python @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion goto :main :get_host_arch setlocal set out_var=%~1 if defined PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 ( set "host_arch=%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" ) else ( set "host_arch=%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" ) if "%host_arch%" == "AMD64" ( set result=x64 ) else if "%host_arch%" == "x86" ( set result=x86 ) else ( echo ERROR: Unsupported host machine architecture. endlocal exit /b 1 ) endlocal & set %out_var%=%result% goto :eof :find_msvc setlocal set out_var=%~1 rem Find vswhere.exe set "vswhere=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" if not exist "%vswhere%" set "vswhere=!ProgramFiles!\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" if not exist "%vswhere%" ( echo ERROR: Failed to find vswhere.exe>&2 endlocal & exit /b 1 ) rem Find VC tools for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`"%vswhere%" -latest -products * -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 -property installationPath`) do ( set vc_dir=%%i ) if not exist "%vc_dir%\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd.bat" ( echo ERROR: Failed to find MSVC.>&2 endlocal & exit /b 1 ) endlocal & set "%out_var%=%vc_dir%" goto :eof :activate_msvc where cl.exe > nul 2>&1 && goto :eof || cmd /c exit 0 call :find_msvc vc_dir || goto :eof call "%vc_dir%\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd.bat" -no_logo -arch=%~1 || goto :eof goto :eof :main call :get_host_arch host_arch || exit /b if not defined TARGET_ARCH ( rem Target architecture is by default the same as the host architecture set target_arch=%host_arch% ) call :activate_msvc "%target_arch%" || goto :eof msbuild ..\build\x86_xp\LunaHook.sln -p:Configuration=Release msbuild ..\build\x86_zh_xp\LunaHook.sln -p:Configuration=Release goto :eof