恍兮惚兮 eb123790e6 refactor
2024-03-21 18:29:50 +08:00

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/** 10/20/2014 jichi: HorkEye,
* Sample game: [150226] 結城友奈<E58F8B><EFBFBD><E58B80>ある 体験版
* No GDI functions are used by this game.
* Debug method:
* There are two matched texts.
* The one having fixed address is used to insert hw breakpoints.
* I found are two functions addressing the address, both of which seems to be good.
* The first one is used:
* 013cda60 8d4c24 1c lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x1c]
* 013cda64 51 push ecx
* 013cda65 68 48a8c201 push .01c2a848 ; ascii "if"
* 013cda6a e8 d1291600 call .01530440
* 013cda6f 83c4 0c add esp,0xc
* 013cda72 6a 01 push 0x1
* 013cda74 83ec 1c sub esp,0x1c
* 013cda77 8bcc mov ecx,esp
* 013cda79 896424 30 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x30],esp
* 013cda7d 6a 10 push 0x10
* 013cda7f c741 14 0f000000 mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x14],0xf
* 013cda86 c741 10 00000000 mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x10],0x0
* 013cda8d 68 80125601 push .01561280
* 013cda92 c601 00 mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],0x0
* 013cda95 e8 5681ffff call .013c5bf0
* 013cda9a e8 717a0900 call .01465510
* 013cda9f 83c4 20 add esp,0x20
* 013cdaa2 b8 01000000 mov eax,0x1
* 013cdaa7 8b8c24 b8000000 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xb8]
* 013cdaae 5f pop edi
* 013cdaaf 5e pop esi
* 013cdab0 5d pop ebp
* 013cdab1 5b pop ebx
* 013cdab2 33cc xor ecx,esp
* 013cdab4 e8 c7361600 call .01531180
* 013cdab9 81c4 ac000000 add esp,0xac
* 013cdabf c3 retn
* 013cdac0 83ec 40 sub esp,0x40
* 013cdac3 a1 24805d01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x15d8024]
* 013cdac8 8b15 c4709901 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[0x19970c4]
* 013cdace 8d0c00 lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+eax]
* 013cdad1 a1 9c506b01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x16b509c]
* 013cdad6 0305 18805d01 add eax,dword ptr ds:[0x15d8018]
* 013cdadc 53 push ebx
* 013cdadd 8b5c24 48 mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x48]
* 013cdae1 55 push ebp
* 013cdae2 8b6c24 50 mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x50]
* 013cdae6 894c24 34 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x34],ecx
* 013cdaea 8b0d 20805d01 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0x15d8020]
* 013cdaf0 894424 18 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18],eax
* 013cdaf4 a1 1c805d01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x15d801c]
* 013cdaf9 03c8 add ecx,eax
* 013cdafb 56 push esi
* 013cdafc 33f6 xor esi,esi
* 013cdafe d1f8 sar eax,1
* 013cdb00 45 inc ebp
* 013cdb01 896c24 24 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x24],ebp
* 013cdb05 897424 0c mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0xc],esi
* 013cdb09 894c24 18 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18],ecx
* 013cdb0d 8a0c1a mov cl,byte ptr ds:[edx+ebx] jichi: here
* 013cdb10 894424 30 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x30],eax
* 013cdb14 8a441a 01 mov al,byte ptr ds:[edx+ebx+0x1]
* 013cdb18 57 push edi
* 013cdb19 897424 14 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14],esi
* 013cdb1d 3935 c8709901 cmp dword ptr ds:[0x19970c8],esi
* The hooked place is only accessed once.
* 013cdb0d 8a0c1a mov cl,byte ptr ds:[edx+ebx] jichi: here
* ebx is the text to be base address.
* edx is the offset to skip character name.
* 023B66A0 81 79 89 C4 EA A3 2C 53 30 30 35 5F 42 5F 30 30 【夏偾,S005_B_00
* 023B66B0 30 32 81 7A 81 75 83 6F 81 5B 83 65 83 62 83 4E 02】「バーッ<E383BC>
* 023B66C0 83 58 82 CD 82 B1 82 C1 82 BF 82 CC 93 73 8D 87 スはこっちの都<E381AE> * 023B66D0 82 C8 82 C7 82 A8 8D 5C 82 A2 82 C8 82 B5 81 63 などお構いなし…
* There are garbage in character name.
* 1/15/2015
* Alternative hook that might not need a text filter:
* /HA-4@552B5:姉小路直子と銀色の死<E381AE>exe
* If this hook no longer works, try that one instead.
* Artikash 12/26/2018: Old HorkEye hook can't be found in shukusei no girlfriend
* This function can be used instead. Hook code: /HS4@funcaddr
0022DD80 - 83 EC 44 - sub esp,44 { 68 }
0022DD83 - A1 3C704400 - mov eax,[0044703C] { [0000001C] }
0022DD88 - 8B 0D 34704400 - mov ecx,[00447034] { [00000014] }
0022DD8E - 03 C0 - add eax,eax
0022DD90 - 8B 54 24 48 - mov edx,[esp+48]
0022DD94 - 89 44 24 2C - mov [esp+2C],eax
0022DD98 - A1 C87E5500 - mov eax,[00557EC8] { [00000002] }
0022DD9D - 03 05 30704400 - add eax,[00447030] { [00000014] }
0022DDA3 - 89 44 24 18 - mov [esp+18],eax
0022DDA7 - A1 38704400 - mov eax,[00447038] { [00000008] }
0022DDAC - 03 C1 - add eax,ecx
0022DDAE - D1 F9 - sar ecx,1
0022DDB0 - 53 - push ebx
0022DDB1 - 55 - push ebp
0022DDB2 - 56 - push esi
0022DDB3 - 8B 74 24 58 - mov esi,[esp+58]
0022DDB7 - 33 DB - xor ebx,ebx
0022DDB9 - 89 4C 24 48 - mov [esp+48],ecx
0022DDBD - 46 - inc esi
0022DDBE - 8B 0D 5CA28300 - mov ecx,[0083A25C] { [00000000] }
0022DDC4 - 57 - push edi
0022DDC5 - 8B 3D 887E5500 - mov edi,[00557E88] { [00000040] }
0022DDCB - 89 74 24 2C - mov [esp+2C],esi
0022DDCF - 89 44 24 34 - mov [esp+34],eax
0022DDD3 - 89 5C 24 18 - mov [esp+18],ebx
0022DDD7 - 8A 24 11 - mov ah,[ecx+edx]
0022DDDA - 8A 44 11 01 - mov al,[ecx+edx+01]
0022DDDE - 89 7C 24 20 - mov [esp+20],edi
0022DDE2 - 39 1D 60A28300 - cmp [0083A260],ebx { [00000000] }
0022DDE8 - 0F85 DD000000 - jne 0022DECB
0022DDEE - 80 FC 5B - cmp ah,5B { 91 }
0022DDF1 - 0F85 9C000000 - jne 0022DE93
0022DDF7 - 8B C1 - mov eax,ecx
0022DDF9 - 3B C6 - cmp eax,esi
0022DDFB - 7D 10 - jnl 0022DE0D
0022DDFD - 0F1F 00 - nop [eax]
0022DE00 - 80 3C 10 5D - cmp byte ptr [eax+edx],5D { 93 }
0022DE04 - 74 79 - je 0022DE7F
0022DE06 - 40 - inc eax
0022DE07 - 3B 44 24 2C - cmp eax,[esp+2C]
0022DE0B - 7C F3 - jl 0022DE00
0022DE0D - A1 BC7E5500 - mov eax,[00557EBC] { [00000001] }
0022DE12 - 85 C0 - test eax,eax
0022DE14 - 0F84 A7000000 - je 0022DEC1
0022DE1A - BE 02000000 - mov esi,00000002 { 2 }
0022DE1F - 89 74 24 1C - mov [esp+1C],esi
0022DE23 - 89 35 68A28300 - mov [0083A268],esi { [00000000] }
0022DE29 - 83 F8 01 - cmp eax,01 { 1 }
0022DE2C - 0F85 A3000000 - jne 0022DED5
0022DE32 - 83 3D C07E5500 00 - cmp dword ptr [00557EC0],00 { 0 }
0022DE39 - 8B 2D 506D5500 - mov ebp,[00556D50] { [00000028] }
0022DE3F - 75 2D - jne 0022DE6E
0022DE41 - 8B C7 - mov eax,edi
0022DE43 - 8D 8D 50855100 - lea ecx,[ebp+00518550]
0022DE49 - C1 E0 0A - shl eax,0A { 10 }
0022DE4C - 03 C8 - add ecx,eax
0022DE4E - 66 A1 58704400 - mov ax,[00447058] { [00004081] }
0022DE54 - 83 C5 02 - add ebp,02 { 2 }
0022DE57 - 89 2D 506D5500 - mov [00556D50],ebp { [00000028] }
0022DE5D - 66 89 01 - mov [ecx],ax
0022DE60 - A0 5A704400 - mov al,[0044705A] { [0] }
0022DE65 - 88 41 02 - mov [ecx+02],al
0022DE68 - 8B 0D 5CA28300 - mov ecx,[0083A25C] { [00000000] }
// Skip text between "," and "<22>, and remove [n]
// ex:【夏偾,S005_B_0002】「バーッ<E383BC>
static bool HorkEyeFilter(LPVOID data, size_t *size, HookParam *)
size_t len = *size;
char *str = reinterpret_cast<char *>(data),
// Remove text between , and ]
// FIXME: This does not work well because of the ascii encoding
if ((start = (char *)::memchr(str, ',', len)) &&
(stop = cpp_strnstr(start, "\x81\x7a", len - (start - str))) &&
(len -= stop - start)) // = u'<27>.encode('sjis')
::memmove(start, stop, len - (start - str));
// Remove [n]
enum { skip_len = 3 }; // = length of "[n]"
while (len >= skip_len &&
(start = cpp_strnstr(str, "[n]", len)) &&
(len -= skip_len))
::memmove(start, start + skip_len, len - (start - str));
*size = len;
return true;
template <typename strT>
strT ltrim(strT text)
strT lastText = nullptr;
while (*text && text != lastText) {
lastText = text;
if (text[0] == 0x20)
if ((UINT8)text[0] == 0x81 && (UINT8)text[1] == 0x40) // skip space \u3000 (0x8140 in sjis)
text += 2;
if (text[0] == '\\') {
while (::islower(text[0]) || text[0] == '@')
while ((signed char)text[0] > 0 && text[0] != '[') // skip all leading ascii characters except "[" needed for ruby
return text;
template<int offset=1>
bool hookBefore(hook_stack*s,void* data, size_t* len1,uintptr_t*role){
auto str=(LPSTR)(s->stack[offset]);//stack-2:eax
int len=strlen(str);//s->ecx;
char *stop;
if ((stop = cpp_strnstr(str, "\x81\x7a", len )) &&
(len -= (stop - str+2))){
} // = u'<27>.encode('sjis')
auto old=std::string(str,len);
return write_string_overwrite(data,len1,old);
template<int offset=1>
void hookafter(hook_stack*s,void* data, size_t len1){
auto newData =std::string((char*)data,len1);
auto str=(LPSTR)(s->stack[offset]);//stack-2:eax
int len=strlen(str);//s->ecx;
int lensave=len;
char *stop;
if ( (stop = cpp_strnstr(str, "\x81\x7a", len )) &&
(len -= (stop - str+2))){
auto old=std::string(str,stop+2-str);
for(int i=0;i<lensave-newData.size();i++)newData.push_back(' ');
// s->ecx=newData.size(); 修改ecx没用
bool InsertHorkEyeHook()
const BYTE bytes[] = {
0x89,0x6c,0x24, 0x24, // 013cdb01 896c24 24 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x24],ebp
0x89,0x74,0x24, 0x0c, // 013cdb05 897424 0c mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0xc],esi
0x89,0x4c,0x24, 0x18, // 013cdb09 894c24 18 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18],ecx
0x8a,0x0c,0x1a // 013cdb0d 8a0c1a mov cl,byte ptr ds:[edx+ebx] jichi: here
enum { addr_offset = sizeof(bytes) - 3 }; // 8a0c1a
if (ULONG addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), processStartAddress, processStopAddress)) {
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr + addr_offset;
hp.filter_fun = HorkEyeFilter;
ConsoleOutput("INSERT HorkEye");
return NewHook(hp, "HorkEye");
memcpy(spDefault.pattern, Array<BYTE>{ 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc, XX, 0xec }, spDefault.length = 5);
spDefault.offset = 3;
const BYTE bytes2[] =
0x83, 0xec, XX, // sub esp,??
0xa1, XX4, // mov eax,??
0x8b, 0x0d, XX4, // mov ecx,??
0x03, 0xc0 // add eax,eax
for (auto addr : Util::SearchMemory(bytes2, sizeof(bytes2),PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,processStartAddress, processStopAddress))
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr;
return NewHook(hp, "HorkEye2");
ConsoleOutput("HorkEye: pattern not found");
return false;
bool InsertHorkEye3Hook()
const BYTE bytes2[] =
0x83,0xec,0x38, //必须是0x38不能是XX否则有重的。
//.text:0042E7F0 55 push ebp
//.text : 0042E7F1 8D AC 24 24 FF FF FF lea ebp,[esp - 0DCh]
//.text : 0042E7F8 81 EC DC 00 00 00 sub esp, 0DCh
//.text : 0042E7FE 6A FF push 0FFFFFFFFh
//.text : 0042E800 68 51 1E 5C 00 push offset SEH_42E7F0
//.text : 0042E805 64 A1 00 00 00 00 mov eax, large fs : 0
//.text : 0042E80B 50 push eax
//.text : 0042E80C 83 EC 38 sub esp, 38h
//.text : 0042E80F A1 24 D0 64 00 mov eax, ___security_cookie
//.text : 0042E814 33 C5 xor eax, ebp
//.text : 0042E816 89 85 D8 00 00 00 mov[ebp + 0DCh + var_4], eax
auto addr=MemDbg::findBytes(bytes2, sizeof(bytes2), processStartAddress, processStopAddress);
if (addr == 0)return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr;
return NewHook(hp, "HorkEye3");
bool InsertHorkEye4Hook()
const BYTE bytes2[] =
auto addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes2, sizeof(bytes2), processStartAddress, processStopAddress);
if (addr == 0)return false;
const BYTE bytebetter[] = {
auto addr1 = MemDbg::findBytes(bytebetter, sizeof(bytebetter), addr - 0x100, addr);
if (addr1)
addr = addr1;
addr = MemDbg::findEnclosingAlignedFunction(addr);
if (addr == 0)return false;
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr;
return NewHook(hp, "HorkEye4");
bool InsertHorkEye6Hook()
const BYTE bytes2[] =
auto addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes2, sizeof(bytes2), processStartAddress, processStopAddress);
if (addr == 0)return false;
ConsoleOutput("hk6 %p", addr);
const BYTE start[] = { 0x6A ,0xFF };
addr = reverseFindBytes(start, sizeof(start), addr - 0x1000, addr);
if (addr == 0)return false;
ConsoleOutput("hk6 %p", addr);
HookParam hp;
hp.address = addr;
hp.type = CODEC_ANSI_BE ;
ConsoleOutput("INSERT HorkEye6 %p", addr);
return NewHook(hp, "HorkEye6");
bool HorkEye::attach_function() {
bool b1=InsertHorkEyeHook();
bool b2=InsertHorkEye3Hook();
bool b3=InsertHorkEye4Hook();
bool b4=InsertHorkEye6Hook();
return b1||b2||b3||b4;