ota 2e69c038cc + check for vswhere before attempting any detection
+ niceness for terminal output

+ update Windows + Linux scripts to use the new directories of third party + propagate exit error code + fix line ending

+ update Windows deps build script to clean generated build files by cmake after install + propagate exit code of all builds

+ update Linux deps build script to clean generated build files by cmake after install + propagate exit code of all builds

+ fix line ending!
2023-12-18 02:50:05 +02:00

71 lines
1.7 KiB

@echo off
pushd "%~dp0"
:: Put in the base path in which Visual Studio is installed, examples:
::set "vs_static_path=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools"
::set "vs_static_path=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community"
::set "vs_static_path=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise"
set "vs_static_path="
set "third_party_dir=third-party"
set "third_party_common_dir=%third_party_dir%\common\win"
if not exist "%third_party_common_dir%\vswhere\vswhere.exe" (
call :err_msg "vswhere.exe wasn't found in third-party folder"
goto :end_script_with_err
set "arch="
if "%~1"=="32" (
set "arch=32"
) else if "%~1"=="64" (
set "arch=64"
) else (
call :err_msg "First arg may be any of [32 64]"
goto :end_script_with_err
set "my_vs_path=%vs_static_path%"
if "%my_vs_path%"=="" (
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('"%third_party_common_dir%\vswhere\vswhere.exe" -prerelease -latest -nocolor -nologo -property installationPath 2^>nul') do (
set "my_vs_path=%%~A\VC\Auxiliary\Build"
if not exist "%my_vs_path%\vcvars%arch%.bat" (
set "my_vs_path="
if "%my_vs_path%"=="" (
call :err_msg "Visual Studio couldn't be found, set its path in the script %~nx0"
goto :end_script_with_err
echo Using Visual Studio found in: "%my_vs_path%"
endlocal & (
call "%my_vs_path%\vcvars%arch%.bat" && (
echo: & echo:
exit /b 0
) || (
1>&2 echo [X] Visual Studio script "vcvars%arch%.bat" failed
echo: & echo:
exit /b 1
1>&2 echo [X] %~1
exit /b
endlocal & (
exit /b 1