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478 lines
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478 lines
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//! \file ImageWCG.cs
//! \date Sat Jul 19 23:07:32 2014
//! \brief Liar-soft WCG image format implementation.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace GameRes.Formats
public class WcgFormat : ImageFormat
public override string Tag { get { return "WCG"; } }
public override string Description { get { return "Liar-soft proprietary image format"; } }
public override uint Signature { get { return 0x02714757; } }
public override ImageMetaData ReadMetaData (Stream stream)
if (0x57 != stream.ReadByte() || 0x47 != stream.ReadByte())
return null;
using (var file = new BinaryReader (stream, Encoding.ASCII, true))
uint flags = file.ReadUInt16();
if (1 != (flags & 0x0f) || 0x20 != file.ReadByte() || 0 != file.ReadByte())
return null;
var meta = new ImageMetaData();
file.BaseStream.Position = 8;
meta.Width = file.ReadUInt32();
meta.Height = file.ReadUInt32();
meta.BPP = 32;
return meta;
public override ImageData Read (Stream file, ImageMetaData info)
uint pixel_size = info.Width * info.Height;
using (var reader = new Reader (file, pixel_size))
byte[] pixels = reader.Data;
var bitmap = BitmapSource.Create ((int)info.Width, (int)info.Height, 96, 96,
PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, pixels, (int)info.Width*4);
return new ImageData (bitmap, info);
public override void Write (Stream file, ImageData image)
Stream stream = file;
bool buffer_used = false;
if (!stream.CanSeek)
stream = new MemoryStream();
buffer_used = true;
using (var writer = new Writer (stream, image.Bitmap))
if (buffer_used)
stream.Position = 0;
stream.CopyTo (file);
if (buffer_used)
private class Reader : IDisposable
private byte[] m_data;
private BinaryReader m_input;
private uint m_input_size;
private ushort[] m_index;
private uint m_next_ptr;
private uint m_next_size;
private uint m_src;
private uint m_src_size;
private uint m_dst_size;
private uint esi;
private uint edi;
private uint m_index_length_limit;
private int m_bits;
public byte[] Data { get { return m_data; } }
public Reader (Stream file, uint pixel_size)
m_data = new byte[pixel_size*4];
m_input_size = (uint)file.Length;
m_input = new BinaryReader (file, Encoding.ASCII, true);
public void Unpack ()
m_next_ptr = 16;
m_next_size = m_input_size-16;
if (Unpack (2))
Unpack (0);
for (uint i = 3; i < m_data.Length; i += 4)
m_data[i] = (byte)~m_data[i];
private bool Unpack (uint offset)
m_src = m_next_ptr;
m_src_size = m_next_size;
m_dst_size = (uint)(m_data.Length / 4);
if (m_src_size < 12)
throw new InvalidFormatException ("Invalid file size");
m_src_size -= 12;
m_input.BaseStream.Position = m_next_ptr;
uint unpacked_size = m_input.ReadUInt32();
uint data_size = m_input.ReadUInt32();
uint index_size = m_input.ReadUInt16(); // 8
if (unpacked_size != m_dst_size*2)
throw new InvalidFormatException ("Invalid image size");
if (0 == index_size || index_size*2 > m_src_size)
throw new InvalidFormatException ("Invalid palette size");
m_src_size -= index_size*2;
if (data_size > m_src_size)
throw new InvalidFormatException ("Invalid compressed data size");
esi = m_src + index_size*2 + 12;
edi = offset;
m_next_size = m_src_size - data_size;
m_next_ptr = esi + data_size;
m_src_size = data_size;
return DecodeStream (index_size);
void ReadIndex (uint index_size)
m_input.BaseStream.Position = m_src+12;
m_index = new ushort[index_size];
for (int i = 0; i < index_size; ++i)
m_index[i] = m_input.ReadUInt16();
bool DecodeStream (uint index_size)
ReadIndex (index_size);
m_input.BaseStream.Position = esi;
bool small_index = index_size < 0x1002;
m_index_length_limit = small_index ? 0x06u : 0x0eu;
uint index_bit_length = small_index ? 3u : 4u;
m_bits = 0;
while (m_dst_size > 0)
uint dst_count = 1;
uint index_length = GetBits (index_bit_length, 0);
if (0 == index_length)
dst_count = GetBits (4, 0) + 2;
index_length = GetBits (index_bit_length, 0);
if (0 == index_length)
return false; // std::cerr << "zero index length\n";
uint index = GetIndex (index_length);
if (index >= index_size)
return false; // std::cerr << "invalid index\n";
if (dst_count > m_dst_size)
return false;
m_dst_size -= dst_count;
ushort word = m_index[index];
do {
PutWord (word); // *(uint16_t*)edi = word;
edi += 4;
} while (0 != --dst_count);
return true;
void PutWord (ushort word)
m_data[edi ] = (byte)(word & 0xff);
m_data[edi+1] = (byte)(word >> 8);
bool GetNextBit ()
bool carry = 0 != (m_bits & 0x80);
m_bits <<= 1;
if (0 == (m_bits & 0xff))
if (0 == m_src_size--)
throw new InvalidFormatException ("Unexpected end of file");
m_bits = (int)m_input.ReadByte();
m_bits = (m_bits << 1) + 1;
carry = 0 != (m_bits & 0x100);
return carry;
uint GetIndex (uint count)
if (0 == --count)
return GetNextBit() ? 1u : 0u;
if (count < m_index_length_limit)
return GetBits (count, 1);
while (GetNextBit())
if (count >= 0x10)
throw new InvalidFormatException ("Invalid index count");
return GetBits (count, 1);
uint GetBits (uint count, uint word)
bool carry = GetNextBit();
word = (word << 1) + (carry ? 1u : 0u);
while (0 != --count);
return word;
#region IDisposable Members
bool disposed = false;
public void Dispose ()
Dispose (true);
GC.SuppressFinalize (this);
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
if (disposing)
m_input = null;
m_data = null;
m_index = null;
disposed = true;
private class Writer : IDisposable
private BinaryWriter m_out;
private uint m_width;
private uint m_height;
private uint m_pixels;
private byte[] m_data;
Dictionary<ushort, ushort> m_index = new Dictionary<ushort, ushort>();
private uint m_base_length;
private uint m_base_index_length;
private int m_bits;
public Writer (Stream stream, BitmapSource bitmap)
m_width = (uint)bitmap.PixelWidth;
m_height = (uint)bitmap.PixelHeight;
m_pixels = m_width*m_height;
if (bitmap.Format != PixelFormats.Bgra32)
var converted_bitmap = new FormatConvertedBitmap();
converted_bitmap.Source = bitmap;
converted_bitmap.DestinationFormat = PixelFormats.Bgra32;
bitmap = converted_bitmap;
m_data = new byte[m_pixels*4];
bitmap.CopyPixels (m_data, bitmap.PixelWidth*4, 0);
m_out = new BinaryWriter (stream, Encoding.ASCII, true);
public void Pack ()
byte[] header = { (byte)'W', (byte)'G', 0x71, 2, 0x20, 0, 0, 0x40 };
m_out.Write (header, 0, header.Length);
m_out.Write (m_width);
m_out.Write (m_height);
Pack (1, 0xff00);
Pack (0, 0);
ushort GetWord (int offset)
return (ushort)(m_data[offset*2] | m_data[offset*2+1] << 8);
private void Pack (int data, ushort mask)
var header_pos = m_out.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Current);
m_out.Seek (12, SeekOrigin.Current);
BuildIndex (data, mask);
bool small_index = m_index.Count < 0x1002;
m_base_length = small_index ? 3u : 4u;
m_base_index_length = small_index ? 7u : 15u;
m_bits = 1;
// encode
for (uint i = 0; i < m_pixels;)
ushort word = GetWord (data);
data += 2;
ushort color = m_index[(ushort)(word^mask)];
uint count = 1;
while (i < m_pixels)
if (word != GetWord (data))
data += 2;
if (0x11 == count)
if (count > 1)
PutBits (m_base_length, 0);
PutBits (4, count-2);
PutIndex (color);
var end_pos = m_out.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Current);
uint data_size = (uint)(end_pos - header_pos - 12 - m_index.Count*2);
m_out.Seek ((int)header_pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
m_out.Write (m_pixels*2u);
m_out.Write (data_size);
m_out.Write ((ushort)m_index.Count);
m_out.Write ((ushort)(small_index ? 7 : 14)); // 0x0e
m_out.Seek ((int)end_pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
void BuildIndex (int data, ushort mask)
uint[] freq_table = new uint[65536];
for (var data_end = data + m_pixels*2; data < data_end; data += 2)
freq_table[GetWord (data)^mask]++;
var index = new List<ushort>();
for (int i = 0; i < freq_table.Length; ++i)
if (0 != freq_table[i])
index.Add ((ushort)i);
index.Sort ((a, b) => freq_table[a] < freq_table[b] ? 1 : freq_table[a] == freq_table[b] ? 0 : -1);
ushort j = 0;
foreach (var color in index)
m_out.Write (color);
m_index.Add (color, j++);
void Flush ()
if (1 != m_bits)
m_bits <<= 1;
while (0 == (m_bits & 0x100));
m_out.Write ((byte)(m_bits & 0xff));
m_bits = 1;
void PutBit (bool bit)
m_bits <<= 1;
m_bits |= bit ? 1 : 0;
if (0 != (m_bits & 0x100))
m_out.Write ((byte)(m_bits & 0xff));
m_bits = 1;
void PutBits (uint length, uint x)
x <<= (int)(32-length);
while (0 != length--)
PutBit (0 != (x & 0x80000000));
x <<= 1;
static uint GetBitsLength (ushort val)
uint length = 0;
val >>= 1;
while (0 != val);
return length;
void PutIndex (ushort index)
uint length = GetBitsLength (index);
if (length < m_base_index_length)
PutBits (m_base_length, length);
if (1 == length)
PutBit (index != 0);
PutBits (length-1, index);
PutBits (m_base_length, m_base_index_length);
for (uint i = m_base_index_length; i < length; ++i)
PutBit (true);
PutBit (false);
PutBits (length-1, index);
#region IDisposable Members
bool disposed = false;
public void Dispose ()
Dispose (true);
GC.SuppressFinalize (this);
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
if (disposing)
m_out = null;
m_data = null;
m_index = null;
disposed = true;