
121 lines
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//====== Copyright © Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: interface to Steam Timeline
#ifdef STEAM_WIN32
#pragma once
#include "steam_api_common.h"
// callbacks
#pragma pack( push, 4 )
#pragma pack( push, 8 )
#error steam_api_common.h should define VALVE_CALLBACK_PACK_xxx
// Controls the color of the timeline bar segments. The value names listed here map to a multiplayer game, where
// the user starts a game (in menus), then joins a multiplayer session that first has a character selection lobby
// then finally the multiplayer session starts. However, you can also map these values to any type of game. In a single
// player game where you visit towns & dungeons, you could set k_ETimelineGameMode_Menus when the player is in a town
// buying items, k_ETimelineGameMode_Staging for when a dungeon is loading and k_ETimelineGameMode_Playing for when
// inside the dungeon fighting monsters.
enum ETimelineGameMode
k_ETimelineGameMode_Invalid = 0,
k_ETimelineGameMode_Playing = 1,
k_ETimelineGameMode_Staging = 2,
k_ETimelineGameMode_Menus = 3,
k_ETimelineGameMode_LoadingScreen = 4,
k_ETimelineGameMode_Max, // one past the last valid value
// Used in AddTimelineEvent, where Featured events will be offered before Standard events
enum ETimelineEventClipPriority
k_ETimelineEventClipPriority_Invalid = 0,
k_ETimelineEventClipPriority_None = 1,
k_ETimelineEventClipPriority_Standard = 2,
k_ETimelineEventClipPriority_Featured = 3,
const uint32 k_unMaxTimelinePriority = 1000;
const float k_flMaxTimelineEventDuration = 600.f;
// Purpose: Steam Timeline API
class ISteamTimeline
// Sets a description for the current game state in the timeline. These help the user to find specific
// moments in the timeline when saving clips. Setting a new state description replaces any previous
// description.
// Examples could include:
// * Where the user is in the world in a single player game
// * Which round is happening in a multiplayer game
// * The current score for a sports game
// Parameters:
// - pchDescription: provide a localized string in the language returned by SteamUtils()->GetSteamUILanguage()
// - flTimeDelta: The time offset in seconds to apply to this event. Negative times indicate an
// event that happened in the past.
virtual void SetTimelineStateDescription( const char *pchDescription, float flTimeDelta ) = 0;
virtual void ClearTimelineStateDescription( float flTimeDelta ) = 0;
// Use this to mark an event on the Timeline. The event can be instantaneous or take some amount of time
// to complete, depending on the value passed in flDurationSeconds
// Examples could include:
// * a boss battle
// * a cut scene
// * a large team fight
// * picking up a new weapon or ammunition
// * scoring a goal
// Parameters:
// - pchIcon: specify the name of the icon uploaded through the Steamworks Partner Site for your title
// or one of the provided icons that start with steam_
// - pchTitle & pchDescription: provide a localized string in the language returned by
// SteamUtils()->GetSteamUILanguage()
// - unPriority: specify how important this range is compared to other markers provided by the game.
// Ranges with larger priority values will be displayed more prominently in the UI. This value
// may be between 0 and k_unMaxTimelinePriority.
// - flStartOffsetSeconds: The time that this range started relative to now. Negative times
// indicate an event that happened in the past.
// - flDurationSeconds: How long the time range should be in seconds. For instantaneous events, this
// should be 0
// - ePossibleClip: By setting this parameter to Featured or Standard, the game indicates to Steam that it
// would be appropriate to offer this range as a clip to the user. For instantaneous events, the
// suggested clip will be for a short time before and after the event itself.
virtual void AddTimelineEvent( const char *pchIcon, const char *pchTitle, const char *pchDescription, uint32 unPriority, float flStartOffsetSeconds, float flDurationSeconds, ETimelineEventClipPriority ePossibleClip ) = 0;
// Changes the color of the timeline bar. See ETimelineGameMode comments for how to use each value
virtual void SetTimelineGameMode( ETimelineGameMode eMode ) = 0;
// Global interface accessor
inline ISteamTimeline *SteamTimeline();
#pragma pack( pop )