class Silkys : public ENGINE { public: Silkys() { check_by = CHECK_BY::FILE_ALL; check_by_target = check_by_list{L"data.arc", L"effect.arc", L"Script.arc"}; /// Almost the same as Silkys except mes.arc is replaced by Script.arc }; bool attach_function(); }; class SilkysOld : public ENGINE { public: SilkysOld() { check_by = CHECK_BY::FILE_ALL; check_by_target = check_by_list{L"bgm.AWF", L"effect.AWF", L"gcc.ARC", L"mes.ARC", L"sequence.ARC"}; /// Almost the same as Silkys except mes.arc is replaced by Script.arc }; bool attach_function(); }; class Siglusold : public ENGINE { public: Siglusold() { // 女系家族 // check_by = CHECK_BY::FILE_ALL; check_by_target = check_by_list{L"*.mfg", L"*.mff", L"*.mfm", L"*.mfs"}; }; bool attach_function(); }; class Silkyssakura : public ENGINE { public: Silkyssakura() { // いれかわ お姉ちゃん、ぼくの身体でオナニーしちゃうの! check_by = CHECK_BY::FILE; check_by_target = L"pak\\data001.pak"; }; bool attach_function(); }; class Silkysveryveryold : public ENGINE { public: Silkysveryveryold() { // flutter of birds II 天使たちの翼 // check_by = CHECK_BY::CUSTOM; check_by_target = []() { return Util::CheckFile(L"*SYS.ifl") || Util::CheckFile_exits(L"ANSYS.ifl", true); }; // L"*SYS.ifl"; }; bool attach_function(); }; class Aisystem6 : public ENGINE { public: Aisystem6() { // 肢体を洗う check_by = CHECK_BY::CUSTOM; check_by_target = []() { auto check1 = Util::CheckFile(L"script.arc") && Util::CheckFile(L"sequence.arc") && Util::CheckFile(L"mask.arc") && Util::CheckFile(L"bitmap.arc") && Util::CheckFile(L"flag0000"); if (!check1) return false; char AISYSTEM_6[] = "AISYSTEM_6"; return 0 != MemDbg::findBytes(AISYSTEM_6, sizeof(AISYSTEM_6), processStartAddress, min(processStopAddress, processStartAddress + 0x100000)); }; }; bool attach_function(); };