2019-06-10 01:49:11 -04:00

113 lines
3.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include "common.h"
#include "const.h"
class WinMutex // Like CMutex but works with scoped_lock
WinMutex(std::wstring name = L"", LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = nullptr) : m(CreateMutexW(sa, FALSE, name.empty() ? NULL : name.c_str())) {}
void lock() { if (m) WaitForSingleObject(m, INFINITE); }
void unlock() { if (m) ReleaseMutex(m); }
AutoHandle<> m;
inline SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES allAccess = std::invoke([] // allows non-admin processes to access kernel objects made by admin processes
InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
// jichi 3/7/2014: Add guessed comment
struct HookParam
uint64_t address; // absolute or relative address
int offset, // offset of the data in the memory
index, // deref_offset1
split, // offset of the split character
split_index, // deref_offset2
wchar_t module[MAX_MODULE_SIZE];
wchar_t text[MAX_MODULE_SIZE];
char function[MAX_MODULE_SIZE];
DWORD type; // flags
UINT codepage; // text encoding
short length_offset; // index of the string length
uintptr_t padding; // padding
DWORD user_value; // 7/20/2014: jichi additional parameters for PSP games
void(*text_fun)(DWORD stack, HookParam* hp, BYTE obsoleteAlwaysZero, DWORD* data, DWORD* split, DWORD* len);
bool(*filter_fun)(void* data, DWORD* len, HookParam* hp, BYTE obsoleteAlwaysZero); // jichi 10/24/2014: Add filter function. Return true if skip the text
bool(*hook_fun)(DWORD stack, HookParam* hp); // jichi 10/24/2014: Add generic hook function, return false if stop execution.
char name[HOOK_NAME_SIZE];
struct ThreadParam
bool operator==(ThreadParam other) const { return processId == other.processId && addr == other.addr && ctx == other.ctx && ctx2 == other.ctx2; }
DWORD processId;
uint64_t addr;
uint64_t ctx; // The context of the hook: by default the first value on stack, usually the return address
uint64_t ctx2; // The subcontext of the hook: 0 by default, generated in a method specific to the hook
struct SearchParam
BYTE pattern[25] = {}; // pattern in memory to search for
int length, // length of pattern
offset, // offset from start of pattern to add hook
searchTime; // ms
uintptr_t padding, minAddress, maxAddress;
struct InsertHookCmd // From host
InsertHookCmd(HookParam hp) : hp(hp) {}
HostCommandType command = HOST_COMMAND_NEW_HOOK;
HookParam hp;
struct RemoveHookCmd // From host
RemoveHookCmd(uint64_t address) : address(address) {}
HostCommandType command = HOST_COMMAND_REMOVE_HOOK;
uint64_t address;
struct FindHookCmd // From host
FindHookCmd(SearchParam sp) : sp(sp) {}
HostCommandType command = HOST_COMMAND_FIND_HOOK;
SearchParam sp;
struct ConsoleOutputNotif // From dll
ConsoleOutputNotif(std::string message = "") { strncpy_s(this->message, message.c_str(), MESSAGE_SIZE - 1); }
HostNotificationType command = HOST_NOTIFICATION_TEXT;
char message[MESSAGE_SIZE] = {};
struct HookFoundNotif // From dll
HookFoundNotif(HookParam hp, wchar_t* text) : hp(hp) { wcsncpy_s(this->text, text, MESSAGE_SIZE - 1); }
HostNotificationType command = HOST_NOTIFICATION_FOUND_HOOK;
HookParam hp;
wchar_t text[MESSAGE_SIZE] = {}; // though type is wchar_t, may not be encoded in UTF-16 (it's just convenient to use wcs* functions)
struct HookRemovedNotif // From dll
HookRemovedNotif(uint64_t address) : address(address) {};
HostNotificationType command = HOST_NOTIFICATION_RMVHOOK;
uint64_t address;