2024-11-06 06:46:35 +08:00
import os , sys , re , shutil
import subprocess
rootDir = os . path . dirname ( __file__ )
if not rootDir :
rootDir = os . path . abspath ( " . " )
if len ( sys . argv ) and sys . argv [ 1 ] == " loadversion " :
os . chdir ( rootDir )
with open ( " CMakeLists.txt " , " r " , encoding = " utf8 " ) as ff :
pattern = r " set \ (VERSION_MAJOR \ s*( \ d+) \ s* \ ) \ nset \ (VERSION_MINOR \ s*( \ d+) \ s* \ ) \ nset \ (VERSION_PATCH \ s*( \ d+) \ s* \ ) "
match = re . findall ( pattern , ff . read ( ) ) [ 0 ]
version_major , version_minor , version_patch = match
versionstring = f " v { version_major } . { version_minor } . { version_patch } "
print ( " version= " + versionstring )
exit ( )
if len ( sys . argv ) and sys . argv [ 1 ] == " merge " :
2024-11-06 23:45:31 +08:00
os . chdir ( rootDir )
2024-11-06 06:46:35 +08:00
os . mkdir ( " ../build " )
os . mkdir ( " builds " )
language = [ " Chinese " , " English " , " Russian " , " TradChinese " ]
bits = [ 32 , 64 ]
for lang in language :
for bit in bits :
shutil . copytree (
f " build/ { lang } _ { bit } /Release_ { lang } " ,
f " ../build/Release_ { lang } " ,
dirs_exist_ok = True ,
targetdir = f " ../build/Release_ { lang } "
target = f " builds/Release_ { lang } .zip "
os . system (
rf ' " C: \ Program Files \ 7-Zip \ 7z.exe " a -m0=Deflate -mx9 { target } { targetdir } '
exit ( )
vcltlFile = " https://github.com/Chuyu-Team/VC-LTL5/releases/download/v5.0.9/VC-LTL-5.0.9-Binary.7z "
vcltlFileName = " VC-LTL-5.0.9-Binary.7z "
print ( sys . version )
print ( __file__ )
print ( rootDir )
def installVCLTL ( ) :
os . chdir ( rootDir )
if os . path . exists ( " temp " ) :
return # already installed
os . makedirs ( rootDir + " \\ temp " , exist_ok = True )
subprocess . run ( f " curl -Lo temp \\ { vcltlFileName } { vcltlFile } " )
subprocess . run ( f " 7z x temp \\ { vcltlFileName } -otemp \\ VC-LTL5 " )
subprocess . run ( " cmd /c temp \\ VC-LTL5 \\ Install.cmd " )
def build_langx ( lang , bit ) :
with open ( " do.bat " , " w " ) as ff :
if bit == " 32 " :
ff . write (
rf """
2024-11-06 23:45:31 +08:00
cmake - DBUILD_PLUGIN = OFF - DWINXP = OFF - DLANGUAGE = { lang } - DBUILD_GUI = ON - DBUILD_CLI = ON . . / CMakeLists . txt - G " Visual Studio 17 2022 " - A win32 - T host = x86 - B . . / build / x86_ { lang }
2024-11-06 06:46:35 +08:00
cmake - - build . . / build / x86_ { lang } - - config Release - - target ALL_BUILD - j 14
elif bit == " 64 " :
ff . write (
rf """
2024-11-06 23:45:31 +08:00
cmake - DBUILD_PLUGIN = OFF - DWINXP = OFF - DLANGUAGE = { lang } - DBUILD_GUI = ON - DBUILD_CLI = ON . . / CMakeLists . txt - G " Visual Studio 17 2022 " - A x64 - T host = x64 - B . . / build / x64_ { lang }
2024-11-06 06:46:35 +08:00
cmake - - build . . / build / x64_ { lang } - - config Release - - target ALL_BUILD - j 14
os . system ( f " cmd /c do.bat " )
def build_langx_xp ( lang ) :
2024-11-06 23:45:31 +08:00
url = " https://github.com/Chuyu-Team/YY-Thunks/releases/download/v1.0.7/YY-Thunks-1.0.7-Binary.zip "
target = " YY-Thunks/objs/X86/YY_Thunks_for_WinXP.obj "
if os . path . exists ( target ) == False :
os . system ( rf " curl -SLo YY-Thunks-1.0.7-Binary.zip " + url )
os . system ( rf ' 7z x -y YY-Thunks-1.0.7-Binary.zip -o../YY-Thunks ' )
os . system ( ' dir ' )
2024-11-06 06:46:35 +08:00
with open ( " do.bat " , " w " ) as ff :
ff . write (
rf """
2024-11-06 23:45:31 +08:00
cmake - DBUILD_PLUGIN = OFF - DWINXP = ON - DLANGUAGE = { lang } - DBUILD_GUI = ON - DBUILD_CLI = ON . . / CMakeLists . txt - G " Visual Studio 16 2019 " - A win32 - T v141_xp - B . . / build / x86_ { lang } _xp
2024-11-06 06:46:35 +08:00
cmake - - build . . / build / x86_ { lang } _xp - - config Release - - target ALL_BUILD - j 14
call dobuildxp . bat
os . system ( f " cmd /c do.bat " )
# installVCLTL()
os . chdir ( os . path . join ( rootDir , " scripts " ) )
if sys . argv [ 1 ] == " plg32 " :
os . system ( f " cmd /c buildplugin32.bat " )
elif sys . argv [ 1 ] == " plg64 " :
os . system ( f " cmd /c buildplugin64.bat " )
elif sys . argv [ 1 ] == " build " :
lang = sys . argv [ 2 ]
bit = sys . argv [ 3 ]
if bit == " winxp " :
build_langx_xp ( lang )
else :
build_langx ( lang , bit )