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* jichi 1/2/2014: Taskforce2 Engine
* Examples:
* 神<EFBFBD>仮)-カミサマカヂ<EFBFBD>カリ- 路地裏繚乱編 (1.1)
* /HS-8@178872:Taskforce2.exe
* 00578819 . 50 push eax ; |arg1
* 0057881a . c745 f4 cc636b>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-0xc],taskforc.006b>; |
* 00578821 . e8 31870000 call taskforc.00580f57 ; \taskforc.00580f57
* 00578826 . cc int3
* 00578827 /$ 8b4c24 04 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x4]
* 0057882b |. 53 push ebx
* 0057882c |. 33db xor ebx,ebx
* 0057882e |. 3bcb cmp ecx,ebx
* 00578830 |. 56 push esi
* 00578831 |. 57 push edi
* 00578832 |. 74 08 je short taskforc.0057883c
* 00578834 |. 8b7c24 14 mov edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14]
* 00578838 |. 3bfb cmp edi,ebx
* 0057883a |. 77 1b ja short taskforc.00578857
* 0057883c |> e8 28360000 call taskforc.0057be69
* 00578841 |. 6a 16 push 0x16
* 00578843 |. 5e pop esi
* 00578844 |. 8930 mov dword ptr ds:[eax],esi
* 00578846 |> 53 push ebx
* 00578847 |. 53 push ebx
* 00578848 |. 53 push ebx
* 00578849 |. 53 push ebx
* 0057884a |. 53 push ebx
* 0057884b |. e8 6a050000 call taskforc.00578dba
* 00578850 |. 83c4 14 add esp,0x14
* 00578853 |. 8bc6 mov eax,esi
* 00578855 |. eb 31 jmp short taskforc.00578888
* 00578857 |> 8b7424 18 mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18]
* 0057885b |. 3bf3 cmp esi,ebx
* 0057885d |. 75 04 jnz short taskforc.00578863
* 0057885f |. 8819 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],bl
* 00578861 |.^eb d9 jmp short taskforc.0057883c
* 00578863 |> 8bd1 mov edx,ecx
* 00578865 |> 8a06 /mov al,byte ptr ds:[esi]
* 00578867 |. 8802 |mov byte ptr ds:[edx],al
* 00578869 |. 42 |inc edx
* 0057886a |. 46 |inc esi
* 0057886b |. 3ac3 |cmp al,bl
* 0057886d |. 74 03 |je short taskforc.00578872
* 0057886f |. 4f |dec edi
* 00578870 |.^75 f3 \jnz short taskforc.00578865
* 00578872 |> 3bfb cmp edi,ebx ; jichi: hook here
* 00578874 |. 75 10 jnz short taskforc.00578886
* 00578876 |. 8819 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],bl
* 00578878 |. e8 ec350000 call taskforc.0057be69
* 0057887d |. 6a 22 push 0x22
* 0057887f |. 59 pop ecx
* 00578880 |. 8908 mov dword ptr ds:[eax],ecx
* 00578882 |. 8bf1 mov esi,ecx
* 00578884 |.^eb c0 jmp short taskforc.00578846
* 00578886 |> 33c0 xor eax,eax
* 00578888 |> 5f pop edi
* 00578889 |. 5e pop esi
* 0057888a |. 5b pop ebx
* 0057888b \. c3 retn
* [131129] [Digital Cute] オトメスイッ<EFBFBD> -OtomeSwitch- <EFBFBD>彼が持ってる彼女のリモコン(1.1)
* /HS-8@1948E9:Taskforce2.exe
* - addr: 0x1948e9
* - off: 4294967284 (0xfffffff4 = -0xc)
* - type: 65 (0x41)
* 00594890 . 50 push eax ; |arg1
* 00594891 . c745 f4 64c56d>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-0xc],taskforc.006d>; |
* 00594898 . e8 88880000 call taskforc.0059d125 ; \taskforc.0059d125
* 0059489d . cc int3
* 0059489e /$ 8b4c24 04 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x4]
* 005948a2 |. 53 push ebx
* 005948a3 |. 33db xor ebx,ebx
* 005948a5 |. 3bcb cmp ecx,ebx
* 005948a7 |. 56 push esi
* 005948a8 |. 57 push edi
* 005948a9 |. 74 08 je short taskforc.005948b3
* 005948ab |. 8b7c24 14 mov edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14]
* 005948af |. 3bfb cmp edi,ebx
* 005948b1 |. 77 1b ja short taskforc.005948ce
* 005948b3 |> e8 91350000 call taskforc.00597e49
* 005948b8 |. 6a 16 push 0x16
* 005948ba |. 5e pop esi
* 005948bb |. 8930 mov dword ptr ds:[eax],esi
* 005948bd |> 53 push ebx
* 005948be |. 53 push ebx
* 005948bf |. 53 push ebx
* 005948c0 |. 53 push ebx
* 005948c1 |. 53 push ebx
* 005948c2 |. e8 7e010000 call taskforc.00594a45
* 005948c7 |. 83c4 14 add esp,0x14
* 005948ca |. 8bc6 mov eax,esi
* 005948cc |. eb 31 jmp short taskforc.005948ff
* 005948ce |> 8b7424 18 mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18]
* 005948d2 |. 3bf3 cmp esi,ebx
* 005948d4 |. 75 04 jnz short taskforc.005948da
* 005948d6 |. 8819 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],bl
* 005948d8 |.^eb d9 jmp short taskforc.005948b3
* 005948da |> 8bd1 mov edx,ecx
* 005948dc |> 8a06 /mov al,byte ptr ds:[esi]
* 005948de |. 8802 |mov byte ptr ds:[edx],al
* 005948e0 |. 42 |inc edx
* 005948e1 |. 46 |inc esi
* 005948e2 |. 3ac3 |cmp al,bl
* 005948e4 |. 74 03 |je short taskforc.005948e9
* 005948e6 |. 4f |dec edi
* 005948e7 |.^75 f3 \jnz short taskforc.005948dc
* 005948e9 |> 3bfb cmp edi,ebx ; jichi: hook here
* 005948eb |. 75 10 jnz short taskforc.005948fd
* 005948ed |. 8819 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],bl
* 005948ef |. e8 55350000 call taskforc.00597e49
* 005948f4 |. 6a 22 push 0x22
* 005948f6 |. 59 pop ecx
* 005948f7 |. 8908 mov dword ptr ds:[eax],ecx
* 005948f9 |. 8bf1 mov esi,ecx
* 005948fb |.^eb c0 jmp short taskforc.005948bd
* 005948fd |> 33c0 xor eax,eax
* 005948ff |> 5f pop edi
* 00594900 |. 5e pop esi
* 00594901 |. 5b pop ebx
* 00594902 \. c3 retn
* Use this if that hook fails, try this one for future engines:
* /HS0@44CADA
bool InsertTaskforce2Hook()
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0x88,0x02, // 005948de |. 8802 |mov byte ptr ds:[edx],al
0x42, // 005948e0 |. 42 |inc edx
0x46, // 005948e1 |. 46 |inc esi
0x3a,0xc3, // 005948e2 |. 3ac3 |cmp al,bl
0x74, 0x03, // 005948e4 |. 74 03 |je short taskforc.005948e9
0x4f, // 005948e6 |. 4f |dec edi
0x75, 0xf3, // 005948e7 |.^75 f3 \jnz short taskforc.005948dc
0x3b,0xfb // 005948e9 |> 3bfb cmp edi,ebx ; jichi: hook here
enum { addr_offset = sizeof(bytes) - 2 };
ULONG range = min(processStopAddress - processStartAddress, MAX_REL_ADDR);
ULONG addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), processStartAddress, processStartAddress + range);
//GROWL_DWORD3(reladdr, processStartAddress, range);
if (!addr) {
ConsoleOutput("Taskforce2: pattern not exist");
return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
hp.offset=get_reg(regs::ecx); // text in ecx
hp.type = USING_STRING; // 0x41
//hp.address = 0x1948e9 + processStartAddress;
ConsoleOutput("INSERT Taskforce2");
return NewHook(hp, "Taskforce2");
bool InsertTaskforce2XHook()
//ちんくる★ツインクル フェスティバル!
const BYTE bytes[] = {
auto addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), processStartAddress, processStopAddress);
if (!addr) {
ConsoleOutput("Taskforce2: pattern not exist");
return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr ;
hp.type = USING_STRING|USING_SPLIT; // 0x41
ConsoleOutput("INSERT Taskforce2");
return NewHook(hp, "Taskforce2");
namespace { // unnamed
namespace ScenarioHook {
namespace Private {
bool hookBefore(hook_stack*s,void* data1, size_t* len,uintptr_t*role)
int capacity = s->stack[1]; // arg 2, should always be 0x1000
auto text = (LPCSTR)s->stack[2]; // arg 3
if (capacity <= 0 || !text || !*text)
return false;
* role = s->stack[2] == s->stack[12] ? Engine::ScenarioRole : Engine::OtherRole;
//auto split = s->edx;
//auto sig = Engine::hashThreadSignature(role, split);
enum { sig = 0 }; // split not used
*len=strlen(text);return true;
return true;
void hookafter(hook_stack*s,void* data1, size_t len)
static std::string data_;
std::string newData=std::string((char*)data1,len);
data_ = newData;
int capacity = s->stack[1]; // arg 2, should always be 0x1000
if (data_.size() >= capacity)
data_ = data_.substr(0,capacity - 1);
s->stack[2] = (ULONG)data_.c_str(); // arg 3
} // namespace Private
* Sample game: オトメスイッチ
* Debugging method: hook to the ITH function, and then check stack
* strncpy is not hooked as it is also used to copy system text
* 0012D0D0 1A72224C
* 0012D0D4 1A721FA4
* 0012D0D8 00000000
* 0012D0DC 0044A61A RETURN to .0044A61A from .0058F477
* 0012D0E0 1A72224C ; jichi: target text
* 0012D0E4 00001000 ; jichi: this value is different for different callers
* 0012D0E8 0D4CFA70 ; jichi: source text here
* 0012D0EC 00A53E0E .00A53E0E
* 0012D0F0 1A721F80
* 0012D0F4 1AD70020
* 0012D0F8 00000000
* 0012D0FC 0012D138 Pointer to next SEH record
* 0012D100 0069D878 SE handler
* 0012D104 00000000
* 0012D108 00451436 RETURN to .00451436 from .0044A5B0
* 0012D10C 0D4CFAE8
* 0012D110 0D4CFA70
* 0012D114 0D4CF908
* 0012D118 00000016
* 0012D11C 00FFFFFF .00FFFFFF
* 0012D120 00000016
* 0012D124 0000001F
* 0012D128 00A53FD2 .00A53FD2
* 0012D12C 006E3BC8 .006E3BC8
* 0012D130 00000000
* 0012D134 0012D10C
* 0012D138 0012D8AC Pointer to next SEH record
* 0012D13C 0069D878 SE handler
* 0012D140 00000000
* 0012D144 004617DD RETURN to .004617DD from .004513D0
* 0012D148 00000000
* 0012D14C 0D4CFAE8
* 0012D150 00000000
* 0012D154 00000000
* 0012D158 006E3BC8 .006E3BC8
* 0012D15C 00000016
* 0012D160 0000001F
* Caller of the strncpy function
* 0044A5AF CC INT3
* 0044A5B0 6A FF PUSH -0x1
* 0044A5B2 68 78D86900 PUSH .0069D878
* 0044A5B7 64:A1 00000000 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR FS:[0]
* 0044A5BD 50 PUSH EAX
* 0044A5BE 53 PUSH EBX
* 0044A5BF 55 PUSH EBP
* 0044A5C0 57 PUSH EDI
* 0044A5C1 A1 4C3F7F00 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[0x7F3F4C]
* 0044A5C6 33C4 XOR EAX,ESP
* 0044A5C8 50 PUSH EAX
* 0044A5C9 8D4424 10 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x10]
* 0044A5CD 64:A3 00000000 MOV DWORD PTR FS:[0],EAX
* 0044A5D3 33DB XOR EBX,EBX
* 0044A5D5 895C24 18 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x18],EBX
* 0044A5D9 8D7E 5C LEA EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+0x5C]
* 0044A5DC 8D6B 14 LEA EBP,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+0x14]
* 0044A5DF 90 NOP
* 0044A5E0 53 PUSH EBX
* 0044A5E1 68 C83B6E00 PUSH .006E3BC8
* 0044A5E8 E8 A376FBFF CALL .00401C90
* 0044A5ED 83C7 1C ADD EDI,0x1C
* 0044A5F0 83ED 01 SUB EBP,0x1
* 0044A5F3 ^75 EB JNZ SHORT .0044A5E0
* 0044A5F5 8B4424 24 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x24]
* 0044A5F9 BD 10000000 MOV EBP,0x10
* 0044A5FE 396C24 38 CMP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x38],EBP
* 0044A602 73 04 JNB SHORT .0044A608
* 0044A604 8D4424 24 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x24]
* 0044A608 50 PUSH EAX
* 0044A609 8DBE A8020000 LEA EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+0x2A8]
* 0044A60F 68 00100000 PUSH 0x1000
* 0044A614 57 PUSH EDI
* 0044A615 E8 5D4E1400 CALL .0058F477 ; jichi: called here
* 0044A61A 8BC7 MOV EAX,EDI
* 0044A61C 83C4 0C ADD ESP,0xC
* 0044A61F 895E 58 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+0x58],EBX
* 0044A622 899E A8120000 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+0x12A8],EBX
* 0044A628 899E AC120000 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+0x12AC],EBX
* 0044A62E 8D50 01 LEA EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+0x1]
* 0044A631 8A08 MOV CL,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX]
* 0044A633 83C0 01 ADD EAX,0x1
* 0044A636 3ACB CMP CL,BL
* 0044A638 ^75 F7 JNZ SHORT .0044A631
* 0044A63A 2BC2 SUB EAX,EDX
* 0044A63C 6A FF PUSH -0x1
* 0044A63E 8986 B0120000 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+0x12B0],EAX
* 0044A644 53 PUSH EBX
* 0044A645 8D4424 28 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x28]
* 0044A649 50 PUSH EAX
* 0044A64A 8D8E 8C020000 LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+0x28C]
* 0044A650 899E B8120000 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+0x12B8],EBX
* 0044A656 E8 0575FBFF CALL .00401B60
* 0044A65B 396C24 38 CMP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x38],EBP
* 0044A65F 899E C8120000 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+0x12C8],EBX
* 0044A665 72 0D JB SHORT .0044A674
* 0044A667 8B4C24 24 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x24]
* 0044A66B 51 PUSH ECX
* 0044A66C E8 C14A1400 CALL .0058F132
* 0044A671 83C4 04 ADD ESP,0x4
* 0044A674 8B4C24 10 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x10]
* 0044A678 64:890D 00000000 MOV DWORD PTR FS:[0],ECX
* 0044A67F 59 POP ECX
* 0044A680 5F POP EDI
* 0044A681 5D POP EBP
* 0044A682 5B POP EBX
* 0044A683 83C4 0C ADD ESP,0xC
* 0044A686 C2 1C00 RETN 0x1C
* 0044A689 CC INT3
* This is properly the strncpy function. Capacity in arg2. Target in arg1. Source in arg3.
* 0058F476 CC INT3
* 0058F477 8B4C24 04 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x4]
* 0058F47B 53 PUSH EBX
* 0058F47C 33DB XOR EBX,EBX
* 0058F480 56 PUSH ESI
* 0058F481 57 PUSH EDI
* 0058F482 74 08 JE SHORT .0058F48C
* 0058F484 8B7C24 14 MOV EDI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x14]
* 0058F488 3BFB CMP EDI,EBX
* 0058F48A 77 1B JA SHORT .0058F4A7
* 0058F48C E8 D8390000 CALL .00592E69
* 0058F491 6A 16 PUSH 0x16
* 0058F493 5E POP ESI
* 0058F494 8930 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],ESI
* 0058F496 53 PUSH EBX
* 0058F497 53 PUSH EBX
* 0058F498 53 PUSH EBX
* 0058F499 53 PUSH EBX
* 0058F49A 53 PUSH EBX
* 0058F49B E8 D9010000 CALL .0058F679
* 0058F4A0 83C4 14 ADD ESP,0x14
* 0058F4A3 8BC6 MOV EAX,ESI
* 0058F4A5 EB 31 JMP SHORT .0058F4D8
* 0058F4A7 8B7424 18 MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x18]
* 0058F4AD 75 04 JNZ SHORT .0058F4B3
* 0058F4AF 8819 MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ECX],BL
* 0058F4B1 ^EB D9 JMP SHORT .0058F48C
* 0058F4B3 8BD1 MOV EDX,ECX
* Sample game: 神様(仮)-カミサマカッコカリ-路地裏繚乱編
bool attach(ULONG startAddress, ULONG stopAddress)
const uint8_t bytes[] = {
0x8d,0xbe, 0xa8,0x02,0x00,0x00, // 0044a609 8dbe a8020000 lea edi,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x2a8]
0x68, 0x00,0x10,0x00,0x00, // 0044a60f 68 00100000 push 0x1000
0x57, // 0044a614 57 push edi
0xe8 // 0044a615 e8 5d4e1400 call .0058f477 ; jichi: called here
enum { addr_offset = sizeof(bytes) - 1 };
ULONG addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), startAddress, stopAddress);
if(addr==0)return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address=addr + addr_offset;
return NewHook(hp,"EmbedTaskforce");
} // namespace ScenarioHook
} // unnamed namespace
bool Taskforce2::attach_function() {
bool b1= InsertTaskforce2Hook();
bool b2=InsertTaskforce2XHook();
bool b3=ScenarioHook::attach(processStartAddress,processStopAddress);
return b1||b2||b3;