812 lines
33 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"历史翻译": "Translation History",
"获取中": "Retrieving",
"获取失败": "Retrieval Failed",
"查词": "Look Up Word",
"文本": "Text",
"插入特殊码": "Insert Hook Code",
"不绘制光标": "Don't Draw Cursor",
"退出": "Exit",
"sqlite文件": "SQLite File",
"翻译优化": "Translation Optimization",
"替换为": "Replace With",
"目标语言": "Target Language",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"有道2": "Youdao 2",
"显示原文": "Show Original Text",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"居中显示": "Center Display",
"预翻译": "Pre-translation",
"密钥": "Secret Key",
"设置": "Settings",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"搜狗": "Sogou",
"記号": "Symbols",
"去除花括号{}": "Filter Curly Braces {}",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"选择文件": "Select File",
"剪贴板": "Clipboard",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"本地OCR": "Local OCR",
"阿里": "Alibaba",
"自动朗读": "Automatically Read Aloud",
"缩放时禁用窗口大小调整": "Disable Window Resize on Maximize",
"导出sqlite文件为json文件": "Export SQLite to JSON File",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"图标": "Icon",
"指示詞": "Demonstratives",
"基本设置": "Basic Settings",
"搜索": "Search",
"显示游戏静音按钮": "Show Mute Game Button",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"動詞": "Verbs",
"显示帧率": "Display FPS",
"自动翻译": "Auto Translate",
"锁定工具栏": "Lock Toolbar",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"辞书设置": "Dictionary Settings",
"中文": "Chinese",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"显示/隐藏翻译窗口": "Show/Hide Translation Window",
"游戏": "Game",
"剪裁UWP窗口的标题栏": "Crop UWP Window Title Bar",
"是否使用快捷键": "Enable Hotkey",
"有道": "Youdao",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"打开设置": "Open Settings",
"注册在线翻译": "Online Translation (Requires API Key)",
"录制翻译文件": "Record Translation File",
"显示显示原文按钮": "Show Original Text Button",
"接尾辞": "Suffixes",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"有道4": "Youdao 4",
"描边宽度": "Stroke Width",
"插值算法": "Interpolation Algorithm",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"显示/隐藏范围框": "Show/Hide Scope Box",
"已保存游戏": "Saved Games",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"火山TTS": "Volcano TTS",
"翻译设置": "Translation Settings",
"百度": "Baidu",
"颜色设置": "Color Settings",
"鼠标穿透窗口": "Mouse Click-through",
"游戏静音": "Mute Game",
"形状詞": "Adjectival Nouns",
"翻译": "Translate",
"接頭辞": "Prefixes",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"谷歌": "Google",
"工具按钮颜色": "Tool Button Color",
"助詞": "Particles",
"連体詞": "Adnominals",
"最长翻译字数": "Maximum Translation Length",
"替换": "Replace",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"繁体中文": "Traditional Chinese",
"補助記号": "Punctuation Marks",
"删除游戏": "Remove Game",
"和源窗口相同": "Same as Source Window",
"自定义python处理": "Create Custom Python Preprocessing",
"灵格斯词典": "Lingoes Dictionary",
2024-09-20 08:44:12 +08:00
"游戏窗口移动时同步移动": "Move in Sync with Game Window",
"语音设置": "TTS Settings",
"光标缩放系数": "Cursor Scale Factor",
"3D游戏模式": "3D Game Mode",
"普通字体": "Normal Font",
"朗读": "Text-to-Speech",
"显示朗读按钮": "Show Text-to-Speech Button",
"接続詞": "Conjunctions",
"小学馆": "Shogakukan Dictionary",
"缩放时调整光标速度": "Adjust Cursor Zoom Speed",
"取消": "Cancel",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"有道5": "Youdao 5",
"字体样式": "Font Style",
"副詞": "Adverbs",
"选择声音": "Select TTS",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"OCR设置": "OCR Settings",
"离线翻译": "Offline Translation",
"添加行": "Add Row",
"彩云": "Caiyun",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"灵格斯": "Lingoes",
"备注": "Note",
"路径": "Path",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"双线性": "Bilinear",
"选取OCR范围": "Select OCR Region",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"选择文本": "Select Text",
"开始游戏": "Start Game",
"翻译结果繁简体显示": "Show Traditional and Simplified Chinese translations",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"显示设置": "Display Settings",
"显示/隐藏原文": "Show/Hide Original Text",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"HOOK设置": "HOOK Settings",
"源语言": "Source Language",
"选择游戏": "Select Game",
"最邻近": "Nearest Neighbor",
"过滤换行符": "Filter Line Breaks",
"金山快译": "Kingsoft FastAIT",
"感動詞": "Interjections",
"描边字体": "Stroke Font",
"不透明度": " Opacity",
"形容詞": "Adjectives",
"json文件": "JSON File",
"透明度": "Transparency",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"名詞": "Nouns",
"助動詞": "Auxiliary Verbs",
"过滤HTML标签": "Filter HTML Tags",
"快译通": "Kuaiyitong Quick Dict",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"选择文本输入源": "Select Text Input Source",
"选择文件夹": "Select Folder",
"显示分词结果": "Show Word Segmentation Result",
"复制到剪贴板": "Copy to Clipboard",
"在线翻译": "Online Translation (No API Key)",
"小学馆辞书": "Shogakukan Dictionary",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"简体中文": "Simplified Chinese",
"原文内容": "Original Content",
"代名詞": "Pronouns",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"必应": "Bing",
"判定詞": "Copulas",
"去除重复行": "Filter Duplicate Lines",
"字体大小": "Font Size",
"最短翻译字数": "Minimum Translation Characters",
"确定": "OK",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"选择进程": "Select Process",
"如果没看见想要附加的进程,可以尝试点击下方按钮后点击游戏窗口,或者尝试使用管理员权限运行本软件": "Don't see the process you want to attach? Try clicking the button below and then clicking the game window, or run LunaTranslator as an administrator",
"点击此按钮后点击游戏窗口": "Click me, then click the game window",
"程序名": "Program Name",
"重复次数": "Repeat Count",
"最小化到托盘": "Minimize to Tray",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"日语(CP932,SHIFT-JIS)": "Japanese (CP932, SHIFT-JIS)",
"简体中文(CP936,GBK)": "Simplified Chinese (CP936, GBK)",
"繁体中文(CP950,BIG5)": "Traditional Chinese (CP950, BIG5)",
"韩语(CP949,EUC-KR)": "Korean (CP949, EUC-KR)",
"越南语(CP1258)": "Vietnamese (CP1258)",
"泰语(CP874)": "Thai (CP874)",
"阿拉伯语(CP1256)": "Arabic (CP1256)",
"希伯来语(CP1255)": "Hebrew (CP1255)",
"土耳其语(CP1254)": "Turkish (CP1254)",
"希腊语(CP1253)": "Greek (CP1253)",
"北欧(CP1257)": "Nordic (CP1257)",
"中东欧(CP1250)": "Central European (CP1250)",
"西里尔(CP1251)": "Cyrillic (CP1251)",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"拉丁(CP1252)": "Latin (CP1252)",
"代码页": "Character Encoding",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"刷新延迟(ms)": "Refresh Delay (ms)",
"文本预处理": "Text Preprocessing",
"调整执行顺序": "Adjust Execution Order",
"搜索特殊码": "Search Hook Codes",
"过滤控制字符": "Filter Text Formatting Control Characters",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"过滤路径": "Filter Path",
"过滤纯英文": "Filter English-Only Text",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"过滤重复": "Filter Duplicates",
"显示翻译器名称": "Show Translator Name",
"俄语": "Russian",
"西班牙语": "Spanish",
"韩语": "Korean",
"法语": "French",
"语言设置": "Language Settings",
"其他设置": "Other Settings",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"使用代理": "Use Proxy",
"转区": "Change Region",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"添加游戏": "Add Game",
"重复次数(若为1则自动分析去重)": "No. of Duplicate Characters (Set 1 for auto-detect)",
"接受的编码": "Accepted Encodings",
"词性": "Part of Speech",
"是否显示": "Show",
"颜色": "Color",
"空白": "Blanks",
"合并多行识别结果": "Merge Multi-line Recognition Results",
"未查到": "Not Found",
"保存": "Save",
"选取OCR范围后立即进行一次识别": "Perform OCR Immediately After Selecting Range",
"选取OCR范围——立即": "Select OCR Region - Instant",
"当前版本": "Current Version",
"最新版本": "Latest Version",
"项目网站": "Project Website",
"过滤数字": "Filter Numbers",
"过滤英文字母": "Filter Letters A-Z",
"分词器": "Tokenizer",
"辞书": "Dictionary",
"分词": "Tokenization",
"过滤尖括号<>": "Filter Angle Brackets <>",
"Moji辞书": "Moji Dictionary",
"清空": "Clear",
"不显示原文": "Don't Display Original Text",
"字体": "Font",
"飞书": "Feishu",
"编辑": "Edit",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"显示编辑按钮": "Show Edit Button",
"移动": "Move",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"显示移动按钮": "Show Move Button",
"编辑专有名词": "Edit Proper Nouns",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"设置Token": "Set Token",
"内置": "Built-in",
"该功能可能会导致游戏崩溃!": "This feature may cause the game to crash!",
"警告": "Warning",
"文字更新分析": "Text Update Analysis",
"时间周期执行": "Execute Periodically",
"分析图像更新": "On Image Updates",
"周期执行": "Periodically",
"执行周期": "Execution Cycle",
"图像稳定性阈值": "Image Stability Threshold",
"图像一致性阈值": "Image Consistency Threshold",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"执行周期(s)": "Execution cycle (s)",
"导出翻译记录为json文件": "Export Translation Records as JSON File",
"选择路径": "Select Path",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"保存路径": "Save Path",
"首选翻译": "Preferred Translation",
"过滤非shiftjis": "Filter non-SHIFT-JIS",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"日语(SHIFT-JIS)": "Japanese (SHIFT-JIS)",
"简体中文(GBK)": "Simplified Chinese (GBK)",
"繁体中文(BIG5)": "Traditional Chinese (BIG5)",
"韩语(EUC-KR)": "Korean (EUC-KR)",
"英语(ASCII)": "English (ASCII)",
"其他": "Others",
"全字符(UTF-8)": "All Characters (UTF-8)",
"例外允许的字符": "Whitelist Characters",
"添加编码": "Add Encoding",
"使用Unicode范围过滤": "Filter by Unicode Character Range",
"Unicode范围": "Unicode Character Range",
"繁简转换": "Simplified/Traditional Conversion",
"自定义翻译": "Custom Translation",
"说明": "Description",
"分析图像更新+周期执行": "Analyze Image Update + Periodic Execution",
"调整游戏窗口按钮": "Adjust Game Window Button",
"内嵌的翻译器": "Embedded Translator",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"代理设置": "Proxy Settings",
"自动更新": "Auto Update",
"排除复制自翻译器的文本": "Exclude Copied Text From Translator",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"文本设置": "Text Settings",
"语法加亮": "Syntax Highlighting",
"语音合成": "Speech Synthesis",
"文本处理": "Text Processing",
"预处理方法": "Preprocessing Method",
"连接进程": "Connection Process",
"设置代码页": "Set Character Encoding",
"设置刷新延迟": "Set Refresh Delay",
"翻译等待时间(s)": "Translation Wait Time (s)",
"将汉字转换成繁体/日式汉字": "Convert Simplified Chinese to Traditional/Kanji",
"连接超时": "Connection Timeout",
"文本源": "Text Source",
"快捷键": "Hotkey",
"文本输入": "Text Input",
"快捷按键": "Shortcut Keys",
"用户词典1": "User Dictionary 1",
"用户词典2": "User Dictionary 2",
"用户词典3": "User Dictionary 3",
"用户词典1(可选)": "User Dictionary 1 (Optional)",
"用户词典2(可选)": "User Dictionary 2 (Optional)",
"用户词典3(可选)": "User Dictionary 3 (Optional)",
"资源下载": "Resource Download",
"工具按钮大小": "Tool Button Size",
"保留原文": "Keep Original Text",
"修改游戏字体": "Modify Game Font",
"修改字体字符集": "Modify Font Character Set",
"自动": "Automatic",
"系统默认": "System Default",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"日语": "Japanese",
"越南语": "Vietnamese",
"泰语": "Thai",
"希腊语": "Greek",
"阿拉伯语": "Arabic",
"希伯来语": "Hebrew",
"土耳其语": "Turkish",
"中东欧": "Central and Eastern Europe",
"北欧": "Nordic",
"西里尔": "Cyrillic",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"翻译及OCR语言": "Translation and OCR language",
"特殊码": "Hook Code",
"删除": "Delete",
"自动切换到模式": "Switch to Mode",
"不切换": "Don't Switch",
"显示": "Show",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"当前MD5": "Current MD5",
"修改": "Modify",
"翻译结果修正": "Translation Result Correction",
"翻译结果修正按钮": "Translation Result Correction Button",
"过滤包含乱码的文本行": "Filter Text Lines Containing Garbled Characters",
"过滤文本中的非日语字符集字符": "Filter Non-Japanese Character Characters in Text",
"过滤其他乱码": "Filter Other Garbled Characters",
"过滤乱码文本": "Filter Garbled Text",
"选择": "Select",
"手动设置代理(ip:port)": "Manually Set Proxy (ip:port)",
"自动获取系统代理": "Detect System Proxy",
"游戏设置": "Game Settings",
"显示错误信息": "Show Error Message",
"问题反馈": "Report a Problem",
"附带上下文个数": "Number of Context Lines to Include",
"备忘录": "Memo",
"备忘录按钮": "Memo Button",
"插入图片": "Insert Image",
"当前权限": "Current Privileges",
"非管理员": "Non-administrator",
"管理员": "Administrator",
"错误": "Error",
"所选文件格式错误!": "Invalid File Format Selected!",
"进程号": "Process ID",
"进程": "Process",
"到进程": "Select Process",
"发现": "Found",
"失败": "Failed",
"仅使用激活的翻译": "Only Use Active Translations",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"云译": "Cloud translation",
"使用代理的项目": "Items Using Proxy",
"相关说明": "Related Instructions",
"如果你感觉该软件对你有帮助,欢迎微信扫码赞助,谢谢~": "If you find LunaTranslator helpful, please consider scanning the WeChat QR code to make a donation, thank you~",
"绑定窗口按钮": "Bind to Window Button",
"处理": "Processing",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"波兰语": "Polish",
"窗口置顶": "Window Always On Top",
"仅": "Only",
"任务栏中显示": "Show In Taskbar",
"移除": "Remove",
"复制特殊码": "Copy Hook Code",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"搜索设置": "Search Settings",
"默认设置": "Default Settings",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"开始搜索": "Start Search",
"默认搜索": "Default Search",
"文本搜索": "Text Search",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"自定义搜索": "Custom Search",
"搜索匹配的特征(hex)": "Search Matching Features (Hex)",
"搜索持续时间(s)": "Search Duration (s)",
"相对特征地址的偏移": "Offset Relative to Feature Address",
"搜索结果数上限": "Max Number of Search Results",
"起始地址(hex)": "Start Address (hex)",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"结束地址(hex)": "End Address (hex)",
"搜索文本过短!": "Search Text too Short!",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"不能为空": "Cannot be empty",
"找不到重要组件:": "Important Component Not Found:",
"请重新下载并关闭杀毒软件后重试": "Please re-download and try again with antivirus disabled",
"系统未安装": "System Not Installed",
"的OCR模型": "OCR Model",
"均衡负载": "Load Balancing",
"单次负载个数": "Number of Loads",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"有道TTS": "Youdao TTS",
"不支持的键位": "Unsupported Key Position",
"快捷键冲突": "Hotkey Conflict",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"乌克兰语": "Ukrainian",
"打开目录": "Open Directory",
"标题": "Title",
"封面": "Cover",
"游戏时间": "Play Time",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"未开始": "Not Started",
"秒": " Seconds",
"文字计数": "Character Count",
"分": " Minutes",
"转区启动": "Emulate Locale On Startup",
"J北京7": "JBeijing7",
"语音": "Voice",
"超分": "Upscaling",
"win7适配版": "Win7 Compatible Version",
"東北ずん子/东北俊子": "Tohoku Zunko",
"結月ゆかり/结月缘": "Yuzuki Yukari",
"紲星あかり/绁星灯": "Kizuna Akari",
"琴葉 茜・葵": "Kotoha Akane & Aoi",
"伊織弓鶴": "Iori Yuitsuru",
"ついなちゃん": "Tsuina-chan",
"東北イタコ/东北伊达子": "Tohoku Itako",
"附加音源": "Extra Audio Source",
"結月ゆかり": "Yuzuki Yukari",
"紲星あかり": "Kizuna Akari",
"東北きりたん": "Tohoku Kiritan",
"東北イタコ": "Tohoku Itako",
"東北ずん子": "Tohoku Zunko",
"ついなちゃん(関西弁)": "Tsuina-chan (Kansai Dialect)",
"琴葉茜": "Kotoha Akane",
"琴葉葵": "Kotoha Aoi",
"水奈瀬コウ": "Minase Kou",
"桜乃そら": "Sakurano Sora",
"民安ともえ": "Tamiyasu Tomoe",
"月読アイ": "Tsukuyomi Ai",
"月読ショウタ": "Tsukuyomi Shouta",
"京町セイカ": "Kyomachi Seika",
"音街ウナ": "Otomachi Una",
"鷹の爪吉田": "Takanotsume Yoshida",
"ギャラ子": "Galaco",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"用户词典": "User Dictionary",
"英语(CP437)": "English (CP437)",
"游戏信息": "Game Information",
"意大利语": "Italian",
"端口号": "Port Number",
"连接失败": "Connection failed",
"连接成功": "Connection successful",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"端口冲突": "Port Conflict",
"缩放模式": "Zoom Mode",
"捕获模式": "Capture Mode",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"捕获标题栏": "Capture Title Bar",
"绘制光标": "Draw Cursor",
"禁用DirectFlip": "Disable DirectFlip",
"自定义剪裁": "Custom Cropping",
"常规": "General",
"性能": "Performance",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"源窗口": "Source Window",
"光标": "Cursor",
"高级": "Advanced",
"通用": "General",
"游戏失去焦点时取消置顶": "Disable Always On Top When Game Loses Focus",
"允许缩放最大化或全屏的窗口": "Allow Zooming to Maximize or Fullscreen Windows",
"缩放时模拟独占全屏": "Emulate Exclusive Fullscreen When Zooming",
"过滤「」以外的字符": "Filter Characters Outside Of 「」",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"翻译请求间隔(s)": "Translation Request Interval (s)",
"若有多个api key用|将每个key连接后填入即可轮流使用": "If you have multiple API keys and want to use them in rotation, separate each key with | symbol",
"朗读原文": "Read Aloud Original Text",
"朗读翻译": "Read Aloud Original and Translation",
"模拟按键Ctrl": "Simulate Ctrl Key",
"模拟按键Enter": "Simulate Enter Key",
"项目地址": "Project Address",
"使用说明": "User Guide",
"注册地址": "Registration Address",
"API接口地址": "API Interface Address",
"通用文字识别(标准版)": "General OCR (Standard Edition)",
"通用文字识别(标准含位置版)": "General OCR (Standard Edition with Position)",
"通用文字识别(高精度版)": "General OCR (High Precision Edition)",
"通用文字识别(高精度含位置版)": "General OCR (High Precision Edition with Position)",
"接口": "Interface",
"sqlite翻译记录": "SQLite Translation Records",
"json翻译文件": "JSON Translation Reords",
"选择图标": "Select Icon",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"图标2": "Icon 2",
"刷新": "Refresh",
"读取剪贴板": "Read Clipboard",
2024-08-18 19:07:31 +08:00
"进行一次OCR": "Perform OCR",
"免费试用": "Free Trial",
"内嵌翻译": "Embedded Translation",
"隐藏不存在的游戏": "Hide Non-existent Games",
"宽度": "Width",
"高度": "Height",
"选中时颜色": "Active Selection Color",
"游戏不存在时颜色": "Missing Game Color",
"原文": "Original Text",
"选取OCR范围后显示范围框": "Display Selected OCR Region Border",
"下载": "Download",
"附加参数": "Additional Parameters",
"语言": "Language",
"路径不存在": "Path Does Not Exist",
"点击单词查词": "Lookup On Click",
"点击单词复制": "Copy On Click",
"搜索范围": "Search Range",
"搜索方式": "Search Method",
"使用翻译缓存": "Use Translation Cache",
"新": "New",
"缩放系数": "Scale Factor",
"最大生成长度": "Max Generation Length",
"最小生成长度": "Min Generation Length",
"柱搜索数": "Beam Search Number",
"序列数": "Sequence Number",
"过长惩罚": "Length Penalty",
"重复惩罚": "Repetition Penalty",
"显示日语注音": "Show Furigana",
"注音颜色": "Furigana Color",
"平假名": "ひらがな (Hiragana)",
"片假名": "カタカナ (Katakana)",
"罗马音": "Romaji",
"日语注音方案": "Phonetic Guide (Furigana)",
2024-01-08 23:37:00 +08:00
"Sakura大模型": "Sakura Large Model",
"Magpie路径": "Magpie Path",
"利用上文信息翻译(通常会有一定的效果提升,但会导致变慢)": "Enable Context-Aware Translation (Improves quality by using previous text for translation context, but may be slower)",
"使用YAPI注入": "Use YAPI Injection",
"窗口缩放": "Window Scaling",
"缩放方式": "Scaling Method",
"API超时(秒)": "API Timeout (s)",
"去除重复字符": "Remove Duplicate Characters",
"游戏内叠加层": "In-Game Overlay Layer",
"内联效果参数": "Inline Effect Parameters",
"外部缩放软件": "External Scaling Software",
"保持非重复字符": "Keep Unduplicated Characters",
"多重区域模式": "Multi-Region Mode",
"关闭": "Close",
"命令行启动": "Command Line Startup",
"文本相似度阈值": "Text Similarity Threshold",
"正则": "Regex",
"流式输出": "Streaming Output",
"内嵌安全性检查": "Embedded Security Check",
"正则匹配": "Regex Matching",
"离线": "Offline",
"导出翻译补丁": "Export Translation Patch",
"语音修正": "Tweak Text-to-Speech",
2024-03-23 20:24:03 +08:00
"藏语": "Tibetan",
"选择EXE文件": "Select EXE File",
"选择预翻译文件": "Select Pre-Translation File",
"绝对地址": "Absolute Address",
"相对地址": "Relative Address",
"特征匹配": "Feature Matching",
"函数对齐": "Function Alignment",
"函数调用": "Function Call",
"明亮": "Bright",
"黑暗": "Dark",
"跟随系统": "Follow System",
"明暗": "Brightness",
"默认": "Default",
2024-04-01 12:51:53 +08:00
"明亮主题": "Bright Theme",
2024-04-04 01:47:08 +08:00
"黑暗主题": "Dark Theme",
"限制帧率": "Limit Frame Rate",
"最大帧率": "Maximum Frame Rate",
2024-04-04 01:47:08 +08:00
"开发者选项": "Developer Options",
"调试模式": "Debug Mode",
"禁用效果缓存": "Disable Effect Cache",
"禁用字体缓存": "Disable Font Cache",
"解析效果时保存源代码": "Save Source Code When Parsing Effect",
"编译效果时将警告视为错误": "Treat Warnings as Errors When Compiling Effect",
"检测重复帧": "Detect Duplicate Frames",
"启用动态检测统计": "Enable Dynamic Detection Statistics",
"不被打断": "Don't Interrupt",
"显示/隐藏历史翻译": "Show/Hide Translation History",
"文本输出": "Text Output",
"缩放": "Scale",
"填充": "Fill",
"适应": "Fit",
"拉伸": "Stretch",
"居中": "Center",
"边距": "Margin",
"文字区高度": "Text Area Height",
"标签": "Tag",
"存在": "Exist",
2024-04-10 23:24:35 +08:00
"添加": "Add",
"使用原型查询": "Use Prototype Query",
2024-10-03 18:05:52 +08:00
"时": "hour",
"启动": "Start",
2024-04-12 01:25:13 +08:00
"批量添加": "Batch Add",
"左移": "Move Left",
"右移": "Move Right",
"启动游戏不修改顺序": "Start Game Without Changing Order",
"游戏管理": "Game Management",
"显示标题": "Show Title",
"收藏": "Favourites",
"名称": "Name",
"网址": "URL",
"最大缓冲区长度": "Maximum Buffer Length",
"最大缓存文本长度": "Maximum Cached Text Length",
"半径": "Radius",
"圆角": "Rounded Corners",
"立即应用": "Apply Immediately",
"无法连接到anki": "Unable to Connect to Anki",
"例句": "Example Sentence",
"正面": "Front",
2024-05-15 15:57:45 +08:00
"背面": "Back",
"样式": "Style",
"恢复": "Restore",
2024-05-15 15:57:45 +08:00
"模板": "Template",
"截图": "Screenshot",
"允许重复": "Allow Duplicates",
"添加时更新模板": "Update Template When Adding",
"截图后进行OCR": "Perform OCR After Screenshot",
"优先级": "Priority",
"编码": "Encoding",
"自动TTS": "Auto TTS",
"窗口截图": "Window Screenshot",
"自动截图": "Auto Screenshot",
"模糊匹配": "Fuzzy Matching",
2024-05-22 14:54:31 +08:00
"相似度": "Similarity",
"编辑距离": "Edit Distance",
"对齐": "Alignment",
"居左": "Left-Aligned",
"居右": "Right-Aligned",
2024-05-25 01:37:53 +08:00
"截图保存格式": "Screenshot Save Format",
"交流群": "Communication Group",
"例句中加粗单词": "Bold Words in Example Sentence",
"工具栏": "Toolbar",
"背景颜色": "Background Color",
"工具按钮": "Tool Button",
"窗口特效": "Window Effect",
"网络请求": "Network Request",
"显示时间": "Display Time",
"不显示时间": "Don't Display Time",
"过滤历史重复": "Filter Historical Duplicates",
"缓存条数": "Number of Cached Items",
2024-06-02 15:39:47 +08:00
"删除列表": "Delete List",
"上移": "Move Up",
2024-06-02 22:45:40 +08:00
"下移": "Move Down",
"大": "Large",
"权限不足,请以管理员权限运行!": "Insufficient Permissions, Please Run as Administrator!",
"标点": "Punctuation",
"添加到列表": "Add to List",
"目标": "Target",
"统计": "Statistics",
"元数据": "Metadata",
"来源": "Source",
2024-06-07 19:03:52 +08:00
"首选的": "Preferred",
"设为封面": "Set as Cover",
"复制": "Copy",
"画廊": "Gallery",
"删除图片": "Delete Image",
"跟随默认": "Follow Default",
"删除行": "Delete Row",
"使用": "Apply",
"最小字数": "Minimum Number of Characters",
"最大字数": "Maximum Number of Characters",
"最小行数": "Minimum Number of Lines",
"最大行数": "Maximum Number of Lines",
"兼容接口": "Compatible Interface",
"调试浏览器": "Browser Debug",
"手动翻译": "Retranslate",
2024-06-19 22:42:38 +08:00
"显示引擎": "Display Engine",
"阴影字体": "Shadow Font",
"额外的html": "Extra HTML",
"测试": "Test",
"范围框颜色": "Range Frame Color",
"主题": "Theme",
"自动输出": "Auto Output",
"引擎": "Engine",
"注音": "Pronunciation",
"字体缩放": "Font Scaling",
"主界面": "Main Interface",
"声音": "Sound",
"行为": "Behavior",
"自动化执行": "Automated Execution",
2024-06-20 14:33:23 +08:00
"预处理": "Preprocessing",
"自动化执行方法": "Automated Execution Method",
"后处理": "Postprocessing",
"易错内容修正": "Translation Result Correction",
"范围框宽度": "Range Frame Width",
"按钮颜色": "Button Color",
"按钮大小": "Button Size",
2024-06-20 14:33:23 +08:00
"软件显示语言": "Software Display Language",
"填充颜色": "Fill Color",
"阴影强度": "Shadow Intensity",
"阴影半径": "Shadow Radius",
2024-06-22 17:06:04 +08:00
"可选取的": "Selectable",
"投影距离": "Projection Distance",
"反转颜色": "Invert Colors",
2024-06-23 14:44:07 +08:00
"内嵌": "Embedded",
2024-06-24 02:00:44 +08:00
"未找到QWebEngine点击确定前往下载QWebEngine": "QWebEngine not found, click OK to download QWebEngine",
"网络设置": "Network Settings",
"版本更新": "Version Update",
"词性颜色": "Colored Parts-of-Speech",
"跟随游戏窗口": "Follow Game Window",
"自动调整高度": "Auto Adjust Height",
"文本区": "Text Area",
"收到翻译时才刷新": "Only Refresh Display on New Translation",
"自动隐藏窗口": "Auto Hide Window",
"隐藏延迟(s)": "Hide Delay (s)",
"内容": "Content",
"显示内容": "Show Content",
"界面设置": "Interface Settings",
"其他界面": "Other Interface",
2024-06-24 02:00:44 +08:00
"翻译及OCR": "Translation and OCR",
"语言包": "Language Pack",
"项目仓库": "Project Repository",
"整合包": "Integration Pack",
"论坛": "Forum",
"请选择": "Please Select",
"安装成功": "Installation Successful",
"添加成功": "Addition Successful",
"获取游戏列表": "Get Game List",
"上传游戏列表": "Upload Game List",
"上传游戏": "Upload Game",
2024-06-28 16:02:13 +08:00
"修改列表名称": "Modify List Name",
2024-06-30 20:08:02 +08:00
"滚动到最后": "Scroll to End",
"指定模块": "Specify Modules",
2024-07-01 18:15:56 +08:00
"创建列表": "Create List",
"限制每行字数": "Limit Number of Words per Line",
"语速": "Speech Speed",
2024-07-09 15:45:34 +08:00
"音量": "Volume",
"固定翻译显示顺序": "Fixed translation display order",
2024-07-10 22:29:25 +08:00
"显示顺序": "Display order",
2024-07-11 14:53:06 +08:00
"安装": "install",
2024-07-12 23:41:49 +08:00
"条件": "condition",
"指定人名翻译": "Designated Name Translation",
"专有名词翻译": "Translation of proprietary terms",
"自定义优化": "Custom optimization",
"人名": "name",
2024-07-13 15:38:34 +08:00
"游戏数据": "Game data",
"当前支持的语言": "Currently supported languages",
"添加语言包": "Add language pack",
2024-07-14 01:46:07 +08:00
"未添加": "Not added",
2024-07-15 05:13:32 +08:00
"在线": "on-line",
2024-07-15 13:20:46 +08:00
"行间距": "Row spacing",
2024-07-17 03:00:09 +08:00
"阴影": "shadow",
"火山": "volcano",
2024-07-17 20:22:39 +08:00
"有道词典": "Youdao Dictionary",
"无缩放": "No scaling",
"总是检测": "Always checking",
"动态检测": "Dynamic detection",
2024-07-18 15:54:50 +08:00
"从不检测": "Never detect",
2024-07-19 20:02:36 +08:00
"腾讯混元大模型": "Tencent's hybrid big model",
"传统": "tradition",
"大模型": "Large model",
2024-07-21 23:59:35 +08:00
"百度千帆大模型": "Baidu Qianfan Large Model",
2024-07-23 17:16:10 +08:00
"过滤英文标点": "Filter English punctuation",
"译文": "translation",
2024-07-24 00:28:25 +08:00
"加粗": "Bold",
"位置": "position",
"下": "lower",
"右": "right",
"上": "upper",
2024-07-25 13:09:08 +08:00
"左": "Left",
2024-07-27 14:02:19 +08:00
"录音": "sound recording",
"德语": "German",
"瑞典语": "Swedish language",
2024-07-27 20:35:42 +08:00
"荷兰语": "Dutch",
"捷克语": "Czech",
2024-07-28 18:49:01 +08:00
"英语": "English",
"直接替换": "Directly replace",
"词典": "Dictionary",
2024-07-28 22:53:07 +08:00
"注释": "notes",
2024-07-29 03:29:16 +08:00
"打开链接": "Open link",
"翻译记录": "Translation Record",
2024-07-30 14:04:29 +08:00
"实时编辑": "Real time editing",
2024-07-30 14:30:49 +08:00
"葡萄牙语": "Portuguese",
"正在解压": "Decompression in progress",
"自动更新失败,请手动更新": "Automatic update failed, please update manually",
2024-07-30 19:32:59 +08:00
"准备完毕,等待更新": "Ready, waiting for updates",
"自定义": "custom",
2024-08-01 16:35:44 +08:00
"其他参数": "Other parameters",
2024-08-01 17:49:46 +08:00
"延迟注入(ms)": "Delayed injection (ms)",
2024-08-01 20:54:24 +08:00
"继承默认": "Inherit default",
2024-08-01 22:02:00 +08:00
"粘贴": "paste",
"首尾": "End to end",
2024-08-03 02:33:30 +08:00
"包含": "contain",
2024-08-04 00:35:44 +08:00
"删除图片文件": "Delete image files",
"启动方式": "Startup method",
2024-08-04 02:34:09 +08:00
"直接启动": "Directly start",
2024-08-04 03:59:30 +08:00
"优先使用": "priority of use",
2024-08-04 16:50:18 +08:00
"外部": "external",
2024-08-04 18:05:09 +08:00
"不添加辞书": "Do not add a dictionary",
"识别方向": "Identify direction",
"横向": "transverse",
"竖向": "vertical ",
2024-08-05 19:56:47 +08:00
"自适应": "self-adaption",
"清除": "eliminate",
"语音指定": "Voice designation",
"指定为": "Designated as",
2024-08-05 21:11:46 +08:00
"跳过": "skip",
2024-08-07 00:18:10 +08:00
"作用于翻译": "Applied to translation",
"字符串替换": "String replacement",
"转义": "Escaping",
2024-08-08 19:47:06 +08:00
"游戏已存在,是否重复添加?": "The game already exists, would you like to add it again?",
2024-08-10 03:23:49 +08:00
"点击消息后退出并开始更新": "Click on the message to exit and start updating",
2024-08-12 02:09:46 +08:00
"全局": "overall situation",
"添加文件": "Add file",
"添加文件夹": "add folders",
2024-08-12 02:39:34 +08:00
"类型": "type",
2024-08-14 02:50:04 +08:00
"官方网站": "Official website",
2024-08-14 23:12:17 +08:00
"欢迎使用": "Welcome to use",
"显示注音": "Display phonetic notation",
2024-08-15 19:51:00 +08:00
"辞书显示顺序": "Lexicographical display order",
2024-08-16 02:38:32 +08:00
"背景窗口透明": "Background window transparent",
"文件翻译": "documentary translation",
2024-08-17 21:35:56 +08:00
"文件": "file",
2024-08-18 18:42:20 +08:00
"最大结果条数": "Maximum number of results",
2024-08-21 08:57:14 +08:00
"再次进行OCR": "Perform OCR again",
"选取OCR范围后自动绑定窗口": "Automatically bind window after selecting OCR range",
"延迟(s)": "Delay (s)",
2024-08-21 18:42:56 +08:00
"鼠标键盘触发+等待稳定": "Mouse and keyboard trigger+waiting for stabilization",
2024-08-21 19:16:35 +08:00
"匈牙利语": "Hungarian language",
"触发事件": "Trigger event",
"按键": "Key",
"事件": "event",
"按下": "Press down",
"松开": "release",
2024-08-27 22:28:58 +08:00
"中断": "interrupt",
"打开": "open",
"单词": "word",
"成功添加后关闭窗口": "Close the window after successful addition",
"绑定窗口": "Bind Window",
2024-08-30 03:09:49 +08:00
"(点击自己取消)": "(Click to cancel by yourself)",
2024-08-31 09:10:08 +08:00
"启动程序": "Start the program",
"复制接口": "Copy interface",
"删除接口": "Delete interface",
"命名为": "Named as",
"复制自": "Copy from",
2024-09-03 13:28:09 +08:00
"目标列表": "Target List",
"使用翻译": "Using translation",
2024-09-06 17:57:29 +08:00
"prompt格式需要根据模型版本决定": "Prompt format (depending on the model version)",
2024-09-09 01:18:32 +08:00
"输出的内容": "Output content",
2024-09-11 12:18:07 +08:00
"选取OCR范围时不透明度": "Opacity when selecting OCR range",
"设为图标": "Set as icon",
2024-09-12 21:01:26 +08:00
"还原图标": "restore icons",
2024-09-13 10:53:35 +08:00
"拉丁语": "Latin language",
2024-09-13 20:38:34 +08:00
"显示/隐藏翻译": "Show/Hide Translation",
"不显示翻译器名称": "Do not display translator name",
2024-09-15 10:58:06 +08:00
"华为云": "Hua Weiyun",
2024-09-16 12:12:09 +08:00
"游戏适配": "Game adaptation",
2024-09-20 20:35:22 +08:00
"指定翻译器": "Specify translator",
2024-09-21 22:42:54 +08:00
"关于软件": "About software",
2024-09-23 16:29:06 +08:00
"严格的": "strict",
2024-09-28 19:46:22 +08:00
"收藏夹": "Favorites",
2024-09-30 22:12:54 +08:00
"使用指定翻译器": "Use designated translator",
"截断时反向截断": "Reverse truncation during truncation",
"按字数过滤或截断": "Filter or truncate by word count",
"按行数过滤或截断": "Filter or truncate by row count",
"超过最大字数时截断而非过滤": "Truncate instead of filtering when exceeding the maximum word count",
2024-10-01 22:58:41 +08:00
"超过最大行数时截断而非过滤": "Truncate instead of filtering when the maximum number of rows is exceeded",
2024-10-03 18:05:52 +08:00
"复制图片": "Copy image",
"试用": "on trial",
"图片翻译": "Image translation",
"通用文字识别": "Universal Text Recognition",
"腾讯": "tencent",
"通用印刷体识别": "Universal Print Identification",
"小牛": "Calf",
"讯飞": "IFlytek",
"百度翻译开放平台": "Baidu Translation Open Platform",
2024-10-07 18:08:45 +08:00
"百度智能云": "Baidu AI Cloud",
2024-10-11 15:01:59 +08:00
"支持gpt词典": "(Supports GPT dictionary)",
2024-10-24 23:07:01 +08:00
"日志": "journal",
2024-10-25 16:56:29 +08:00
"查看": "see",
"标记": "sign",
"去除标记": "Remove marking"
2024-07-09 15:45:34 +08:00