2020-08-12 03:31:46 -06:00

176 lines
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#pragma once
// engine/engine.h
// 8/23/2013 jichi
#include <windows.h>
struct HookParam; // defined in ith types.h
extern uintptr_t processStartAddress, processStopAddress;
namespace Engine {
// Global variables
extern wchar_t *processName, // cached
processPath[MAX_PATH]; // cached
inline const char *requestedEngine = nullptr, *loadedConfig = nullptr;
bool InsertMonoHooks(); // Mono
// Wii engines
bool InsertGCHooks(); // Dolphin
bool InsertVanillawareGCHook();
// PS2 engines
bool InsertPCSX2Hooks(); // PCSX2
bool InsertMarvelousPS2Hook(); // http://marvelous.jp
bool InsertMarvelous2PS2Hook(); // http://marvelous.jp
bool InsertTypeMoonPS2Hook(); // http://typemoon.com
//bool InsertNamcoPS2Hook();
// PSP engines
void SpecialPSPHook(DWORD esp_base, HookParam *hp, DWORD *data, DWORD *split, DWORD *len); // General PSP extern hook
bool FindPPSSPP();
bool InsertPPSSPPHooks(); // PPSSPPWindows
bool InsertPPSSPPHLEHooks();
bool InsertOtomatePPSSPPHook(); // PSP otomate.jp, only
bool Insert5pbPSPHook(); // PSP 5pb.jp
bool InsertAlchemistPSPHook(); // PSP Alchemist-net.co.jp, 0.9.8 only
bool InsertAlchemist2PSPHook(); // PSP Alchemist-net.co.jp
bool InsertBandaiNamePSPHook(); // PSP Bandai.co.jp
bool InsertBandaiPSPHook(); // PSP Bandai.co.jp
bool InsertBroccoliPSPHook(); // PSP Broccoli.co.jp
bool InsertFelistellaPSPHook(); // PSP felistella.co.jp
bool InsertCyberfrontPSPHook(); // PSP CYBERFRONT (closed)
bool InsertImageepochPSPHook(); // PSP Imageepoch.co.jp
bool InsertImageepoch2PSPHook();// PSP Imageepoch.co.jp
bool InsertKadokawaNamePSPHook(); // PSP Kadokawa.co.jp
bool InsertKonamiPSPHook(); // PSP Konami.jp
bool InsertTecmoPSPHook(); // PSP Koeitecmo.co.jp
//bool InsertTypeMoonPSPHook(); // PSP Typemoon.com
bool InsertOtomatePSPHook(); // PSP Otomate.jp, 0.9.8 only
//bool InsertOtomate2PSPHook(); // PSP otomate.jp >=
bool InsertIntensePSPHook(); // PSP Intense.jp
bool InsertKidPSPHook(); // PSP Kid-game.co.jp
bool InsertNippon1PSPHook(); // PSP Nippon1.jp
bool InsertNippon2PSPHook(); // PSP Nippon1.jp
bool InsertYetiPSPHook(); // PSP Yetigame.jp
bool InsertYeti2PSPHook(); // PSP Yetigame.jp
// Game-speicific engines
bool InsertShinyDaysGameHook(); // ShinyDays
bool InsertLovaGameHook(); // lova.jp
// PC engines
bool Insert2RMHook(); // 2RM - Adventure Engine
bool Insert5pbHook(); // 5pb.jp, PSP/PS3 games ported to PC
bool InsertAB2TryHook(); // Yane@AkabeiSoft2Try: YaneSDK.dll.
bool InsertAbelHook(); // Abel
bool InsertAdobeAirHook(); // Adobe AIR
bool InsertAIRNovelHook(); // AIRNovel: *.swf
bool InsertAdobeFlash10Hook(); // Adobe Flash Player 10
bool InsertAliceHook(); // System40@AliceSoft; do not work for latest alice games
//bool InsertAmuseCraftHook(); // AMUSE CRAFT: *.pac
bool InsertAnex86Hook(); // Anex86: anex86.exe
bool InsertAOSHook(); // AOS: *.aos
bool InsertApricoTHook(); // Apricot: arc.a*
bool InsertArtemisHook(); // Artemis Engine: *.pfs
bool InsertAtelierHook(); // Atelier Kaguya: message.dat
bool InsertBGIHook(); // BGI: BGI.*
bool InsertBaldrHook(); // Baldr Sky "Zero"
bool InsertBootupHook(); // Bootup: Bootup.dat
bool InsertC4Hook(); // C4: C4.EXE or XEX.EXE
bool InsertCaramelBoxHook(); // Caramel: *.bin
bool InsertCandyHook(); // SystemC@CandySoft: *.fpk
bool InsertCatSystemHook(); // CatSystem2: *.int
bool InsertCMVSHook(); // CMVS: data/pack/*.cpz; do not support the latest cmvs32.exe and cmvs64.exe
bool InsertCotophaHook(); // Cotopha: *.noa
bool InsertDebonosuHook(); // Debonosu: bmp.bak and dsetup.dll
bool InsertEaglsHook(); // E.A.G.L.S: EAGLES.dll
bool InsertEMEHook(); // EmonEngine: emecfg.ecf
bool InsertEscudeHook(); // Escude
bool InsertEushullyHook(); // Eushully: AGERC.DLL
bool InsertExpHook(); // EXP: http://www.exp-inc.jp
bool InsertFocasLensHook(); // FocasLens: Dat/*.arc, http://www.fo-lens.net
bool InsertGXPHook(); // GXP: *.gxp
bool InsertHorkEyeHook(); // HorkEye: resource string
bool InsertKAGParserHook(); // plugin/KAGParser.dll
bool InsertKAGParserExHook(); // plugin/KAGParserEx.dll
bool InsertKiriKiriHook(); // KiriKiri: *.xp3, resource string
bool InsertKiriKiriZHook(); // KiriKiri: *.xp3, resource string
bool InsertLeafHook(); // Leaf: *.pak
bool InsertLiveHook(); // Live: live.dll
bool InsertLightvnHook(); // Light.vn: Engine.dll & BugTrapU.dll
bool InsertLunaSoftHook(); // LunaSoft: Pac/*.pac
bool InsertMalieHook(); // Malie@light: malie.ini
bool InsertMajiroHook(); // Majiro: *.arc
bool InsertMarineHeartHook(); // Marine Heart: SAISYS.exe
bool InsertMBLHook(); // MBL: *.mbl
bool InsertMEDHook(); // MED: *.med
bool InsertMinkHook(); // Mink: *.at2
//bool InsertMonoHook(); // Mono (Unity3D): */Mono/mono.dll
bool InsertNekopackHook(); // Nekopack: *.dat
bool InsertNeXASHook(); // NeXAS: Thumbnail.pac
bool InsertNextonHook(); // NEXTON: aInfo.db
bool InsertNexton1Hook();
bool InsertNitroplusHook(); // Nitroplus: *.npa
bool InsertTokyoNecroHook(); // Nitroplus TokyoNecro: *.npk, resource string
bool InsertPalHook(); // AMUSE CRAFT: *.pac
bool InsertPensilHook(); // Pensil: PSetup.exe
bool InsertPONScripterHook();
bool InsertQLIEHook(); // QLiE: GameData/*.pack
//bool InsertRai7Hook(); // Rai7puk: rai7.exe
bool InsertRejetHook(); // Rejet: Module/{gd.dat,pf.dat,sd.dat}
bool InsertRUGPHook(); // rUGP: rUGP.exe
bool InsertRenpyHook(); // Ren'py: python27.dll
bool InsertRetouchHook(); // Retouch: resident.dll
bool InsertRREHook(); // RunrunEngine: rrecfg.rcf
bool InsertShinaHook(); // ShinaRio: Rio.ini
bool InsertElfHook(); // elf: Silky.exe
bool InsertScenarioPlayerHook();// sol-fa-soft: *.iar && *.sec5
bool InsertSiglusHook(); // SiglusEngine: SiglusEngine.exe
bool InsertSideBHook(); // SideB: Copyright side-B
bool InsertSilkysHook(); // SilkysPlus
bool InsertSyuntadaHook(); // Syuntada: dSoh.dat
bool InsertSystem43Hook(); // System43@AliceSoft: AliceStart.ini
bool InsertSystemAoiHook(); // SystemAoi: *.vfs
bool InsertTamamoHook(); // Tamamo
bool InsertTanukiHook(); // Tanuki: *.tak
bool InsertTaskforce2Hook(); // Taskforce2.exe
bool InsertTencoHook(); // Tenco: Check.mdx
bool InsertTriangleHook(); // Triangle: Execle.exe
bool InsertV8Hook(HMODULE module); // V8 JavaScript runtime: has mangled v8::String::Write
bool InsertUnicornHook(); // Gsen18: *.szs|Data/*.szs
bool InsertWillPlusHook(); // WillPlus: Rio.arc
bool InsertWolfHook(); // Wolf: Data.wolf
bool InsertYukaSystem2Hook(); // YukaSystem2: *.ykc
bool InsertYurisHook(); // YU-RIS: *.ypf
void InsertBrunsHook(); // Bruns: bruns.exe
void InsertIronGameSystemHook();// IroneGameSystem: igs_sample.exe
void InsertLucifenHook(); // Lucifen@Navel: *.lpk
void InsertRyokuchaHook(); // Ryokucha: _checksum.exe
void InsertRealliveHook(); // RealLive: RealLive*.exe
void InsertStuffScriptHook(); // Stuff: *.mpk
bool InsertTinkerBellHook(); // TinkerBell: arc00.dat
bool InsertWaffleHook(); // WAFFLE: cg.pak
// CIRCUS: avdata/
bool InsertCircusHook1();
bool InsertCircusHook2();
} // namespace Engine
// EOF