2024-04-15 21:13:11 +02:00
steam_settings.EXAMPLE allow creating the file local_save.txt inside the steam_settings folder 2024-04-15 21:13:11 +02:00
win/ColdClientLoader.EXAMPLE/extra_dlls.EXAMPLE some missing readme files + corrected overlay note 2024-04-10 23:47:06 +02:00 added updated readmes for post build 2023-12-28 01:30:46 +02:00 * new stub dll GameOverlayRenderer for the experiemntal steamclient setup 2024-03-21 00:50:58 +02:00 added updated readmes for post build 2023-12-28 01:30:46 +02:00 added updated readmes for post build 2023-12-28 01:30:46 +02:00 added updated readmes for post build 2023-12-28 01:30:46 +02:00 proper attribution for the author of the ingame overlay project (why wasn't this done long time ago?!) 2024-04-12 04:25:50 +02:00

====Goldberg Steam Emulator====

An emulator that supports LAN multiplayer without steam.

How to use:

  1. Replace the steam_api(64).dll (Windows) or (Linux) from the game with the emu.
  2. Use the command line tool generate_emu_config to generate the steam_settings folder
  3. Use the command line tool generate_interfaces to generate the file steam_interfaces.txt,
    then move it inside the folder steam_settings
  4. Move the entire folder steam_settings beside the emu .dll/.so.

Mr.Goldberg's note:

If the game has DRM (other than steamworks) you need to remove/crack it first.

Saves location:

  • On Windows:
    C:\Users\<Your windows user name>\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\
  • On Linux:
    • if XDG_DATA_HOME is defined:
      $XDG_DATA_HOME/Goldberg SteamEmu Saves/
    • Otherwise:
      $HOME/.local/share/Goldberg SteamEmu Saves/

In the settings folder in that save location you will find 3 files (if you have used the emulator at least once): account_name.txt (Edit this file to change your name) listen_port.txt (Edit this file if you want to change the UDP/TCP port the emulator listens on (You should probably not change this because everyone needs to use the same port or you won't find yourselves on the network)) user_steam_id.txt (this is where your steam id is saved, you can change it (if your saves for a game are locked to a specific steam id see below for a way to change it on a per game basis) but it has to be valid) language.txt (Edit this to change the language the emulator will report to the game, default is english, it must be a valid steam language name or the game might have weird behaviour (list provided at the end of this readme))

Note that these are global so you won't have to change them for each game. For game unique stuff (stats and remote storage) a folder is created with the appid of the game. If you want to change your steam_id on a per game basis, simply create a settings folder in the game unique directory (Full path: C:\Users<Your windows user name>\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves<appid>\settings) In that settings folder create a user_steam_id.txt file that contains the valid steam id that you want to use for that game only.

You can also make the emu ignore certain global settings by using a force_account_name.txt, force_language.txt, force_listen_port.txt or force_steamid.txt that you put in the \steam_settings\ folder. See the steam_settings.EXAMPLE folder for an example.

If for some reason you want it to save in the game directory you can create a file named local_save.txt right beside steam_api(64).dll ( on linux) The only thing that file should contain is the name of the save directory. This can be useful if you want to use different global settings like a different account name or steam id for a particular game. Note that this save directory will be beside where the emu dll (or .so) is which may not be the same as the game path.


By default the emulator will try to unlock all DLCs (by returning true when the game calls the BIsDlcInstalled() function).
If the game uses the other function you will need to provide a list of DLCs to my emulator.

To do this first create a steam_settings folder right beside where you put my emulator.
In this folder, put a DLC.txt file. (path will be <path where my emu lib is>\steam_settings\DLC.txt)

If the DLC file is present, the emulator will only unlock the DLCs in that file. If the file is empty all DLCs will be locked.

The contents of this file are:
appid=DLC name

See the steam_settings.EXAMPLE folder for an example.


You can include a steam_settings\supported_languages.txt file with a list of languages that the game supports.

If the global emu language setting is not in this list of languages, the emu will default to the first language in the list.

See the steam_settings.EXAMPLE folder for an example.


This is pretty rare but some games might use depot ids to see if dlcs are installed.
You can provide a list of installed depots to the game with a steam_settings\depots.txt file.

See the steam_settings.EXAMPLE folder for an example.

Subscribed Groups:

Some games like payday 2 check which groups you are subscribed in and unlock things based on that.
You can provide a list of subscribed groups to the game with a steam_settings\subscribed_groups.txt file.

See steam_settings.EXAMPLE\subscribed_groups.EXAMPLE.txt for an example for payday 2.

Subscribed Groups (Clans):

Some games like counter-strike check which groups you are subscribed in and allow you to choose a group clan.
You can provide a list of subscribed group ids, names, and tags to the game with a steam_settings\subscribed_groups_clans.txt file.

Group ids must be valid and can be obtained by pasting '/memberslistxml/?xml=1' at the end of a Steam group page.

See steam_settings.EXAMPLE\subscribed_groups_clans.EXAMPLE.txt for an example.

App paths:

Some rare games might need to be provided one or more paths to app ids.
For example the path to where a dlc is installed.
This sets the paths returned by the Steam_Apps::GetAppInstallDir function.

See steam_settings.EXAMPLE\app_paths.EXAMPLE.txt for an example.

This file should be put here: <path where my emu lib is>\steam_settings\app_paths.txt

Note that paths are treated as relative paths from where the steam_api dll is located.


Put your mods in the steam_settings\mods\ folder.

Mod data folder must be a number corresponding to the file id of the mod.

See the steam_settings.EXAMPLE folder for an example.

Steam appid:

Put your steam_appid.txt in the steam_settings folder because this is where the emulator checks first.

If there is no steam_appid.txt in the steam_settings folder it will try opening it from the run path of the game.
If one isn't there it will try to load it from beside my steam api dll.

The steam appid can also be set using the SteamAppId or SteamGameId env variables (this is how real steam tells games what their appid is).

Offline mode:

Some games that connect to online servers might only work if the steam emu behaves like steam is in offline mode.
If you need this, create offline.txt file in the steam_settings folder.

Disable networking:

If you want to disable all the networking functionality of the emu, you can create a disable_networking.txt file in the steam_settings folder.
This will of course break all the networking functionality so games that use networking related functionality like lobbies or those that launch a server in the background will not work.

Custom Broadcast IPs:

If you want to set custom ips (or domains) which the emulator will send broadcast packets to, make a list of them, one on each line in: Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\settings\custom_broadcasts.txt

If the custom IPs/domains are specific for one game only you can put the custom_broadcasts.txt in the steam_settings folder.

An example is provided in steam_settings.EXAMPLE\custom_broadcasts.EXAMPLE.txt

Achievements, Items or Inventory:

Create a file named items.json and/or achievements.json inside the steam_settings folder which will contain every item/achievement you want to have in your game.

An example can be found in steam_settings.EXAMPLE that works with Killing Floor 2.

The items.json syntax is simple, you SHOULD validate your .json file before trying to run your game or you won't have any item in your inventory.
Just look for "online json validator" on your web brower to valide your file.

You can use to list items and attributes they have and put them into your .json, you can also use the command line tool generate_emu_config.

Keep in mind that some item are not valid to have in your inventory.

For example, in PayDay2 all items below item_id 50000 will make your game crash.

  • items.json should contain all the item definitions for the game,
  • default_items.json is the quantity of each item that you want a user to have initially in their inventory. By default the user will have no items.

It is recommended to use the command line tool generate_emu_config for that matter


By default the emulator assumes all leaderboards queried by the game FindLeaderboard() exist and creates them with the most common options (sort method descending, display type numeric).
In some games this default behavior doesn't work and so you may need to tweak which leaderboards the game sees.

To do that, you can put a leaderboards.txt file in the steam_settings folder.
An empty leaderboards.txt makes the emu behave as if any leaderboard queried by the game using FindLeaderboard() does not exist.

The format is:
LEADERBOARD_NAME=sort method=display type

For the sort methods:

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = ascending
  • 2 = descending

For the display type

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = numeric
  • 2 = time seconds
  • 3 = milliseconds

An example can be found in steam_settings.EXAMPLE


By default this emulators assumes all stats do not exist unless they have been written once by the game.
This works for the majority of games but some games might read a stat for the first time and expect a default value to be read when doing so.

To set the type for each stat along with the default value, put a stats.txt file in the steam_settings folder.
The format is:
STAT_NAME=type=default value

The type can be

  • int
  • float
  • avgrate

The default value is simply a number that represents the default value for the stat.

You can use the command line tool generate_emu_config to generate a stats config

Build id:

Add a steam_settings\build_id.txt with the build id if the game doesn't show the correct build id and you want the emu to give it the correct one.

An example can be found in steam_settings.EXAMPLE


Add a steam_settings\http folder.
The folder should contain the domain name and path to the files that will be returned by steamHTTP like so For example this url: ``:

  • Create a folder steam_settings\http\\wiki\Main_Page
  • The Main_Page file would contain the data returned by the steamHTTP api when it tries to access:

An example that was made for payday 2 can be found in steam_settings.EXAMPLE

To allow external downloads which will be stored in this steam_settings\http folder copy the disable_lan_only.txt file to the steam_settings folder.


Copy a png, or a jpg, or a jpeg image file to your Goldberg SteamEmu Settings\settings folder and name it account_avatar.
You can also place this file inside the local steam_settings folder of the game.

You can find an example in steam_settings.EXAMPLE

Support for CPY steam_api(64).dll cracks:

See the build in the experimental folder.

You must all be on the same LAN for it to work.

Do not run more than one steam game with the same appid at the same time on the same computer with my emu or there might be network issues (dedicated servers should be fine though).


Note: at the moment this feature is only enabled in the experimental builds

This is made possible using the amazing third-party library Ingame Overlay project:

The overlay can be enabled by creating a file named enable_experimental_overlay.txt in the steam_settings folder.
This feature is highly experimental and might cause crashes or other problems.

This is for games that depend on the steam overlay to let people join multiplayer games.
Alternatively, you can use the dedicated tool lobby_connect to join a game lobby.
Use SHIFT-TAB to open the overlay.

Overlay notifications sounds:

Note: at the moment this feature is only enabled in the experimental builds for Windows only

You can place a .wav file called overlay_achievement_notification.wav inside either the local steam_settings/sounds folder of the game,
or inside Goldberg SteamEmu Settings/settings/sounds folder, to play that audio file whenever an achievement is unlocked.

You can place a .wav file called overlay_friend_notification.wav inside either the local steam_settings/sounds folder of the game,
or inside Goldberg SteamEmu Settings/settings/sounds folder, to play that audio file whenever a friend sends an achievement.

You can find an example in steam_settings.EXAMPLE


Note: at the moment this feature is only enabled in the windows experimental builds and the linux builds

SteamController/SteamInput support is limited to XInput controllers.
If your controller is not XInput, there are many tools (at least for windows) that you can use to make it emulate an XInput one.

Steam uses things called action sets for controller configuration. An action set is a group of action names.
Action names are bound to buttons, triggers or joysticks.
The emulator needs to know for each action set, which button is linked to which action name.

Create a ACTION_SET_NAME.txt file in the steam_settings\controller folder for every action set the game uses.

To see an example for the game Crystar see: steam_settings.EXAMPLE\controller.EXAMPLE

In the action set txt files the format is:

  • For digital actions (buttons, on or off):
  • For analog actions (joysticks, triggers): ACTION_NAME=ANALOG_NAME=input source mode

Actions can be bound to more than one button by separating the buttons with, like this:

You can use the command line tool generate_emu_config to generate a config file.
Or if you want to configure a game yourself, find the xbox360 or xbox one vdf file for the game and you should be able to figure things out.

For example to get the vdf file for the game Crystar:
If you look at: steamcontrollerconfigdetails, you will see something like: 1779660455/controller_type: controller_xbox360
1779660455 refers to a file id that you can dl using your favorite steam workshop downloader site.
The url would be:

The glyphs directory contains some glyphs for the controller buttons for the games that use the GetGlyphForActionOrigin() function. If you want to use the real steam glyphs instead of the free ones in the example directory copy them from: <Steam Directory>\tenfoot\resource\images\library\controller\api folder.

Valid digital button names:

  • DUP
  • BACK
  • A
  • B
  • X
  • Y
  • DLTRIGGER (emulated buttons, the joy ones are used by games in menus for example. When the game wants to know if the trigger is pressed without the intensity)

Valid analog names:

  • LJOY
  • RJOY
  • DPAD

Auth token (app ticket):

By default the emu will send the old token format for various APIs, like:

  • Steam_GameServer::GetAuthSessionTicket()
  • Steam_User::GetAuthSessionTicket()
  • Steam_User::GetAuthTicketForWebApi()

You can make the emu generate new ticket data, and additionally the GC token.
Check the relevant files new_app_ticket.txt and gc_token.txt in the steam_settings folder

Branch name and type:

By default the emu will report a non-beta branch with the name public when the game calls Steam_Apps::GetCurrentBetaName()

Check the relevant files is_beta_branch.txt and force_branch_name.txt in the steam_settings folder

Crash log/printer:

The emu can setup a very basic crash logger/printer.
This is intended to debug some annoying scenarios, and best used with the debug build of the emu.

To enable this feature create a file called crash_printer_location.txt inside your steam_settings folder,
and set the path to the crash log file on a single line.

Note that forward slashes / are encouraged for both Windows & Linux.

Check the example file crash_printer_location.EXAMPLE.txt

Fake Windows dll/exe certificate and antivirus software:

The Windows build is signed with a fake self-signed certificate, this helps in bypassing some basic checks by apps,
but it also triggers some antivirus software.

First of all, never install these certificates to your certificate store, they are randomly generated.
Second, the project is not a malware, if your antivirus software complains, be sure it's a false-positive.

List of valid steam languages:

Check this link for a complete list:
Look for the column API language code

  • arabic
  • bulgarian
  • schinese
  • tchinese
  • czech
  • danish
  • dutch
  • english
  • finnish
  • french
  • german
  • greek
  • hungarian
  • italian
  • japanese
  • koreana
  • norwegian
  • polish
  • portuguese
  • brazilian
  • romanian
  • russian
  • spanish
  • latam
  • swedish
  • thai
  • turkish
  • ukrainian
  • vietnamese

Overlay warnings:

Note: at the moment this feature is only enabled in the experimental builds

These configuration files allow disabling various overlay warnings:

  • disable_overlay_warning_forced_setting.txt:
    • disable the warning for the usage of any file force_*.txt in the overlay
    • unlocks the settigs menu, this may result in an undesirable output
  • disable_overlay_warning_bad_appid.txt: disable the warning for bad app ID (when app ID = 0) in the overlay
  • disable_overlay_warning_local_save.txt: disable the warning for using local save in the overlay
  • disable_overlay_warning_any.txt: all the above

Check the example files in the steam_settings folder

Overlay appearance:

Note: at the moment this feature is only enabled in the experimental builds

These configuration file overlay_appearance.txt has various options to set for the overlay appearance.
You can place this file inside the local steam_settings/ folder, or inside the global settings folder Goldberg SteamEmu Settings/settings/.

The notifications positions could be set to one of these values:

  • top_left
  • top_center
  • top_right
  • bot_left
  • bot_center
  • bot_right

Check the example file in the steam_settings folder

Auto accept game/lobby invites:

Note: at the moment this feature is only enabled in the experimental builds

When the overlay is enabled and working, you can bypass it and auto-accept invites (lobby or game) from a list of Steam IDs (SteamID64 format).
The configuration file auto_accept_invite.txt allows you to do that, it works like this:

  • Adding an empty file: will accept invites from anyone (same behavior as if the overlay was disabled)
  • Adding a file with some friends IDs (each on a separate line):
    • If the friend ID is found in this file, the invitation will be accepted automatically
    • If the friend ID is not found, you'll get the regular overlay invitation

Check the example file in the steam_settings folder

IP country:

You can report a country IP if the game queries it, by setting the 2 characters code in the file ip_country.txt.
Use this link to get the Alpha-2 country code:

Check the example file in the steam_settings folder

Donwload Steam HTTP(S) requests:

You can make the emu attempt to download external http(s) requests madia via Steam_HTTP::SendHTTPRequest(), by creating a file called download_steamhttp_requests.txt inside the steam_settings folder.
All the responses will be downloaded and saved locally inside: steam_settings\http\.

Make sure to:

  • Add the file disable_lan_only.txt
  • Remove the file disable_networking.txt if it's present

Note that this will not work if the app is using native/OS web APIs, also support for this feature is very basic and will fail in many cases.

You can use this feature, for eaxmple, to know which requests are made by the app.
It's up to you afterwards to specify the correct responses for these requests by changing the content of the files inside steam_settings\http\.

Check the example file in the steam_settings folder

Force the API Steam_HTTP::SendHTTPRequest() to always succeed:

You can force the API Steam_HTTP::SendHTTPRequest() to always report success, by creating a file called force_steamhttp_success.txt inside the steam_settings folder.

Check the example file in the steam_settings folder

Enable non-LAN behavior in steam_matchmaking_servers:

By default, match making servers (which handles browsing for matches) will always return LAN servers list whenever the game inquires about the available servers with a specific type (Internet, Friends, LAN, etc...).
You can make the emu return the proper/actual servers list for the given type by creating a file called matchmaking_server_list_actual_type.txt inside the steam_settings folder.
This is currently broken.

Also, match making servers will return the info of the server from the incoming local packets, you can make the emu retrieve the actual server info by performing a source server query, this is enabled by creating a file called matchmaking_server_details_via_source_query.txt inside the steam_settings folder.
This is currently broken.

Overlay hook delay and renderer detector timeout:

Note: at the moment this feature is only enabled in the experimental builds

By default the emu will immediately start the renderer detector for the overlay, but you can give it some initial delay,
which allows some games to initialize properly, otherwise the detector may not detect the current renderer (DirectX, OpenGL, etc...) and the overlay will not work (example games: Have a Nice Death, and Saints Row (2022)).

After that initial delay, the emu will give the detector 15 seconds as a timeout, after that time if the detector didn't return a valid result, it will fail.
This avoids an infinite detection loop and a potential FPS drop on failure.

You can control these timings via the configuration files:

  • overlay_hook_delay_sec.txt: controls the amount of seconds to wait for initially before attempting the detection.
  • overlay_renderer_detector_timeout_sec.txt: controls the timeout of the detection, in seconds.

Negative values will be ignored, also the renderer detector timeout cannot be 0.

Check the example files in the steam_settings folder

Prevent lobby creation:

You can prevent lobby creation (created via steam matchmaking APIs) by creating a file called disable_lobby_creation.txt in your steam_settings folder.
Check the example file.

Sharing leaderboards scores over LAN:

You can allow the emu to mutually share leaderboards scores with people playing the same game on the same network, by adding the config file share_leaderboards_over_network.txt inside your steam_settings folder.

This works best with real LAN, latency from VPN clients might break it.

Check the example file in the steam_settings folder

Sharing stats and achievements with game servers:

By default the emu will mutually share stats with game servers, you can disable this behavior by adding the config file disable_sharing_stats_with_gameserver.txt inside your steam_settings folder, this also disables the interface ISteamGameServerStats.

Game servers and players will not immediately synchronize stats/achievements whey they're changed, they'll wait for the next call to Steam_RunCallbacks().
You can change this behavior and make them eager to send updated data by creating the config file immediate_gameserver_stats.txt inside your steam_settings folder.

Check the example files in the steam_settings folder

More configurations:

Due to the various changes and additions, it became tedious to document everything,
so it is recommended to check each example file in the steam_settings folder.