mirror of https://github.com/crskycode/GARbro.git synced 2025-01-12 21:03:55 +08:00

(PX): additional formats.

This commit is contained in:
morkt 2017-03-24 22:45:43 +04:00
parent 0d98917d5e
commit 5620f48ea9
2 changed files with 330 additions and 11 deletions

@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ using GameRes.Compression;
namespace GameRes.Formats.Leaf
internal class ALeafEntry : PackedEntry
public byte Key;
public class AOpener : ArchiveFormat
@ -60,8 +65,9 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Leaf
var name = file.View.ReadString (index_offset, 0x17);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (name))
return null;
var entry = FormatCatalog.Instance.Create<PackedEntry> (name);
entry.IsPacked = 0 != file.View.ReadByte (index_offset+0x17);
var entry = FormatCatalog.Instance.Create<ALeafEntry> (name);
entry.Key = file.View.ReadByte (index_offset+0x17);
entry.IsPacked = 0 != entry.Key;
entry.Size = file.View.ReadUInt32 (index_offset+0x18);
entry.Offset = base_offset + file.View.ReadUInt32 (index_offset+0x1C);
if (!entry.CheckPlacement (file.MaxOffset))
@ -74,13 +80,47 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Leaf
public override Stream OpenEntry (ArcFile arc, Entry entry)
var pent = entry as PackedEntry;
var pent = entry as ALeafEntry;
if (null == pent || !pent.IsPacked)
return base.OpenEntry (arc, entry);
if (0 == pent.UnpackedSize)
pent.UnpackedSize = arc.File.View.ReadUInt32 (entry.Offset);
var input = arc.File.CreateStream (entry.Offset+4, entry.Size-4);
return new LzssStream (input);
Stream input = arc.File.CreateStream (entry.Offset+4, entry.Size-4);
input = new LzssStream (input);
if (pent.Key >= 0x7F && pent.Key <= 0x89 && pent.UnpackedSize > 0x20)
using (input)
return Decrypt (input, pent.UnpackedSize, (byte)(pent.Key & 0xF));
return input;
Stream Decrypt (Stream input, uint length, byte key)
var data = new byte[length];
input.Read (data, 0, data.Length);
uint width = data.ToUInt32 (0);
uint height = data.ToUInt32 (4);
uint image_size = width * height;
int type = data.ToUInt16 (0x10);
int bits = data.ToUInt16 (0x12);
if (1 == type && 0x20 == bits && image_size > 0 && (32 + image_size * 4) <= length)
byte r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
int dst = 0x20;
for (uint i = 0; i < image_size; ++i)
byte a = data[dst+3];
b += (byte)(data[dst ] + a - key);
g += (byte)(data[dst+1] + a - key);
r += (byte)(data[dst+2] + a - key);
data[dst++] = b;
data[dst++] = g;
data[dst++] = r;
data[dst++] = 0;
return new BinMemoryStream (data);

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ using System;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using GameRes.Utility;
namespace GameRes.Formats.Leaf
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Leaf
BlocksHeight = header.ToUInt16 (0x1E),
else if (0x80 == type || 0x90 == type)
else if (0x90 == type)
if (!header.AsciiEqual (0x14, "Leaf"))
return null;
@ -99,6 +100,34 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Leaf
FrameCount = count,
else if (0x40 == type || 0x44 == type)
int count = header.ToInt32 (0);
if (!ArchiveFormat.IsSaneCount (count))
return null;
return new PxMetaData
Width = header.ToUInt32 (0x14),
Height = header.ToUInt32 (0x18),
Type = 0x40,
BPP = 32,
FrameCount = count,
else if (1 == type || 4 == type || 7 == type)
int bpp = header.ToUInt16 (0x12);
if (bpp != 32 && bpp != 8)
return null;
return new PxMetaData
Width = header.ToUInt32 (0x14),
Height = header.ToUInt32 (0x18),
Type = type,
BPP = bpp,
FrameCount = 1,
return null;
@ -107,7 +136,7 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Leaf
using (var reader = new PxReader (stream, (PxMetaData)info))
var pixels = reader.Unpack();
return ImageData.Create (info, reader.Format, null, pixels, reader.Stride);
return ImageData.Create (info, reader.Format, reader.Palette, pixels, reader.Stride);
@ -125,10 +154,11 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Leaf
int m_pixel_size;
int m_stride;
public PixelFormat Format { get { return PixelFormats.Bgra32; } }
public PixelFormat Format { get; private set; }
public byte[] Data { get { return m_output; } }
public int Stride { get { return m_stride; } }
public int FrameCount { get { return m_info.FrameCount; } }
public BitmapPalette Palette { get; private set; }
public PxReader (IBinaryStream input, PxMetaData info)
@ -137,6 +167,10 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Leaf
m_pixel_size = m_info.BPP / 8;
m_stride = (int)m_info.Width * m_pixel_size;
m_output = new byte[m_stride * (int)m_info.Height];
if (1 == m_pixel_size)
Format = PixelFormats.Gray8;
Format = PixelFormats.Bgra32;
public byte[] Unpack (int frame = 0)
@ -147,8 +181,8 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Leaf
case 0x0C: Unpack0C (frame); break;
case 0x90: Unpack90 (frame); break;
case 0x80: Unpack80 (frame); break;
default: throw new NotImplementedException();
case 0x40: Unpack40(); break;
default: ReadBlock (0); break;
return m_output;
@ -195,11 +229,256 @@ namespace GameRes.Formats.Leaf
throw new EndOfStreamException();
void Unpack80 (int frame)
void Unpack40 ()
m_input.Position = 0x20;
uint data_offset = 0x20 + (uint)m_info.FrameCount * 4;
var offsets = new uint[m_info.FrameCount];
for (int i = 0; i < offsets.Length; ++i)
offsets[i] = data_offset + m_input.ReadUInt32();
foreach (var offset in offsets)
ReadBlock (offset);
internal class PxBlock
public int Width;
public int Height;
public int X;
public int Y;
public int Type;
public int Bits;
void ReadBlock (uint offset)
m_input.Position = offset;
var px = new PxBlock();
px.Width = m_input.ReadInt32();
px.Height = m_input.ReadInt32();
px.X = m_input.ReadInt32();
px.Y = m_input.ReadInt32();
px.Type = m_input.ReadUInt16();
px.Bits = m_input.ReadUInt16();
m_input.Position = offset + 0x20;
switch (px.Type)
case 0:
Palette = ImageFormat.ReadPalette (m_input.AsStream, (int)px.Width);
case 1:
switch (px.Bits)
case 8: UnpackBlock_1_8 (px); break;
case 0x20: UnpackBlock_1_20 (px); break;
case 4:
switch (px.Bits)
case 8: UnpackBlock_4_8 (px); break;
case 9: UnpackBlock_4_9 (px); break;
case 0x20: UnpackBlock_4_20 (px); break;
case 0x30: UnpackBlock_4_30 (px); break;
case 7:
UnpackBlock_7 (px);
throw new InvalidFormatException();
void UnpackBlock_1_8 (PxBlock block)
m_input.Read (m_output, 0, (int)m_info.Width * (int)m_info.Height);
void UnpackBlock_1_20 (PxBlock block)
int dst = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < block.Height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < block.Width; ++x)
m_input.Read (m_output, dst, 4);
if (0 != m_output[dst+3])
byte alpha = (byte)((m_output[dst+3] << 1 | m_output[dst+2] >> 7) + 0xFF);
m_output[dst+3] = alpha;
m_output[dst+3] = 0xFF;
dst += 4;
void UnpackBlock_4_8 (PxBlock block)
throw new NotImplementedException();
const int MaxBlockSize = 1024;
// lazily evaluated to avoid unnecessary allocation
Lazy<uint[]> m_block = new Lazy<uint[]> (() => new uint[MaxBlockSize * MaxBlockSize]);
uint[] NewBlock (PxBlock block_info)
var block = m_block.Value;
Array.Clear (block, 0, MaxBlockSize * block_info.Height);
return block;
void UnpackBlock_4_9 (PxBlock block_info)
var output = NewBlock (block_info);
int dst = 0;
bool has_alpha = true;
for (;;)
int code = m_input.ReadInt32();
if (-1 == code)
if (0 != (code & 0x180000))
has_alpha = !has_alpha;
dst += (code & 0x1FF) * MaxBlockSize;
dst += code >> 21;
int count = (code >> 9) & 0x3FF;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
byte alpha = (byte)(has_alpha ? (m_input.ReadUInt8() << 1) - 1 : 0xFF);
int color_idx = m_input.ReadByte();
if (dst < output.Length)
var color = Palette.Colors[color_idx];
output[dst] = (uint)(color.B | color.G << 8 | color.R << 16 | alpha << 24);
PutBlock (block_info);
void UnpackBlock_4_20 (PxBlock block_info)
var block = NewBlock (block_info);
int dst = 0;
int next;
while ((next = m_input.ReadInt32()) != -1)
if (next < 0 || next > 0xFFFFFF)
dst += next / 4;
int count = m_input.ReadInt32();
while (count --> 0)
uint color = m_input.ReadUInt32();
if (dst < block.Length)
if (0 != (color & 0xFF000000))
uint alpha = ((color >> 23) + 0xFF) << 24;
block[dst] = (color & 0xFFFFFFu) | alpha;
block[dst] = color | 0xFF000000u;
PutBlock (block_info);
void UnpackBlock_4_30 (PxBlock block_info)
var output = NewBlock (block_info);
int dst = 0;
for (;;)
int next = m_input.ReadInt32();
if (-1 == next)
if (0 != (next & 0xFF000000))
dst += next / 4;
int count = m_input.ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
uint color = m_input.ReadUInt32();
if (dst < output.Length)
if (0 != (color & 0xFF000000))
uint alpha = ((color >> 23) + 0xFF) << 24;
output[dst] = (color & 0xFFFFFF) | alpha;
output[dst] = 0;
PutBlock (block_info);
void UnpackBlock_7 (PxBlock block)
m_stride = 4 * block.Width;
m_output = new byte[m_stride * block.Height];
Format = PixelFormats.Bgra32;
m_info.OffsetX = block.X;
m_info.OffsetY = block.Y;
int dst = 0;
var color_map = ImageFormat.ReadColorMap (m_input.AsStream, 0x100, PaletteFormat.BgrA);
for (int y = 0; y < block.Height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < block.Width; ++x)
int idx = m_input.ReadUInt8();
var c = color_map[idx];
m_output[dst++] = c.B;
m_output[dst++] = c.G;
m_output[dst++] = c.R;
if (c.A != 0)
m_output[dst++] = (byte)((c.A << 1 | c.R >> 7) + 0xFF);
m_output[dst++] = 0xFF;
void PutBlock (PxBlock block_info)
var block = m_block.Value;
int left = Math.Max (0, block_info.X);
int top = Math.Max (0, block_info.Y);
int right = Math.Min (block_info.X + block_info.Width, (int)m_info.Width);
int bottom = Math.Min (block_info.Y + block_info.Height, (int)m_info.Height);
int dst_row = top * m_stride + left * 4;
int row_size = (right - left) * 4;
for (int y = top; y < bottom; ++y)
int src = (left - block_info.X) + (y - block_info.Y) * MaxBlockSize;
Buffer.BlockCopy (block, src * 4, m_output, dst_row, row_size);
dst_row += m_stride;
#region IDisposable Members
public void Dispose ()