2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00
# include "host.h"
# include"yapi.hpp"
# include"Lang / Lang.h"
class ProcessRecord
public :
ProcessRecord ( DWORD processId , HANDLE pipe ) :
pipe ( pipe ) ,
mappedFile ( OpenFileMappingW ( FILE_MAP_READ , FALSE , ( ITH_SECTION_ + std : : to_wstring ( processId ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ,
mappedFile2 ( OpenFileMappingW ( FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE , FALSE , ( EMBED_SHARED_MEM + std : : to_wstring ( processId ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ,
view ( * ( const TextHook ( * ) [ MAX_HOOK ] ) MapViewOfFile ( mappedFile , FILE_MAP_READ , 0 , 0 , MAX_HOOK * sizeof ( TextHook ) ) ) , // jichi 1/16/2015: Changed to half to hook section sizem
viewMutex ( ITH_HOOKMAN_MUTEX_ + std : : to_wstring ( processId ) )
embedsharedmem = ( EmbedSharedMem * ) MapViewOfFile ( mappedFile2 , FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE , 0 , 0 , sizeof ( EmbedSharedMem ) ) ;
~ ProcessRecord ( )
UnmapViewOfFile ( view ) ;
UnmapViewOfFile ( embedsharedmem ) ;
TextHook GetHook ( uint64_t addr )
if ( ! view ) return { } ;
std : : scoped_lock lock ( viewMutex ) ;
for ( auto hook : view ) if ( hook . address = = addr ) return hook ;
return { } ;
template < typename T >
void Send ( T data )
static_assert ( sizeof ( data ) < PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
std : : thread ( [ = ]
WriteFile ( pipe , & data , sizeof ( data ) , DUMMY , nullptr ) ;
} ) . detach ( ) ;
Host : : HookEventHandler OnHookFound = [ ] ( HookParam hp , std : : wstring text )
Host : : AddConsoleOutput ( std : : wstring ( hp . hookcode ) + L " : " + text ) ;
} ;
EmbedSharedMem * embedsharedmem ;
private :
HANDLE pipe ;
AutoHandle < > mappedFile ;
AutoHandle < > mappedFile2 ;
const TextHook ( & view ) [ MAX_HOOK ] ;
WinMutex viewMutex ;
} ;
size_t HashThreadParam ( ThreadParam tp ) { return std : : hash < int64_t > ( ) ( tp . processId + tp . addr ) + std : : hash < int64_t > ( ) ( tp . ctx + tp . ctx2 ) ; }
Synchronized < std : : unordered_map < ThreadParam , TextThread , Functor < HashThreadParam > > > textThreadsByParams ;
Synchronized < std : : unordered_map < DWORD , ProcessRecord > > processRecordsByIds ;
Host : : ProcessEventHandler OnConnect , OnDisconnect ;
Host : : ThreadEventHandler OnCreate , OnDestroy ;
Host : : ConsoleHandler OnConsole = 0 ;
Host : : HookInsertHandler HookInsert = 0 ;
Host : : EmbedCallback embedcallback = 0 ;
void RemoveThreads ( std : : function < bool ( ThreadParam ) > removeIf )
std : : vector < TextThread * > threadsToRemove ;
for ( auto & [ tp , thread ] : textThreadsByParams . Acquire ( ) . contents ) if ( removeIf ( tp ) ) threadsToRemove . push_back ( & thread ) ;
for ( auto thread : threadsToRemove )
OnDestroy ( * thread ) ;
textThreadsByParams - > erase ( thread - > tp ) ;
BOOL Is64BitProcess ( HANDLE ph )
BOOL f64bitProc = FALSE ;
if ( detail : : Is64BitOS ( ) )
f64bitProc = ! ( IsWow64Process ( ph , & f64bitProc ) & & f64bitProc ) ;
return f64bitProc ;
void CreatePipe ( int pid )
hookPipe = CreateNamedPipeW ( ( std : : wstring ( HOOK_PIPE ) + std : : to_wstring ( pid ) ) . c_str ( ) , PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND , PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE , PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES , 0 , PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE , MAXDWORD , & allAccess ) ,
hostPipe = CreateNamedPipeW ( ( std : : wstring ( HOST_PIPE ) + std : : to_wstring ( pid ) ) . c_str ( ) , PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND , PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE , PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES , PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE , 0 , MAXDWORD , & allAccess ) ;
HANDLE pipeAvailableEvent = CreateEventW ( & allAccess , FALSE , FALSE , ( std : : wstring ( PIPE_AVAILABLE_EVENT ) + std : : to_wstring ( pid ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
Host : : AddConsoleOutput ( ( std : : wstring ( PIPE_AVAILABLE_EVENT ) + std : : to_wstring ( pid ) ) ) ;
SetEvent ( pipeAvailableEvent ) ;
std : : thread ( [ hookPipe , hostPipe , pipeAvailableEvent ]
ConnectNamedPipe ( hookPipe , nullptr ) ;
CloseHandle ( pipeAvailableEvent ) ;
BYTE buffer [ PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE ] = { } ;
DWORD bytesRead , processId ;
ReadFile ( hookPipe , & processId , sizeof ( processId ) , & bytesRead , nullptr ) ;
processRecordsByIds - > try_emplace ( processId , processId , hostPipe ) ;
OnConnect ( processId ) ;
2024-04-18 16:19:52 +08:00
Host : : AddConsoleOutput ( FormatString ( PROC_CONN , processId ) ) ;
2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00
while ( ReadFile ( hookPipe , buffer , PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE , & bytesRead , nullptr ) )
switch ( * ( HostNotificationType * ) buffer )
auto info = * ( HookFoundNotif * ) buffer ;
auto OnHookFound = processRecordsByIds - > at ( processId ) . OnHookFound ;
std : : wstring wide = info . text ;
if ( wide . size ( ) > STRING ) OnHookFound ( info . hp , std : : move ( info . text ) ) ;
info . hp . type & = ~ CODEC_UTF16 ;
if ( auto converted = StringToWideString ( ( char * ) info . text , info . hp . codepage ) )
if ( converted - > size ( ) > STRING )
2024-02-10 20:03:19 +08:00
wcscpy_s ( info . hp . hookcode , HOOKCODE_LEN , HookCode : : Generate ( info . hp , processId ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00
OnHookFound ( info . hp , std : : move ( converted . value ( ) ) ) ;
if ( auto converted = StringToWideString ( ( char * ) info . text , info . hp . codepage = CP_UTF8 ) )
if ( converted - > size ( ) > STRING )
2024-02-10 20:03:19 +08:00
wcscpy_s ( info . hp . hookcode , HOOKCODE_LEN , HookCode : : Generate ( info . hp , processId ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00
OnHookFound ( info . hp , std : : move ( converted . value ( ) ) ) ;
break ;
auto info = * ( HookRemovedNotif * ) buffer ;
RemoveThreads ( [ & ] ( ThreadParam tp ) { return tp . processId = = processId & & tp . addr = = info . address ; } ) ;
break ;
if ( HookInsert ) {
auto info = * ( HookInsertingNotif * ) buffer ;
auto addr = info . addr ;
std : : wstring hc = processRecordsByIds - > at ( processId ) . GetHook ( addr ) . hp . hookcode ;
HookInsert ( addr , hc ) ;
break ;
auto info = * ( ConsoleOutputNotif * ) buffer ;
Host : : AddConsoleOutput ( StringToWideString ( info . message ) ) ;
break ;
default :
auto data = ( TextOutput_T * ) buffer ;
auto length = bytesRead - sizeof ( TextOutput_T ) ;
auto tp = data - > tp ;
auto textThreadsByParams = : : textThreadsByParams . Acquire ( ) ;
auto thread = textThreadsByParams - > find ( tp ) ;
if ( thread = = textThreadsByParams - > end ( ) )
try { thread = textThreadsByParams - > try_emplace ( tp , tp , processRecordsByIds - > at ( tp . processId ) . GetHook ( tp . addr ) . hp ) . first ; }
catch ( std : : out_of_range ) { continue ; } // probably garbage data in pipe, try again
OnCreate ( thread - > second ) ;
thread - > second . hp . type = data - > type ;
thread - > second . Push ( data - > data , length ) ;
if ( embedcallback ) {
auto & hp = thread - > second . hp ;
if ( hp . type & EMBED_ABLE ) {
2024-02-08 21:48:24 +08:00
if ( auto t = commonparsestring ( data - > data , length , & hp , Host : : defaultCodepage ) ) {
auto text = t . value ( ) ;
if ( text . size ( ) ) {
embedcallback ( text , tp ) ;
2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00
break ;
RemoveThreads ( [ & ] ( ThreadParam tp ) { return tp . processId = = processId ; } ) ;
OnDisconnect ( processId ) ;
2024-04-18 16:19:52 +08:00
Host : : AddConsoleOutput ( FormatString ( PROC_DISCONN , processId ) ) ;
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processRecordsByIds - > erase ( processId ) ;
} ) . detach ( ) ;
namespace Host
void Start ( ProcessEventHandler Connect , ProcessEventHandler Disconnect , ThreadEventHandler Create , ThreadEventHandler Destroy , TextThread : : OutputCallback Output , bool createconsole )
OnConnect = Connect ;
OnDisconnect = Disconnect ;
OnCreate = [ Create ] ( TextThread & thread ) { Create ( thread ) ; thread . Start ( ) ; } ;
OnDestroy = [ Destroy ] ( TextThread & thread ) { thread . Stop ( ) ; Destroy ( thread ) ; } ;
TextThread : : Output = Output ;
textThreadsByParams - > try_emplace ( console , console , HookParam { } , CONSOLE ) ;
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if ( createconsole ) {
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OnCreate ( GetThread ( console ) ) ;
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Host : : AddConsoleOutput ( ProjectHomePage ) ;
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2024-04-16 21:44:37 +08:00
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void StartEx ( ProcessEventHandler Connect , ProcessEventHandler Disconnect , ThreadEventHandler Create , ThreadEventHandler Destroy , TextThread : : OutputCallback Output , ConsoleHandler console , HookInsertHandler hookinsert , EmbedCallback embed ) {
Start ( Connect , Disconnect , Create , Destroy , Output , false ) ;
OnConsole = console ;
HookInsert = hookinsert ;
embedcallback = embed ;
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Host : : AddConsoleOutput ( ProjectHomePage ) ;
2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00
constexpr auto PROCESS_INJECT_ACCESS = (
bool SafeInject ( HANDLE process , const std : : wstring & location ) {
//#ifdef _WIN64
#if 0
BOOL invalidProcess = FALSE ;
IsWow64Process ( process , & invalidProcess ) ;
if ( invalidProcess ) return AddConsoleOutput ( NEED_32_BIT ) ;
# endif
bool succ = false ;
if ( LPVOID remoteData = VirtualAllocEx ( process , nullptr , ( location . size ( ) + 1 ) * sizeof ( wchar_t ) , MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT , PAGE_READWRITE ) )
WriteProcessMemory ( process , remoteData , location . c_str ( ) , ( location . size ( ) + 1 ) * sizeof ( wchar_t ) , nullptr ) ;
if ( AutoHandle < > thread = CreateRemoteThread ( process , nullptr , 0 , ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ) LoadLibraryW , remoteData , 0 , nullptr ) ) {
WaitForSingleObject ( thread , INFINITE ) ;
succ = true ;
else if ( GetLastError ( ) = = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) {
AddConsoleOutput ( NEED_64_BIT ) ; // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16091141/createremotethread-access-denied
succ = false ;
VirtualFreeEx ( process , remoteData , 0 , MEM_RELEASE ) ;
return succ ;
bool UnSafeInject ( HANDLE process , const std : : wstring & location ) {
DWORD64 injectedDll ;
yapi : : YAPICall LoadLibraryW ( process , _T ( " kernel32.dll " ) , " LoadLibraryW " ) ;
if ( x64 ) injectedDll = LoadLibraryW . Dw64 ( ) ( location . c_str ( ) ) ;
else injectedDll = LoadLibraryW ( location . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( injectedDll ) return true ;
return false ;
bool CheckProcess ( DWORD processId ) {
if ( processId = = GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ) return false ;
WinMutex ( ITH_HOOKMAN_MUTEX_ + std : : to_wstring ( processId ) ) ;
if ( GetLastError ( ) = = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { AddConsoleOutput ( ALREADY_INJECTED ) ; return false ; }
return true ;
bool InjectDll ( DWORD processId , const std : : wstring locationX ) {
AutoHandle < > process = OpenProcess ( PROCESS_INJECT_ACCESS , FALSE , processId ) ;
if ( ! process ) return false ;
bool proc64 = Is64BitProcess ( process ) ;
auto dllname = proc64 ? LUNA_HOOK_DLL_64 : LUNA_HOOK_DLL_32 ;
std : : wstring location = locationX . size ( ) ? ( locationX + L " \\ " + dllname ) : std : : filesystem : : path ( GetModuleFilename ( ) . value ( ) ) . replace_filename ( dllname ) ;
AddConsoleOutput ( location ) ;
if ( proc64 = = x64 ) {
return ( SafeInject ( process , location ) ) ;
else {
return ( UnSafeInject ( process , location ) ) ;
bool CreatePipeAndCheck ( DWORD processId ) {
CreatePipe ( processId ) ;
return CheckProcess ( processId ) ;
void InjectProcess ( DWORD processId , const std : : wstring locationX )
2024-05-06 22:24:06 +08:00
auto check = CreatePipeAndCheck ( processId ) ;
if ( check = = false ) return ;
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2024-05-06 22:24:06 +08:00
std : : thread ( [ = ]
2024-02-07 20:59:24 +08:00
if ( InjectDll ( processId , locationX ) ) return ;
AddConsoleOutput ( INJECT_FAILED ) ;
} ) . detach ( ) ;
void DetachProcess ( DWORD processId )
auto & prs = processRecordsByIds . Acquire ( ) . contents ;
if ( prs . find ( processId ) = = prs . end ( ) ) return ;
prs . at ( processId ) . Send ( HOST_COMMAND_DETACH ) ;
void InsertHook ( DWORD processId , HookParam hp )
auto & prs = processRecordsByIds . Acquire ( ) . contents ;
if ( prs . find ( processId ) = = prs . end ( ) ) return ;
prs . at ( processId ) . Send ( InsertHookCmd ( hp ) ) ;
void RemoveHook ( DWORD processId , uint64_t address )
auto & prs = processRecordsByIds . Acquire ( ) . contents ;
if ( prs . find ( processId ) = = prs . end ( ) ) return ;
prs . at ( processId ) . Send ( RemoveHookCmd ( address ) ) ;
void FindHooks ( DWORD processId , SearchParam sp , HookEventHandler HookFound )
auto & prs = processRecordsByIds . Acquire ( ) . contents ;
if ( prs . find ( processId ) = = prs . end ( ) ) return ;
if ( HookFound ) prs . at ( processId ) . OnHookFound = HookFound ;
prs . at ( processId ) . Send ( FindHookCmd ( sp ) ) ;
TextThread & GetThread ( ThreadParam tp )
return textThreadsByParams - > at ( tp ) ;
TextThread * GetThread ( int64_t handle )
for ( auto & [ tp , thread ] : textThreadsByParams . Acquire ( ) . contents ) if ( thread . handle = = handle ) return & thread ;
return nullptr ;
EmbedSharedMem * GetEmbedSharedMem ( DWORD processId ) {
auto & prs = processRecordsByIds . Acquire ( ) . contents ;
if ( prs . find ( processId ) = = prs . end ( ) ) return 0 ;
return prs . at ( processId ) . embedsharedmem ;
void AddConsoleOutput ( std : : wstring text )
if ( OnConsole )
OnConsole ( std : : move ( text ) ) ;
GetThread ( console ) . AddSentence ( std : : move ( text ) ) ;