## Playing Old Games on an XP Virtual Machine and Extracting Text for Translation **1. Extracting and Translating Text Using Windows XP Adaptation in a Virtual Machine** Download the [Windows XP Adaptation version](https://lunatranslator.org/Resource/DownloadLuna/xp), copy it to the virtual machine, and run it. Select the game process, choose the game text, and you can start translating. **2. Performing Translation on the Host Machine** Viewing translations through the virtual machine might be inconvenient. Disable translation within the virtual machine, and enable **Output to Clipboard** in the **Text Output** inside the virtual machine. Then, transfer the clipboard content from the virtual machine to the host machine. ![Copy to Clipboard](https://image.lunatranslator.org/zh/playonxp/copy.png) Run LunaTranslator on the host machine, switch the text input method from **HOOK** to **Clipboard**. ![Switch to Clipboard Input](https://image.lunatranslator.org/zh/playonxp/host.png)