//! PAZ archive implementation. // // Copyright (C) 2016 by morkt // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.Composition; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using GameRes.Compression; using GameRes.Cryptography; using GameRes.Formats.Properties; using GameRes.Formats.Strings; using GameRes.Utility; namespace GameRes.Formats.Musica { internal class PazEntry : PackedEntry { public uint AlignedSize; public byte[] Key; } internal class PazArchiveBase : ArcFile { public readonly int Version; public readonly byte XorKey; public PazArchiveBase (ArcView arc, ArchiveFormat impl, ICollection dir, int version, byte key, IReadOnlyList parts = null) : base (arc, impl, dir) { Version = version; XorKey = key; m_parts = parts; } IReadOnlyList m_parts; public IEnumerable Parts { get { yield return File; if (m_parts != null) foreach (var part in m_parts) yield return part; } } bool _paz_disposed = false; protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (_paz_disposed) return; if (disposing && m_parts != null) { foreach (var arc in m_parts) arc.Dispose(); } _paz_disposed = true; base.Dispose (disposing); } } internal class PazArchive : PazArchiveBase { public readonly Blowfish Encryption; public PazArchive (ArcView arc, ArchiveFormat impl, ICollection dir, int version, byte key, byte[] data_key, IReadOnlyList parts = null) : base (arc, impl, dir, version, key, parts) { Encryption = new Blowfish (data_key); } } internal class MovPazArchive : PazArchiveBase { public readonly byte[] MovKey; public MovPazArchive (ArcView arc, ArchiveFormat impl, ICollection dir, int version, byte key, byte[] mov_key, IReadOnlyList parts = null) : base (arc, impl, dir, version, key, parts) { MovKey = mov_key; } } [Export(typeof(ArchiveFormat))] public class PazOpener : ArchiveFormat { public override string Tag { get { return "PAZ"; } } public override string Description { get { return "Musica engine resource archive"; } } public override uint Signature { get { return 0; } } public override bool IsHierarchic { get { return false; } } public override bool CanCreate { get { return false; } } public PazOpener () { Signatures = new uint[] { 0x858F8493, 0 }; } static readonly ISet AudioPazNames = new HashSet { "bgm", "se", "voice", "pmbgm", "pmse", "pmvoice" }; static readonly ISet VideoPazNames = new HashSet { "mov" }; public override ArcFile TryOpen (ArcView file) { if (!file.Name.EndsWith (".paz", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return null; uint signature = file.View.ReadUInt32 (0); uint index_size = file.View.ReadUInt32 (0x20); byte xor_key = (byte)(index_size >> 24); index_size ^= (uint)(xor_key << 24 | xor_key << 16 | xor_key << 8 | xor_key); if (index_size + 0x24 >= file.MaxOffset) return null; var arc_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (file.Name).ToLowerInvariant(); var scheme = QueryEncryption (arc_name, signature); var arc_list = new List(); var arc_dir = VFS.GetDirectoryName (file.Name); long max_offset = file.MaxOffset; for (char suffix = 'A'; suffix <= 'Z'; ++suffix) { var part_name = VFS.CombinePath (arc_dir, file.Name + suffix); if (!VFS.FileExists (part_name)) break; var part = VFS.FindFile (part_name); arc_list.Add (part); max_offset += part.Size; } bool is_audio = AudioPazNames.Contains (arc_name); bool is_video = VideoPazNames.Contains (arc_name); Stream input = file.CreateStream (0x24, index_size); byte[] video_key = null; List dir; try { input = new XoredStream (input, xor_key); var enc = new Blowfish (scheme.ArcKeys[arc_name].IndexKey); input = new CryptoStream (input, enc.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Read); using (var index = new ArcView.Reader (input)) { int count = index.ReadInt32(); if (!IsSaneCount (count)) return null; if (is_video) video_key = index.ReadBytes (0x100); dir = new List (count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var name = index.BaseStream.ReadCString(); var entry = FormatCatalog.Instance.Create (name); entry.Offset = index.ReadInt64(); entry.Size = index.ReadUInt32(); if (!entry.CheckPlacement (max_offset)) return null; entry.UnpackedSize = index.ReadUInt32(); entry.AlignedSize = index.ReadUInt32(); entry.IsPacked = index.ReadInt32() != 0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (entry.Type) && is_audio) { entry.Type = "audio"; } string password = ""; if (!entry.IsPacked && scheme.TypeKeys != null) { password = scheme.GetTypePassword (name, is_audio); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (password) || is_video) { password = string.Format ("{0} {1:X08} {2}", name.ToLowerInvariant(), entry.UnpackedSize, password); entry.Key = Encodings.cp932.GetBytes (password); } dir.Add (entry); } } } finally { input.Dispose(); } List parts = null; if (arc_list.Count > 0) { parts = new List (arc_list.Count); try { foreach (var arc_entry in arc_list) { var arc_file = VFS.OpenView (arc_entry); parts.Add (arc_file); } } catch { foreach (var part in parts) part.Dispose(); throw; } } if (is_video) return new MovPazArchive (file, this, dir, scheme.Version, xor_key, video_key, parts); return new PazArchive (file, this, dir, scheme.Version, xor_key, scheme.ArcKeys[arc_name].DataKey, parts); } public override Stream OpenEntry (ArcFile arc, Entry entry) { var parc = arc as PazArchiveBase; var pent = entry as PazEntry; if (null == parc || null == pent) return base.OpenEntry (arc, entry); Stream input = null; try { long part_offset = 0; long entry_start = pent.Offset; long entry_end = pent.Offset + pent.AlignedSize; foreach (var part in parc.Parts) { long part_end_offset = part_offset + part.MaxOffset; if (entry_start < part_end_offset) { uint part_size = (uint)Math.Min (entry_end - entry_start, part_end_offset - entry_start); var entry_part = part.CreateStream (entry_start - part_offset, part_size); if (input != null) input = new ConcatStream (input, entry_part); else input = entry_part; entry_start += part_size; if (entry_start >= entry_end) break; } part_offset = part_end_offset; } if (null == input) return Stream.Null; input = new XoredStream (input, parc.XorKey); if (parc is MovPazArchive) input = DecryptVideo (input, (MovPazArchive)parc, pent); else input = DecryptEntry (input, (PazArchive)parc, pent); if (pent.Size < pent.AlignedSize) input = new LimitStream (input, pent.Size); if (pent.IsPacked) input = new ZLibStream (input, CompressionMode.Decompress); return input; } catch { if (input != null) input.Dispose(); throw; } } Stream DecryptVideo (Stream input, MovPazArchive arc, PazEntry entry) { var key = new byte[0x100]; for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; ++i) key[i] = (byte)(arc.MovKey[i] ^ entry.Key[i % entry.Key.Length]); var rc4 = new Rc4Transform (key); var block = rc4.GenerateBlock ((int)Math.Min (0x10000, input.Length)); return new ByteStringEncryptedStream (input, block); } Stream DecryptEntry (Stream input, PazArchive arc, PazEntry entry) { input = new CryptoStream (input, arc.Encryption.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Read); var key = entry.Key; if (null == key) return input; var rc4 = new Rc4Transform (key); if (arc.Version >= 2) { uint crc = Crc32.Compute (key, 0, key.Length); int skip_rounds = (int)(crc >> 12) & 0xFF; for (int i = 0; i < skip_rounds; ++i) { rc4.NextByte(); } } return new CryptoStream (input, rc4, CryptoStreamMode.Read); } PazScheme QueryEncryption (string arc_name, uint signature) { PazScheme scheme = null; if (!KnownSchemes.TryGetValue (signature, out scheme) && KnownTitles.Count > 1) { var options = Query (arcStrings.ArcEncryptedNotice); scheme = options.Scheme; } if (null == scheme || !scheme.ArcKeys.ContainsKey (arc_name)) throw new UnknownEncryptionScheme(); return scheme; } public override ResourceOptions GetDefaultOptions () { return new PazOptions { Scheme = GetScheme (Settings.Default.PAZTitle) }; } public override object GetAccessWidget () { return new GUI.WidgetPAZ (this); } PazScheme GetScheme (string title) { PazScheme scheme; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (title) || !KnownTitles.TryGetValue (title, out scheme)) return null; return scheme; } public override ResourceScheme Scheme { get { return m_scheme; } set { m_scheme = (MusicaScheme)value; } } MusicaScheme m_scheme = new MusicaScheme { KnownSchemes = new Dictionary(), KnownTitles = new Dictionary() }; public IDictionary KnownSchemes { get { return m_scheme.KnownSchemes; } } public IDictionary KnownTitles { get { return m_scheme.KnownTitles; } } } [Serializable] public class PazKey { public byte[] IndexKey; public byte[] DataKey; } [Serializable] public class PazScheme { public int Version; public IDictionary ArcKeys; public IDictionary TypeKeys; public string GetTypePassword (string name, bool is_audio) { string password = null; if (name.Contains ('.')) { if (name.EndsWith (".png")) TypeKeys.TryGetValue ("png", out password); else if (name.EndsWith (".ogg") || is_audio) TypeKeys.TryGetValue ("ogg", out password); else if (name.EndsWith (".sc")) TypeKeys.TryGetValue ("sc", out password); else if (name.EndsWith (".avi") || name.EndsWith (".mpg") || name.EndsWith (".mpeg")) TypeKeys.TryGetValue ("avi", out password); } else if (is_audio) TypeKeys.TryGetValue ("ogg", out password); return password ?? ""; } } [Serializable] public class MusicaScheme : ResourceScheme { public IDictionary KnownSchemes; public IDictionary KnownTitles; } public class PazOptions : ResourceOptions { public PazScheme Scheme; } }