#include "util.h" #include namespace { std::optional ParseRCode(std::wstring RCode) { std::wsmatch match; HookParam hp = {}; hp.type |= DIRECT_READ; // {S|Q|V|M} switch (RCode[0]) { case L'S': break; case L'Q': hp.type |= USING_UNICODE; break; case L'V': hp.type |= USING_UTF8; break; case L'M': hp.type |= USING_UNICODE | HEX_DUMP; break; default: return {}; } RCode.erase(0, 1); // [null_length<] if (std::regex_search(RCode, match, std::wregex(L"^([0-9]+)<"))) { hp.null_length = std::stoi(match[1]); RCode.erase(0, match[0].length()); } // [codepage#] if (std::regex_search(RCode, match, std::wregex(L"^([0-9]+)#"))) { hp.codepage = std::stoi(match[1]); RCode.erase(0, match[0].length()); } // @addr if (!std::regex_match(RCode, match, std::wregex(L"@([[:xdigit:]]+)"))) return {}; hp.address = std::stoull(match[1], nullptr, 16); return hp; } std::optional ParseHCode(std::wstring HCode) { std::wsmatch match; HookParam hp = {}; // {A|B|W|H|S|Q|V|M} switch (HCode[0]) { case L'A': hp.type |= BIG_ENDIAN; hp.length_offset = 1; break; case L'B': hp.length_offset = 1; break; case L'W': hp.type |= USING_UNICODE; hp.length_offset = 1; break; case L'H': hp.type |= USING_UNICODE | HEX_DUMP; hp.length_offset = 1; break; case L'S': hp.type |= USING_STRING; break; case L'Q': hp.type |= USING_STRING | USING_UNICODE; break; case L'V': hp.type |= USING_STRING | USING_UTF8; break; case L'M': hp.type |= USING_STRING | USING_UNICODE | HEX_DUMP; break; default: return {}; } HCode.erase(0, 1); if ((hp.type & USING_STRING)) { if (HCode[0] == L'F') { hp.type |= FULL_STRING; HCode.erase(0, 1); } // [null_length<] if (std::regex_search(HCode, match, std::wregex(L"^([0-9]+)<"))) { hp.null_length = std::stoi(match[1]); HCode.erase(0, match[0].length()); } } // [N] if (HCode[0] == L'N') { hp.type |= NO_CONTEXT; HCode.erase(0, 1); } // [codepage#] if (std::regex_search(HCode, match, std::wregex(L"^([0-9]+)#"))) { hp.codepage = std::stoi(match[1]); HCode.erase(0, match[0].length()); } // [padding+] if (std::regex_search(HCode, match, std::wregex(L"^([[:xdigit:]]+)\\+"))) { hp.padding = std::stoull(match[1], nullptr, 16); HCode.erase(0, match[0].length()); } // data_offset if (!std::regex_search(HCode, match, std::wregex(L"^-?[[:xdigit:]]+"))) return {}; hp.offset = std::stoi(match[0], nullptr, 16); HCode.erase(0, match[0].length()); // [*deref_offset1] if (std::regex_search(HCode, match, std::wregex(L"^\\*(-?[[:xdigit:]]+)"))) { hp.type |= DATA_INDIRECT; hp.index = std::stoi(match[1], nullptr, 16); HCode.erase(0, match[0].length()); } // [:split_offset[*deref_offset2]] if (std::regex_search(HCode, match, std::wregex(L"^:(-?[[:xdigit:]]+)"))) { hp.type |= USING_SPLIT; hp.split = std::stoi(match[1], nullptr, 16); HCode.erase(0, match[0].length()); if (std::regex_search(HCode, match, std::wregex(L"^\\*(-?[[:xdigit:]]+)"))) { hp.type |= SPLIT_INDIRECT; hp.split_index = std::stoi(match[1], nullptr, 16); HCode.erase(0, match[0].length()); } } // @addr[:module[:func]] if (!std::regex_match(HCode, match, std::wregex(L"@([[:xdigit:]]+)(:.+?)?(:.+)?"))) return {}; hp.address = std::stoull(match[1], nullptr, 16); if (match[2].matched) { hp.type |= MODULE_OFFSET; wcsncpy_s(hp.module, match[2].str().erase(0, 1).c_str(), MAX_MODULE_SIZE - 1); } if (match[3].matched) { hp.type |= FUNCTION_OFFSET; std::wstring func = match[3]; strncpy_s(hp.function, std::string(func.begin(), func.end()).erase(0, 1).c_str(), MAX_MODULE_SIZE - 1); } // ITH has registers offset by 4 vs AGTH: need this to correct if (hp.offset < 0) hp.offset -= 4; if (hp.split < 0) hp.split -= 4; return hp; } std::wstring HexString(int64_t num) { if (num < 0) return FormatString(L"-%I64X", -num); return FormatString(L"%I64X", num); } std::wstring GenerateRCode(HookParam hp) { std::wstring RCode = L"R"; if (hp.type & USING_UNICODE) { if (hp.type & HEX_DUMP) RCode += L'M'; else RCode += L'Q'; if (hp.null_length != 0) RCode += std::to_wstring(hp.null_length) + L'<'; } else { RCode += L'S'; if (hp.null_length != 0) RCode += std::to_wstring(hp.null_length) + L'<'; if (hp.codepage != 0) RCode += std::to_wstring(hp.codepage) + L'#'; } RCode += L'@' + HexString(hp.address); return RCode; } std::wstring GenerateHCode(HookParam hp, DWORD processId) { std::wstring HCode = L"H"; if (hp.type & USING_UNICODE) { if (hp.type & HEX_DUMP) { if (hp.type & USING_STRING) HCode += L'M'; else HCode += L'H'; } else { if (hp.type & USING_STRING) HCode += L'Q'; else HCode += L'W'; } } else { if (hp.type & USING_STRING) HCode += L'S'; else if (hp.type & BIG_ENDIAN) HCode += L'A'; else HCode += L'B'; } if (hp.type & FULL_STRING) HCode += L'F'; if (hp.null_length != 0) HCode += std::to_wstring(hp.null_length) + L'<'; if (hp.type & NO_CONTEXT) HCode += L'N'; if (hp.text_fun || hp.filter_fun || hp.hook_fun || hp.length_fun) HCode += L'X'; // no AGTH equivalent if (hp.codepage != 0 && !(hp.type & USING_UNICODE)) HCode += std::to_wstring(hp.codepage) + L'#'; if (hp.padding) HCode += HexString(hp.padding) + L'+'; if (hp.offset < 0) hp.offset += 4; if (hp.split < 0) hp.split += 4; HCode += HexString(hp.offset); if (hp.type & DATA_INDIRECT) HCode += L'*' + HexString(hp.index); if (hp.type & USING_SPLIT) HCode += L':' + HexString(hp.split); if (hp.type & SPLIT_INDIRECT) HCode += L'*' + HexString(hp.split_index); // Attempt to make the address relative if (processId && !(hp.type & MODULE_OFFSET)) if (AutoHandle<> process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, processId)) if (MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION info = {}; VirtualQueryEx(process, (LPCVOID)hp.address, &info, sizeof(info))) if (auto moduleName = Util::GetModuleFilename(processId, (HMODULE)info.AllocationBase)) { hp.type |= MODULE_OFFSET; hp.address -= (uint64_t)info.AllocationBase; wcsncpy_s(hp.module, moduleName->c_str() + moduleName->rfind(L'\\') + 1, MAX_MODULE_SIZE - 1); } HCode += L'@' + HexString(hp.address); if (hp.type & MODULE_OFFSET) HCode += L':' + std::wstring(hp.module); if (hp.type & FUNCTION_OFFSET) HCode += L':' + std::wstring(hp.function, hp.function + MAX_MODULE_SIZE); return HCode; } } namespace Util { std::optional GetModuleFilename(DWORD processId, HMODULE module) { std::vector buffer(MAX_PATH); if (AutoHandle<> process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, processId)) if (GetModuleFileNameExW(process, module, buffer.data(), MAX_PATH)) return buffer.data(); return {}; } std::optional GetModuleFilename(HMODULE module) { std::vector buffer(MAX_PATH); if (GetModuleFileNameW(module, buffer.data(), MAX_PATH)) return buffer.data(); return {}; } std::vector>> GetAllProcesses() { std::vector processIds(10000); DWORD spaceUsed = 0; EnumProcesses(processIds.data(), 10000 * sizeof(DWORD), &spaceUsed); std::vector>> processes; for (int i = 0; i < spaceUsed / sizeof(DWORD); ++i) processes.push_back({ processIds[i], Util::GetModuleFilename(processIds[i]) }); return processes; } std::optional GetClipboardText() { if (!IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)) return {}; if (!OpenClipboard(NULL)) return {}; std::optional text; if (AutoHandle> clipboard = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT)) text = (wchar_t*)GlobalLock(clipboard); CloseClipboard(); return text; } std::optional StringToWideString(const std::string& text, UINT encoding) { std::vector buffer(text.size() + 1); if (int length = MultiByteToWideChar(encoding, 0, text.c_str(), text.size() + 1, buffer.data(), buffer.size())) return std::wstring(buffer.data(), length - 1); return {}; } std::optional ParseCode(std::wstring code) { if (code[0] == L'/') code.erase(0, 1); // legacy/AGTH compatibility if (code[0] == L'R') return ParseRCode(code.erase(0, 1)); else if (code[0] == L'H') return ParseHCode(code.erase(0, 1)); return {}; } std::wstring GenerateCode(HookParam hp, DWORD processId) { return hp.type & DIRECT_READ ? GenerateRCode(hp) : GenerateHCode(hp, processId); } TEST( assert(StringToWideString(u8"こんにちは").value() == L"こんにちは"), assert(HexString(-12) == L"-C"), assert(HexString(12) == L"C"), assert(ParseCode(L"/HQN936#-c*C:C*1C@4AA:gdi.dll:GetTextOutA")), assert(ParseCode(L"HB4@0")), assert(ParseCode(L"/RS65001#@44")), assert(!ParseCode(L"HQ@4")), assert(!ParseCode(L"/RW@44")), assert(!ParseCode(L"/HWG@33")) ); }