(Kaguya): streamlined animated resources implementation.

This commit is contained in:
morkt 2022-05-03 20:52:42 +04:00
parent ca2da660d3
commit 0250fbe0d3
2 changed files with 192 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.IO;
@ -42,60 +41,110 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Kaguya
public class AnmOpener : ArchiveFormat
internal class AnmEntry : Entry
public long ImageDataOffset;
public uint ImageDataSize;
internal interface IAnmReader
List<Entry> GetFramesList (IBinaryStream input);
public abstract class AnmOpenerBase : ArchiveFormat, IAnmReader
public override string Tag { get { return "ANM/KAGUYA"; } }
public override string Description { get { return "KaGuYa script engine animation resource"; } }
public override uint Signature { get { return 0x30304E41; } } // 'AN00'
public override bool IsHierarchic { get { return false; } }
public override bool CanWrite { get { return false; } }
public AnmOpener ()
public AnmOpenerBase ()
Extensions = new string[] { "anm" };
public override ArcFile TryOpen (ArcView file)
int frame_count = file.View.ReadInt16 (0x14);
uint current_offset = 0x18 + (uint)frame_count * 4;
int count = file.View.ReadInt16 (current_offset);
if (!IsSaneCount (count))
return null;
var base_info = new ImageMetaData
using (var input = file.CreateStream())
OffsetX = file.View.ReadInt32 (4),
OffsetY = file.View.ReadInt32 (8),
Width = file.View.ReadUInt32 (0x0C),
Height = file.View.ReadUInt32 (0x10),
BPP = 32,
current_offset += 2;
string base_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (file.Name);
var dir = new List<Entry> (count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
uint width = file.View.ReadUInt32 (current_offset+8);
uint height = file.View.ReadUInt32 (current_offset+12);
var entry = new Entry
var dir = GetFramesList (input);
if (null == dir)
return null;
var base_info = GetBaseInfo (input);
string base_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (file.Name);
int i = 0;
foreach (var entry in dir)
Name = string.Format ("{0}#{1:D2}", base_name, i),
Type = "image",
Offset = current_offset,
Size = 0x10 + 4*width*height,
dir.Add (entry);
current_offset += entry.Size;
entry.Name = string.Format ("{0}#{1:D2}", base_name, i++);
entry.Type = "image";
return new AnmArchive (file, this, dir, base_info);
return new AnmArchive (file, this, dir, base_info);
public override IImageDecoder OpenImage (ArcFile arc, Entry entry)
var base_info = ((AnmArchive)arc).ImageInfo;
var input = arc.File.CreateStream (entry.Offset, entry.Size);
return new An00Decoder (input, base_info);
return CreateDecoder (input, base_info);
internal virtual ImageMetaData GetBaseInfo (IBinaryStream input)
input.Position = 4;
return new ImageMetaData
OffsetX = input.ReadInt32(),
OffsetY = input.ReadInt32(),
Width = input.ReadUInt32(),
Height = input.ReadUInt32(),
BPP = 32,
public abstract List<Entry> GetFramesList (IBinaryStream input);
public abstract IImageDecoder CreateDecoder (IBinaryStream input, ImageMetaData info);
public class AnmOpener : AnmOpenerBase
public override string Tag { get { return "ANM/KAGUYA"; } }
public override uint Signature { get { return 0x30304E41; } } // 'AN00'
public override List<Entry> GetFramesList (IBinaryStream file)
file.Position = 0x14;
int frame_count = file.ReadInt16();
file.Position = 0x18 + frame_count * 4;
int count = file.ReadInt16();
if (!IsSaneCount (count))
return null;
var current_offset = file.Position;
var dir = new List<Entry> (count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
file.Position = current_offset + 8;
uint width = file.ReadUInt32();
uint height = file.ReadUInt32();
uint image_size = 4*width*height;
var entry = new AnmEntry
Offset = current_offset,
Size = 0x10 + image_size,
ImageDataOffset = current_offset + 0x10,
ImageDataSize = image_size,
dir.Add (entry);
current_offset += entry.Size;
return dir;
public override IImageDecoder CreateDecoder (IBinaryStream input, ImageMetaData info)
return new An00Decoder (input, info);
@ -123,60 +172,44 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Kaguya
public class An10Opener : ArchiveFormat
public class An10Opener : AnmOpenerBase, IAnmReader
public override string Tag { get { return "AN10/KAGUYA"; } }
public override string Description { get { return "KaGuYa script engine animation resource"; } }
public override uint Signature { get { return 0x30314E41; } } // 'AN10'
public override bool IsHierarchic { get { return false; } }
public override bool CanWrite { get { return false; } }
public An10Opener ()
public override List<Entry> GetFramesList (IBinaryStream file)
Extensions = new string[] { "anm" };
public override ArcFile TryOpen (ArcView file)
int frame_count = file.View.ReadInt16 (0x14);
uint current_offset = 0x18 + (uint)frame_count * 4;
int count = file.View.ReadInt16 (current_offset);
file.Position = 0x14;
int frame_count = file.ReadInt16();
file.Position = 0x18 + frame_count * 4;
int count = file.ReadInt16();
if (!IsSaneCount (count))
return null;
var base_info = new ImageMetaData
OffsetX = file.View.ReadInt32 (4),
OffsetY = file.View.ReadInt32 (8),
Width = file.View.ReadUInt32 (0x0C),
Height = file.View.ReadUInt32 (0x10),
BPP = 32,
current_offset += 2;
string base_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (file.Name);
var current_offset = file.Position;
var dir = new List<Entry> (count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
uint width = file.View.ReadUInt32 (current_offset+8);
uint height = file.View.ReadUInt32 (current_offset+12);
uint channels = file.View.ReadUInt32 (current_offset+16);
var entry = new Entry
file.Position = current_offset + 8;
uint width = file.ReadUInt32();
uint height = file.ReadUInt32();
uint channels = file.ReadUInt32();
uint image_size = channels*width*height;
var entry = new AnmEntry
Name = string.Format ("{0}#{1:D2}", base_name, i),
Type = "image",
Offset = current_offset,
Size = 0x14 + channels*width*height,
Size = 0x14 + image_size,
ImageDataOffset = current_offset + 0x14,
ImageDataSize = image_size,
dir.Add (entry);
current_offset += entry.Size;
return new AnmArchive (file, this, dir, base_info);
return dir;
public override IImageDecoder OpenImage (ArcFile arc, Entry entry)
public override IImageDecoder CreateDecoder (IBinaryStream input, ImageMetaData info)
var base_info = ((AnmArchive)arc).ImageInfo;
var input = arc.File.CreateStream (entry.Offset, entry.Size);
return new An10Decoder (input, base_info);
return new An10Decoder (input, info);
@ -197,83 +230,88 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Kaguya
protected override ImageData GetImageData ()
m_input.Position = 0x14;
int stride = Info.BPP / 8 * (int)Info.Width;
var pixels = m_input.ReadBytes (stride*(int)Info.Height);
int stride = Info.BPP / 8 * Info.iWidth;
var pixels = m_input.ReadBytes (stride*Info.iHeight);
PixelFormat format = 24 == Info.BPP ? PixelFormats.Bgr24 : PixelFormats.Bgra32;
return ImageData.CreateFlipped (Info, format, null, pixels, stride);
public class An20Opener : ArchiveFormat
public class An20Opener : AnmOpenerBase
public override string Tag { get { return "AN20/KAGUYA"; } }
public override string Description { get { return "KaGuYa script engine animation resource"; } }
public override uint Signature { get { return 0x30324E41; } } // 'AN20'
public override bool IsHierarchic { get { return false; } }
public override bool CanWrite { get { return false; } }
public An20Opener ()
public override List<Entry> GetFramesList (IBinaryStream file)
Extensions = new string[] { "anm" };
public override ArcFile TryOpen (ArcView file)
int table_count = file.View.ReadInt16 (4);
uint current_offset = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < table_count; ++i)
switch (file.View.ReadByte (current_offset++))
case 0: break;
case 1: current_offset += 8; break;
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5: current_offset += 4; break;
default: return null;
current_offset += 2 + file.View.ReadUInt16 (current_offset) * 8u;
int count = file.View.ReadInt16 (current_offset);
if (!SkipFrameTable (file))
return null;
int count = file.ReadInt16();
if (!IsSaneCount (count))
return null;
current_offset += 2;
var base_info = new ImageMetaData
OffsetX = file.View.ReadInt32 (current_offset),
OffsetY = file.View.ReadInt32 (current_offset+4),
Width = file.View.ReadUInt32 (current_offset+8),
Height = file.View.ReadUInt32 (current_offset+12),
BPP = 32,
current_offset += 0x10;
string base_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (file.Name);
long current_offset = file.Position + 0x10;
var dir = new List<Entry> (count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
uint width = file.View.ReadUInt32 (current_offset+8);
uint height = file.View.ReadUInt32 (current_offset+0x0C);
uint depth = file.View.ReadUInt32 (current_offset+0x10);
var entry = new Entry
file.Position = current_offset + 8;
uint width = file.ReadUInt32();
uint height = file.ReadUInt32();
uint depth = file.ReadUInt32();
uint image_size = depth*width*height;
var entry = new AnmEntry
Name = string.Format ("{0}#{1:D2}", base_name, i),
Type = "image",
Offset = current_offset,
Size = 0x14 + depth*width*height,
Size = 0x14 + image_size,
ImageDataOffset = current_offset + 0x14,
ImageDataSize = image_size,
dir.Add (entry);
current_offset += entry.Size;
return new AnmArchive (file, this, dir, base_info);
return dir;
public override IImageDecoder OpenImage (ArcFile arc, Entry entry)
internal override ImageMetaData GetBaseInfo (IBinaryStream input)
var base_info = ((AnmArchive)arc).ImageInfo;
var input = arc.File.CreateStream (entry.Offset, entry.Size);
return new An20Decoder (input, base_info);
SkipFrameTable (input);
return new ImageMetaData
OffsetX = input.ReadInt32(),
OffsetY = input.ReadInt32(),
Width = input.ReadUInt32(),
Height = input.ReadUInt32(),
BPP = 32,
bool SkipFrameTable (IBinaryStream file)
file.Position = 4;
int table_count = file.ReadInt16();
file.Position = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < table_count; ++i)
switch (file.ReadByte())
case 0: break;
case 1: file.Seek (8, SeekOrigin.Current); break;
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5: file.Seek (4, SeekOrigin.Current); break;
default: return false;
int count = file.ReadUInt16();
file.Seek (count * 8, SeekOrigin.Current);
return true;
public override IImageDecoder CreateDecoder (IBinaryStream input, ImageMetaData info)
return new An20Decoder (input, info);

View File

@ -711,6 +711,11 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Kaguya
delegate Stream Decryptor (LinkArchive arc, LinkEntry entry);
static readonly ResourceInstance<AnmOpener> An00 = new ResourceInstance<AnmOpener> ("ANM/KAGUYA");
static readonly ResourceInstance<An10Opener> An10 = new ResourceInstance<An10Opener> ("AN10/KAGUYA");
static readonly ResourceInstance<An20Opener> An20 = new ResourceInstance<An20Opener> ("AN20/KAGUYA");
static readonly ResourceInstance<Pl00Opener> Pl00 = new ResourceInstance<Pl00Opener> ("PLT/KAGUYA");
public LinkEncryption (byte[] key, bool anm_encrypted = true)
if (null == key || 0 == key.Length)
@ -725,8 +730,12 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Kaguya
if (anm_encrypted)
table.Add (new Tuple<string, Decryptor> ("AN00", (a, e) => DecryptAn00 (a, e)));
table.Add (new Tuple<string, Decryptor> ("AN00", (a, e) => DecryptAnm (a, e, An00.Value)));
table.Add (new Tuple<string, Decryptor> ("AN10", (a, e) => DecryptAnm (a, e, An10.Value)));
table.Add (new Tuple<string, Decryptor> ("AN20", (a, e) => DecryptAnm (a, e, An20.Value)));
table.Add (new Tuple<string, Decryptor> ("AN21", (a, e) => DecryptAn21 (a, e)));
table.Add (new Tuple<string, Decryptor> ("PL00", (a, e) => DecryptAnm (a, e, Pl00.Value)));
table.Add (new Tuple<string, Decryptor> ("PL10", (a, e) => DecryptPl10 (a, e)));
m_type_table = table.ToArray();
@ -750,22 +759,20 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Kaguya
return new PrefixStream (header, body);
Stream DecryptAn00 (LinkArchive arc, LinkEntry entry)
Stream DecryptAnm (LinkArchive arc, LinkEntry entry, IAnmReader reader)
var data = arc.File.View.ReadBytes (entry.Offset, entry.Size);
int frame_offset = 0x18 + data.ToUInt16 (0x14) * 4;
int count = data.ToUInt16 (frame_offset);
frame_offset += 10;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var input = new BinMemoryStream (data, entry.Name);
var dir = reader.GetFramesList (input);
if (dir != null)
int w = data.ToInt32 (frame_offset);
int h = data.ToInt32 (frame_offset+4);
int size = 4 * w * h;
frame_offset += 8;
DecryptData (data, frame_offset, size);
frame_offset += size + 8;
foreach (AnmEntry frame in dir)
DecryptData (data, (int)frame.ImageDataOffset, (int)frame.ImageDataSize);
return new BinMemoryStream (data, entry.Name);
input.Position = 0;
return input;
Stream DecryptAn21 (LinkArchive arc, LinkEntry entry)
@ -796,6 +803,18 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Kaguya
return new BinMemoryStream (data, entry.Name);
Stream DecryptPl10 (LinkArchive arc, LinkEntry entry)
var data = arc.File.View.ReadBytes (entry.Offset, entry.Size);
int offset = 30;
int w = data.ToInt32 (offset);
int h = data.ToInt32 (offset+4);
int channels = data.ToInt32 (offset+8);
offset += 12;
DecryptData (data, offset, channels * w * h);
return new BinMemoryStream (data, entry.Name);
void DecryptData (byte[] data, int index, int length)
while (length > 0)