zeheyler 93b8711bf8 refactor errorcode
Refactored error processing
2020-10-22 23:15:45 +03:00

258 lines
7.6 KiB

#include "qtcommon.h"
#include "extension.h"
#include "devtools.h"
extern const wchar_t* TRANSLATION_ERROR;
extern Synchronized<std::wstring> translateTo;
bool useCache = true, autostartchrome = false, headlesschrome = true;
int maxSentenceSize = 500, chromeport = 9222;
const char* TRANSLATION_PROVIDER = "DevTools DeepL Translate";
const wchar_t* ERROR_CHROME = L"Error: chrome not started";
const wchar_t* ERROR_START_CHROME = L"Error: failed to start chrome or to connect to it";
const wchar_t* ERROR_GOT_TIMEOUT = L"Error: timeout (s)";
const wchar_t* ERROR_COMMAND_FAIL = L"Error: command failed";
const wchar_t* ERROR_LANGUAGE = L"Error: target languages do not match";
const wchar_t* ERROR_NOTE = L"Error: notification";
QString URL = "https://www.deepl.com/en/translator";
QStringList languages
"Chinese (simplified): zh",
"Dutch: nl",
"English: en",
"French: fr",
"German: de",
"Italian: it",
"Japanese: ja",
"Polish: pl",
"Portuguese: pt",
"Russian: ru",
"Spanish: es",
int docfound = -1, targetNodeId = -1, session = -1, pageenabled = -1, useragentflag = -1;
long update = -1, callnumber = 0;
std::vector<long> callqueue;
std::pair<bool, std::wstring> Translate(const std::wstring& text, DevTools* devtools)
QString qtext = S(text);
qtext.remove(QString(12288)); // japanese space (no need for translator)
// Remove quotes
bool checkquote = false;
if ((qtext.front() == QString(12300) && qtext.back() == QString(12301)) // japanese quotation marks
|| (qtext.front() == "\"" && qtext.back() == "\""))
checkquote = true;
qtext.remove(0, 1);
// Check specific cases (sentence has only one japanese symbol or consists of ellipsis)
int count = qtext.count(QString(8230)); // ellipsis
if (count == qtext.length()
|| (count == (qtext.length() - 1) && qtext.back() == QString(12290))) // japanese end of a sentence
return { true, text };
if (count == (qtext.length() - 1))
qtext += QString(12290) + QString(8230); // add the end symbol for correct translation
// Put quotes back
if (checkquote)
qtext = "\"" + qtext + "\"";
// Check status
if (devtools->getStatus() == "Stopped")
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_CHROME) };
if (devtools->getStatus().startsWith("Fail") || devtools->getStatus().startsWith("Unconnected"))
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_START_CHROME) };
if (session != devtools->getSession())
session = devtools->getSession();
docfound = -1;
targetNodeId = -1;
pageenabled = -1;
useragentflag = -1;
update = -1;
callnumber = 0;
// Remove tags and reduce the number of ellipsis for correct translation
qtext.replace(QRegExp("(" + QString(8230) + ")+"), " " + QString(8230));
// Enable page feedback
QJsonObject root;
int errorcode = 0;
if (pageenabled == -1)
if (!devtools->SendRequest("Page.enable", {}, root))
errorcode = 1;
pageenabled = 1;
// Change user-agent if in headless mode
if (useragentflag == -1 && errorcode == 0)
QString useragent = devtools->getUserAgent();
if (!useragent.isEmpty())
useragent.replace("HeadlessChrome", "Chrome");
if (!devtools->SendRequest("Network.setUserAgentOverride", { {"userAgent", useragent} }, root))
errorcode = 1;
useragentflag = 1;
// Increase queue counter and wait until previous calls are done
float timer = 0;
int timer_stop = 10;
long calltag = ++callnumber;
callqueue.insert(callqueue.begin(), calltag);
while (errorcode == 0 && callqueue.back() != calltag && timer < 2 * timer_stop)
timer += 0.1;
if (timer >= timer_stop)
errorcode = 5;
// Set methods to receive
long navigate = devtools->methodToReceive("Page.navigatedWithinDocument");
long target = devtools->methodToReceive("DOM.attributeModified", { { "value" , "lmt__mobile_share_container" } });
if (update == -1)
update = devtools->methodToReceive("DOM.documentUpdated");
// Navigate to site and wait until it is loaded
QString fullurl = URL + "#ja/" + S(translateTo.Copy()) + "/" + qtext;
if (errorcode == 0 && !devtools->SendRequest("Page.navigate", { {"url", fullurl} }, root))
errorcode = 1;
timer = 0;
while (errorcode == 0 && !devtools->checkMethod(navigate) && timer < timer_stop)
timer += 0.1;
if (timer >= timer_stop)
errorcode = 2;
// Check if document is outdated
if (devtools->checkMethod(update))
docfound = -1;
targetNodeId = -1;
update = -1;
// Get document
if (docfound == -1 && errorcode == 0)
if (!devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getDocument", {}, root))
errorcode = 1;
docfound = root.value("result").toObject().value("root").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt();
// Get target selector
if (targetNodeId == -1 && errorcode == 0)
if (!devtools->SendRequest("DOM.querySelector", { {"nodeId", docfound}, {"selector", "textarea.lmt__target_textarea"} }, root)
|| root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt() == 0)
docfound = -1;
errorcode = 1;
targetNodeId = root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt();
// Wait for the translation to appear on the web page
timer = 0;
while (errorcode == 0 && !devtools->checkMethod(target) && timer < timer_stop)
timer += 0.1;
// Catch the translation
QString OuterHTML;
if (errorcode == 0 && !devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getOuterHTML", { {"nodeId", targetNodeId + 1} }, root))
targetNodeId = -1;
errorcode = 1;
OuterHTML = root.value("result").toObject().value("outerHTML").toString();
if (OuterHTML == "<div></div>")
// Try to catch the notification
int noteNodeId = -1;
if (errorcode == 0 && !devtools->SendRequest("DOM.querySelector", { {"nodeId", docfound}, {"selector", "div.lmt__system_notification"} }, root)
|| root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt() == 0)
errorcode = 2;
noteNodeId = root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt();
if (errorcode == 0 && devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getOuterHTML", { {"nodeId", noteNodeId} }, root))
OuterHTML = root.value("result").toObject().value("outerHTML").toString();
errorcode = 3;
OuterHTML = OuterHTML.trimmed();
// Check if the translator output language does not match the selected language
QString targetlang;
if (errorcode == 0 && devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getAttributes", { {"nodeId", targetNodeId} }, root))
QJsonArray attributes = root.value("result").toObject().value("attributes").toArray();
for (size_t i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++)
if (attributes[i].toString() == "lang")
targetlang = attributes[i + 1].toString().mid(0, 2);
if (targetlang != S(translateTo.Copy()))
errorcode = 4;
if (errorcode == 0)
return { true, S(OuterHTML) };
else if (errorcode == 1)
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_COMMAND_FAIL) };
else if (errorcode == 2)
return { false, FormatString(L"%s: %d", ERROR_GOT_TIMEOUT, timer_stop) };
else if (errorcode == 3)
return { false, FormatString(L"%s: %s", ERROR_NOTE, S(OuterHTML)) };
else if (errorcode == 4)
return { false, FormatString(L"%s (%s): %s", ERROR_LANGUAGE, S(targetlang), S(OuterHTML)) };
else if (errorcode == 5)
return { false, FormatString(L"%s: %d", ERROR_GOT_TIMEOUT, 2*timer_stop) };
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", TRANSLATION_ERROR) };