恍兮惚兮 0e62cc8e58 Update yuzusuyu.cpp

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// util/util.cc
// 8/23/2013 jichi
// Branch: ITH_Engine/engine.cpp, revision 133
// See: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/プロジェクト:美少女ゲーム系/ゲームエンジン
#include "util/util.h"
#include "ithsys/ithsys.h"
#include "main.h"
#include <Psapi.h>
namespace { // unnamed
// jichi 4/19/2014: Return the integer that can mask the signature
// Artikash 8/4/2018: change implementation
DWORD SigMask(DWORD sig)
DWORD count = 0;
while (sig)
sig >>= 8;
count -= 4;
count = -count;
return 0xffffffff >> (count << 3);
uint64_t SafeSearchMemory(uint64_t startAddr, uint64_t endAddr, const BYTE* bytes, short length)
for (int i = 0; i < endAddr - startAddr - length; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j <= length; ++j)
if (j == length) return startAddr + i; // not sure about this algorithm...
else if (*((BYTE*)startAddr + i + j) != *(bytes + j) && *(bytes + j) != XX) break;
ConsoleOutput("SearchMemory ERROR");
return 0;
} // namespace unnamed
namespace Util
#ifndef _WIN64
// jichi 8/24/2013: binary search?
DWORD GetCodeRange(DWORD hModule,DWORD *low, DWORD *high)
DWORD dwReadAddr;
DosHdr = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)hModule;
if (IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE == DosHdr->e_magic) {
dwReadAddr = hModule + DosHdr->e_lfanew;
NtHdr = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)dwReadAddr;
if (IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE == NtHdr->Signature) {
shdr = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)((DWORD)(&NtHdr->OptionalHeader) + NtHdr->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader);
while ((shdr->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE) == 0)
*low = hModule + shdr->VirtualAddress;
*high = *low + (shdr->Misc.VirtualSize & 0xfffff000) + 0x1000;
return 0;
DWORD FindCallAndEntryBoth(DWORD fun, DWORD size, DWORD pt, DWORD sig)
//WCHAR str[0x40];
enum { reverse_length = 0x800 };
DWORD t, l;
DWORD mask = SigMask(sig);
bool flag2;
for (DWORD i = 0x1000; i < size-4; i++) {
bool flag1 = false;
if (*(BYTE *)(pt + i) == 0xe8) {
flag1 = flag2 = true;
t = *(DWORD *)(pt + i + 1);
} else if (*(WORD *)(pt + i) == 0x15ff) {
flag1 = true;
flag2 = false;
t = *(DWORD *)(pt + i + 2);
if (flag1) {
if (flag2) {
flag1 = (pt + i + 5 + t == fun);
l = 5;
} else if (t >= pt && t <= pt + size - 4) {
flag1 = fun == *(DWORD *)t;
l = 6;
} else
flag1 = false;
if (flag1)
//swprintf(str,L"CALL addr: 0x%.8X",pt + i);
for (DWORD j = i; j > i - reverse_length; j--)
if ((*(WORD *)(pt + j)) == (sig & mask)) //Fun entry 1.
//swprintf(str,L"Entry: 0x%.8X",pt + j);
return pt + j;
i += l;
//OutputConsole(L"Find call and entry failed.");
return 0;
DWORD FindCallOrJmpRel(DWORD fun, DWORD size, DWORD pt, bool jmp)
BYTE sig = (jmp) ? 0xe9 : 0xe8;
for (DWORD i = 0x1000; i < size - 4; i++)
if (sig == *(BYTE *)(pt + i)) {
DWORD t = *(DWORD *)(pt + i + 1);
if(fun == pt + i + 5 + t)
//OutputDWORD(pt + i);
return pt + i;
i += 5;
return 0;
DWORD FindCallOrJmpAbs(DWORD fun, DWORD size, DWORD pt, bool jmp)
WORD sig = jmp ? 0x25ff : 0x15ff;
for (DWORD i = 0x1000; i < size - 4; i++)
if (sig == *(WORD *)(pt + i)) {
DWORD t = *(DWORD *)(pt + i + 2);
if (t > pt && t < pt + size) {
if (fun == *(DWORD *)t)
return pt + i;
i += 5;
return 0;
DWORD FindCallBoth(DWORD fun, DWORD size, DWORD pt)
for (DWORD i = 0x1000; i < size - 4; i++) {
if (*(BYTE *)(pt + i) == 0xe8) {
DWORD t = *(DWORD *)(pt + i + 1) + pt + i + 5;
if (t == fun)
return i;
if (*(WORD *)(pt + i) == 0x15ff) {
DWORD t = *(DWORD *)(pt + i + 2);
if (t >= pt && t <= pt + size - 4) {
if (*(DWORD *)t == fun)
return i;
i += 6;
return 0;
DWORD FindCallAndEntryAbs(DWORD fun, DWORD size, DWORD pt, DWORD sig)
//WCHAR str[0x40];
enum { reverse_length = 0x800 };
DWORD mask = SigMask(sig);
for (DWORD i = 0x1000; i < size - 4; i++)
if (*(WORD *)(pt + i) == 0x15ff) {
DWORD t = *(DWORD *)(pt + i + 2);
if (t >= pt && t <= pt + size - 4) {
if (*(DWORD *)t == fun)
//swprintf(str,L"CALL addr: 0x%.8X",pt + i);
for (DWORD j = i ; j > i - reverse_length; j--)
if ((*(DWORD *)(pt + j) & mask) == sig) // Fun entry 1.
//swprintf(str,L"Entry: 0x%.8X",pt + j);
return pt + j;
} else
i += 6;
//OutputConsole(L"Find call and entry failed.");
return 0;
DWORD FindCallAndEntryRel(DWORD fun, DWORD size, DWORD pt, DWORD sig)
//WCHAR str[0x40];
enum { reverse_length = 0x800 };
if (DWORD i = FindCallOrJmpRel(fun, size, pt, false)) {
DWORD mask = SigMask(sig);
for (DWORD j = i; j > i - reverse_length; j--)
if (((*(DWORD *)j) & mask) == sig) //Fun entry 1.
//swprintf(str,L"Entry: 0x%.8X",j);
return j;
//OutputConsole(L"Find call and entry failed.");
return 0;
DWORD FindImportEntry(DWORD hModule, DWORD fun)
DWORD IAT, end, pt, addr;
DosHdr = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)hModule;
if (IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE == DosHdr->e_magic) {
NtHdr = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)(hModule + DosHdr->e_lfanew);
if (IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE == NtHdr->Signature) {
IAT = NtHdr->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].VirtualAddress;
end = NtHdr->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].Size;
IAT += hModule;
end += IAT;
for (pt = IAT; pt < end; pt += 4) {
addr = *(DWORD *)pt;
if (addr == fun)
return pt;
return 0;
bool CheckFile(LPCWSTR name)
WIN32_FIND_DATAW unused;
HANDLE file = FindFirstFileW(name, &unused);
return true;
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH * 2];
wchar_t* end = path + GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, path, MAX_PATH);
while (*(--end) != L'\\');
wcscpy_s(end + 1, MAX_PATH, name);
file = FindFirstFileW(path, &unused);
return true;
return false;
// Search string in rsrc section. This section usually contains version and copyright info.
bool SearchResourceString(LPCWSTR str)
uintptr_t hModule = (uintptr_t)GetModuleHandleW(nullptr);
DosHdr = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)hModule;
uintptr_t rsrc, size;
if (IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE == DosHdr->e_magic) {
NtHdr = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)(hModule + DosHdr->e_lfanew);
if (IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE == NtHdr->Signature) {
rsrc = NtHdr->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE].VirtualAddress;
if (rsrc) {
rsrc += hModule;
if (IthGetMemoryRange((LPVOID)rsrc, &rsrc ,&size) &&
SearchPattern(rsrc, size - 4, str, wcslen(str) << 1))
return true;
return false;
std::pair<uintptr_t, uintptr_t> QueryModuleLimits(HMODULE module,uintptr_t addition,DWORD protect)
uintptr_t moduleStartAddress = (uintptr_t)module + addition;
uintptr_t moduleStopAddress = moduleStartAddress;
VirtualQuery((void*)moduleStopAddress, &info, sizeof(info));
moduleStopAddress = (uintptr_t)info.BaseAddress + info.RegionSize;
} while (info.Protect>=protect);
moduleStopAddress -= info.RegionSize;
return { moduleStartAddress, moduleStopAddress };
std::vector<uintptr_t> SearchMemory(const void* bytes, short length, DWORD protect, uintptr_t minAddr, uintptr_t maxAddr)
SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo;
std::vector<std::pair<uintptr_t, uintptr_t>> validMemory;
for (BYTE* probe = NULL; probe < systemInfo.lpMaximumApplicationAddress;)
if (!VirtualQuery(probe, &info, sizeof(info)))
probe += systemInfo.dwPageSize;
if ((uintptr_t)info.BaseAddress + info.RegionSize >= minAddr && info.Protect >= protect && !(info.Protect & PAGE_GUARD))
validMemory.push_back({ (uintptr_t)info.BaseAddress, info.RegionSize });
probe += info.RegionSize;
std::vector<uintptr_t> ret;
for (auto memory : validMemory)
for (uintptr_t addr = max(memory.first, minAddr); true;)
if (addr < maxAddr && (addr = SafeSearchMemory(addr, memory.first + memory.second, (const BYTE*)bytes, length)))
else break;
return ret;
uintptr_t FindFunction(const char* function)
static HMODULE modules[300] = {};
static auto _ = EnumProcessModules(GetCurrentProcess(), modules, sizeof(modules), DUMMY);
for (auto module : modules) if (auto addr = GetProcAddress(module, function)) return (uintptr_t)addr;
return 0;
#ifndef _WIN64
ULONG SafeFindEnclosingAlignedFunction(DWORD addr, DWORD range)
ULONG r = 0;
r = MemDbg::findEnclosingAlignedFunction(addr, range); // this function might raise if failed
return r;
ULONG SafeFindBytes(LPCVOID pattern, DWORD patternSize, DWORD lowerBound, DWORD upperBound)
ULONG r = 0;
r = MemDbg::findBytes(pattern, patternSize, lowerBound, upperBound);
return r;
// jichi 7/17/2014: Search mapped memory for emulators
ULONG _SafeMatchBytesInMappedMemory(LPCVOID pattern, DWORD patternSize, BYTE wildcard,
ULONG start, ULONG stop, ULONG step)
for (ULONG i = start; i < stop; i += step) // + patternSize to avoid overlap
if (ULONG r = SafeFindBytes(pattern, patternSize, i, i + step + patternSize + 1))
return r;
return 0;
ULONG SafeMatchBytesInGCMemory(LPCVOID pattern, DWORD patternSize)
enum : ULONG {
start = MemDbg::MappedMemoryStartAddress // 0x01000000
, stop = MemDbg::MemoryStopAddress // 0x7ffeffff
, step = start
return _SafeMatchBytesInMappedMemory(pattern, patternSize, XX, start, stop, step);
#ifndef _WIN64
std::vector<DWORD> findrelativecall(const BYTE* pattern ,int length,DWORD calladdress,DWORD start, DWORD end)
std::vector<DWORD> save;
for (; start < end;start+=1 ) {
DWORD addr=MemDbg::findBytes(pattern, length, start, end);
start = addr;
if (!addr)return save;
BYTE callop = 0xE8;
union little {
DWORD _dw;
BYTE _bytes[4];
relative._dw = (calladdress - addr -length- 5);
DWORD calladdr = addr + length;
if (*((BYTE*)calladdr) == callop) {
calladdr += 1;
BYTE* _b = (BYTE*)calladdr;
BYTE* _a = relative._bytes;
/*ConsoleOutput("%p", addr);
ConsoleOutput("%p %x", calladdress, relative._dw);
ConsoleOutput("%02x%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x", _a[0], _a[1], _a[2], _a[3], _b[0], _b[1], _b[2], _b[3]);*/
if ((_a[0] == _b[0]) && (_a[1] == _b[1]) && (_a[2] == _b[2]) && (_a[3] == _b[3])) {
return save;
std::vector<DWORD> findxref_reverse_checkcallop(DWORD addr, DWORD from, DWORD to,BYTE op) {
//op可以为E8 call E9 jump
std::vector<DWORD> res;
if (addr == 0)return res;
DWORD now = to;
while (now > from) {
DWORD calladdr = now - 5;
if(IsBadReadPtr((LPVOID)(calladdr + 1),4)==0){
DWORD relative = *(DWORD*)(calladdr + 1);
if (now + relative == addr) {
now -= 1;
return res;
uintptr_t finddllfunctioncall(uintptr_t funcptr,uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end,WORD sig,bool reverse){
auto entry=Util::FindImportEntry(start,funcptr);
if(entry==0)return 0;
BYTE bytes[]={0xFF,0x15,XX4};
return reverseFindBytes(bytes,sizeof(bytes),start,end);
return MemDbg::findBytes(bytes,sizeof(bytes),start,end);
uintptr_t findfuncstart(uintptr_t addr,uintptr_t range){
const BYTE funcstart[] = {
addr = reverseFindBytes(funcstart, sizeof(funcstart), addr-range, addr);
return addr;
uintptr_t reverseFindBytes(const BYTE* pattern, int length, uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) {
for (end -= length; end >= start; end -= 1) {
bool success=true;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++){
if(pattern[i]!=*(BYTE*)(end+i) && pattern[i]!=XX){
if(success)return end;
// if (memcmp(pattern, (const BYTE*)(end), length) == 0) {
// return end;
// }
return 0;
std::vector<uintptr_t> findxref_reverse(uintptr_t addr, uintptr_t from, uintptr_t to) {
std::vector<uintptr_t> res;
if (addr == 0)return res;
uintptr_t now = to;
while (now > from) {
uintptr_t calladdr = now - 5;
uintptr_t relative = *(int*)(calladdr + 1);
if (now + relative == addr) {
now -= 1;
return res;
int hexCharToValue(char c) {
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
return c - '0';
} else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
return c - 'A' + 10;
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
return c - 'a' + 10;
} else if(c=='?'){
return -1;
return -2;
uintptr_t find_pattern(const char* pattern,uintptr_t start,uintptr_t end){
std::vector<int> check;
bool ignore=false;
for(int i=0;i<strlen(pattern);i++){
auto c=pattern[i];
switch (c)
case '\n':
ignore=false; //注释,直到换行
case ' ': //忽略空格,制表,回车
case '\t':
case '/': //注释
default:{ //? 0-9A-Fa-f
auto _i=hexCharToValue(c);
if(_i==-2)return 0;
if(check.size()%2!=0)return 0;
for(int j=0;j<check.size();j+=2){
else if(check[j]==-1&&check[j+1]==-1){ //??
else if(check[j]==-1){ //?_
else{// _?
for(uintptr_t i=start;i<end;i++){
bool succ=true;
for(int j=0;succ&&(j<_pattern.size());j+=1){
switch (_type[j])
case 0:{
case 1:{
case 2:{
case 3:{
return i;
return 0;
bool Engine::isAddressReadable(const uintptr_t *p)
{ return p && !::IsBadReadPtr(p, sizeof(*p)); }
bool Engine::isAddressReadable(const char *p, size_t count)
{ return p && count && !::IsBadReadPtr(p, sizeof(*p) * count); }
bool Engine::isAddressReadable(const wchar_t *p, size_t count)
{ return p && count && !::IsBadReadPtr(p, sizeof(*p) * count); }
bool Engine::isAddressWritable(const uintptr_t *p)
{ return p && !::IsBadWritePtr((LPVOID)p, sizeof(*p)); }
bool Engine::isAddressWritable(const char *p, size_t count)
{ return p && count && !::IsBadWritePtr((LPVOID)p, sizeof(*p) * count); }
bool Engine::isAddressWritable(const wchar_t *p, size_t count)
{ return p && count && !::IsBadWritePtr((LPVOID)p, sizeof(*p) * count); }
wchar_t *Xstrcpy(wchar_t *s, const wchar_t *r){return wcscpy(s,r);}
char *Xstrcpy(char *s, const char *r){return strcpy(s,r);}
template<class CharT>
void write_string_new_impl(uintptr_t* data, size_t* len,const std::basic_string<CharT>& s){
CharT* _data=new CharT[s.size()+1];
template<class CharT>
bool write_string_overwrite_impl(void* data, size_t* len,const std::basic_string<CharT>& s){
return s.size();
void write_string_new(uintptr_t* data, size_t* len,const std::wstring& s){write_string_new_impl<wchar_t>(data,len,s);}
void write_string_new(uintptr_t* data, size_t* len,const std::string& s){write_string_new_impl<char>(data,len,s);}
bool write_string_overwrite(void* data, size_t* len,const std::wstring& s){return write_string_overwrite_impl<wchar_t>(data,len,s);}
bool write_string_overwrite(void* data, size_t* len,const std::string& s){return write_string_overwrite_impl<char>(data,len,s);}
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) {
std::vector<WindowInfo>* windowList = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<WindowInfo>*>(lParam);
DWORD processId;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &processId);
if (processId == GetCurrentProcessId()) {
auto length=GetWindowTextLengthW(hwnd);
auto title=std::vector<WCHAR>(length+1);
GetWindowTextW(hwnd, title.data(), title.size());
WindowInfo windowInfo;
windowInfo.handle = hwnd;
windowInfo.title = title.data();
return TRUE;
std::vector<WindowInfo> windows;
EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&windows));
return windows;