//! \file ArcNOA.cs //! \date Thu Apr 23 15:57:17 2015 //! \brief Entis GLS engine archives implementation. // // Copyright (C) 2015-2018 by morkt // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.Composition; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using GameRes.Formats.Strings; using GameRes.Utility; namespace GameRes.Formats.Entis { internal class NoaOptions : ResourceOptions { public string Scheme { get; set; } public string PassPhrase { get; set; } } internal class NoaEntry : Entry { public byte[] Extra; public uint Encryption; public uint Attr; } internal class NoaArchive : ArcFile { public string Password; public NoaArchive (ArcView arc, ArchiveFormat impl, ICollection dir, string password = null) : base (arc, impl, dir) { Password = password; } } [Serializable] public class NoaScheme : ResourceScheme { public Dictionary> KnownKeys; } [Export(typeof(ArchiveFormat))] public class NoaOpener : ArchiveFormat { public override string Tag { get { return "NOA"; } } public override string Description { get { return "Entis GLS engine resource archive"; } } public override uint Signature { get { return 0x69746e45; } } // 'Enti' public override bool IsHierarchic { get { return true; } } public override bool CanWrite { get { return false; } } public NoaOpener () { Extensions = new string[] { "noa", "dat", "rsa", "arc" }; Settings = new[] { NoaEncoding }; } EncodingSetting NoaEncoding = new EncodingSetting ("NOAEncodingCP", "DefaultEncoding"); public static Dictionary> KnownKeys = new Dictionary>(); public override ArcFile TryOpen (ArcView file) { if (!file.View.AsciiEqual (0, "Entis\x1a")) return null; uint id = file.View.ReadUInt32 (8); if (0x02000400 != id) return null; bool old_format = file.View.AsciiEqual (0x10, "EMSAC-Binary Archive"); Encoding enc = old_format ? Encodings.cp932 : NoaEncoding.Get(); var reader = new IndexReader (file, enc); if (!reader.ParseRoot() || 0 == reader.Dir.Count) return null; if (reader.HasEncrypted) { var password = GetArcPassword (file.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (password)) return new NoaArchive (file, this, reader.Dir, password); } return new ArcFile (file, this, reader.Dir); } public override Stream OpenEntry (ArcFile arc, Entry entry) { var nent = entry as NoaEntry; if (null == nent) return arc.File.CreateStream (entry.Offset, entry.Size); ulong size = arc.File.View.ReadUInt64 (entry.Offset+8); if (size > int.MaxValue) throw new FileSizeException(); if (size <= 4) return Stream.Null; if (EncType.ERISACode == nent.Encryption) { var enc = arc.File.CreateStream (entry.Offset+0x10, (uint)size-4); return new ErisaNemesisStream (enc, (int)entry.Size); } var narc = arc as NoaArchive; var input = arc.File.CreateStream (entry.Offset+0x10, (uint)size); if (EncType.Raw == nent.Encryption || null == narc || null == narc.Password) return input; if (EncType.BSHFCrypt == nent.Encryption) { using (input) return DecodeBSHF (input, narc.Password); } Trace.WriteLine (string.Format ("{0}: encryption scheme 0x{1:x8} not implemented", nent.Name, nent.Encryption)); return input; } string GetArcPassword (string arc_name) { var title = FormatCatalog.Instance.LookupGame (arc_name, @"..\*.exe"); string password = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (title) || !KnownKeys.ContainsKey (title)) { password = ExtractNoaPassword (arc_name); if (password != null) return password; var options = Query (arcStrings.ArcEncryptedNotice); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (options.PassPhrase)) { return options.PassPhrase; } title = options.Scheme; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (title)) { Dictionary filemap; if (KnownKeys.TryGetValue (title, out filemap)) { var filename = Path.GetFileName (arc_name).ToLowerInvariant(); filemap.TryGetValue (filename, out password); } } return password; } string ExtractNoaPassword (string arc_name) { if (VFS.IsVirtual) return null; var dir = VFS.GetDirectoryName (arc_name); var noa_name = Path.GetFileName (arc_name); var parent_dir = Directory.GetParent (dir).FullName; var exe_files = VFS.GetFiles (VFS.CombinePath (parent_dir, "*.exe")).Concat (VFS.GetFiles (VFS.CombinePath (dir, "*.exe"))); foreach (var exe_entry in exe_files) { try { using (var exe = new ExeFile.ResourceAccessor (exe_entry.Name)) { var cotomi = exe.GetResource ("IDR_COTOMI", "#10"); if (null == cotomi) continue; using (var res = new MemoryStream (cotomi)) using (var input = new ErisaNemesisStream (res)) { var xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.Load (input); var password = XmlFindArchiveKey (xml, noa_name); if (password != null) return password; } } } catch { /* ignore errors */ } } return null; } string XmlFindArchiveKey (XmlDocument xml, string filename) { foreach (XmlNode archive in xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes ("archive[@path and @key]")) { var attr = archive.Attributes; var path = attr["path"].Value; if (VFS.IsPathEqualsToFileName (path, filename)) return attr["key"].Value; } return null; } Stream DecodeBSHF (Stream input, string password) { uint nTotalBytes = (uint)input.Length - 4; var pBSHF = new BSHFDecodeContext (0x10000); pBSHF.AttachInputFile (input); pBSHF.PrepareToDecodeBSHFCode (password); byte[] buf = new byte[nTotalBytes]; uint decoded = pBSHF.DecodeBSHFCodeBytes (buf, nTotalBytes); if (decoded < nTotalBytes) throw new EndOfStreamException ("Unexpected end of encrypted stream"); return new MemoryStream (buf); } public override ResourceOptions GetDefaultOptions () { return new NoaOptions { Scheme = Properties.Settings.Default.NOAScheme, PassPhrase = Properties.Settings.Default.NOAPassPhrase, }; } public override object GetAccessWidget () { return new GUI.WidgetNOA(); } internal static class EncType { public const uint Raw = 0x00000000; public const uint ERISACode = 0x80000010; public const uint BSHFCrypt = 0x40000000; public const uint SimpleCrypt32 = 0x20000000; public const uint ERISACrypt = 0xC0000010; public const uint ERISACrypt32 = 0xA0000010; } internal class IndexReader { ArcView m_file; List m_dir = new List(); bool m_found_encrypted = false; const char PathSeparatorChar = '/'; public List Dir { get { return m_dir; } } public bool HasEncrypted { get { return m_found_encrypted; } } public Encoding Encoding { get; set; } public IndexReader (ArcView file, Encoding enc) { m_file = file; Encoding = enc; } public bool ParseRoot () { return ParseDirEntry (0x40, ""); } private bool ParseDirEntry (long dir_offset, string cur_dir) { if (!m_file.View.AsciiEqual (dir_offset, "DirEntry")) return false; long size = m_file.View.ReadInt64 (dir_offset+8); if (size <= 0 || size > int.MaxValue) return false; if ((uint)size > m_file.View.Reserve (dir_offset+8, (uint)size)) return false; long base_offset = dir_offset; dir_offset += 0x10; int count = m_file.View.ReadInt32 (dir_offset); dir_offset += 4; if (m_dir.Capacity < m_dir.Count+count) m_dir.Capacity = m_dir.Count+count; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var entry = new NoaEntry(); entry.Size = m_file.View.ReadUInt32 (dir_offset); dir_offset += 8; entry.Attr = m_file.View.ReadUInt32 (dir_offset); dir_offset += 4; entry.Encryption = m_file.View.ReadUInt32 (dir_offset); m_found_encrypted = m_found_encrypted || (EncType.Raw != entry.Encryption && EncType.ERISACode != entry.Encryption); bool is_packed = EncType.ERISACode == entry.Encryption; dir_offset += 4; entry.Offset = base_offset + m_file.View.ReadInt64 (dir_offset); if (!is_packed && !entry.CheckPlacement (m_file.MaxOffset)) { entry.Size = (uint)(m_file.MaxOffset - entry.Offset); } dir_offset += 0x10; uint extra_length = m_file.View.ReadUInt32 (dir_offset); dir_offset += 4; if (extra_length > 0 && 0 == (entry.Attr & 0x70)) { entry.Extra = m_file.View.ReadBytes (dir_offset, extra_length); if (entry.Extra.Length != extra_length) return false; } dir_offset += extra_length; uint name_length = m_file.View.ReadUInt32 (dir_offset); dir_offset += 4; string name = m_file.View.ReadString (dir_offset, name_length, Encoding); dir_offset += name_length; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (cur_dir)) entry.Name = name; else entry.Name = cur_dir + PathSeparatorChar + name; entry.Type = FormatCatalog.Instance.GetTypeFromName (name); if (0x10 == entry.Attr) { if (!ParseDirEntry (entry.Offset+0x10, entry.Name)) return false; } else if (0x20 == entry.Attr || 0x40 == entry.Attr) { break; } else { m_dir.Add (entry); } } return true; } } public override ResourceScheme Scheme { get { return new NoaScheme { KnownKeys = KnownKeys }; } set { KnownKeys = ((NoaScheme)value).KnownKeys; } } } internal abstract class ERISADecodeContext { protected int m_nIntBufCount; protected uint m_dwIntBuffer; protected uint m_nBufferingSize; protected uint m_nBufCount; protected byte[] m_ptrBuffer; protected int m_ptrNextBuf; protected Stream m_pFile; protected ERISADecodeContext m_pContext; public ERISADecodeContext (uint nBufferingSize) { m_nIntBufCount = 0; m_nBufferingSize = (nBufferingSize + 0x03) & ~0x03u; m_nBufCount = 0; m_ptrBuffer = new byte[nBufferingSize]; m_pFile = null; m_pContext = null; } public void AttachInputFile (Stream file) { m_pFile = file; m_pContext = null; } public void AttachInputContext (ERISADecodeContext context) { m_pFile = null; m_pContext = context; } public uint ReadNextData (byte[] ptrBuffer, uint nBytes) { if (m_pFile != null) { return (uint)m_pFile.Read (ptrBuffer, 0, (int)nBytes); } else if (m_pContext != null) { return m_pContext.DecodeBytes (ptrBuffer, nBytes); } else { throw new ApplicationException ("Uninitialized ERISA encryption context"); } } public abstract uint DecodeBytes (Array ptrDst, uint nCount); protected bool PrefetchBuffer() { if (0 == m_nIntBufCount) { if (0 == m_nBufCount) { m_ptrNextBuf = 0; // m_ptrBuffer; m_nBufCount = ReadNextData (m_ptrBuffer, m_nBufferingSize); if (0 == m_nBufCount) { return false; } if (0 != (m_nBufCount & 0x03)) { uint i = m_nBufCount; m_nBufCount += 4 - (m_nBufCount & 0x03); while (i < m_nBufCount) m_ptrBuffer[i ++] = 0; } } m_nIntBufCount = 32; m_dwIntBuffer = ((uint)m_ptrBuffer[m_ptrNextBuf] << 24) | ((uint)m_ptrBuffer[m_ptrNextBuf+1] << 16) | ((uint)m_ptrBuffer[m_ptrNextBuf+2] << 8) | (uint)m_ptrBuffer[m_ptrNextBuf+3]; m_ptrNextBuf += 4; m_nBufCount -= 4; } return true; } public void FlushBuffer () { m_nIntBufCount = 0; m_nBufCount = 0; } public int GetABit () { if (!PrefetchBuffer()) { return 1; } int nValue = ((int)m_dwIntBuffer) >> 31; --m_nIntBufCount; m_dwIntBuffer <<= 1; return nValue; } public uint GetNBits (int n) { uint nCode = 0; while (n != 0) { if (!PrefetchBuffer()) break; int nCopyBits = Math.Min (n, m_nIntBufCount); nCode = (nCode << nCopyBits) | (m_dwIntBuffer >> (32 - nCopyBits)); n -= nCopyBits; m_nIntBufCount -= nCopyBits; m_dwIntBuffer <<= nCopyBits; } return nCode; } } internal class BSHFDecodeContext : ERISADecodeContext { ERIBshfBuffer m_pBshfBuf; uint m_dwBufPos; public BSHFDecodeContext (uint nBufferingSize) : base (nBufferingSize) { m_pBshfBuf = null; } public void PrepareToDecodeBSHFCode (string pszPassword) { if (null == m_pBshfBuf) { m_pBshfBuf = new ERIBshfBuffer(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (pszPassword)) { pszPassword = " "; } int char_count = Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount (pszPassword); int length = Math.Max (char_count, 32); var pass_bytes = new byte[length]; char_count = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (pszPassword, 0, pszPassword.Length, pass_bytes, 0); if (char_count < 32) { pass_bytes[char_count++] = 0x1b; for (int i = char_count; i < 32; ++i) { pass_bytes[i] = (byte)(pass_bytes[i % char_count] + pass_bytes[i - 1]); } } m_pBshfBuf.m_strPassword = pass_bytes; m_pBshfBuf.m_dwPassOffset = 0; m_dwBufPos = 32; } public override uint DecodeBytes (Array ptrDst, uint nCount) { return DecodeBSHFCodeBytes (ptrDst as byte[], nCount); } public uint DecodeBSHFCodeBytes (byte[] ptrDst, uint nCount) { uint nDecoded = 0; while (nDecoded < nCount) { if (m_dwBufPos >= 32) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { if (0 == m_nBufCount) { m_ptrNextBuf = 0; m_nBufCount = ReadNextData (m_ptrBuffer, m_nBufferingSize); if (0 == m_nBufCount) { return nDecoded; } } m_pBshfBuf.m_srcBSHF[i] = m_ptrBuffer[m_ptrNextBuf++]; m_nBufCount--; } m_pBshfBuf.DecodeBuffer(); m_dwBufPos = 0; } ptrDst[nDecoded++] = m_pBshfBuf.m_bufBSHF[m_dwBufPos++]; } return nDecoded; } } internal class ERIBshfBuffer { public byte[] m_strPassword; public uint m_dwPassOffset = 0; public byte[] m_bufBSHF = new byte[32]; public byte[] m_srcBSHF = new byte[32]; public byte[] m_maskBSHF = new byte[32]; public void DecodeBuffer () { int nPassLen = m_strPassword.Length; if ((int)m_dwPassOffset >= nPassLen) { m_dwPassOffset = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { m_bufBSHF[i] = 0; m_maskBSHF[i] = 0; } int iPos = (int) m_dwPassOffset++; int iBit = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { iBit = (iBit + m_strPassword[iPos++]) & 0xFF; if (iPos >= nPassLen) { iPos = 0; } int iOffset = (iBit >> 3); int iMask = (0x80 >> (iBit & 0x07)); while (0xFF == m_maskBSHF[iOffset]) { iBit = (iBit + 8) & 0xFF; iOffset = (iBit >> 3); } while (0 != (m_maskBSHF[iOffset] & iMask)) { iBit ++; iMask >>= 1; if (0 == iMask) { iBit = (iBit + 8) & 0xFF; iOffset = (iBit >> 3); iMask = 0x80; } } Debug.Assert (iMask != 0); m_maskBSHF[iOffset] |= (byte) iMask; if (0 != (m_srcBSHF[(i >> 3)] & (0x80 >> (i & 0x07)))) { m_bufBSHF[iOffset] |= (byte)iMask; } } } } }