This directory contains additional resources used during build. * The folder [win](./win/) contains the resources added to the .dll/.exe binaries, these include version info and an immitation of any extra resources found in the original .dll/.exe. These resources are built using Microsoft's resourec compiler `rc.exe` during the build process, and the output files are stored in `build\tmp\win\rsrc` as `*.res`. These resources are later passed to the compiler `cl.exe` as any normal `.cpp` or `.c` file: ```bash cl.exe myfile.cpp myres.res -o myout.exe ``` * [api](./win/api/): contains an immitation of the resources found in `steam_api(64).dll` * [client](./win/client/): contains an immitation of the resources found in `steamclient(64).dll` * [launcher](./win/launcher/): contains an immitation of the resources found in `steam.exe`