//! \file HuffmanDecoder.cs //! \date 2024 Aug 2 //! \brief Custom Huffman decoder for DXA archives. // // Copyright (C) 2017 by morkt - GetBits function // Copyright (C) 2024 by MrSoup678 // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. // //Original file is Huffman.cpp. Creator: 山田 巧 Date: 2018 Dec 16 using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using GameRes.Utility; namespace GameRes.Formats.DxLib { internal class DXA8HuffmanNode { public UInt64 Weight; public int bitNumber; public byte[] bitArray; //32 bytes here public int Index; public int ParentNode; // index of parent node. public int[] ChildNode; //two children nodes, -1 if not existent. internal DXA8HuffmanNode() { bitArray = new byte[32]; ChildNode = new int[2]; } } internal sealed class HuffmanDecoder { byte[] m_input; byte[] m_output; int m_src; ulong m_bits; int m_bit_count; ulong m_readBytes; ulong m_readBits; DXA8HuffmanNode[] nodes; //256+255 nodes ulong originalSize; ulong compressedSize; ulong headerSize; ulong srcSize; //ushort token = 256; public HuffmanDecoder (byte[] src,ulong srcSize) { m_input = src; m_output = null; this.srcSize = srcSize; m_src = 0; m_bit_count = 0; m_readBytes = 0; m_readBits = 0; originalSize = compressedSize = headerSize = 0; ushort[] weights = new ushort[256]; nodes = new DXA8HuffmanNode[256+255]; //256 data nodes, then 255 hierarchy nodes. } public byte[] Unpack () { for (int i=0; i 9) continue; BitArrayFirstBatch = (ushort)(nodes[j].bitArray[0] | (nodes[j].bitNumber << 8)); if ((i & bitMask[nodes[j].bitNumber - 1]) == (BitArrayFirstBatch & bitMask[nodes[j].bitNumber-1])) { NodeIndexTable[i] = j; break; } } } } PressBitData = compressedData[PressBitCounter]; for (DestSizeCounter = 0;DestSizeCounter < originalSize; DestSizeCounter++) { if (DestSizeCounter>= originalSize - 17) { NodeIndex = 510; } else { if (PressBitCounter==8) { PressSizeCounter++; PressBitData = compressedData[PressSizeCounter]; PressBitCounter = 0; } PressBitData = (PressBitData | (compressedData[PressSizeCounter+1]<<(8-PressBitCounter))) & 0x1ff; NodeIndex = NodeIndexTable[PressBitData]; PressBitCounter += nodes[NodeIndex].bitNumber; if (PressBitCounter >= 16) { PressSizeCounter += 2; PressBitCounter -= 16; PressBitData = compressedData[PressSizeCounter] >> PressBitCounter; } else if (PressBitCounter >=8) { PressSizeCounter ++; PressBitCounter -= 8; PressBitData = compressedData[PressSizeCounter] >> PressBitCounter; } else { PressBitData >>= nodes[NodeIndex].bitNumber; } while (NodeIndex>255) { if (PressBitCounter==8) { PressSizeCounter++; PressBitData = compressedData[PressSizeCounter]; PressBitCounter = 0; } Index = PressBitData & 1; PressBitData >>= 1; PressSizeCounter++; NodeIndex = nodes[NodeIndex].ChildNode[Index]; } } m_output[DestSizeCounter] = (byte)NodeIndex; } } private void PopulateDataNodes() { //The data which is populated is path from root to target node in bits. byte[] ScratchSpace = new byte[32]; int TempBitIndex, TempBitCount; for (int i = 0; i < 256 + 254; i++) //root node is excluded. { nodes[i].bitNumber = 0; TempBitIndex = 0; TempBitCount = 0; ScratchSpace[TempBitIndex] = 0; for (int j = i; nodes[j].ParentNode!=-1;j = nodes[j].ParentNode) { if (TempBitCount == 8) { TempBitCount = 0; TempBitIndex++; ScratchSpace[TempBitIndex] = 0; } ScratchSpace[TempBitIndex] <<= 1; ScratchSpace[TempBitIndex] |= (byte)nodes[j].Index; TempBitCount++; nodes[i].bitNumber++; } //path is now backwards (target to root). Pupulate BitPath from root to target. int BitIndex=0, BitCount=0; nodes[i].bitArray[BitIndex] = 0; while (TempBitIndex >= 0) { if (BitCount == 8) { BitCount = 0; BitIndex++; nodes[i].bitArray[BitIndex] = 0; } nodes[i].bitArray[BitIndex] |= (byte)((ScratchSpace[TempBitIndex] & 1) << BitCount); ScratchSpace[TempBitIndex] >>= 1; TempBitCount--; if (TempBitCount == 0) { TempBitIndex--; TempBitCount = 8; } BitCount++; } } } private void SetupWeights() { int sizeA, sizeB; byte BitNum; byte Minus; ushort SaveData; ushort[] weights = new ushort[256]; sizeA = (int)GetBits(6) + 1; originalSize = GetBits(sizeA); sizeB = (int)GetBits(6)+1; compressedSize = GetBits(sizeB); BitNum = (byte)(((int)GetBits(3) + 1) * 2); Minus = (byte)GetBits(1); SaveData = (ushort)GetBits(BitNum); nodes[0].Weight = SaveData; for (int i = 1; i < 256; i++) { BitNum = (byte)(((int)GetBits(3) + 1) * 2); Minus = (byte)GetBits(1); SaveData = (ushort)GetBits(BitNum); weights[i] = (ushort)(Minus == 1 ? weights[i - 1] - SaveData : weights[i - 1] + SaveData); } headerSize = GetReadBytes(); for (int i = 0;i < 256; i++) { nodes[i].Weight = weights[i]; } } void CreateTree() { int NodeNum=256, DataNum=256; while (DataNum > 1) { int MinNode1 = -1; int MinNode2 = -1; int NodeIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < DataNum; NodeIndex++) { //don't do anything if we already have a parent set. if (nodes[NodeIndex].ParentNode != -1) continue; i++; //we need to get the two lowest numbers for parenting. if (MinNode1 == -1 || nodes[MinNode1].Weight > nodes[NodeIndex].Weight) { { MinNode2 = MinNode1; MinNode1 = NodeIndex; } } else if (MinNode2 == -1 || nodes[MinNode2].Weight > nodes[NodeIndex].Weight) { MinNode2 = NodeIndex; } } nodes[NodeNum].ParentNode = -1; nodes[NodeNum].Weight = nodes[MinNode1].Weight + nodes[MinNode2].Weight; nodes[NodeNum].ChildNode[0] = MinNode1; nodes[NodeNum].ChildNode[1] = MinNode2; nodes[MinNode1].Index = 0; nodes[MinNode2].Index = 1; nodes[MinNode1].ParentNode = NodeNum; nodes[MinNode2].ParentNode = NodeNum; NodeNum++; DataNum--; } } ulong GetBits (int count) { ulong bits = 0; while (count --> 0) { if (0 == m_bit_count) { m_bits = BigEndian.ToUInt32 (m_input, m_src); m_src += 4; m_bit_count = 32; } bits = bits << 1 | (m_bits & 1); m_bits >>= 1; --m_bit_count; m_readBits++; if (m_readBits ==8) { m_readBits = 0; m_readBytes++; } } return bits; } ulong GetReadBytes() { return m_readBytes + (m_readBits != 0 ? 1ul : 0ul); } } }