# Textractor ![How it looks](screenshot.png) [Español](https://github.com/Artikash/Textractor/blob/master/README_ES.md) ● [简体中文](https://github.com/Artikash/Textractor/blob/master/README_SC.md) ● [日本語](https://github.com/Artikash/Textractor/blob/master/README_JP.md) ● [Русский](https://github.com/Artikash/Textractor/blob/master/README_RU.md) ● [Bahasa](https://github.com/Artikash/Textractor/blob/master/README_ID.md) **Textractor** (a.k.a NextHooker) adalah text hooker video game untuk Windows/Wine x86/x64 berbasis open-source yang didasari oleh [ITHVNR](http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/438331-ITHVNR-ITH-with-the-VNR-engine).
Lihat [video tutorial](https://youtu.be/eecEOacF6mw) untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara menggunakannya. [![Donate](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=akashmozumdar%40gmail.com&item_name=Textractor%20development¤cy_code=USD) ## Pengunduhan Rilisan Textractor dapat diunduh [disini](https://github.com/Artikash/Textractor/releases).
Rilisan Terakhir ITHVNR dapat diunduh [disini](https://drive.google.com/open?id=13aHF4uIXWn-3YML_k2YCDWhtGgn5-tnO).
Coba jalankan vc_redist.x86.exe jika kamu memiliki masalah ketika menjalankan Textractor. ## Fitur - Sangat Ekstensibel - Tempel otomatis banyak engine game (termasuk beberapa yang tidak didukung oleh VNR) - Hook teks menggunakan "hook" /H (mendukung semua kode AGTH) - Mengutip teks secara langsung menggunakan kode /R "read" ## Dukungan Please let me know of any bugs, games that Textractor has trouble hooking, feature requests, or other suggestions.
If you have trouble hooking a game please email me a place where I can freely download it, or gift it to me on [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198097566313/). Tolong beritahu saya jika kamu menemukan bug, game yang tidak dapat di tempel oleh Textractor, permintaan fitur, atau usulan lain.
Jika kamu memiliki masalah dalam menempelkan kedalam game tolong email saya link agar saya dapat mendownload game tersebut, atau gift game tersebut di [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198097566313/). ## Ekstensi Lihat [project sampel ekstensi saya](https://github.com/Artikash/ExampleExtension) untuk melihat bagaimana cara membuat ekstensi.
Lihat folder extensions untuk melihat sampel ekstensi. ## Kontribusi Seluruh kontribusi diapresiasi! Tolong email (tidak, saya tidak sibuk!) saya di akashmozumdar@gmail.com jika kamu memiliki pertanyaan mengenai codebase nya.
Kamu harus menggunakan proses standar dalam membuat permintaan pull(fork, branch, commit changes, membuat PR dari branch kamu ke master saya).
Berkontribusi dalam penerjemahan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah : cukup terjemahkan string dari text.cpp lalu terjemahkan README ini. ## Compiling Before compiling *Textractor*, you should get Visual Studio with CMake support, as well as Qt version 5.11
You should then be able to simply open the folder in Visual Studio, and build. Run Textractor.exe. ## Project Architecture The host (see GUI/host folder) injects texthook.dll (created from the texthook folder) into the target process and connects to it via 2 pipe files.
Host writes to hostPipe, texthook writes to hookPipe.
texthook waits for the pipe to be connected, then injects a few instructions into any text outputting functions (e.g. TextOut, GetGlyphOutline) that cause their input to be sent through the pipe.
Additional information about hooks is exchanged via shared memory.
The text that the host receives through the pipe is then processed a little before being dispatched back to the GUI.
Finally, the GUI dispatches the text to extensions before displaying it. ## Developers If you're on this list and want your link changed let me know. - Textractor made by [Me](https://github.com/Artikash) and [DoumanAsh](https://github.com/DoumanAsh) - Spanish translation by [scese250](https://github.com/scese250) - Turkish translation by niisokusu - Simplified Chinese translation by [tinyAdapter](https://github.com/tinyAdapter) - Russian translation by [TokcDK](https://github.com/TokcDK) - ITHVNR updated by [mireado](https://github.com/mireado) and [Eguni](https://github.com/Eguni) - ITHVNR originally made by [Stomp](http://www.hongfire.com/forum/member/325894-stomp) - VNR engine made by [jichi](https://archive.is/prJwr) - ITH updated by [Andys](https://github.com/AndyScull) - ITH originally made by [kaosu](http://www.hongfire.com/forum/member/562651-kaosu) - Locale Emulator library made by [xupefei](https://github.com/xupefei) - MinHook library made by [TsudaKageyu](https://github.com/TsudaKageyu) ## Special Thanks - Everybody adding issues!