恍兮惚兮 6a43cd5b86 pch
2024-05-06 23:31:54 +08:00

395 lines
14 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

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bool filter(void* data, size_t* len, HookParam* hp){
if (strstr((char*)data,"@i")||strstr((char*)data,"@y"))return false;
StringFilter((char*)data, len, "\x81\x70", 2);
StringFilterBetween((char*)data,len, "\x81\x6f", 2, "\x81\x5e", 2);
return true;
* jichi 6/5/2014: Sample function from DC3 at 0x4201d0
* 004201ce cc int3
* 004201cf cc int3
* 004201d0 /$ 8b4c24 08 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x8]
* 004201d4 |. 8a01 mov al,byte ptr ds:[ecx]
* 004201d6 |. 84c0 test al,al
* 004201d8 |. 74 1c je short dc3.004201f6
* 004201da |. 8b5424 04 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x4]
* 004201de |. 8bff mov edi,edi
* 004201e0 |> 3c 24 /cmp al,0x24
* 004201e2 |. 75 05 |jnz short dc3.004201e9
* 004201e4 |. 83c1 02 |add ecx,0x2
* 004201e7 |. eb 04 |jmp short dc3.004201ed
* 004201e9 |> 8802 |mov byte ptr ds:[edx],al
* 004201eb |. 42 |inc edx
* 004201ec |. 41 |inc ecx
* 004201ed |> 8a01 |mov al,byte ptr ds:[ecx]
* 004201ef |. 84c0 |test al,al
* 004201f1 |.^75 ed \jnz short dc3.004201e0
* 004201f3 |. 8802 mov byte ptr ds:[edx],al
* 004201f5 |. c3 retn
* 004201f6 |> 8b4424 04 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x4]
* 004201fa |. c600 00 mov byte ptr ds:[eax],0x0
* 004201fd \. c3 retn
bool InsertCircusHook2() // jichi 10/2/2013: Change return type to bool
for (DWORD i = processStartAddress + 0x1000; i < processStopAddress -4; i++)
if ((*(DWORD *)i & 0xffffff) == 0x75243c) { // cmp al, 24; je
if (DWORD j = SafeFindEnclosingAlignedFunction(i, 0x80)) {
HookParam hp;
hp.address = j;
//hp.filter_fun = CharNewLineFilter; // \n\s* is used to remove new line
hp.type = USING_STRING;
//GROWL_DWORD(hp.address); // jichi 6/5/2014: 0x4201d0 for DC3
return NewHook(hp, "Circus");
//ConsoleOutput("Unknown CIRCUS engine.");
ConsoleOutput("CIRCUS: failed");
return false;
bool c2(){
//D.C.III Dream Daysダ・カーポIIIドリームデイズ
auto entry=Util::FindImportEntry(processStartAddress,(DWORD)GetGlyphOutlineA);
DWORD funcaddr=0;
if(entry==0)return false;
for (auto addr : Util::SearchMemory(&entry, 4, PAGE_EXECUTE, processStartAddress, processStopAddress) ) {
if(funcaddr==0)return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = funcaddr;
//it will split a long to many lines
return NewHook(hp, "Circus2");
namespace { // unnamed
// Skip leading tags such as @K and @c5
template <typename strT>
strT ltrim(strT s)
if (s && *s == '@')
while ((signed char)*++s > 0);
return s;
namespace ScenarioHook {
namespace Private {
DWORD nameReturnAddress_,
* Sample game: DC3, function: 0x4201d0
* IDA: sub_4201D0 proc near
* - arg_0 = dword ptr 4
* - arg_4 = dword ptr 8
* Observations:
* - arg1: LPVOID, pointed to unknown object
* - arg2: LPCSTR, the actual text
* Example runtime stack:
* 0012F15C 0040C208 RETURN to .0040C208 from .00420460
* 0012F160 0012F7CC ; jichi: unknown stck
* 0012F164 0012F174 ; jichi: text
* 0012F168 0012F6CC
* 0012F16C 0012F7CC
* 0012F170 0012F7CC
void hookafter(hook_stack*s,void* data, size_t len){
auto newData =std::string((char*)data,len);
LPCSTR text = (LPCSTR)s->stack[2], // arg2
trimmedText = ltrim(text);
if (trimmedText != text)
newData.insert(0,std::string(text, trimmedText - text));
bool hookBefore(hook_stack*s,void* data, size_t* len,uintptr_t*role)
LPCSTR text = (LPCSTR)s->stack[2], // arg2
trimmedText = ltrim(text);
if (!trimmedText || !*trimmedText)
return false;
auto retaddr = s->stack[0]; // retaddr
* role = retaddr == scenarioReturnAddress_ ? Engine::ScenarioRole :
retaddr == nameReturnAddress_ ? Engine::NameRole :
//s->ebx? Engine::OtherRole : // other threads ebx is not zero
//// 004201e4 |. 83c1 02 |add ecx,0x2
//// 004201e7 |. eb 04 |jmp short dc3.004201ed
//*(BYTE *)(retaddr + 3) == 0xe9 // old name
//? Engine::NameRole : // retaddr+3 is jmp
return write_string_overwrite(data,len,trimmedText);
// Alternatively, using the following pattern bytes also works:
// 3c24750583c102eb0488024241
// 004201e0 |> 3c 24 /cmp al,0x24
// 004201e2 |. 75 05 |jnz short dc3.004201e9
// 004201e4 |. 83c1 02 |add ecx,0x2
// 004201e7 |. eb 04 |jmp short dc3.004201ed
// 004201e9 |> 8802 |mov byte ptr ds:[edx],al
// 004201eb |. 42 |inc edx
// 004201ec |. 41 |inc ecx
ULONG findFunctionAddress(ULONG startAddress, ULONG stopAddress) // find the function to hook
//return 0x4201d0; // DC3 function address
for (ULONG i = startAddress + 0x1000; i < stopAddress -4; i++)
// * 004201e0 |> 3c 24 /cmp al,0x24
// * 004201e2 |. 75 05 |jnz short dc3.004201e9
if ((*(ULONG *)i & 0xffffff) == 0x75243c) { // cmp al, 24; je
enum { range = 0x80 }; // the range is small, since it is a small function
if (ULONG addr = MemDbg::findEnclosingAlignedFunction(i, range))
return addr;
return 0;
} // namespace Private
* jichi 6/5/2014: Sample function from DC3 at 0x4201d0
* Sample game: DC3PP
* 0042CE1E 68 E0F0B700 PUSH .00B7F0E0
* 0042CE23 A3 0C824800 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[0x48820C],EAX
* 0042CE28 E8 A352FFFF CALL .004220D0 ; jichi: name thread
* 0042CE2D C705 08024D00 01>MOV DWORD PTR DS:[0x4D0208],0x1
* 0042CE37 EB 52 JMP SHORT .0042CE8B
* 0042CE39 392D 08024D00 CMP DWORD PTR DS:[0x4D0208],EBP
* 0042CE3F 74 08 JE SHORT .0042CE49
* 0042CE41 392D 205BB900 CMP DWORD PTR DS:[0xB95B20],EBP
* 0042CE47 74 07 JE SHORT .0042CE50
* 0042CE49 C605 E0F0B700 00 MOV BYTE PTR DS:[0xB7F0E0],0x0
* 0042CE50 8D5424 40 LEA EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x40]
* 0042CE54 52 PUSH EDX
* 0042CE55 68 30B5BA00 PUSH .00BAB530
* 0042CE5A 892D 08024D00 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[0x4D0208],EBP
* 0042CE60 E8 6B52FFFF CALL .004220D0 ; jichi: scenario thread
* 0042CE65 C705 A0814800 FF>MOV DWORD PTR DS:[0x4881A0],-0x1
* 0042CE6F 892D 2C824800 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[0x48822C],EBP
* Sample game: 水夏弐律
* 004201ce cc int3
* 004201cf cc int3
* 004201d0 /$ 8b4c24 08 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x8]
* 004201d4 |. 8a01 mov al,byte ptr ds:[ecx]
* 004201d6 |. 84c0 test al,al
* 004201d8 |. 74 1c je short dc3.004201f6
* 004201da |. 8b5424 04 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x4]
* 004201de |. 8bff mov edi,edi
* 004201e0 |> 3c 24 /cmp al,0x24
* 004201e2 |. 75 05 |jnz short dc3.004201e9
* 004201e4 |. 83c1 02 |add ecx,0x2
* 004201e7 |. eb 04 |jmp short dc3.004201ed
* 004201e9 |> 8802 |mov byte ptr ds:[edx],al
* 004201eb |. 42 |inc edx
* 004201ec |. 41 |inc ecx
* 004201ed |> 8a01 |mov al,byte ptr ds:[ecx]
* 004201ef |. 84c0 |test al,al
* 004201f1 |.^75 ed \jnz short dc3.004201e0
* 004201f3 |. 8802 mov byte ptr ds:[edx],al
* 004201f5 |. c3 retn
* 004201f6 |> 8b4424 04 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x4]
* 004201fa |. c600 00 mov byte ptr ds:[eax],0x0
* 004201fd \. c3 retn
* Sample registers:
* EAX 0012F998
* ECX 000000DB
* EDX 00000059
* EBX 00000000 ; ebx is zero for name/scenario thread
* ESP 0012F96C
* EBP 00000003
* ESI 00000025
* EDI 000000DB
* EIP 022C0000
* EAX 0012F174
* ECX 0012F7CC
* EBX 0012F6CC
* ESP 0012F15C
* EBP 0012F5CC
* ESI 800000DB
* EDI 00000001
* EIP 00420460 .00420460
* EAX 0012F174
* ECX 0012F7CC
* EBX 0012F6CC
* ESP 0012F15C
* EBP 0012F5CC
* ESI 00000108
* EDI 00000001
* EIP 00420460 .00420460
* 0042DC5D 52 PUSH EDX
* 0042DC5E 68 E038AC00 PUSH .00AC38E0 ; ASCII "Ami"
* 0042DC63 E8 F827FFFF CALL .00420460 ; jichi: name thread
* 0042DC68 83C4 08 ADD ESP,0x8
* 0042DC6B E9 48000000 JMP .0042DCB8
* 0042DC70 83FD 58 CMP EBP,0x58
* 0042DC73 74 07 JE SHORT .0042DC7C
* 0042DC75 C605 E038AC00 00 MOV BYTE PTR DS:[0xAC38E0],0x0
* 0042DC7C 8D4424 20 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x20]
* 0042DC80 50 PUSH EAX
* 0042DC81 68 0808AF00 PUSH .00AF0808
* 0042DC86 E8 D527FFFF CALL .00420460 ; jichi: scenario thread
* 0042DC8B 83C4 08 ADD ESP,0x8
* 0042DC8E 33C0 XOR EAX,EAX
* 0042DC90 C705 D0DF4700 FF>MOV DWORD PTR DS:[0x47DFD0],-0x1
* 0042DC9A A3 0CE04700 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[0x47E00C],EAX
* 0042DC9F A3 940EB200 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[0xB20E94],EAX
* 0042DCA4 A3 2C65AC00 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[0xAC652C],EAX
* 0042DCA9 C705 50F9AC00 59>MOV DWORD PTR DS:[0xACF950],0x59
* 0042DCB3 A3 3C70AE00 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[0xAE703C],EAX
bool attach(ULONG startAddress, ULONG stopAddress)
ULONG addr = Private::findFunctionAddress(startAddress, stopAddress);
if (!addr)
return false;
// Find the nearest two callers (distance within 100)
ULONG lastCall = 0;
auto fun = [&lastCall](ULONG call) -> bool {
// scenario: 0x42b78c
// name: 0x42b754
if (call - lastCall < 100) {
Private::scenarioReturnAddress_ = call + 5;
Private::nameReturnAddress_ = lastCall + 5;
return false; // found target
lastCall = call;
return true; // replace all functions
MemDbg::iterNearCallAddress(fun, addr, startAddress, stopAddress);
if (!Private::scenarioReturnAddress_ && lastCall) {
Private::scenarioReturnAddress_ = lastCall + 5;
HookParam hp;
return NewHook(hp,"EmbedCircus");
} // namespace ScenarioHook
} // unnamed namespace
bool InsertCircusHook3()
* Sample games:
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0xCC, // int 3
0x81, 0xEC, XX4, // sub esp,000004E0 << hook here
0xA1, XX4, // mov eax,[DSIF.EXE+AD288]
0x33, 0xC4, // xor eax,esp
0x89, 0x84, 0x24, XX4, // mov [esp+000004DC],eax
0x8B, 0x84, 0x24, XX4, // mov eax,[esp+000004E4]
0x53, // push ebx
0x55, // push ebp
0x56, // push esi
0x8B, 0xB4, 0x24, XX4 // mov esi,[esp+000004F4]
ULONG range = min(processStopAddress - processStartAddress, MAX_REL_ADDR);
ULONG addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), processStartAddress, processStartAddress + range);
if (!addr) {
return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + 1;
hp.split = get_reg(regs::ecx);
return NewHook(hp, "Circus3");
bool CircusFilter(LPVOID data, size_t *size, HookParam *)
auto text = reinterpret_cast<LPSTR>(data);
auto len = reinterpret_cast<size_t *>(size);
//ConsoleOutput("debug:Circus: -%.*s-", *len, text);
if (*len <= 1 || cpp_strnstr(text, "\\", *len) || (text[0] == '&' && text[1] == 'n'))
return false;
CharReplacer(text, len, '\n', ' ');
return true;
bool InsertCircusHook4()
* Sample games:
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0x83, 0xF8, 0xFF, // cmp eax,-01 << hook here
0x0F, 0x84, XX4, // je DST.exe+1BCF0
0x8B, 0x0D, XX4 // mov ecx,[DST.exe+A41F0]
ULONG range = min(processStopAddress - processStartAddress, MAX_REL_ADDR);
ULONG addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), processStartAddress, processStartAddress + range);
if (!addr) {
return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr;
hp.split =get_stack(4); //arg4
hp.padding = 0x40;
hp.filter_fun = CircusFilter;
return NewHook(hp, "Circus4");
bool Circus2::attach_function() {
bool ch2=InsertCircusHook2();
bool _1= ch2||c2();
bool _2=ch2|| InsertCircusHook3() || InsertCircusHook4();
bool embed=ScenarioHook::attach(processStartAddress,processStopAddress);
return _1||embed||_2;