2019-08-26 17:55:31 +00:00

394 lines
16 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2019 Mr Goldberg
This file is part of the Goldberg Emulator
The Goldberg Emulator is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The Goldberg Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the Goldberg Emulator; if not, see
<>. */
#include "settings_parser.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
static void load_custom_broadcasts(std::string broadcasts_filepath, std::set<uint32> &custom_broadcasts)
std::ifstream broadcasts_file(broadcasts_filepath);
PRINT_DEBUG("Broadcasts file path: %s\n", broadcasts_filepath.c_str());
if (broadcasts_file.is_open()) {
std::string line;
while (std::getline(broadcasts_file, line)) {
std::set<uint32> ips = Networking::resolve_ip(line);
custom_broadcasts.insert(ips.begin(), ips.end());
uint32 create_localstorage_settings(Settings **settings_client_out, Settings **settings_server_out, Local_Storage **local_storage_out)
std::string program_path = Local_Storage::get_program_path(), save_path = Local_Storage::get_user_appdata_path();;
PRINT_DEBUG("Current Path %s save_path: %s\n", program_path.c_str(), save_path.c_str());
char array[10] = {};
array[0] = '0';
Local_Storage::get_file_data(Local_Storage::get_game_settings_path() + "steam_appid.txt", array, sizeof(array) - 1);
uint32 appid = 0;
try {
appid = std::stoi(array);
} catch (...) {}
if (!appid) {
memset(array, 0, sizeof(array));
array[0] = '0';
Local_Storage::get_file_data("steam_appid.txt", array, sizeof(array) - 1);
try {
appid = std::stoi(array);
} catch (...) {}
if (!appid) {
memset(array, 0, sizeof(array));
array[0] = '0';
Local_Storage::get_file_data(program_path + "steam_appid.txt", array, sizeof(array) - 1);
try {
appid = std::stoi(array);
} catch (...) {}
if (!appid) {
std::string str_appid = get_env_variable("SteamAppId");
std::string str_gameid = get_env_variable("SteamGameId");
PRINT_DEBUG("str_appid %s str_gameid: %s\n", str_appid.c_str(), str_gameid.c_str());
uint32 appid_env = 0;
uint32 gameid_env = 0;
if (str_appid.size() > 0) {
try {
appid_env = std::stoul(str_appid);
} catch (...) {
appid_env = 0;
if (str_gameid.size() > 0) {
try {
gameid_env = std::stoul(str_gameid);
} catch (...) {
gameid_env = 0;
PRINT_DEBUG("appid_env %u gameid_env: %u\n", appid_env, gameid_env);
if (appid_env) {
appid = appid_env;
if (gameid_env) {
appid = gameid_env;
char array[33] = {};
if (Local_Storage::get_file_data(program_path + "local_save.txt", array, sizeof(array) - 1) != -1) {
save_path = program_path + Settings::sanitize(array);
PRINT_DEBUG("Set save_path: %s\n", save_path.c_str());
Local_Storage *local_storage = new Local_Storage(save_path);
// Listen port
char array_port[10] = {};
array_port[0] = '0';
local_storage->get_data_settings("listen_port.txt", array_port, sizeof(array_port) - 1);
uint16 port = std::stoi(array_port);
if (port == 0) {
snprintf(array_port, sizeof(array_port), "%hu", port);
local_storage->store_data_settings("listen_port.txt", array_port, strlen(array_port));
// Custom broadcasts
std::set<uint32> custom_broadcasts;
load_custom_broadcasts(local_storage->get_global_settings_path() + "custom_broadcasts.txt", custom_broadcasts);
load_custom_broadcasts(Local_Storage::get_game_settings_path() + "custom_broadcasts.txt", custom_broadcasts);
// Acount name
char name[32] = {};
if (local_storage->get_data_settings("account_name.txt", name, sizeof(name) - 1) <= 0) {
strcpy(name, DEFAULT_NAME);
local_storage->store_data_settings("account_name.txt", name, strlen(name));
// Language
char language[32] = {};
if (local_storage->get_data_settings("language.txt", language, sizeof(language) - 1) <= 0) {
strcpy(language, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
local_storage->store_data_settings("language.txt", language, strlen(language));
// Steam ID
char array_steam_id[32] = {};
CSteamID user_id;
uint64 steam_id = 0;
bool generate_new = false;
//try to load steam id from game specific settings folder first
if (local_storage->get_data(Local_Storage::settings_storage_folder, "user_steam_id.txt", array_steam_id, sizeof(array_steam_id) - 1) > 0) {
user_id = CSteamID((uint64)std::atoll(array_steam_id));
if (!user_id.IsValid()) {
generate_new = true;
} else {
generate_new = true;
if (generate_new) {
generate_new = false;
if (local_storage->get_data_settings("user_steam_id.txt", array_steam_id, sizeof(array_steam_id) - 1) > 0) {
user_id = CSteamID((uint64)std::atoll(array_steam_id));
if (!user_id.IsValid()) {
generate_new = true;
} else {
generate_new = true;
if (generate_new) {
user_id = generate_steam_id_user();
uint64 steam_id = user_id.ConvertToUint64();
char temp_text[32] = {};
snprintf(temp_text, sizeof(temp_text), "%llu", steam_id);
local_storage->store_data_settings("user_steam_id.txt", temp_text, strlen(temp_text));
bool steam_offline_mode = false;
std::string steam_settings_path = Local_Storage::get_game_settings_path();
std::vector<std::string> paths = Local_Storage::get_filenames_path(steam_settings_path);
for (auto & p: paths) {
PRINT_DEBUG("steam settings path %s\n", p.c_str());
if (p == "offline.txt") {
steam_offline_mode = true;
Settings *settings_client = new Settings(user_id, CGameID(appid), name, language, steam_offline_mode);
Settings *settings_server = new Settings(generate_steam_id_server(), CGameID(appid), name, language, steam_offline_mode);
settings_client->custom_broadcasts = custom_broadcasts;
settings_server->custom_broadcasts = custom_broadcasts;
std::string dlc_config_path = Local_Storage::get_game_settings_path() + "DLC.txt";
std::ifstream input( dlc_config_path );
if (input.is_open()) {
PRINT_DEBUG("Locking all DLC\n");
for( std::string line; std::getline( input, line ); ) {
if (!line.empty() && line.front() == '#') {
if (!line.empty() && line.back() == '\n') {
if (!line.empty() && line.back() == '\r') {
std::size_t deliminator = line.find("=");
if (deliminator != 0 && deliminator != std::string::npos && deliminator != line.size()) {
AppId_t appid = stol(line.substr(0, deliminator));
std::string name = line.substr(deliminator + 1);
bool available = true;
if (appid) {
PRINT_DEBUG("Adding DLC: %u|%s| %u\n", appid, name.c_str(), available);
settings_client->addDLC(appid, name, available);
settings_server->addDLC(appid, name, available);
} else {
//unlock all DLC
PRINT_DEBUG("Unlocking all DLC\n");
std::string dlc_config_path = Local_Storage::get_game_settings_path() + "app_paths.txt";
std::ifstream input( dlc_config_path );
if (input.is_open()) {
for( std::string line; getline( input, line ); ) {
if (!line.empty() && line[line.length()-1] == '\n') {
if (!line.empty() && line[line.length()-1] == '\r') {
std::size_t deliminator = line.find("=");
if (deliminator != 0 && deliminator != std::string::npos && deliminator != line.size()) {
AppId_t appid = stol(line.substr(0, deliminator));
std::string rel_path = line.substr(deliminator + 1);
std::string path = canonical_path(program_path + rel_path);
if (appid) {
if (path.size()) {
PRINT_DEBUG("Adding app path: %u|%s|\n", appid, path.c_str());
settings_client->setAppInstallPath(appid, path);
settings_server->setAppInstallPath(appid, path);
} else {
PRINT_DEBUG("Error adding app path for: %u does this path exist? |%s|\n", appid, rel_path.c_str());
std::string dlc_config_path = Local_Storage::get_game_settings_path() + "leaderboards.txt";
std::ifstream input( dlc_config_path );
if (input.is_open()) {
for( std::string line; getline( input, line ); ) {
if (!line.empty() && line[line.length()-1] == '\n') {
if (!line.empty() && line[line.length()-1] == '\r') {
std::string leaderboard;
unsigned int sort_method = 0;
unsigned int display_type = 0;
std::size_t deliminator = line.find("=");
if (deliminator != 0 && deliminator != std::string::npos && deliminator != line.size()) {
leaderboard = line.substr(0, deliminator);
std::size_t deliminator2 = line.find("=", deliminator + 1);
if (deliminator2 != std::string::npos && deliminator2 != line.size()) {
sort_method = stol(line.substr(deliminator + 1, deliminator2 - (deliminator + 1)));
display_type = stol(line.substr(deliminator2 + 1));
if (leaderboard.size() && sort_method <= k_ELeaderboardSortMethodDescending && display_type <= k_ELeaderboardDisplayTypeTimeMilliSeconds) {
PRINT_DEBUG("Adding leaderboard: %s|%u|%u\n", leaderboard.c_str(), sort_method, display_type);
settings_client->setLeaderboard(leaderboard, (ELeaderboardSortMethod)sort_method, (ELeaderboardDisplayType)display_type);
settings_server->setLeaderboard(leaderboard, (ELeaderboardSortMethod)sort_method, (ELeaderboardDisplayType)display_type);
} else {
PRINT_DEBUG("Error adding leaderboard for: %s, are sort method %u or display type %u valid?\n", leaderboard.c_str(), sort_method, display_type);
std::string stats_config_path = Local_Storage::get_game_settings_path() + "stats.txt";
std::ifstream input( stats_config_path );
if (input.is_open()) {
for( std::string line; getline( input, line ); ) {
if (!line.empty() && line[line.length()-1] == '\n') {
if (!line.empty() && line[line.length()-1] == '\r') {
std::string stat_name;
std::string stat_type;
std::string stat_default_value;
std::size_t deliminator = line.find("=");
if (deliminator != 0 && deliminator != std::string::npos && deliminator != line.size()) {
stat_name = line.substr(0, deliminator);
std::size_t deliminator2 = line.find("=", deliminator + 1);
if (deliminator2 != std::string::npos && deliminator2 != line.size()) {
stat_type = line.substr(deliminator + 1, deliminator2 - (deliminator + 1));
stat_default_value = line.substr(deliminator2 + 1);
} else {
stat_type = line.substr(deliminator + 1);
stat_default_value = "0";
std::transform(stat_type.begin(), stat_type.end(), stat_type.begin(),[](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); });
struct Stat_config config = {};
try {
if (stat_type == "float") {
config.type = Stat_Type::STAT_TYPE_FLOAT;
config.default_value_float = std::stof(stat_default_value);
} else if (stat_type == "int") {
config.type = Stat_Type::STAT_TYPE_INT;
config.default_value_int = std::stol(stat_default_value);
} else if (stat_type == "avgrate") {
config.type = Stat_Type::STAT_TYPE_AVGRATE;
config.default_value_float = std::stof(stat_default_value);
} else {
PRINT_DEBUG("Error adding stat %s, type %s isn't valid\n", stat_name.c_str(), stat_type.c_str());
} catch (...) {
PRINT_DEBUG("Error adding stat %s, default value %s isn't valid\n", stat_name.c_str(), stat_default_value.c_str());
if (stat_name.size()) {
PRINT_DEBUG("Adding stat type: %s|%u|%f|%u\n", stat_name.c_str(), config.type, config.default_value_float, config.default_value_int);
settings_client->setStatDefiniton(stat_name, config);
settings_server->setStatDefiniton(stat_name, config);
} else {
PRINT_DEBUG("Error adding stat for: %s, empty name\n", stat_name.c_str());
std::string mod_path = Local_Storage::get_game_settings_path() + "mods";
std::vector<std::string> paths = Local_Storage::get_filenames_path(mod_path);
for (auto & p: paths) {
PRINT_DEBUG("mod directory %s\n", p.c_str());
try {
PublishedFileId_t id = std::stoull(p);
settings_client->addMod(id, p, mod_path + PATH_SEPARATOR + p);
settings_server->addMod(id, p, mod_path + PATH_SEPARATOR + p);
} catch (...) {}
*settings_client_out = settings_client;
*settings_server_out = settings_server;
*local_storage_out = local_storage;
return appid;