"每隔一段时间必然进行一次OCR":"OCR must be carried out at regular intervals",
"字体增大(可长按)":"Increase font size (long press is allowed)",
"设置所有词条为全局词条":"Set all entries as global entries",
"模糊匹配相似度限制":"Similarity limit of fuzzy matching",
"翻译器字体类型":"Translator Font Type",
"检测到游戏时自动开始":"Start automatically when a game is detected",
"阴影强度":"Shadow intensity",
"去除重复行":"Remove duplicate lines",
"字体大小":"font size",
"最短翻译字数":"Minimum number of translated words",
"选择进程":"Select Process",
"如果没看见想要附加的进程,可以尝试点击下方按钮后点击游戏窗口,或者尝试使用管理员权限运行本软件":"If you do not see the process you want to attach, you can try to click the button below and then click the game window, or try to run the software with administrator privileges",
"点击此按钮后点击游戏窗口":"Click this button and then click the game window",
"未下载该语言的OCR模型":"OCR model for this language is not downloaded",
"内嵌的翻译器":"Embedded translator",
"使用最快翻译而非指定翻译器":"Use the fastest translation instead of specifying the translator",
"剪贴板设置":"Clipboard settings",
"文本源设置":"Text source settings",
"代理设置":"Proxy Settings",
"自动更新":"Automatic update",
"排除复制自翻译器的文本":"Exclude text copied from the translator",
"界面设置":"Interface settings",
"文本设置":"Text Settings",
"语法加亮":"Grammar highlighting",
"语音合成":"speech synthesis",
"文本处理":"text processing ",
"预处理方法":"Pretreatment method",
"连接进程":"Connection process",
"设置代码页":"Set Code Page",
"设置刷新延迟":"Set refresh delay",
"离开进程":"Leave process",
"识别到引擎":"Identify engine",
"翻译等待时间(s)":"Translation waiting time (s)",
"将汉字转换成繁体/日式汉字":"Convert Chinese characters to traditional/Japanese characters",
"无法识别的引擎":"Unrecognized engine",
"连接超时":"connection timed out",
"HOOK 连接进程":"HOOK connection process",
"HOOK 离开进程":"HOOK leaves the process",
"文本源":"Text source",
"快捷键":"Shortcut keys",
"文本输入":"Text input",
"快捷按键":"Shortcut keys",
"未下载该语言的OCR模型,请从软件主页下载模型解压到files/ocr路径后使用":"The OCR model of this language is not downloaded. Please download the model from the software home page and extract it to the files/ocr path before use",
"用户词典1":"User dictionary 1",
"用户词典2":"User dictionary 2",
"用户词典3":"User dictionary 3",
"用户词典1(可选)":"User dictionary 1 (optional)",
"用户词典2(可选)":"User dictionary 2 (optional)",
"用户词典3(可选)":"User dictionary 3 (optional)",
"资源下载":"Resource download",
"工具按钮大小":"Tool button size",
"保留原文":"Keep the original",
"不插入空格":"Do not insert spaces",
"每个字后插入空格":"Insert space after each word",
"仅在无法编码的字后插入":"Insert only after words that cannot be encoded",
"在重叠显示的字间插入空格":"Insert spaces between overlapping words",
"修改游戏字体":"Modify game font",
"修改字体字符集":"Modify font character set",
"系统默认":"System default",
"中东欧":"Central and Eastern Europe",
"北欧":"Northern Europe",
"尝试使用普通HOOK":"Try to use ordinary HOOK",
"火山OCR":"Volcano OCR",
"密钥获取":"Key acquisition",
"翻译及OCR语言":"Translation and OCR language",
"本软件显示语言(重启生效)":"Display language of the software (restart takes effect)",
"游戏失去焦点时取消置顶":"Cancel topping when the game loses focus",
"允许缩放最大化或全屏的窗口":"Allow zooming to maximize or full screen windows",
"缩放时模拟独占全屏":"Simulate exclusive full screen when zooming",
"过滤「」以外的字符":"Filter characters outside of ''",
"翻译请求间隔(s)":"Translation Request Interval (s)",
"若有多个api key,用|将每个key连接后填入,即可轮流使用":"If there are multiple API keys, use | to connect each key and fill it in to take turns using it",
"端口可用":"Port available",
"插入特殊码延迟(ms)":"Insert special code delay (ms)",
"朗读原文":"Reading the original text aloud",
"朗读翻译":"Reading and Translation",
"朗读的翻译":"Translation of reading aloud",
"模拟按键Ctrl":"Simulate key Ctrl",
"模拟按键Enter":"Simulate Press Enter",
"自定义promt":"Custom promt",
"使用自定义promt":"Use custom promt",
"项目地址":"Project address",
"直接调用chat/completions接口而不使用openaiSDK。\n可以使用官方的Key也可以使用one-api对多个ChatGPT账户进行聚合请求,避免出现限流。\n也兼容大多数第三方接口,接口地址请填写到/v1即可。":"Directly call the chat/completions interface without using the openaiSDK.\nYou can use the official key or one API to aggregate requests for multiple ChatGPT accounts to avoid traffic restrictions.\nIt is also compatible with most third-party interfaces. Please fill in the interface address to/v1.",
"使用说明":"Instructions for use",
"注册地址":"Company Registered Address",
"API接口地址":"API interface address",
"当前路径读写权限不足,请使用管理员权限运行!":"The current path has insufficient read and write permissions. Please run with administrator privileges!",
"通用文字识别(标准版)":"Universal Text Recognition (Standard Edition)",
"通用文字识别(标准含位置版)":"Universal text recognition (standard with positional version)",
"通用文字识别(高精度版)":"Universal Text Recognition (High Precision Edition)",
"通用文字识别(高精度含位置版)":"Universal text recognition (high-precision with positional version)",
"区分人名和文本":"Distinguish between person names and text",
"禁止自动朗读的人名(以|分隔多个)":"Names of people that are not allowed to be automatically read (separated by |)",
"选取OCR范围后显示范围框":"Show range box after selecting OCR range",
"附加参数":"Additional parameters",
"路径不存在":"path does not exist",
"不处理":"Not handled",
"OCR预处理方法":"OCR preprocessing method",
"阈值二值化":"Threshold binarization",
"OTSU二值化":"OTSU binarization",
"二值化阈值":"Binarization threshold",
"查看处理效果":"View processing effects",
"点击单词查词":"Click on words to search for words",
"点击单词复制":"Click on word copy",
"窗口背景透明":"Transparent window background",
"背景窗口透明":"Transparent background window",
"指定模块":"Specify module",
"搜索范围":"Search scope",
"搜索方式":"Search method",
"使用翻译缓存":"Using Translation Cache",
"缩放系数":"Scale factor",
"最大生成长度":"Maximum generation length",
"最小生成长度":"Minimum generation length",
"柱搜索数":"Number of column searches",
"序列数":"Number of sequences",
"过长惩罚":"Excessive punishment",
"重复惩罚":"Repetitive punishment",
"OCR语言包":"OCR Language Pack",
"选择翻译源":"Select Translation Source",
"最长显示字数":"Maximum number of displayed words",
"显示日语注音":"Display Japanese Pinyin",
"注音颜色":"Pinyin color",
"注音字体缩放":"Bopomofo font scaling",
"罗马音":"Romanic sound",
"日语注音方案":"Japanese phonetic scheme",
"保存当前游戏的文本处理流程":"Save the text processing process for the current game",
"使用保存的文本处理流程":"Using a saved text processing process",
"Sakura大模型":"Sakura Large Model",
"Magpie路径":"Magpie Path",
"Sakura部署教程":"Sakura Deployment Tutorial",
"Github仓库":"Github warehouse",
"利用上文信息翻译(通常会有一定的效果提升,但会导致变慢)":"Translate using the information provided in the previous text (usually with some improvement in effectiveness, but it can lead to slower translation)",
"范围选取遮罩透明度":"Range selection mask transparency",
"文本缓冲区长度":"Text buffer length",
"显示/隐藏历史翻译和调试输出":"Show/hide historical translation and debugging output",
"历史翻译和调试输出":"Historical translation and debugging output",