConnected(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device) { return GAMEPAD_FALSE; } inline GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadButtonDown(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_BUTTON button) { return GAMEPAD_FALSE; } inline float GamepadTriggerLength(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_TRIGGER trigger) { return 0.0; } inline GAMEPAD_STICKDIR GamepadStickDir(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick) { return STICKDIR_CENTER; } inline void GamepadStickNormXY(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick, float* outX, float* outY) {} inline float GamepadStickLength(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick) { return 0.0; } inline void GamepadSetRumble(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, float left, float right, unsigned int rumble_length_ms) {} #endif Controller_Action::Controller_Action(ControllerHandle_t controller_handle) { this->controller_handle = controller_handle; } void Controller_Action::activate_action_set(ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t active_set, std::map &controller_maps) { auto map = controller_maps.find(active_set); if (map == controller_maps.end()) return; this->active_set = active_set; this->active_map = map->second; } std::set Controller_Action::button_id(ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t handle) { auto a = active_map.active_digital.find(handle); if (a == active_map.active_digital.end()) return {}; return a->second; } std::pair, enum EInputSourceMode> Controller_Action::analog_id(ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t handle) { auto a = active_map.active_analog.find(handle); if (a == active_map.active_analog.end()) return std::pair, enum EInputSourceMode>({}, k_EInputSourceMode_None); return a->second; } const std::map Steam_Controller::button_strings = { {"DUP", BUTTON_DPAD_UP}, {"DDOWN", BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN}, {"DLEFT", BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT}, {"DRIGHT", BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT}, {"START", BUTTON_START}, {"BACK", BUTTON_BACK}, {"LSTICK", BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB}, {"RSTICK", BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB}, {"LBUMPER", BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER}, {"RBUMPER", BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER}, {"A", BUTTON_A}, {"B", BUTTON_B}, {"X", BUTTON_X}, {"Y", BUTTON_Y}, {"DLTRIGGER", BUTTON_LTRIGGER}, {"DRTRIGGER", BUTTON_RTRIGGER}, {"DLJOYUP", BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_UP}, {"DLJOYDOWN", BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_DOWN}, {"DLJOYLEFT", BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_LEFT}, {"DLJOYRIGHT", BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_RIGHT}, {"DRJOYUP", BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_UP}, {"DRJOYDOWN", BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_DOWN}, {"DRJOYLEFT", BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_LEFT}, {"DRJOYRIGHT", BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_RIGHT}, }; const std::map Steam_Controller::analog_strings = { {"LTRIGGER", TRIGGER_LEFT}, {"RTRIGGER", TRIGGER_RIGHT}, {"LJOY", STICK_LEFT + JOY_ID_START}, {"RJOY", STICK_RIGHT + JOY_ID_START}, {"DPAD", STICK_DPAD + JOY_ID_START}, }; const std::map Steam_Controller::analog_input_modes = { {"joystick_move", k_EInputSourceMode_JoystickMove}, {"joystick_camera", k_EInputSourceMode_JoystickCamera}, {"trigger", k_EInputSourceMode_Trigger}, }; void Steam_Controller::set_handles(std::map, std::string>>> action_sets) { uint64 handle_num = 1; for (auto & set : action_sets) { ControllerActionSetHandle_t action_handle_num = handle_num; ++handle_num; action_handles[set.first] = action_handle_num; for (auto & config_key : set.second) { uint64 current_handle_num = handle_num; ++handle_num; for (auto & button_string : config_key.second.first) { auto digital = button_strings.find(button_string); if (digital != button_strings.end()) { ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t digital_handle_num = current_handle_num; if (digital_action_handles.find(config_key.first) == digital_action_handles.end()) { digital_action_handles[config_key.first] = digital_handle_num; } else { digital_handle_num = digital_action_handles[config_key.first]; } controller_maps[action_handle_num].active_digital[digital_handle_num].insert(digital->second); } else { auto analog = analog_strings.find(button_string); if (analog != analog_strings.end()) { ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t analog_handle_num = current_handle_num; enum EInputSourceMode source_mode; if (analog->second == TRIGGER_LEFT || analog->second == TRIGGER_RIGHT) { source_mode = k_EInputSourceMode_Trigger; } else { source_mode = k_EInputSourceMode_JoystickMove; } auto input_mode = analog_input_modes.find(config_key.second.second); if (input_mode != analog_input_modes.end()) { source_mode = input_mode->second; } if (analog_action_handles.find(config_key.first) == analog_action_handles.end()) { analog_action_handles[config_key.first] = analog_handle_num; } else { analog_handle_num = analog_action_handles[config_key.first]; } controller_maps[action_handle_num].active_analog[analog_handle_num].first.insert(analog->second); controller_maps[action_handle_num].active_analog[analog_handle_num].second = source_mode; } else { PRINT_DEBUG("Did not recognize controller button %s", button_string.c_str()); continue; } } } } } } void Steam_Controller::background_rumble(Rumble_Thread_Data *data) { while (true) { unsigned short left, right; unsigned int rumble_length_ms; int gamepad = -1; while (gamepad == -1) { std::unique_lock lck(data->rumble_mutex); if (data->kill_rumble_thread) { return; } data->rumble_thread_cv.wait_for(lck, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000)); if (data->kill_rumble_thread) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < GAMEPAD_COUNT; ++i) { if (data->data[i].new_data) { left = data->data[i].left; right = data->data[i].right; rumble_length_ms = data->data[i].rumble_length_ms; data->data[i].new_data = false; if (data->data[i].last_left != left || data->data[i].last_right != right) { gamepad = i; data->data[i].last_left = left; data->data[i].last_right = right; break; } } } } GamepadSetRumble((GAMEPAD_DEVICE)gamepad, ((float)left) / 65535.0f, ((float)right) / 65535.0f, rumble_length_ms); } } void Steam_Controller::steam_run_every_runcb(void *object) { // PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); Steam_Controller *steam_controller = (Steam_Controller *)object; steam_controller->RunCallbacks(); } Steam_Controller::Steam_Controller(class Settings *settings, class SteamCallResults *callback_results, class SteamCallBacks *callbacks, class RunEveryRunCB *run_every_runcb) { this->settings = settings; this->callback_results = callback_results; this->callbacks = callbacks; this->run_every_runcb = run_every_runcb; set_handles(settings->controller_settings.action_sets); disabled = !action_handles.size(); initialized = false; this->run_every_runcb->add(&Steam_Controller::steam_run_every_runcb, this); } Steam_Controller::~Steam_Controller() { //TODO rm network callbacks //TODO rumble thread this->run_every_runcb->remove(&Steam_Controller::steam_run_every_runcb, this); } // Init and Shutdown must be called when starting/ending use of this interface bool Steam_Controller::Init(bool bExplicitlyCallRunFrame) { PRINT_DEBUG("%u", bExplicitlyCallRunFrame); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); if (disabled || initialized) { return true; } GamepadInit(); GamepadUpdate(); for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { struct Controller_Action cont_action(i); //Activate the first action set. //TODO: check exactly what decides which gets activated by default if (action_handles.size() >= 1) { cont_action.activate_action_set(action_handles.begin()->second, controller_maps); } controllers.insert(std::pair(i, cont_action)); } rumble_thread_data = new Rumble_Thread_Data(); background_rumble_thread = std::thread(background_rumble, rumble_thread_data); initialized = true; explicitly_call_run_frame = bExplicitlyCallRunFrame; return true; } bool Steam_Controller::Init( const char *pchAbsolutePathToControllerConfigVDF ) { PRINT_DEBUG("old"); return Init(); } bool Steam_Controller::Init() { return Init(true); } bool Steam_Controller::Shutdown() { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); std::lock_guard lock(global_mutex); if (disabled || !initialized) { return true; } controllers = std::map(); rumble_thread_data->rumble_mutex.lock(); rumble_thread_data->kill_rumble_thread = true; rumble_thread_data->rumble_mutex.unlock(); rumble_thread_data->rumble_thread_cv.notify_one(); background_rumble_thread.join(); delete rumble_thread_data; GamepadShutdown(); initialized = false; return true; } void Steam_Controller::SetOverrideMode( const char *pchMode ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); } // Set the absolute path to the Input Action Manifest file containing the in-game actions // and file paths to the official configurations. Used in games that bundle Steam Input // configurations inside of the game depot instead of using the Steam Workshop bool Steam_Controller::SetInputActionManifestFilePath( const char *pchInputActionManifestAbsolutePath ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); //TODO SteamInput005 return false; } bool Steam_Controller::BWaitForData( bool bWaitForever, uint32 unTimeout ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); //TODO SteamInput005 return false; } // Returns true if new data has been received since the last time action data was accessed // via GetDigitalActionData or GetAnalogActionData. The game will still need to call // SteamInput()->RunFrame() or SteamAPI_RunCallbacks() before this to update the data stream bool Steam_Controller::BNewDataAvailable() { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); //TODO SteamInput005 return false; } // Enable SteamInputDeviceConnected_t and SteamInputDeviceDisconnected_t callbacks. // Each controller that is already connected will generate a device connected // callback when you enable them void Steam_Controller::EnableDeviceCallbacks() { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); //TODO SteamInput005 return; } // Enable SteamInputActionEvent_t callbacks. Directly calls your callback function // for lower latency than standard Steam callbacks. Supports one callback at a time. // Note: this is called within either SteamInput()->RunFrame or by SteamAPI_RunCallbacks void Steam_Controller::EnableActionEventCallbacks( SteamInputActionEventCallbackPointer pCallback ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); //TODO SteamInput005 return; } // Synchronize API state with the latest Steam Controller inputs available. This // is performed automatically by SteamAPI_RunCallbacks, but for the absolute lowest // possible latency, you call this directly before reading controller state. void Steam_Controller::RunFrame(bool bReservedValue) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); if (disabled || !initialized) { return; } GamepadUpdate(); } void Steam_Controller::RunFrame() { RunFrame(true); } bool Steam_Controller::GetControllerState( uint32 unControllerIndex, SteamControllerState001_t *pState ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return false; } // Enumerate currently connected controllers // handlesOut should point to a STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT sized array of ControllerHandle_t handles // Returns the number of handles written to handlesOut int Steam_Controller::GetConnectedControllers( ControllerHandle_t *handlesOut ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); if (!handlesOut) return 0; if (disabled) { return 0; } int count = 0; if (GamepadIsConnected(GAMEPAD_0)) {*handlesOut = GAMEPAD_0 + 1; ++handlesOut; ++count;}; if (GamepadIsConnected(GAMEPAD_1)) {*handlesOut = GAMEPAD_1 + 1; ++handlesOut; ++count;}; if (GamepadIsConnected(GAMEPAD_2)) {*handlesOut = GAMEPAD_2 + 1; ++handlesOut; ++count;}; if (GamepadIsConnected(GAMEPAD_3)) {*handlesOut = GAMEPAD_3 + 1; ++handlesOut; ++count;}; PRINT_DEBUG("returned %i connected controllers", count); return count; } // Invokes the Steam overlay and brings up the binding screen // Returns false is overlay is disabled / unavailable, or the user is not in Big Picture mode bool Steam_Controller::ShowBindingPanel( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return false; } // ACTION SETS // Lookup the handle for an Action Set. Best to do this once on startup, and store the handles for all future API calls. ControllerActionSetHandle_t Steam_Controller::GetActionSetHandle( const char *pszActionSetName ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%s", pszActionSetName); if (!pszActionSetName) return 0; std::string upper_action_name(pszActionSetName); std::transform(upper_action_name.begin(), upper_action_name.end(), upper_action_name.begin(),[](unsigned char c){ return std::toupper(c); }); auto set_handle = action_handles.find(upper_action_name); if (set_handle == action_handles.end()) return 0; PRINT_DEBUG("%s ret %llu", pszActionSetName, set_handle->second); return set_handle->second; } // Reconfigure the controller to use the specified action set (ie 'Menu', 'Walk' or 'Drive') // This is cheap, and can be safely called repeatedly. It's often easier to repeatedly call it in // your state loops, instead of trying to place it in all of your state transitions. void Steam_Controller::ActivateActionSet( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%llu %llu", controllerHandle, actionSetHandle); if (controllerHandle == STEAM_CONTROLLER_HANDLE_ALL_CONTROLLERS) { for (auto & c: controllers) { c.second.activate_action_set(actionSetHandle, controller_maps); } } auto controller = controllers.find(controllerHandle); if (controller == controllers.end()) return; controller->second.activate_action_set(actionSetHandle, controller_maps); } ControllerActionSetHandle_t Steam_Controller::GetCurrentActionSet( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle ) { //TODO: should return zero if no action set specifically activated with ActivateActionSet PRINT_DEBUG("%llu", controllerHandle); auto controller = controllers.find(controllerHandle); if (controller == controllers.end()) return 0; return controller->second.active_set; } void Steam_Controller::ActivateActionSetLayer( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t actionSetLayerHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); } void Steam_Controller::DeactivateActionSetLayer( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t actionSetLayerHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); } void Steam_Controller::DeactivateAllActionSetLayers( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); } int Steam_Controller::GetActiveActionSetLayers( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t *handlesOut ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return 0; } // ACTIONS // Lookup the handle for a digital action. Best to do this once on startup, and store the handles for all future API calls. ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t Steam_Controller::GetDigitalActionHandle( const char *pszActionName ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%s", pszActionName); if (!pszActionName) return 0; std::string upper_action_name(pszActionName); std::transform(upper_action_name.begin(), upper_action_name.end(), upper_action_name.begin(),[](unsigned char c){ return std::toupper(c); }); auto handle = digital_action_handles.find(upper_action_name); if (handle == digital_action_handles.end()) { //apparently GetDigitalActionHandle also works with analog handles handle = analog_action_handles.find(upper_action_name); if (handle == analog_action_handles.end()) return 0; } PRINT_DEBUG("%s ret %llu", pszActionName, handle->second); return handle->second; } // Returns the current state of the supplied digital game action ControllerDigitalActionData_t Steam_Controller::GetDigitalActionData( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%llu %llu", controllerHandle, digitalActionHandle); ControllerDigitalActionData_t digitalData; digitalData.bActive = false; digitalData.bState = false; auto controller = controllers.find(controllerHandle); if (controller == controllers.end()) return digitalData; std::set buttons = controller->second.button_id(digitalActionHandle); if (!buttons.size()) return digitalData; digitalData.bActive = true; GAMEPAD_DEVICE device = (GAMEPAD_DEVICE)(controllerHandle - 1); for (auto button : buttons) { bool pressed = false; if (button < BUTTON_COUNT) { pressed = GamepadButtonDown(device, (GAMEPAD_BUTTON)button); } else { switch (button) { case BUTTON_LTRIGGER: pressed = GamepadTriggerLength(device, TRIGGER_LEFT) > 0.8; break; case BUTTON_RTRIGGER: pressed = GamepadTriggerLength(device, TRIGGER_RIGHT) > 0.8; break; case BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_UP: case BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_DOWN: case BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_LEFT: case BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_RIGHT: { float x = 0, y = 0, len = GamepadStickLength(device, STICK_LEFT); GamepadStickNormXY(device, STICK_LEFT, &x, &y); x *= len; y *= len; if (button == BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_UP) pressed = y > DEADZONE_BUTTON_STICK; if (button == BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_DOWN) pressed = y < -DEADZONE_BUTTON_STICK; if (button == BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_RIGHT) pressed = x > DEADZONE_BUTTON_STICK; if (button == BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_LEFT) pressed = x < -DEADZONE_BUTTON_STICK; break; } case BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_UP: case BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_DOWN: case BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_LEFT: case BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_RIGHT: { float x = 0, y = 0, len = GamepadStickLength(device, STICK_RIGHT); GamepadStickNormXY(device, STICK_RIGHT, &x, &y); x *= len; y *= len; if (button == BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_UP) pressed = y > DEADZONE_BUTTON_STICK; if (button == BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_DOWN) pressed = y < -DEADZONE_BUTTON_STICK; if (button == BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_RIGHT) pressed = x > DEADZONE_BUTTON_STICK; if (button == BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_LEFT) pressed = x < -DEADZONE_BUTTON_STICK; break; } default: break; } } if (pressed) { digitalData.bState = true; break; } } return digitalData; } // Get the origin(s) for a digital action within an action set. Returns the number of origins supplied in originsOut. Use this to display the appropriate on-screen prompt for the action. // originsOut should point to a STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ORIGINS sized array of EControllerActionOrigin handles int Steam_Controller::GetDigitalActionOrigins( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle, EControllerActionOrigin *originsOut ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); EInputActionOrigin origins[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ORIGINS]; int ret = GetDigitalActionOrigins(controllerHandle, actionSetHandle, digitalActionHandle, origins ); for (int i = 0; i < ret; ++i) { originsOut[i] = (EControllerActionOrigin)(origins[i] - (k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_A - k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_A)); } return ret; } int Steam_Controller::GetDigitalActionOrigins( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, InputDigitalActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle, EInputActionOrigin *originsOut ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); auto controller = controllers.find(inputHandle); if (controller == controllers.end()) return 0; auto map = controller_maps.find(actionSetHandle); if (map == controller_maps.end()) return 0; auto a = map->second.active_digital.find(digitalActionHandle); if (a == map->second.active_digital.end()) return 0; int count = 0; for (auto button: a->second) { switch (button) { case BUTTON_A: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_A; break; case BUTTON_B: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_B; break; case BUTTON_X: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_X; break; case BUTTON_Y: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_Y; break; case BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftBumper; break; case BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightBumper; break; case BUTTON_START: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_Start; break; case BUTTON_BACK: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_Back; break; case BUTTON_LTRIGGER: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftTrigger_Click; break; case BUTTON_RTRIGGER: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightTrigger_Click; break; case BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_Click; break; case BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_Click; break; case BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_UP: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadNorth; break; case BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_DOWN: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadSouth; break; case BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_LEFT: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadWest; break; case BUTTON_STICK_LEFT_RIGHT: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadEast; break; case BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_UP: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadNorth; break; case BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_DOWN: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadSouth; break; case BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_LEFT: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadWest; break; case BUTTON_STICK_RIGHT_RIGHT: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadEast; break; case BUTTON_DPAD_UP: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_North; break; case BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_South; break; case BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_West; break; case BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_East; break; default: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_None; break; } ++count; if (count >= STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ORIGINS) { break; } } return count; } // Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the user-facing action name corresponding to the specified handle const char* Steam_Controller::GetStringForDigitalActionName( InputDigitalActionHandle_t eActionHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); //TODO SteamInput005 return "Button String"; } // Lookup the handle for an analog action. Best to do this once on startup, and store the handles for all future API calls. ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t Steam_Controller::GetAnalogActionHandle( const char *pszActionName ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%s", pszActionName); if (!pszActionName) return 0; std::string upper_action_name(pszActionName); std::transform(upper_action_name.begin(), upper_action_name.end(), upper_action_name.begin(),[](unsigned char c){ return std::toupper(c); }); auto handle = analog_action_handles.find(upper_action_name); if (handle == analog_action_handles.end()) return 0; return handle->second; } // Returns the current state of these supplied analog game action ControllerAnalogActionData_t Steam_Controller::GetAnalogActionData( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t analogActionHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%llu %llu", controllerHandle, analogActionHandle); GAMEPAD_DEVICE device = (GAMEPAD_DEVICE)(controllerHandle - 1); ControllerAnalogActionData_t data; data.eMode = k_EInputSourceMode_None; data.x = data.y = 0; data.bActive = false; auto controller = controllers.find(controllerHandle); if (controller == controllers.end()) return data; auto analog = controller->second.analog_id(analogActionHandle); if (!analog.first.size()) return data; data.bActive = true; data.eMode = analog.second; for (auto a : analog.first) { if (a >= JOY_ID_START) { int joystick_id = a - JOY_ID_START; if (joystick_id == STICK_DPAD) { int mov_y = (int)GamepadButtonDown(device, BUTTON_DPAD_UP) - (int)GamepadButtonDown(device, BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN); int mov_x = (int)GamepadButtonDown(device, BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT) - (int)GamepadButtonDown(device, BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT); if (mov_y || mov_x) { data.x = static_cast(mov_x); data.y = static_cast(mov_y); float length = 1.0f / std::sqrt(data.x * data.x + data.y * data.y); data.x = data.x * length; data.y = data.y * length; } } else { GamepadStickNormXY(device, (GAMEPAD_STICK) joystick_id, &data.x, &data.y); float length = GamepadStickLength(device, (GAMEPAD_STICK) joystick_id); data.x = data.x * length; data.y = data.y * length; } } else { data.x = GamepadTriggerLength(device, (GAMEPAD_TRIGGER) a); } if (data.x || data.y) { break; } } return data; } // Get the origin(s) for an analog action within an action set. Returns the number of origins supplied in originsOut. Use this to display the appropriate on-screen prompt for the action. // originsOut should point to a STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ORIGINS sized array of EControllerActionOrigin handles int Steam_Controller::GetAnalogActionOrigins( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t analogActionHandle, EControllerActionOrigin *originsOut ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); EInputActionOrigin origins[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ORIGINS]; int ret = GetAnalogActionOrigins(controllerHandle, actionSetHandle, analogActionHandle, origins ); for (int i = 0; i < ret; ++i) { originsOut[i] = (EControllerActionOrigin)(origins[i] - (k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_A - k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_A)); } return ret; } int Steam_Controller::GetAnalogActionOrigins( InputHandle_t inputHandle, InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, InputAnalogActionHandle_t analogActionHandle, EInputActionOrigin *originsOut ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); auto controller = controllers.find(inputHandle); if (controller == controllers.end()) return 0; auto map = controller_maps.find(actionSetHandle); if (map == controller_maps.end()) return 0; auto a = map->second.active_analog.find(analogActionHandle); if (a == map->second.active_analog.end()) return 0; int count = 0; for (auto b: a->second.first) { switch (b) { case TRIGGER_LEFT: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftTrigger_Pull; break; case TRIGGER_RIGHT: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightTrigger_Pull; break; case STICK_LEFT + JOY_ID_START: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_Move; break; case STICK_RIGHT + JOY_ID_START: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_Move; break; case STICK_DPAD + JOY_ID_START: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_Move; break; default: originsOut[count] = k_EInputActionOrigin_None; break; } ++count; if (count >= STEAM_INPUT_MAX_ORIGINS) { break; } } return count; } void Steam_Controller::StopAnalogActionMomentum( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t eAction ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%llu %llu", controllerHandle, eAction); } // Trigger a haptic pulse on a controller void Steam_Controller::TriggerHapticPulse( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); } // Trigger a haptic pulse on a controller void Steam_Controller::Legacy_TriggerHapticPulse( InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); TriggerHapticPulse(inputHandle, eTargetPad, usDurationMicroSec ); } void Steam_Controller::TriggerHapticPulse( uint32 unControllerIndex, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec ) { PRINT_DEBUG("old"); TriggerHapticPulse(unControllerIndex, eTargetPad, usDurationMicroSec ); } // Trigger a pulse with a duty cycle of usDurationMicroSec / usOffMicroSec, unRepeat times. // nFlags is currently unused and reserved for future use. void Steam_Controller::TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec, unsigned short usOffMicroSec, unsigned short unRepeat, unsigned int nFlags ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); } void Steam_Controller::Legacy_TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( InputHandle_t inputHandle, ESteamControllerPad eTargetPad, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec, unsigned short usOffMicroSec, unsigned short unRepeat, unsigned int nFlags ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse(inputHandle, eTargetPad, usDurationMicroSec, usOffMicroSec, unRepeat, nFlags); } // Send a haptic pulse, works on Steam Deck and Steam Controller devices void Steam_Controller::TriggerSimpleHapticEvent( InputHandle_t inputHandle, EControllerHapticLocation eHapticLocation, uint8 nIntensity, char nGainDB, uint8 nOtherIntensity, char nOtherGainDB ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); } // Tigger a vibration event on supported controllers. void Steam_Controller::TriggerVibration( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, unsigned short usLeftSpeed, unsigned short usRightSpeed ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%hu %hu", usLeftSpeed, usRightSpeed); auto controller = controllers.find(controllerHandle); if (controller == controllers.end()) return; unsigned int rumble_length_ms = 0; #if defined(__linux__) //FIXME: shadow of the tomb raider on linux doesn't seem to turn off the rumble so I made it expire after 100ms. Need to check if this is how linux steam actually behaves. rumble_length_ms = 100; #endif unsigned gamepad_device = static_cast(controllerHandle - 1); if (gamepad_device > GAMEPAD_COUNT) return; rumble_thread_data->rumble_mutex.lock(); rumble_thread_data->data[gamepad_device].new_data = true; rumble_thread_data->data[gamepad_device].left = usLeftSpeed; rumble_thread_data->data[gamepad_device].right = usRightSpeed; rumble_thread_data->data[gamepad_device].rumble_length_ms = rumble_length_ms; rumble_thread_data->rumble_mutex.unlock(); rumble_thread_data->rumble_thread_cv.notify_one(); } // Trigger a vibration event on supported controllers including Xbox trigger impulse rumble - Steam will translate these commands into haptic pulses for Steam Controllers void Steam_Controller::TriggerVibrationExtended( InputHandle_t inputHandle, unsigned short usLeftSpeed, unsigned short usRightSpeed, unsigned short usLeftTriggerSpeed, unsigned short usRightTriggerSpeed ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); TriggerVibration(inputHandle, usLeftSpeed, usRightSpeed); //TODO trigger impulse rumbles } // Set the controller LED color on supported controllers. void Steam_Controller::SetLEDColor( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, uint8 nColorR, uint8 nColorG, uint8 nColorB, unsigned int nFlags ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); } // Returns the associated gamepad index for the specified controller, if emulating a gamepad int Steam_Controller::GetGamepadIndexForController( ControllerHandle_t ulControllerHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); auto controller = controllers.find(ulControllerHandle); if (controller == controllers.end()) return -1; return static_cast(ulControllerHandle) - 1; } // Returns the associated controller handle for the specified emulated gamepad ControllerHandle_t Steam_Controller::GetControllerForGamepadIndex( int nIndex ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%i", nIndex); ControllerHandle_t out = nIndex + 1; auto controller = controllers.find(out); if (controller == controllers.end()) return 0; return out; } // Returns raw motion data from the specified controller ControllerMotionData_t Steam_Controller::GetMotionData( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); ControllerMotionData_t data = {}; return data; } // Attempt to display origins of given action in the controller HUD, for the currently active action set // Returns false is overlay is disabled / unavailable, or the user is not in Big Picture mode bool Steam_Controller::ShowDigitalActionOrigins( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle, float flScale, float flXPosition, float flYPosition ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return true; } bool Steam_Controller::ShowAnalogActionOrigins( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t analogActionHandle, float flScale, float flXPosition, float flYPosition ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return true; } // Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the specified origin const char* Steam_Controller::GetStringForActionOrigin( EControllerActionOrigin eOrigin ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return "Button String"; } const char* Steam_Controller::GetStringForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return "Button String"; } // Returns a localized string (from Steam's language setting) for the user-facing action name corresponding to the specified handle const char* Steam_Controller::GetStringForAnalogActionName( InputAnalogActionHandle_t eActionHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); //TODO SteamInput005 return "Button String"; } // Get a local path to art for on-screen glyph for a particular origin const char* Steam_Controller::GetGlyphForActionOrigin( EControllerActionOrigin eOrigin ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%i", eOrigin); if (steamcontroller_glyphs.empty()) { std::string dir = settings->glyphs_directory; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_A] = dir + "button_a.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_B] = dir + "button_b.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_X] = dir + "button_x.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_Y] = dir + "button_y.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftBumper] = dir + "shoulder_l.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightBumper] = dir + "shoulder_r.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_Start] = dir + "xbox_button_start.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_Back] = dir + "xbox_button_select.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftTrigger_Pull] = dir + "trigger_l_pull.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftTrigger_Click] = dir + "trigger_l_click.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightTrigger_Pull] = dir + "trigger_r_pull.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightTrigger_Click] = dir + "trigger_r_click.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_Move] = dir + "stick_l_move.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_Click] = dir + "stick_l_click.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadNorth] = dir + "stick_dpad_n.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadSouth] = dir + "stick_dpad_s.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadWest] = dir + "stick_dpad_w.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadEast] = dir + "stick_dpad_e.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_Move] = dir + "stick_r_move.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_Click] = dir + "stick_r_click.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadNorth] = dir + "stick_dpad_n.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadSouth] = dir + "stick_dpad_s.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadWest] = dir + "stick_dpad_w.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadEast] = dir + "stick_dpad_e.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_North] = dir + "xbox_button_dpad_n.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_South] = dir + "xbox_button_dpad_s.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_West] = dir + "xbox_button_dpad_w.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_East] = dir + "xbox_button_dpad_e.png"; steamcontroller_glyphs[k_EControllerActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_Move] = dir + "xbox_button_dpad_move.png"; } auto glyph = steamcontroller_glyphs.find(eOrigin); if (glyph == steamcontroller_glyphs.end()) return ""; return glyph->second.c_str(); } const char* Steam_Controller::GetGlyphForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin ) { PRINT_DEBUG("steaminput %i", eOrigin); if (steaminput_glyphs.empty()) { std::string dir = settings->glyphs_directory; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_A] = dir + "button_a.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_B] = dir + "button_b.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_X] = dir + "button_x.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_Y] = dir + "button_y.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftBumper] = dir + "shoulder_l.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightBumper] = dir + "shoulder_r.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_Start] = dir + "xbox_button_start.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_Back] = dir + "xbox_button_select.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftTrigger_Pull] = dir + "trigger_l_pull.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftTrigger_Click] = dir + "trigger_l_click.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightTrigger_Pull] = dir + "trigger_r_pull.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightTrigger_Click] = dir + "trigger_r_click.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_Move] = dir + "stick_l_move.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_Click] = dir + "stick_l_click.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadNorth] = dir + "stick_dpad_n.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadSouth] = dir + "stick_dpad_s.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadWest] = dir + "stick_dpad_w.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_LeftStick_DPadEast] = dir + "stick_dpad_e.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_Move] = dir + "stick_r_move.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_Click] = dir + "stick_r_click.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadNorth] = dir + "stick_dpad_n.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadSouth] = dir + "stick_dpad_s.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadWest] = dir + "stick_dpad_w.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_RightStick_DPadEast] = dir + "stick_dpad_e.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_North] = dir + "xbox_button_dpad_n.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_South] = dir + "xbox_button_dpad_s.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_West] = dir + "xbox_button_dpad_w.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_East] = dir + "xbox_button_dpad_e.png"; steaminput_glyphs[k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_DPad_Move] = dir + "xbox_button_dpad_move.png"; //steaminput_glyphs[] = dir + ""; } auto glyph = steaminput_glyphs.find(eOrigin); if (glyph == steaminput_glyphs.end()) return ""; return glyph->second.c_str(); } // Get a local path to a PNG file for the provided origin's glyph. const char* Steam_Controller::GetGlyphPNGForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin, ESteamInputGlyphSize eSize, uint32 unFlags ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); //TODO SteamInput005 return GetGlyphForActionOrigin(eOrigin); } // Get a local path to a SVG file for the provided origin's glyph. const char* Steam_Controller::GetGlyphSVGForActionOrigin( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin, uint32 unFlags ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); //TODO SteamInput005 return ""; } // Get a local path to an older, Big Picture Mode-style PNG file for a particular origin const char* Steam_Controller::GetGlyphForActionOrigin_Legacy( EInputActionOrigin eOrigin ) { PRINT_DEBUG_ENTRY(); return GetGlyphForActionOrigin(eOrigin); } // Returns the input type for a particular handle ESteamInputType Steam_Controller::GetInputTypeForHandle( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG("%llu", controllerHandle); auto controller = controllers.find(controllerHandle); if (controller == controllers.end()) return k_ESteamInputType_Unknown; return k_ESteamInputType_XBox360Controller; } const char* Steam_Controller::GetStringForXboxOrigin( EXboxOrigin eOrigin ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return ""; } const char* Steam_Controller::GetGlyphForXboxOrigin( EXboxOrigin eOrigin ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return ""; } EControllerActionOrigin Steam_Controller::GetActionOriginFromXboxOrigin_( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, EXboxOrigin eOrigin ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return k_EControllerActionOrigin_None; } EInputActionOrigin Steam_Controller::GetActionOriginFromXboxOrigin( InputHandle_t inputHandle, EXboxOrigin eOrigin ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return k_EInputActionOrigin_None; } EControllerActionOrigin Steam_Controller::TranslateActionOrigin( ESteamInputType eDestinationInputType, EControllerActionOrigin eSourceOrigin ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return k_EControllerActionOrigin_None; } EInputActionOrigin Steam_Controller::TranslateActionOrigin( ESteamInputType eDestinationInputType, EInputActionOrigin eSourceOrigin ) { PRINT_DEBUG("steaminput destinationinputtype %d sourceorigin %d", eDestinationInputType, eSourceOrigin ); if (eDestinationInputType == k_ESteamInputType_XBox360Controller) return eSourceOrigin; return k_EInputActionOrigin_None; } bool Steam_Controller::GetControllerBindingRevision( ControllerHandle_t controllerHandle, int *pMajor, int *pMinor ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return false; } bool Steam_Controller::GetDeviceBindingRevision( InputHandle_t inputHandle, int *pMajor, int *pMinor ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return false; } uint32 Steam_Controller::GetRemotePlaySessionID( InputHandle_t inputHandle ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return 0; } // Get a bitmask of the Steam Input Configuration types opted in for the current session. Returns ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType values.? // Note: user can override the settings from the Steamworks Partner site so the returned values may not exactly match your default configuration uint16 Steam_Controller::GetSessionInputConfigurationSettings() { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); return 0; } // Set the trigger effect for a DualSense controller void Steam_Controller::SetDualSenseTriggerEffect( InputHandle_t inputHandle, const ScePadTriggerEffectParam *pParam ) { PRINT_DEBUG_TODO(); } void Steam_Controller::RunCallbacks() { if (explicitly_call_run_frame) { RunFrame(); } }